Aš móšga nįrišil


Žessi fęrsla móšgaši nįrišil svo mikiš aš hann stökk śt śr nįrišla-skįpnum alveg stórhneikzlašur og móšgašur, og fór aš śtksżra fyrir mér allskoner nįrišla deep-lore.

Hneikzlašur, vegna žess aš ég er ekki nįrišill, (hvernig žaš getur veriš baseline-hegšan einhversstašar aš vera nįrišill er svo mér hulin rįšgįta) og móšgašur vegna žess aš hann hélt ég hefši kallaš sig kķnverkst eldhśsįhald.

Vegna žess aš nįrišlar eru ekki bara lélegir ķ fingrasetningu, heldur er oršskilningi žeirra lķka mjög įbótavant.

Seinna sagši nįrišillinn mér aš žaš vęri einstaklega móšgandi fyrir nįrišla aš vera kallašir nįrišlar, žaš er vķst einskonar N-orš, eins og Niggari.  Žaš er semsagt jafn móšgandi fyrir nįrišil aš vera klallašur nįrišill og fyrir niggara aš vera kallašur niggari.

Žaš mun žykja einstaklega pervertķskt ķ nįrišla heiminum aš vera ekki nįrišill.

En hvaš um žaš.  Ég fékk ekki svar viš žessari įleitnu spurningu į FB, frį nįrišlunum og barnanaušgurunum sem žar halda til, en vinnufélögum mķnum ber helst saman um aš žaš sé meira "woke" aš vera barnanaušgari.

Ķ dag er vissulega dagur


"A 22-year-old man was arrested this week after allegedly stealing a Seattle Fire Department truck, according to KOMO

On Wednesday morning, the man rode a scooter to the truck, entered it, activated the lights and sirens, and attempted to drive away around 3:30 a.m. on the 9200 block of Second Avenue Southwest.

The suspect couldn't deactivate the parking brake and only managed to drive around the corner before exiting the vehicle, the report said."

Tilraun var gerš.

Leftistar hugsa žetta aldrei alla leiš.

Žaš verša engin eftirköst af žessu

"On Thursday, three young teens arrested for bringing loaded guns modified to be fully automatic to a crowded Seattle parade pleaded not guilty in court. Despite the charges, a judge released one of the suspects to home monitoring."

Alls engin.

Į mešan ķ Frakklandi

"The Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked outrage last night after the iconic painting of The Last Supper was reimagined by drag queens."

Allt sem ég heyri af ólymp“+iuleikunum er furšulegt og óskiljanlegt.

Ofbeldishneigšir kommśnistar stefna į fjöldasamkomu andstęšinga barnanaušgara

"Anti-racism protesters have started to march towards a thousands-strong Tommy Robinson rally in central London.

The counter-demonstrators will end up in less than 400 metres from a 'patriotic rally' amid a heavy police presence and warnings from the Met that any troublemakers will be arrested.

The 'Uniting The Kingdom' event, which has been billed as a 'patriotic rally' has seen people gather on The Strand, before marching to Trafalgar Square.

There was a sea of British, English, Scottish and Welsh flags, as well as people waving symbols of Israel, the former Shah of Iran and the military heraldry."

Žessi Tommy Robinsson aftur, sem hefur lengi veriš hatašur fyrir aš mótmęla barnanaušgunum.

Žaš er vķst ekkert meira woke en aš vera barnanaušgari.

Ameręiskur geimfari į fyrirtęki sem framleišir kķnverka njósne-loftbelgi

"Mr. Kelly has also not faced the harsh spotlight of a national campaign, and has potential political liabilities like a high-altitude surveillance balloon company he helped found with Chinese venture capital"


Heimurinn ķ dag.

Beinlaus meš beinum

7 dżrustu fyrirtękin hafa falliš smį ķ verši undanfariš

"Since peaking on July 10th, the market cap of the Magnificent 7 stocks has dropped a mind-numbering $2 trillion.

And the biggest three week underperformance of Nasdaq vs Small Caps since the very peak of the DotCom bubble."

Karma lögreglan er į sveimi

"Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday.

It was reported that he had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

In recent times, Driscoll had been vocal about NFL star Aaron Rodgers’ controversial views on COVID-19 vaccines. He accused Rodgers of engaging in “performance art” after the latter warned people about potential side effects of mRNA vaccines."


Fólk hefur ekki lengur efni į kampavķni

"when champagne sales drop, as they have in 2024 across the globe, the experts start asking why people are less cheerful.

The CFO of luxury holdings company LVMH, which owns brands like Louis Vuitton and Moėt et Chandon, believes it has to do with consumers feeling happy enough to celebrate.

‘Champagne is quite linked with celebration, happiness, et cetera.'

‘Maybe the current global situation, be it geopolitical or macroeconomic, does not lead people to cheer up and to open bottles of Champagne. I don't really know,' Guiony said."

Žeir segja allskonar hluti.

Beinlaus kjśklingur, nś meš beinum

"Consumers must be aware that “boneless chicken” may actually have bones in it, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled after a man sued a restaurant and poultry processors when a piece of a bone he was not expecting went down his windpipe and caused serious medical problems."

Menn gera żmislegt fyrir flott jśtśbvķdjó

"A teenager has been charged in connection with a train derailment that occurred in Lancaster County, Nebraska earlier this year. The 17-year-old , who was arrested on Wednesday, faces two counts of criminal mischief over $5,000, both class IV felonies.

He is accused of having deliberately flipped a switch to derail the train in order to capture the ensuing carnage that caused $350,000 in damages. Film of the carnage was later posted on a YouTube channel believed to belong to the teen where it was called it the “MOST INSANE VIDEO I’VE EVER TAKEN!”"

Ekki clickbait ķ žetts skifti.

Kofi til sölu ķ NY ef einhver hefur įhuga

"Known as the “Little House,” the Flemish-inspired carriage house has become one of Gramercy’s most iconic buildings in recent decades, its charming single-story facade in increasing contrast with the surrounding buildings and borough at large."

Getur veriš žitt fyri $7 milljónir.

Ekki gott fermetraverš.  Og ķ NY, sem er ferleg stašsetning.

Heimurinn ķ dag er ekki svangur

Evrópusambandiš heldur įfram aš sóa pening ķ vitleysu

"Politico quotes an unnamed diplomat who says that “Everything that costs anything — for example, Ukraine defense,” will prove “problematic” during von der Leyen’s second term. While von der Leyen is throwing around figures like 500 billion over the next decade, another diplomat said, “We didn’t see spreadsheets, we didn’t see details, this is pie in the sky money.”

EU leaders are determined to reimpose austerity on bloc countries beginning in 2025. That’s a return to the annual limits of 3 percent of GDP for public deficits and 60 percent for public debt, which were suspended in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

These rules will make it close to impossible to spend more on defense without completely cutting social services to the bone.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, childishly reprimanded by the EU for talking peace with world leaders, keeps warning about the levels of delusion in Brussels. His latest in a Magyar Nemzet op-ed:

The Brussels bureaucrats want this war, they see it as their own, and they want to defeat Russia. They keep sending the money of the European people to Ukraine, they have shot European companies in the foot with sanctions, they have driven up inflation and they have made making a living difficult for millions of European citizens."

Fólkiš sem er viš völd er žaš versta...

Mśslimar halda óerišir ķ Bretlandi aftur

"Hundreds of enraged Muslims are said to have descended upon Rochdale’s Greater Manchester divisional police headquarters in the late hours of Wednesday night, with the crowd chanting “Allahu Akbar” [God is great/Our God is the Greatest], “fuck the police,” and “GMP shame on you.”"

Endalaus stemming.

Fjöldasamtök Hamas stušningsmanna aš mótmęla žvķ aš ekki tókst aš myrša alla jśšana ķ fyrra

"Pro-Palestine protesters in Washington, DC, were arrested as activists were seen tearing down the American flag displayed outside Union Station and replacing it with a Palestinian flag on Wednesday and burning the US flag on the ground."

Alltaf eins.

Įtvagl springur

"A 24-year-old binge-eating live-streamer died while broadcasting a 10-hour food binge on cake, chicken fingers, and seafood to thousands of her followers.

Pan Xiaoting, from China, died last week from a suspected stomach tear while gorging on 10kg (22lbs) of food, including what appeared to be chocolate cake.

Autopsy results revealed that her stomach had become severely deformed and filled with undigested food, suggesting that her stomach could have burst, causing stomach acid and food to leak into her abdomen."

Ķ Kķna...

Smį 'Nam flassback

"The Russian military has destroyed another deployment point housing Ukrainian soldiers and foreign instructors in the industrial part of the city of Kharkov, according to a report released by the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday."

Śtlendir rįšgjafar.

'Nam mśsķk.

Sešlar ķ hendi eru mikilvęgir

Sumir hafa bara ekki ķmyndunarafl

"Last week’s global IT outage appears to have shaken some British media outlets’ confidence in the idea of a fully cashless society.

This is one of the most important arguments in favour of cash: the resilience it provides to a country’s overarching payments system. Put another way, cash does not crash. It does not fail in a power cut or seize up during a cyber attack or software outage (though, of course, ATMs might). By contrast, digital payment systems generally need a stable and continuous internet connection and power supply to process transactions.

This is a lesson central bankers in Sweden, one of the world’s most cashless economies, are apparently relearning. From our recent piece, “The World’s Oldest Central Bank Keeps Sounding Alarm on Fragility of Cashless Economies. Are Other Central Banks Listening?”"

Žaš er meira sem męlir meš reišufé.  Ef žiš hugsiš...

Žetta var alltaf vitaš.

Hvers vegna geta žeir ekki fundiš einhvern betri?

Biden ruglar, žessi ruglar meira

... og meira...

Hafa demokratar virkilega engan sem getur hnošaš saman oršum ķ merkingarbęrar setningar?

Rśssar hafa minni įstęšu til žess aš hella ķ sig

"The official specified that since 2009 alcohol intake in the country has declined from 14 to eight liters per capita, while the share of smokers among Russians dropped from 40% to 19%."

Nś hafa žeir eitthvaš annaš aš gera en aš drekka.

Hįkarlarnir eru allir kókašir upp

"The researchers rounded up a baker's dozen of sharp nosed sharks off the coast of Brazil and every single one of them tested positive for coke.

Cocaine levels were around three times higher in muscle tissue than liver tissue, according to the study, while female sharks had higher cocaine concentrations in muscle tissue compared to males."

High below.

Nazistar herja į Washington DC

"Capitol Police in Washington, DC, have deployed pepper spray against anti-Israel protesters who fail to obey police orders to move back from the police line. The confrontation between law enforcement and protesters came as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress regarding the ongoing conflict with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas."

Kommśnistar meš įherzlu į eyšingu gyšinga = nazistar.

Forseti El Salvador byrjar aš selja kaffi

"President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele launched his own personal luxury coffee brand, Bean of Fire, this weekend, describing the venture as a “passion project.”"

Allir og amma žeirra eru aš selja kaffi nśna.

Žetta var fljótt aš gerast.

Vampyrur & Laxness

Byrjum į žessu:

Klassķskt verk.


Menn hafa sinn smekk

Žessi aš velta sér uppśr auka-atrišum


Strķš er alltaf vališ ķ staš frišar

Žórdķs landžjófur gefur slęm rįš aš vanda

"Ķ kjöl­fariš ķt­rekaši ut­an­rķk­is­rįšuneytiš nišur­stöšuna og sagši her­setu Ķsra­els ólög­lega.

Žór­dķs Kol­brśn Reyk­fjörš Gylfa­dótt­ir ut­an­rķk­is­rįšherra seg­ir fyrst og fremst skipta mįli aš nį fram vopna­hléi į svęšinu."

Jį, einmitt. "Hęttiš aš berjast viš fólkiš sem ętlar aš śtrżma ykkur, og leifiš žvķ aš jafna sig svo žaš geti reynt aftur," segir hernašarsénķiš.

Sem betur fer žį enginn svo skyni skroppinn žarna śti aš hann taki mark į mongólķtunum sem öllu stjórna hérlendis.

Rśssar aš monta sig af strķšsrekstrinum

"Two Ukrainian military trains, carrying dozens of pieces of hardware, have been destroyed in a ballistic missile strike, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Sunday, sharing drone footage of the attack."

Gaurarnir sem Žórdķs vill ólm gera aš óvinum og halda žeim svo žannig. Til žess aš sanna strķšsžrį sķna, eša eitthvaš.

Menn efast um aš Biden sé į lķfi

"Is Biden even alive?

Joe Biden officially dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday.

Biden made the announcement on X like a coward. He has been hiding out at his Rehoboth Beach house for four days."


Žetta ętti aš höfša til Sigurgeirs.

Ölvašir mįvar žvęlast fyrir umferš

"Drivers have been issued with a bizarre warning about "drunk" seagulls causing havoc near roads which experts fear could lead to accidents.

A spokesperson from East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service, said: "Some gulls are eating the many flying ants around and becoming disorientated due to the toxins ants carry."

Alltaf eitthvaš nżtt.

Žetta er ekki nżtt

"Police pepper spray protesters and make arrests in Coolock, Ireland, after locals burned equipment being used to construct new migrant housing. The Irish have taken arguably the most aggressive stance against migration in all of Europe."

Ķrska rķkiš vill ķra feiga.  Žetta er WEF.

Ef Helgi vara hefši gert eitthvaš rangt žį vęri ekki hamast svona mikiš til aš žagga nišri ķ honum

Kommśnistar gera ašra tilraun til aš žagga nišri ķ rikissaksóknara

"Hjįlp­ar­sam­tök­in Solar­is hvetja rķk­is­sak­sókn­ara til žess aš taka um­męli Helga Magnśs­ar vara­rķk­is­sak­sókn­ara, sem sam­tök­in telja aš żti und­ir for­dóma og hat­ur ķ garš flótta­fólks, til at­hug­un­ar."

Vararķkissaksóknari hefur augljóslega stungiš į sérlega stórt og rotiš graftarkżli, og eins og venjulega žegar slķkt er gert vellur śt illa lyktandi gröftur.

Žarna hefur semsagt vessaš fram eitthvaš batterķ sem heitir Sólaris, sem mér skilst aš sé einmitt fyrirbęri žaš sme sér um aš fį til landsins og halda hér sem lengst öllum žessum naušgurum og ofbeldismönnum sem Helgi vara og Įsgeršur ķ fįtękrahjįlp eru aš amast viš.

Og nś eru žessi samtök aš reyna aš žagga umręšu um mjög svo raunveruleg ofbeldiverk skjólstęšinga sinna.  

Vonum aš svar Helga viš žęssu sęri fram fleiri skepnur.  Įfram hann, ég held meš honum.

Žaš reynist létt verk aš falsa Picasso svo vel sé

"But the artworks at the center of the uproar were not really by Picasso or the other famed artists billed as their creators, it emerged this week when the curator of the women-only exhibition admitted she had painted them herself."

Ekki svo létt aš gera žetta viš Dali.

Ķsraelar henda sprengjum į Jemen

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday that it had struck the “Houthi terrorist regime” in Yemen for the first time, launching a long-distance airstrike on the Al Hudaydah Port, targeting the origin of a drone that hit Israel Friday."

Vegna žess aš žaš er bara svona sem menn gera žarna um slóšir.

Bara fyrirsögnin...

"A trans-identifying male Muslim Antifa militant with a history of violence is under investigation for the murder of a 51-year-old Arizona man that occurred on the July 4 holiday."

Uhm... ha?

Nś geta allir kynnt sér hve margar atómbombur kaninn į

"The US has declassified data on its nuclear stockpile, which consisted of 3,748 warheads as of September 2023, according to a new document released by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) on Friday."

Žaš er hęgt aš glerja ansi stórt landssvęši meš žessu.

TDS herjar į fólk.

Hvaš eru žeir aš fela?


Tilraunir til žess aš ofsękja vitni fį į sig żmsar myndir.

Įstęšur óeiršanna ķ Leeds:

"Social services and police remove children from an imported family, clearly a safeguarding issue.

So the other imported families, to prove they're respectable and responsible, burn down the area.

The police are so scared of being labelled racist they are literally willing to let the country burn."


Žarna hefši smį rasism bjargaš miklu.

Lįttu mig žekkja žaš.

Blackrock kemur ašeins of oft viš sögu ķ žessu mįli

"The building that the sniper was on, part of a complex that also included other snipers working for federal authorities who have not yet been disclosed, is owned by a company called “American Glass Research.”

American Glass Research has now been identified as partially-owned by BlackRock investments, and whose Executives are formerly with Pfizer."

Tilviljun?  Žaš veit ég ekki.

Kķnverjar męla eindregiš meš JD Vance

"“Vance’s speech displays a clear inward or insular tendency, reflecting his aversion to economic globalization,” the state outlet explained, citing “expert” Professor Diao Daming, a regular commentator for the Times. “Vance’s remarks also indicate that some Republicans continue to strongly advocate for the continuation of strategic competition with China, with a more pronounced confrontational stance.”

Another regularly cited Global Times “expert,” researcher Lü Xiang, lamented that Vance was promoting what is becoming an “increasingly intense … attitude towards containing China.” Lü warned that confronting China’s vast amount of threatening activity – from intellectual property theft to monopolization of global manufacturing to genocide, slavery, and colonization – would threaten “global peace and development.”"

Svona lof er sjaldséš.

Óeiršir ķ London vegna óeirša ķ Bangladesh

"The Metropolitan police has said additional police resources will be on duty in Whitechapel, east London this evening, after significant disorder between rival groups within the Bangladeshi community.

Scotland Yard said the scenes of violence between two large groups of people were linked to the violent protests which have played out in Bangladesh in recent days."

Fjölbreytileikinn er styrkur.  "Styrkur" merkir į endalaust ofbeldi į ofbeldi ofan um alla eilķfš.


Śtlend mįlefni

Hvalur sem hefur aldrei sést lifandi finnst daušur

"Scientists hope we can now learn much more about the creature. These beaked whales spend most of their time deep in the ocean hunting for squid and fish, which keeps them a mystery to us land mammals."


Smį óeiršir ķ Bangladesh

"Bangladesh has been rocked by weeks of social unrest as thousands of university students protest against inequality, poverty, and the lack of job security in the South Asian country. The unrest worsened this week, forcing the government to shut down the nation's internet service to prevent further student organizing and unrest."

Eiginlega žaš sama:

England er alltaf eins.

Warner Bros ķ kröggum

"This is all about boosting the Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) stock price, which is in the toilet at less than $9 per share. Another idea floated by the studio involves splitting the streaming business and movie business from its cable TV networks."

Allt hefur veriš aš floppa hjį žeim.


Fyrirtęki tengt Blacrock vissi greinilega żmislegt

"A Texas-based investment company has denied trying to short twelve million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group just before the failed assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate, claiming it was a clerical error."

An error.  Mmhmm.  Aha.

10 mķnśtur af śrkynjušu hyski aš verša fyrir bķl.

Žetta er lķka gott.

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