Barnanauðgarar þurfa allt í einu að hafa varann á


Krakkarnir hafa tekið mark á aðvörunum lögreglu þess efnis að pedóarnir gæti verið hættulegir, og hafa gert viðeigandi ráðstafanir.

En baranauðgarar eiga sér hauk í horni: Íslenska Ríkið

"Lágmarkssekt fyrir vopnaburð á almannafæri hefur verið hækkuð úr tíu þúsund krónum í 150 þúsund krónur. Dómsmálaráðherra fagnar breytingunum. 

Breytingarnar eru kynntar í fyrirmælum ríkissaksóknara sem tóku gildi þann 14. janúar en Þorbjörg Sigríður Gunnlaugsdóttir dómsmálaráðherra vekur máls á breytingunum í færslu á Facebook."

Gamla kynslóðin er pro-pedó, nýja kynslóðin er anti-pedó.  Woke vs Anti-Woke.

Ríkið vill ekki að krakkarnir stingi barnanauðgarana í punginn.  Vegna þess að svo margir innan ríkisins eru barnanauðgarar, grunar mig.  Allt bendir til þess.  Bara spurning um tima hvenær þessir krakkar ná einhverjum nafnkunnum í þeim hópi.

Ríkissaksóknari er þekktur andstæðingur mannréttinda.  Við vitum það.  Hvers vegna er ekki búið að reka haan fyrir upphlaup hennar í fyrra?  Veit ekki.  Skil ekki.

Óttinn rekur þessa menn til aðgerða.  Þeim stafar stuggur af pedófóbískum unglingum.  Verður vígbúnaðarkapphlaup barnanauðgara og unglinga?  Eða reiða barnanauðgarar sig alfarið á yfirvöld?

Sjáum til. 


Trump stjórin fann 80K af 320K börnum sem Biden stjórnin hafði týnt

"The Trump administration has reportedly located nearly 80,000 of the over 320,000 migrant children previously unaccounted for, according to Fox News.

This development follows a scathing August 2024 report by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General, which criticized Biden’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for failing to adequately monitor unaccompanied migrant children after their release from federal custody."

Ekki tók þetta nú langan tíma.


"One avenue that Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) has floated is compelling Hunter Biden to testify again—this time without Fifth Amendment protections.

“With Hunter Biden’s pardon, he has no Fifth Amendment right not to testify and tell the truth,” Johnson said in an interview on John Solomon Reports. “So he could be… prosecuted for lying to Congress. He’s going to have to answer truthfully. So that’s a real possibility.”"

Þegar menn eru glæpamenn...

17 ára fangelsi fyrir ljúgvitni

"A 20-year-old Pennsylvania woman admitted she fabricated kidnapping and rape allegations that kept an innocent man locked up for over a month — saying she targeted the stranger because he was "creepy."

Anjela Borisova Urumova is now facing jail time herself after pleading guilty to charges that she fabricated the sexual assault outside a local supermarket, the Bucks County District Attorney's Office said."

Gott á hana.

 Trump heldur áfram með vegginn sinn

"Trump’s new border patrol chief, Michael Banks, touted the wall construction in a Saturday tweet: “Efforts like installing wall panels to fill critical gaps in Deming, New Mexico, exemplify our commitment to enhancing infrastructure and operational effectiveness.”"

Trump hefur gert meira til gagns núna á viku en Íslenska Ríkið hefur gert á þessari öld.

Á mánuði hefur núverandi stjórn bara stolið 300 milljónum og gefið einhverjum stríðsherra slatta af því, og gerst uppvís að fjársvikum.

Ekki til fyrirmyndar.

Mann hlakkar til að sjá hvað Trump gerir næst, mann kvíðir fyrir því sem Íslensk stjórnvöld gera.

Þetta þarf að laga.

Á meðan, í Kína.

Grænland verður sjálfstætt á þessu ári

Sjáið þetta

"The Trump State Department on Friday halted spending on almost all foreign aid grants for 90 days, which also appears to apply to funding for military assistance to Ukraine, Politico reports.

The new order reportedly shocked State Department officials.

"State just totally went nuclear on foreign assistance," a State Department official told Politico.

Shortly after taking the oath of office, he sent a lengthy cable to every US diplomatic and consular post worldwide letting them know that the Biden administration had mistakenly emphasized "ideology over common sense," and "misread the world.""

Evrópubúinn verður þá bara að fjármagna þetta Úkraníu dót, og senda vopn.  Og þeir eiga engan pening því þeir eru kommúnistar og engin vopn því þeir eru vangefnir.

Bretland hefur svona Anti-Trumpisma.

Á meðan, á vígvellinum

"The Ukrainian troops “were simply abandoned without food and water. One of them had tried to escape, but could not break free from the chains,” the channel said.

It is up to the Russian investigative bodies to establish what exactly happened to the soldiers, but it is “already clear that they died in terrible agony, with traces of torture being clearly visible on their bodies,” Severny Veter stressed."

Stríð.  Af hverju erum við að fjármagna það?


Kaninn er að þröngva sjálfstæði uppá Grænlendinga

"After a telephone call between Trump and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, it has now been reported that the Danish Kingdom is in ‘crisis mode’ after Trump made a direct play for Greenland in a conversation being branded as ‘horrendous’."


Kaninn þröngvar sjálfstæði uppá Grænland til þess að geta gert samninga við þá beint, en ekki gegnum einhverja ölvaða dani.

Þetta er frammistaða.  Á mánudaginn segir hann USA á væntanlega úr Sameinuðu Þjóðunum.


Dark Bee

Trump auðveldar uppbyggingii í LA

"President Donald Trump intends to waive virtually all federal permitting requirements to expedite the rapid rebuilding of infrastructure destroyed by the wildfires in Los Angeles County in recent weeks. He is calling on local officials to do the same."

Eins og menn muna, þá hunsuðu yfirvöld Kaliforníu eldvarnir til þess að verja útdauðan fisk, með þeim afleiðingum að LA brann til grunna.

Mjög Íslenskt.

Það þarf að af-íslenska kerfið til þess að skapa hagvöxt.

Smá innsýn í gömul CIA plott

"A 12-page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, details a secret plan to commit heinous acts against American citizens to justify war with Cuba in the 1960s.

Code-named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret plot proposed enacting terrorism on US cities in a what is known as a 'false flag operation', before blaming Cuba in order to fool the Americans into supporting war efforts to oust communist Fidel Castro.

US officials even proposed killing their own soldiers, writing: 'We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,' and, 'casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.' 

JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it came across his desk and was shot."

Þar höfum við það.

Viðtal með commentary tracki

Death panda


Myndasögur eru öðruvísi þarna fyrir austan


Amazon er full af svona.  Ef menn vilja dunda sér við að leita.

Eitthvað allt annað


Auðvitað er þetta til

Góðir menn móðga Davos klíkuna

Forseti Argentínu heldur fram ýmsum pedófóbískum ideasjónum

"Argentinian President Javier Milei flew all the way to Davos, Switzerland, just so he could show up and call everyone "pedophiles" right to their faces."

Einhver barnageldarinn mun hringja í mömmu hans í dag, held ég, og kvarta.

Talandi um pedófíla.... hvernig ætli gangi með mál fjöldasamtaka pedóa við Pál Vilhjálms?

Kannski kæra trúðarnir í '78 Milei líka?

Trump mætir til Davos og segir WEF liðinu að hann sé að gera þver-öfugt við það sem þeir fara fram á

"“I’ve taken rapid action to reverse each and every one of these radical left policies. In particular, with immigration, crime and inflation. I’ve made it the official policy of the US: there are only two genders!” Trump told the global elite.

“I’m pleased to report that America is a free nation once again,” Trump said. “On day one, I signed an executive order to stop all government censorship. No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation and disinformation.”"

Kaninn hefur þennan, og hann brillerar á hverjum degi.  Gott stöff.

Á meðan höfum við vonbrigðaþrenninguna, se ég vona að geri sem minnst, helst ekkert.

Flórída maðurinn er á kúr

"A Florida man in his mid-40s on a meat, fat, and dairy-heavy diet arrived at a Tampa hospital with ooze emanating from yellowish nodes on the palms of his hands, elbows, and the soles of his feet.

The man told doctors that he had adopted a “carnivore diet” eight months, explaining that his daily intake was made up of entire sticks of butter, 6-9 pounds of cheese, and hamburger patties.

Since going full fat and all animal, the man claimed he lost weight and saw marked improvements in his energy levels and cognitive functioning.

But his skin was another story: The painless but decidedly ew ooze had been affecting him for nearly a month before he sought treatment."

Maður verður ekki svona af þorramat.


52 ár... hefðu bara átt að hengja hann.

Kata Jak hafði það eftir Al Gore að sjórinn væri að sjóða

"Climate misinformation and disinformation, relentlessly pushed by far-left corporate media outlets, had their readership believing they were on the brink of perishing on a fiery planet—blaming everything from Taylor Swift's private jet travels to cow farts in late 2024. 

The cold blast (or what has felt like a 'mini ice age' this month) produced by the polar vortex does not align with the corporate media's and the World Economic Forum's global warming doom narrative. This may explain why 'green' politicians and unelected officials, along with MSM, have somewhat ignored the reality of a cold blast freezing the US to the core. 

Lake Erie over 80% ice-covered, freighter Manitoulan is stuck in the ice just outside Buffalo Harbor. Word is they will sit there until an ice breaker gets to them tomorrow. Great tool from @MarineTraffic shows its track today. Hmmm, left a day later than they should have?"

Kolefnistrú er afsökun fyrir meiriháttar fjársvikum.  Ekki láta RÚV ljúga að ykkur.


Krimmum hent úr landi

"According to a senior administration official, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) made 373 criminal arrests and 165 non-criminal arrests throughout the United States on Thursday. Breitbart News has obtained and reviewed a list of the identities of numerous criminal aliens ICE has arrested in recent days.

The suspected terrorist Leavitt referred to is Turkish national Gokhan Adriguzel, 29, according to the records. Additionally, ICE took a bounty of sexual offenders into custody, including several child predators."

Stellantis fer ekki á hausinn eins og ráð var fyrir gert

Stellantis virðist hætt við að fara á hausinn

"Donald Trump has been president for three days and one of the big automakers, Stellantis, is already announcing the reopening of a plant in Illinois which will make new Durango trucks in Detroit.

Stellantis said it would build a new midsize pickup truck at the recently shuttered Belvidere, Ill., assembly plant. Stellantis previously ended production at Belvidere for the Jeep Cherokee SUV, angering UAW representatives and workers. Now Stellantis said it will return approximately 1,500 UAW members to work, a reversal of the move by former CEO Carlos Tavares, who resigned in early December."

Kaninn hefur Trump.  Hann orsaka svona lagað -  Hvað höfum við?

Trump, uppspretta góðra og jákvæðra frétta fyrir alla.  Nema fyrir Adda Rokk á Xinu.  Hann er í öngum sínum.  Einhver þarf að gefa honum poka af hnetum og klappa honum á kollinum og segja að þetta sé allt í lagi.

Argentínumenn eru líka heppnir með stjórnvöld

""What once seemed like a global hegemony of the ‘woke’ left in politics, educational institutions, in the media, in supranational organizations or even in forums like Davos, has begun to crumble," said Milei, who took office in 2023.

The Argentinian politician says he's been forming alliances with other conservative figures and leaders.

"Over the course of this year, I have found allies in this fight for the cause of freedom in every corner of the world, from the amazing [tech billionaire] Elon Musk to that fierce Italian lady [Prime Minister] Giorgia Meloni, from [President Nayib] Bukele in El Salvador to Viktor Orban in Hungary," he said, adding "Slowly, an international alliance has been forming among all those nations who want to be free and believe in the ideas of liberty.""

Bara tóm gleði og jákvæðni þarna.


400 manna islömsku nauðgunargengi að brezkri fyrirmynd neita um aðstöðu

"Úrsk­urðar­nefnd um­hverf­is- og auðlinda­mála hef­ur fellt úr gildi ákvörðun skipu­lags­full­trúa um að breyta JL-hús­inu við Hring­braut 121 í bú­setu­úr­ræði fyr­ir hæl­is­leit­end­ur.

Skipu­lags­full­trúi hafði samþykkt til­lögu um að breyta hús­næðinu í bú­setu­úr­ræði í nóv­em­ber í fyrra en ná­granni kærði niður­stöðuna á þeirri for­sendu að ekki væri heim­ild fyr­ir sér­tæku bú­setu­úr­ræði á lóðinni. Ein­ung­is væri til­greint að heim­ilt væri að hafa í hús­inu mat­vöru­versl­un og þjón­ustu."

Matur = Já

Islamskt nauðgunargengi = nei

Svíar hafa verið að sniffa alveg helling af lími

"According to his department, 100-hour civic orientation courses are being offered to every foreigner who comes to live in the country.

“We want the education system to focus much more on liberal values, women’s rights, issues of ‘honor violence’ and, of course, also issues of sexuality. And we must not only inform, but also through a test, ensure that people understand what values apply in our country,” he said.

The government is now working to establish if these courses need to be extended and made mandatory, Persson added."

Límið er kannski ekki betra en bjór eftir allt saman?


Símagláp veldur veruleikafyrringu og ofskynjunum

"Smartphones are making teenagers more aggressive, detached from reality and causing them to hallucinate, according to new research.

Scientists concluded the younger a person starts using a phone, the more likely they would be crippled by a whole host of psychological ills after surveying 10,500 teens between 13 and 17 from both the US and India for the study, by Sapien Labs.

“Screen time essentially acts as a toxin that stunts both brain development and social development,” Kardaras explained. “The younger a kid is when given a device, the higher the likelihood of mental health issues later on.”"

Smá Romero, vegna þess að þið þurfið það.

Allri úrkynjun rutt úr vegi í USA

Helstu postular úrkynjunar reknir

"The Trump Administration's Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has notified the heads of all federal agencies and departments that Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) offices are to be closed by end of day Wednesday, and all staff to be placed on paid leave.

According to the notice issued by Acting OPM Director Charles Ezell, all departments and agencies are to:

Send an agency-wide notice to employees informing them of the closure and asking employees if they know of any efforts to disguise these programs by using coded or imprecise language

Send a notification to all employees of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) offices that they are being placed on paid administrative leave effective immediately as the agency takes steps to close/end all DEIA initiatives, offices and programs.

Take down all outward facing media (websites, social media accounts, etc.) of DEIA offices

Withdraw any final or pending documents, directives, orders, materials and equity plans issued by the agency in response to the now-repealed Executive Order 14035, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce (June 25, 2021)

Cancel any DEIA-related trainings and terminate any DEIA-related contractors"

Allur rasismi og pervertismi á bak og burt.

Þessi vika hefur verið æðisleg fyrir kanann.  Þú Trump legðist í helgan stein í kvöld, þá yrði þetta samt besta ár kanans í marga áratugi.

Og það eru 4 ár eftir.


Barnageldarar gera árás

"Olivia Krolczyk was speaking to a chapter of Turning Point USA at the University of Washington this week, but her speaking event was disrupted by trans activists and antifa."

Alltaf eins.


Amerískir öfuguggar hrella Kínverja

"Chinese-owned video-sharing app RedNote is reportedly considering quarantining American users over concerns they are a poor influence on China’s own young people.

Americans descended on Chinese influencers’ comments sections with sexualized messages. 

“How do you say mommy in Chinese? Like in a horny way,” one American user commented on a Chinese female fitness influencer’s video. Another Chinese woman received a comment reading, “I’ll teach you English fine sh-t,” from an American user.

According to reports, the app is under pressure to move all non-Chinese users into a separate, quarantined server to mitigate contact and stop poisoning the young, mostly female user base."

Já.  Það er margt í kýrhausnum.  Sérstaklega þeim sem Sigurgeir hefur komist í.

Á meðan á íslandi:

"Ný íslensk rannsókn sýnir að einn af hverjum 264 sem hófu lyfjameðferð við ADHD fór í fyrsta geðrofið eða maníu innan árs frá töku lyfjanna."

Þeir komast að því núna, AD 2025, að Spítt getur orsakað geðrof.

Fuck yeah!

Spanjóli berst fyrir alræði

"Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has called for action against the growing influence of US-based tech billionaires who he described as a tech “caste” of Silicon Valley.

Sanchez’s critics have argued, however, that by targeting Trump and his allies, the Spanish PM was trying to cast himself as a global leader in the fight against populism, in order to distract from scandals at home."

Populismi eða alræði.  Frelsi eða fasismi.  Ykkar er valið.

Hitler er þessi með stutta hárið.

Trump byrjar vikuna vel

Trump byrjar á besta hugsanlega hátt

"Trump’s executive order covers an array of actions Biden took throughout his term, ranging from nixing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies to the southern border and the climate."

Það er vídjó:

Ef einhver Íslenskur pólitíkus hefði gert bara helminginn af þessu á 4 ára tímabili, væri sá maður besti pólitíkus Íslanddsögunnar.

Á meðan, á íslandi:

Inga Sæland stundar fjársvik

"Inga Sæ­land, formaður Flokks fólks­ins og fé­lags- og hús­næðismálaráðherra, seg­ist hafa verið meðvituð um að Flokk­ur fólks­ins upp­fyllti ekki laga­skil­yrði vegna op­in­berra styrkja stjórn­mála­flokka.

Flokk­ur­inn ætli sér þó ekki að skila þeim 240 millj­ón­um sem flokk­ur­inn hef­ur fengið frá hinu op­in­bera í trássi við lög."

Fyrst fer Þorgerður með fúlgur fjár úr r´æikiskassanum til útlanda í því skyni að fjármagna einhvrja stríðsherra þar, og nú er Inga Sæland uppvís að einhverju svindli.

Mogginn fær prik fyrir að benda á þetta.

Nú bíð ég bara eftir að þessi þriðja, Kristrún held ég hún heiti, geri einhvern andskotann af sér.  Eins og er hef ég ekki heyrt neitt.  Hún má reyndar fá sm+a hrós fyrir að halda Degi B frá stjórn.  Göfugt.

Musk skiptir sér af pólitískum fanga í 3. heims ríki

"Tommy Robinson has been the leading voice exposing the horrendous mass child rape gangs in UK since 2011, when he first broached the subejct in an interview with BBC Newsnight.

As British police, politicians and press sought to cover up the mass rape of over 250.000 women and girls, Robinson was repeatedly persecuted with lawfare and incarcerated in maximum security and solitary confinement on ridiculous, trumped-up misdemaneanors, such as “mortgage fraud,” “illegal immigration” and “contempt of court.”

Peterson had gone out on a limb and interviewed Tommy Robinson twice when he visited Canada 2024 (and was also persecuted and deported by the failed fascist Trudeau regime in Canada).

Elon Musk is funding the legal expenses for Tommy Robinson. This includes the costs associated with Robinson's challenge against his solitary confinement."

Þegar allt landið er rekið af barnanauðgurum...

Þessi veltir sér uppúr góðum fréttum.

Þjóðverjar hafa ekkert lært

"Germany’s domestic intelligence service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, designated the AfD as a “suspected” extremist organization back in 2021 over its stance on immigration.

The 113-strong group of MPs, composed mostly of Die Linke/Green Party members as well as 31 SPD representatives and six from the CDU, proposed the motion in November. According to Die Zeit on Monday, the lawmakers hope to secure support from the Bundestag for the initiation of ban proceedings against the AfD in the Federal Constitutional Court.

The group claims that the right-wing party has called into question the human dignity of migrants and LGBTQ individuals, with one of the MPs behind the motion, the CDU’s Marco Wanderwitz, calling for swift action against the AfD in light of the party’s supposed “further radicalization.”"

Alltaf sama tuggan: allir sem eru ekki barnanauðgarar eða hata hvíta manninn almennt, eru hægri-öfgamenn.


I wish I was in Dixie


Pútín er jákvæður

"Russia has congratulated Donald Trump as he takes office as US president on Monday, with President Putin making statements expressing hope for speedy resumption of official contacts between the two countries.

The Russian leader made the remarks in a meeting of the country’s National Security Council, crucially suggesting Trump's return to the White House will help prevent world war three.

"We’re hearing the statements of the newly elected US president and members of his team about the desire to restore direct contacts with Russia, which were halted by the outgoing administration," Putin began."

Mér lýst vel á hvernig þetta byrjar.

Smá VG fílingur í þessari.

Evrópusambandið sparkar í lyggjandi mann

"Thousands of Ukrainian jobs could be put at risk by a new EU environmental tariff on imports produced with high carbon emissions, that takes effect next year.

The CBAM is aimed at preventing high-pollutant foreign goods – which can often be made more cheaply – from undermining the EU’s so-called green transition. However, a CBAM report issued on Friday has warned that the tariff could pose a threat to more than 116,000 jobs in Ukraine's steel, chemicals, and cement sectors, which are heavily reliant on carbon-intensive processes."


Tik Tok má aftur

Á meðan, í einhverjum hliðarveruleika

"“Just visually looking at the object on the ground, you could tell that it was extraordinary and anomalous. It was not human,” Jake Barber said this week in speaking to Ross Coulthart of NewsNation.

“I saw an egg, a white egg,” he described."

Ommlette depuis l'espace.

Þá vitum við að Fauci & Milley hersöfðingi gerðu einhvern djöfulinn af sér

"President Joe Biden has pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired Gen. Mark Milley and members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, using the extraordinary powers of his office in his final hours to guard against potential 'revenge' by the incoming Trump administration."

Við vitum svosem alveg hvað þetta lið gerði af sér.


... já. Því ekki?

"Among the first executive orders set to be signed by President-elect Donald Trump will be an order to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the "Gulf of America.""

Mér persónulega er avleg sama hvað þetta heitir.

Hmm... langar að skoða Texas einhverntíma.  Prófa krókódíl, og chili.  Er alveg viss um að þetta tvennt er lostæti.

Þetta er mjög óviðeigandi

Trump tekur við USA á morgun

Seðlabanki USA dregur úr kolefnistrú

"the Fed just announced they were going to withdraw from a global climate coalition of other national banks that functioned like a Paris Climate Accord for centralized banking.

Yes, 8 years of being beholden to a globalist cabal that wanted to use the national bank to "save the planet" or some such nonsense, is officially over.

The Fed has come under pressure in recent years from Republican lawmakers, including over concerns that climate worries have unduly influenced financial regulation and that the central bank has become increasingly politicized"

Góðar fréttir að vestan.

Andstæðingar Trump mótmæla

"Anti-fascist leftists accosted pro-life activist Seth Drayer of After other pro-choice protesters attempted to cover his anti-abortion sign, the anti-fascists spray-painted his sign. DC Metro police arrived a few minutes later and gathered information about the assault."

Þeir eru þó ekki að kveikja í húsum eins og seinast.

Kannski reyna þeir að brenna borgina seinna.  Mér finnst þeir merkilega friðsamir.  Kannski er þetta að eldast af þeim, ég meina, það er ekki eins og barnageldarar fjölgi sér hratt, og það eru jú 8 ár síðan seinast... bara að segja.

Þessi helgi.

Meðlimir FB sölutpörs dæmdir í 15 ára fangelsi

"The charges stemmed from Scott selling 24 boxes of human remains to Jeremy Pauley of Pennsylvania for $11,000 after linking with him in a Facebook group for “oddities.” The body parts included fetuses, brains, hearts, lungs, genitalia, large pieces of skin, and more.

“The remains included a skull, multiple brains, an arm, an ear, multiple lungs, multiple hearts, multiple breasts, a belly button, testicles, and other parts. During a search warrant executed at Scott’s Little Rock home, investigators found numerous stolen body parts that she admitted she transported in trash bags from her work,” the DOJ said in a press release."

Hvað fólk var svo að gera við þetta fylgir ekki sögunni.

Musk hefur áhyggjur af að USA sé gjaldþrota

"DOGE noted that the last comprehensive review of the federal government took place in 1984, when the national debt was $1.6 trillion, with a debt-to-GDP ratio of about 38%. Today, the ratio has surged to over 121%, and the national debt has surpassed $36 trillion. It is projected to hit the recently reinstated debt ceiling a day after Trump’s inauguration, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen."

Þeir gætu reddað sér fyrir horn.  Kannski.  Ísland... ekki svo mjög. Ég sé alveg hverjir stjórna hér.

Ég sé það fólk með augunum.

Brezkir unglingar eru jákvæðir fyrir hryðjuverkum

"Nearly two-thirds of younger Brits believe that 'hostile activism' such as violence, vandalism and misinformation is an acceptable ways of achieving political goals.

And less than a fifth have any optimism that things will be better for the next generation.

It suggested that 70 per cent of people in the UK have a moderate or high sense of 'grievance' - meaning they feel government, business and the media do not work in their best interests."

Góðu frettirnar eru að þeir átta sig á að ríkið og medían eru ekkert með þeim í liði.

Spáð í framtíðina

Rapparinn Roseanne

Roseanne Barr er rappari núna.


Kínverjum fækkar

"The total population was 1.408 billion, which is 1.39 million smaller than China reported in 2023. India surpassed China as the world’s most populous nation in 2023."

Fólksfjöldapíramídinn er nánast öfugur þarna.


Íbúum Kaliforníu fækkar vegna skriffinsku

"Last week, comedian Adam Carolla went viral for a video where he talked about the California fires and how the state’s progressive bureaucracy would prevent many residents from rebuilding their homes.

Now a prominent California real estate agent named Josh Altman is confirming what Adam Carolla already knew.

Gavin Newsom and other leaders in California are vowing to cut red tape to allow people to rebuild quickly but many people don’t believe they’ll actually do it, and even if they did, the destruction is so vast that it is going to take years."

Þetta er deyjandi fylki.  Hver tilgangurinn er með því að drepa það svona veit ég ekki.  Kannski enginn, bara hrein heimska.

Ísraelar næla sér í vopn

"In the wake of Bashar al-Assad's overthrow, Israel is actually stealing or in its words "confiscating" former Syrian Army weaponry and heavy equipment, even tanks.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) acknowledged in a statement Wednesday that soldiers operating in Syria have taken more than 3,300 weapons and other gear belonging to the Syrian Army. An IDF statement on X featured video of transporting an abandoned tank from Syria."

Allt má í stríði.

Rússland er fullt af galdramönnum

"Russia is plagued by widespread occult practices, Fr. Andrey Tkachev, an archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church, has warned...

The Russian newspaper MK claimed last month that spending on esoteric services, such as fortune-telling and spiritual healing, had reached 2.4 trillion rubles ($24 billion) annually. The outlet’s analysts said this was comparable to the country’s food expenditures. The demand for rituals such as “chakra cleansing” and “removing negativity” has reportedly surged, with individual sessions costing 15,000 to 25,000 rubles ($150-$250)."

Avrey Gonchar & leyndardómar NKVD.


Piss on

"A pissed-off New Yorker hates the TikTok famous vintage photo booth that’s been set up next door to her Lower East Side home so much that she’s throwing a literal piss and s–tstorm over it, a new lawsuit claims.

Since opening in December, the one-sided guerilla battle has allegedly seen Trakas, an artist and jewelry maker, tossing a bucket of urine from her second-story Allen Street window onto a booth owner and queueing customers — “narcissistic r—-ds,” the suit claims she calls them — and using her artist tools to paint feces along the booth’s fence and planters."

Það sem fólk lætur sér detta í hug að gera.

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