X com

Rt hefur skrifað allt Musk - Trump samtalið niður.

"Technical issues appear to have stalled the interview, with X users reporting that they are unable to access a ‘Spaces’ link to the conversation shared by Trump. The former president’s campaign staff put the technical difficulties down to the sheer number of people attempting to tune in, with aide Chris LaCivita declaring that the interview “broke the internet.”"

Sumir segja DDOS...

"Musk opened the conversation by asking Trump about the attempt on his life in July, calling the former president’s resilience “inspiring.” Trump said that he knew instantly what was happening, and heard bullets flying overhead as he ducked behind the podium in Pennsylvania."

Og svo framvegis.

Ég veit ekki hvað er eiginlega á seiði í Venezuela

"In an interview published on Monday by EFE, the main opponent of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, María Corina Machado, asserted that Edmundo González Urrutia, an opposition figure and political candidate, will be sworn in as president in January 2025.

Meanwhile, according to the WSJ, the Biden administration is attempting to negotiate an amnesty for Nicolás Maduro so he can leave power without facing accountability for the crimes he has committed, as reported by TGP."

Fauci er alltaf að fá flensu

"I got infected about about two weeks ago, it was my third infection, and I have been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times."

Segir Fauci.

Ég tek eftir þessu meðal fólks sem ég þekki.  Fáðu sprautu, fáðu Kía-Kvefið.  Aftur og aftur.

ADE... ?

Sumir  vilja meina að youtube kellingin sem dó um daginn hafi fengið krabba vegna sprautunnar.  Sem er alveg líklegta.


Hindúar vs Múslimar

"A Hindu mob in Ghaziabad, India, attacked a group of Muslims on Friday night, apparently as an act of revenge for Muslim mobs targeting Hindus in Bangladesh following the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina last week."


Í Bretlandi er gaur sem berst við máva

"North Yorkshire's ‘Gull Champion' is fighting the "seagull menace gripping coastal communities" this summer.

The spate of seagull muggings and the filth they create has caused a drop in business for Caffe Italia."

Reynzla þeirra sem hafa reynt svona lagað í fortíðinni hefur öll verið á einn veg.

Kántrí. Og fleira.

Whiskey talking

"Rapper Kanye West has admitted that he was drunk when he posted a tweet announcing that he would go “death con 3” on Jewish people, claiming that “demons” took over his mind after he drank Hennessy cognac."

Viskí, koníak, whatever.

Júðinn á aldrei séns

"Early Saturday morning, a young Jewish man was stabbed near the Chabad Headquarters in Crown Heights.

According to witnesses, the assailant screamed “Free Palestine” and other antisemitic slurs before stabbing the victim."

Alltaf öðru hvoru er haldið pógróm.  Verður svoleiðis?  Kannski.

Musk vs frægur skoskur nazisti

"“Make my day,” was X owner Elon Musk’s response to reports that Humza Yousaf, the architect of Scotland’s new draconian hate speech law, was considering a lawsuit against the South African-born American citizen tech billionaire."

Musk heldur uppi fjö0rinu.  Ég kann að meta það.

Þessi gella er besta auglýsingin fyrir fóstureyðingar

"Like I'm a trans man and I'm gay and I've been pregnant and had an abortion before and I don't want to lose that. I'm afraid of not being able to be myself anymore, because from what I've heard, Trump's America doesn't want me to look like this, so that's why I'm here today and that's why I'm voting blue."

Er virkilega svo gaman að fara í fóstureyðingu?  Spyr sá sem ekki veit.

Ég meina, það eru augljóslega betri lausinir.

Kannski er þetta eitthvað fetish.

Bretar fjalla um gaurinn sem vill útrýma innfæddum bretum.

Annar maður sem ekki má nefna reynir að myrða fólk í London

"A schoolgirl and a woman have been rushed to hospital after they were stabbed in Leicester Square today in broad daylight.

The little girl, 11, and a woman, 34, were hospitalised after the nightmare unfolded in the bustling tourist hotspot just before midday."

Takið eftir hvernig þeir klypptu út lýsinguna á manninum


Sem er lýsingin á manninum.  Eins og við vitum.

Meira kántrí

Ólympískt skolp-bað

Biden lifir enn

"President Joe Biden confirms he was pushed out of the race by top Democrats who apparently staged a coup on him. “But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the house and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races.” The statement coincides with what journalist Seymour Hersh suggested when he reported that Barack Obama threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment, saying he had "Kamala's approval" to force him out of the race."

Þá höfum við það.

Í Malí.

Ekkert grunsamlegt að gerast hér

"Our boy Woke Preacher Clips did the painstaking work to put together a montage that's nearly 7 minutes long, featuring more than 50 pastors, all saying the exact same thing about Kamala Harris a couple of weeks ago."

Ekki bara íslenskir fjölmiðlar og CNN...


Vitleysingar veikjast eftir sundsprett í skolpi

"Three German swimmers became ill after competing in the open water races at the Paris Olympics, though it was not immediately clear if the long-polluted Seine River was responsible for their sickness."

Rússar monta sig af nýjasta hólkinum sínum

"The weapon system is already entering service with the Russian military, the company’s chief gun designer, Sergey Urzhumtsev, told TASS. The machine gun has even made it to the front lines of the Ukraine conflict in “test regime,” according to Urzhumtsev, who said it was already getting favorable reviews from the military."


Maður prílar í FL turninum

"Footage emerged on social media on Sunday afternoon of an apparently shirtless man wearing black shorts scaling the north-facing side of the 19th-Century tower, just next to its Olympic Rings display."

Viðbrögðin voru yfirdrifin.

Enginn býst við spænska rannsóknarréttinum

"The Spanish Inquisition is considered to be one of the most shameful and grotesque periods in Roman Catholic history. According to some modern estimates, around 150,000 people were prosecuted for various offences during the three-century duration of the reign of terror, of whom between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed after enduring some of the most spine chilling acts of torture imaginable."

Þetta er eins góður tími og hugsast getur til að rifja það upp.

Heimsbókmenntirnar á jútúb, eða eitthvað af þeim

Það er búið að kvikmynda eitthvað af þessari bók.

Upptaka frá 1963.  Líka búið að kvikmynda þetta.

Endalaust má gera grín að þessu.

Corto Maltese

Alistair MacLean

Horfum á Bretland hrynja


pæling frá ZH

"Left Wing is control by government, living your life for you, and right wing is freedom.

Left wing is effectively a denial of reality - a lie if you will - whereas right wing is the truth.

Because left wing or Constructivism is a corruption of the system and will always fail, just as it changes the meaning of words, it must also change history, either by redefining it, or by saying it wasn’t socialism that was the problem but the way it was implemented."

Hrun er í gangi.  Það er ekki yfirvofandi, skriðan er hafin.  Skemmtið ykkur.

Rogan tekur eftir að Bretland er komið til helvítis

"Responding to the recent authoritarian crackdown, Joe Rogan pointed out that more people get arrested in the UK for “thought crimes” on social media than they do in Russia."

Víti til varnaðar.

Óskastaða yfirvalda, helvíti fyrir fólkið.

Það sem verður um fóstur eftir að þau hafa verið fjarlægð með valdi

"Newly released undercover footage from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposes Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of aborted fetal body parts with chilling nonchalance."

Partarnir fóru þó a.m.k ekki beint á næsta veitingastað.

Held ég.

Þeir meiga eiga það að þeir tóku þennan fastan líka

"Officers have arrested a man aged in his 50s at an address in South East London. He was held on suspicion of encouraging murder and for an offence under the Public Order Act."

Bretarnir þurfa að fá þetta úr kerfinu einhvernvegin.

Þeir hefðu ekki þurft þess eh þeir hefðu hagað sér eins og siðmenntuð þjóð undanfarið, en slíkt ku ekki vera í týzku þessa dagana.


"Right-wingers are now planting decoy protests in the UK and when the police arrive the only people they find are armed Islamist mobs who mobilized to attack the fake protests.

North Finchley, London, Aug. 7 — Leftist and Muslim protesters abuse and harass

after failing to find “far-right protesters” to fight. A large crowd had gathered for an emergency direct action to counter a false rumor that people were going to protest an immigration business."


Af vefnum í dag, 8.8.24

Falsfréttamiðill er orðinn svo gott sem verðlaus

"Warner Bros. has eliminated more than 2,000 positions over the past year and slashed 100 jobs at CNN last month.

The write down confirmed that legacy cable channels like CNN and TNT are no longer worth what they were when the $42 billion merger was completed. In fact, judging by the ongoing mass layoffs at the former, one can argue that CNN's value is now negative and will continue to be so until it stops hemorrhaging cash."

Þetta var CNN.

Ritskoðunar-fyrirtæki leggur upp laupana

"The Global Alliance for Responsible Media has decided to "discontinue activities" after a lawsuit filed against them by Elon Musk's X and the Rumble platform. The group was under fire for antitrust violations after they had orchestrated ad boycotts of both platforms using their monopoly."

Góðar fréttir gerast stundum.

Bresk yfirvöld eru vanheil á allan hátt

"We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media. Their job is to look for this material and then follow up with identification, arrests, and so forth."

Þeir eru fyrir löngu byrjaðir á þessu.  Sem er ein af´ástæðum þess að það urðu uppþot.

Grímu-dólgar bannaðir

"Nassau County Republicans passed the "Mask Transparency Act" on Monday, making it a misdemeanor for anyone 16 and older to wear a face mask in public spaces except for health and religious reasons. This move aims to curb criminals or violent protesters who exploit mask-wearing to conceal their identities."

Það er enn einn og einn úrkynjaður fáviti með svona grímu.

Ævintýri fólks á jörðinni

Þetta er gjöf sem heldur áfram að gefa

"Please see attached officer safety / awareness bulletin from the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). APD received information from federal partners regarding possible "green light" attacks on law enforcement from the Tren de Aragua (TdA) criminal organization operating in Denver, Colorado. Credible human sources from Colorado provided information on TdA giving a "green light" to fire on or attack law enforcement."


Mikill fólksflotti undan kommúnistum yfirvofandi

"The Venezuelan socialist regime, which has been in power since 1999, has already resulted in the exodus of nearly 8 million people from what was once Latin America’s wealthiest nation. Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, and Chile in particular have taken in hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans in the past decade, straining their already delicate political and law enforcement structure. Venezuelans have also fled en masse to the United States, Spain, and Italy, among other Western nations.

Dictator Nicolás Maduro renewed fears of yet another migrant wave by declaring himself the “winner” of a sham election on Sunday in which his regime ensured citizens were presented with no meaningful choices on the ballot."

Þeir sem ekki sleppa verða myrtir.

Elon vs Maduro

"Elon Musk accepts Venezuelan Dictator Nicolás Maduro's challenge to a fight. Just when you thought 2024 couldn't get any crazier."

Þetta ætti að verða gott.


... og svo einn Sigurgeir:

"A man who stuffed a live eel up his backside was left in agony when the sharp-toothed sea creature tried to bite its way out of his digestive tract.

But initial attempts to remove the fish with a probe through his anus were thwarted when medics at Viet Duc Hospital, in Hanoi, found a lemon stuffed up there too."

Ég skil ekki fólk.

Það verður meira af þessu.

Helgi Magnús er Maðurinn

Skoðið þetta bara

"Sig­ríður J. Friðjóns­dótt­ir rík­is­sak­sókn­ari seg­ir að Helgi Magnús Gunn­ars­son vara­rík­is­sak­sókn­ari hafi, í kjöl­far áminn­ing­ar­bréfs sem Sig­ríður veitti hon­um fyr­ir tveim­ur árum, ekki bætt ráð sitt."

Gott.  Hann hafði rétt fyrir sér þá, hann hefur rétt fyrir sér nú.  Hann er í rétti, hún ekki.  Hvað er hún að vilja upp á dekk?

"Stjórn hjálp­ar­sam­tak­anna kærði Helga vegna um­mæla sem hann lét fjalla um inn­flytj­end­ur, flótta­fólk og sam­tök­in sömu­leiðis."

Hann tilkynnti um morðhótanir í sinn garð.

Sólaris er alveg hlynnt morðum og nauðgunum og Guð veit hverju öðru. Þeir eru jú í því að flytja inn ofbeldismenn, og þagga niður alla umræðu um það.  Samansafn af illmennum.

Sigriður er að varpa rýrð á embættið.

"Áminn­ing­in sem Helga var veitt árið 2022 kom til eft­ir kæru Sam­tak­anna '78."

Samtökin 78 eru líka á annarlegri vegferð.  Farnir að stypja barnageldara og annað slæíkt sem mér og fleirum lýst afar illa á.  Þau samtök eru allrar gagnrýni verð.

Nútíma vandamál kalla á nútíma lausnir.

Maduro vs Musk

"Musk, who owns social media platform X (formerly Twitter), took to it on Monday to accuse Maduro of “major election fraud.”

The Venezuelan president responded to the claims by challenging the billionaire to a fight, during an address he made on national television."

Þetta þarf að gerast.

51,2+44,2+4,6+4,6+4,6 = 109,2%


Stuðningsmenn Maduro snúast gegn honum

"The “Tren del Llano” is a criminal organization based in Venezuela, specifically in the Llanos region, which encompasses several central and southwestern states. The name “Tren del Llano” translates to “Train of the Plains,” reflecting their base of operations in the plains region of Venezuela.

Once considered allies of the Maduro administration, criminal gangs like Tren del Llano have historically benefited from the regime’s protection and complicity. However, as discontent grows among Venezuelans suffering under economic collapse and political repression, even those who once supported Maduro are beginning to turn against him."

Það verður bara meira.

Menn kalla í frammi fyrir Keir Starmer

"During the Prime Minister’s brief visit to the police cordon at the end of the road where the attack took place, there were terse words from the public appealing for action on public safety. A video record preserving the event shows several people jeering the Prime Minister, with anger becoming clearest as, just moments after having arrived, the Prime Minister turned away and got back into his car to leave."

Eins og allir vita þá myrti óður múslimi 3 börn þarna, allt í boði glóbalista.

Eins og hinn ágæði Helgi hefur ýjað að að gæti verið vandamál.

Þetta er fyrirboði áframhaldandi vandræða

"A large crowd gathered outside a mosque on Tuesday evening and clashed with police as riot vans and officers swooped in.

The violence follows a vigil attended by thousands who gathered to pay their respects to the victims of the attack which claimed the lives of three young girls."

Glóbalistar bjuggu þetta til.

Musk vs Drottning óðu kattakvendanna.

Rafbílar seljast illa

"The ZF CEO added that creating motors for electric vehicles produced “low margins,” and that the company has been struggling to “cross-finance purely electric drives” from its conventional and hybrid vehicle initiatives.

Moreover, switching to EVs was eroding demand for “transmissions for conventional and hybrid vehicles,” an area in which German manufacturers typically do very well.

Concurrently, the present “glaring weakness in demand for purely electric vehicles” caused ZF to be left with an excess of production on areas that had strong investments."

Að einhveru leiti ínverjum að kenna, en ekki öllu.

1: Það þarf að niðurgreiða rafbíla til að fólk hafi efni á þeim.

2: Það á að fara að rukka kílómetragjald - til þess að' borga fyrir niðurgreiðzluna, held ég.

3: rafbílar virka bara sem farartæki í Vestmannaeyjum, eða innan stór-Reyjkavíkursvæðisins.  Gefið að þú farir ekki mikið út fyrir það. 

Fólk á í miklum erfiðleikum með að skilja þetta.  Vegna þess að það er vitlaust.

Munurinn á Woke og venjulegum:

"This guy went into a Kamala Harris event with a Trump shirt on and then to a Trump event with a Kamala shirt on The difference in the way he was treated is just jaw-dropping

The hateful, violent reaction he got from the Kamala camp came as no surprise. People screamed in his face, swore at him, and this old goober threw water at him"


Ýmislegt er yfirvofandi

Séra Vigano er skemmtilegur

"Viganò says it's "no coincidence" that the ceremonies were presided over by French President Emanuel Macron, an 'emissary of the World Economic Forum,' who 'passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.'"


Stundum bítur Zebradýrið til baka

Bíókvöld Tommy var hryðjuverk... segja yfirvöld

"After hosting a protest to save Britain with 100,000 attendants at London’s Trafalgar Square, British patriot Tommy Robinson was ARRESTED Sunday on behest of a Soros NGO on charges of TERRORISM for screening his documentary “Silenced”. Tommy has been released and has left the UK with his family on a scheduled vacation."

Baráttan gegn barnanauðgurum er erfið í Bretlandi.

Óð kattakona fúl yfir að vera kölluð óð kattakona

"Chelsea Handler, who touts lifestyle of getting high and masturbating, complains about JD Vance's 'cat ladies' comment"

Fyrirsögnin segir allt sem segja þarf.

Google er að ritskoða á fullu

"Google has hidden autocomplete suggestions related to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. By removing autocomplete suggestions, the Masters of the World are trying to make it more difficult for users to access information about the attempt on Trump’s life."

Þeir neita þessu auðvitað.

Bretar óttast eiturefnaárás

"Two people have been hospitalised in Bath after a "woman approached people with a bag" leaving several locals "feeling unwell".

Some 14 ambulances, six police cars, and emergency responders in Hazmat suits were seen in the centre of the Unesco World Heritage city just after 2.30pm today."

Þetta er þó eitthvað nýtt.

Kommúnistar gera hvað sem er til að halda völdum

"The opposition is claiming victory and that the election has been stolen amid reports that Maduro's security forces have deployed significant numbers of armored vehicles and heavily armed-police to the streets of Caracas ahead of likely unrest."

Trúir þú Maduro?

Annars munar hann ekkert um að myrða þessu 70% landsmanna sem voru á móti honum.

Alistar MacLean döbbúl feature

Garðar Hólm á ferð & flugi

Eitthvað allt annað

Fólk þráir ekki breytingar

Moorckock.  Held að hann hafi verið í Hawkwind.  Gott band.

... einmitt.

Kvikmynd byggð á reifara

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