Ķ öšrum löndum, langt ķ burtu

Žetta eru Rśssar aš tilkynna okkur:

"NATO is planning to deploy an armored brigade in Finland to serve as a deterrent against Russia, newspaper Iltalehti reported on Thursday, citing sources within the US-led military bloc and the government in Helsinki."

Ekki ósżnilegir.

Į mešan, ķ Afganistan

"The Taliban's morality ministry dismissed more than 280 members of the security force for failure to grow a beard, and detained more than 13,000 people in Afghanistan for 'immoral acts' in the past year, officials said"


Mį ekki vera tżzkuslys ķ Afganistan.

Ķ Bretlandi:

"Officers said they were "confronted" and attacked as they investigated an abandoned, uninsured car at the airport's Terminal Two yesterday morning."

Og meira:

"Two men have been stabbed in the car park of London's Chessington World of Adventures."

Žetta hnķfabann žeirra viršist ekkert hafa gert annaš en auka į hnķfsstungur.

Biden-Herris stjórnin vill gera atómbomburnar samkynhneigšar

"The Biden-Harris administration appointed Sneha Nair as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in February 2024. She is on a mission to arrest what she believes is “white supremacy” with a view to “queering nuclear weapons,” Fox News reports."

Žaš er ekki hęgt aš vera asnalegri en žetta fólk.

Į mešan, ķ Indlandi

"Africa is an emerging market for Indian exports to expand rapidly, commerce secretary Sunil Barthwal said on Thursday, adding that New Delhi is considering doubling exports to African countries to $200 billion by 2030 by focusing on potential areas such as automobiles, agro-products, pharmaceuticals, and logistics."

Allt gengur vel hjį žeim.

Stutt sögulegt įgrip.

ABBA ķ geimnum, og fleira skemmtilegt

Tęknilega ekki kvikmynd, heldur 3 žįtta mķnķ serķa.

Greinilega undir miklum įhrifum frį "2001, a space odissey," en lķka meš skemmtilega vķsun ķ R.U.R.

Žetta eru semsagt sęnskir žęttir, sķšan 1978, meš svipaš budget og Stundin Okkar.  Samt hįgęša efni, eins og hér er bent į:

Tilviljun?  Hver veit?

Veit ekki meš Alien, en "Among us" er mjög sus.

Ef menn fķla ekki śtgeiminn, į er ein hér jerštengdari:

Kįbojmynd meš bķl.  Hve margar kįbój myndir eru meš bķl?  Ekki margar.  Man samt eftir einni meš Jóni vęna.  Žar voru allir į Reo Speedwagon, minnir mig.

Žessi Kįboj mynd.  Miklu magni eiturlyfja var neytt viš gerš žessarar, og nišurstašan eftir žvķ.

Kómedķu gullnįma

Demókratažingiš er kómedķu gullnįma

"Joe Biden battles the teleprompter and loses.

"Women are now without electrical... not allowed, excuse me, not without electoral (long pause) or political power."

(Biden gives up)"

"Some random state senator says that Trump "could even weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents!"

Whoopsie: that's EXACTLY what Kamala Harris and the Democrats have done to President Trump."

Og svo framvegis...

Svona er žetta bara.

Rśssnesnki herinn nęr New York

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has once again admitted the situation in Ukraine's east is "difficult" amid a continuing Russian troop advance in the Donetsk region. He said this Tuesday as Moscow announced the capture of the key town of New York, or Niu-York."

Bara skemmtilegt fyrisagnarinnar vegna, annars er žetta bara "business as uaual."

Mjög skrķtiš mįl.

Risa köngulęr herja į Breta

"A giant spider capable of running half-a-metre per second is invading homes across Britain.

The arachnid grows on average to have a total leg span of up to 7.5cm or around the size of a kiwi but can be as large as 10cm - the diameter of a grapefruit."

Ekki žaš stór.

Hlutabréf lękka ķ verši ķ Žżzkalandi

"Shares in German defense company Rheinmetall have slumped after reports that Berlin could cut arms deliveries to Ukraine. 

Rheinmetall’s share price dropped by as much as 4.5% to €536 ($592) after European markets opened on Monday morning, although it later partially rebounded to €554."

Žeir jafna sig į žessu.


"In a post on X, Musk shared a photo of himself standing at what appeared to be a podium with the words “D.O.G.E.”

Underneath were the words “Department of Government Efficiency.”

“We’re currently adding, I think, a trillion dollars to the deficit every roughly every 100 days,” Musk said. “And the interest payments on the national debt have now exceeded the defense budget. It’s on the order of a trillion dollars, and it keeps growing.”"


Fólk er ekki meš į hreinu hvernig neitt virkar


Vilhjįlmur Įrna er sljór mašur

"Vil­hjįlm­ur Įrna­son, žingmašur Sjįlf­stęšis­flokks­ins, seg­ir aš mįl­flutn­ing­ur žing­manns Pķrata sé til žess aš fall­inn aš ala į tor­tryggni ķ garš lög­regl­unn­ar."

Rķkislögreglustjóri gerši žetta, meš leyndarhyggju sem enginn skilur.

"Žetta snżst um žjóšarör­yggi og ör­yggi al­menn­ings."

Efasemdir.  Žaš tekur glóbalista ekki nema nokkra mįnuši aš hrysta svo upp ķ žessu aš lögreglan verši farin aš plaffa fólk nišur fyrir allskyns ķmyndaša glępi.

Slķkt hefur veriš gert.  Oft.

Athugum bara aš nśna er Breska lögreglan į fullu aš taka menn fasta fyrir almennt spjall į internetinu, og hér į landi er mikiš rifrildi milli rķkissaksóknara og vara-rķkissaksóknara vegna orša.  ORŠA.

Skemmtižęttir sem fęldu burt helming įhorfenda sinna leggja upp laupana

"Over the last decade, late night shows (with the single exception of Greg Gutfeld) have become nothing more than infomercials for the Democrat party.

Millions of Americans have been turned off and have tuned out. As a result, many of these shows are going to be phased out eventually."

Engir įhorfendur, engar auglżsingar.

Kommśnistar mótmęla kommśnistum

"Leftist activists protest in support of Gaza, abortion, and against Donald Trump ahead of the Democrat National Convention in Chicago on Sunday, August 18."

Žaš er vķdjó.

Hér er meira af žessu.

Meiri óeiršir.  Hęgri öfgamenn vs nazistar.

Hnķfaburšur er bannašur ķ Bretlandi

"A woman has died and two more have been seriously injured after a triple stabbing in Manchester last night."

Hnķfar eru bannašir ķ Bretlandi, og žar er sķfellt veriš aš stinga alla.  Žegar öllum var sama, žį voru miklu fęrr stungnir.
Skotvopn eru flest ólögleg ķ Chicago, en žar eru margir skotnir.  Ķ Vermont eru flest ekki bara skotvopn lögleg, heldur mį rölta um meš žau śti į götu eins og ekkert sé, og žar eru fįir skotnir.

Žjóšverjar borga ekki meira

"“End of the event. The pot is empty,” an unnamed source in the federal government told FAZ, stressing that Berlin has “reached a point where Germany can no longer make any promises to Ukraine.”

The newspaper noted that the urge comes amid Lindner’s push for harsh austerity measures; these have already been imposed on all German ministries except defense. The finance minister has been resisting intense pressure from Scholz and Economy Minister Robert Habeck to suspend the country’s constitutional limit on debt to allow for the cost of providing military aid to Kiev amid the Ukrainian conflict."


Enginn var hissa

"Stephen Ireland, the 40-year-old founder and former director of LGBT activist charity 'Pride in Surrey', has been arrested on a total of 37 charges involving child sexual abuse.  Ireland is an avid proponent of child indoctrination into gender ideology and was a patron of a charity called 'Educate And Celebrate.'  The charity ran Pride workshops for primary and secondary school pupils, which included “How to break the binary and be gender inclusive”."

Svo oft.

Hvernig mį bęta sķmann į einfaldan hįtt.

Fréttir & trśarleg tónlist

Ķranir finna Jesś

"In a Tuesday article for faith-based outlet CBN News, writer Gary Lane described how an “unprecedented number of Muslims are choosing to follow Christ, especially in Iran as people search for a better life.”

“This is not something that is making the regime happy. And, really, in many ways, they are seeking to solidify their power and to crush any kind of dissent,” Nettleton said.

Don Shenk, the executive director of The Tide Ministry, said what’s happening in Iran is indicative of a wider trend, as well, according to CBN.

“I think what’s happening there is actually representative of what’s happening in the Islamic world,” he said."

Eh... OK?  Žaš veršur ęįhugvarvert aš fylgjast meš žessu.  Vonum aš žeir verši ekki spregdir ķ loft upp įšur en žetta fęr aš blómstra.

Gerpin sem öllu stjórna viršast langa til žess.

Hlustu į smį trśarlega tónlist::

Kommśnistar lįta gelda sig ókeypis

"All available appointments for free abortions and vasectomies courtesy of Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers, Ill. have been filled. Planned Parenthood of Great Rivers announced that the window to sign up for the pregnancy termination and sterilizing services had closed because all appointments had been taken. Current VP and Dem presidential contender Kamala Harris has made abortion advocacy one of her hallmarks during the Biden-Harris administration."

Žetta er... žaš sem žetta er.  OK, frįbęrt, žeir um žaš.

Višeigandi tónlist.  Trśarleg, aš sjįlfsögšu.

Į mešan, ķ Rśsslandi

"Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechen Republic, has taken a Tesla Cybertruck for a test drive and pledged to send it to the front lines, saying the electric vehicle – now equipped with a machine gun turret – “will be of great use” to the troops."

Tekur žatta viš af Hilux?  Hver veit?

Iron maiden er miklu kristilegra band en žiš kęriš ykkur um aš vita.

Umhverfisvernd bżr til mengun

"Specifically, the weight of plastic bag waste per capita increased after the original ban was passed. Even a study called “Plastic Bag Bans Work,” done by environmental and public interest groups, features a table showing that the amount of plastic bags thrown away per 1,000 people in California rose from 4.08 tons in 2014 to 5.89 tons in 2021. The report blames this on a “loophole” in the law."

Enginn hugsar, enginn hlustar.

Guš hlustar į Slayer

Lögreglan kom fyrir rörasprengjum

"The research is solid, informative and accurate.  Instead, my focus is about “why” the pipe bombs were planted.

Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy (House) along with Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence (Senate) did not want the January 6th certification of electors challenged. If you suspect the 85 million votes for Joe Biden might have been manufactured (mail-in ballots), then you understand the DC motive to avoid any electoral challenge that might have resulted in state level legislative inquiry and/or vote counting review.

To avoid the challenge to the electoral certification process, a lengthy and very formal process where the Senate must separate from the House as each state is formally questioned/challenged and a debate/vote on each state’s set of electors takes place (minimum 2 hours each state), an EMERGENCY process triggered by the House Speaker (Pelosi) was needed. That’s where the pipe bombs come into play."

Yfirvöldum er ekkert treystandi.

Yfirvofandi įtök barnamoršingja og boltabullna

Almenningur žarf fleiri skammbyssur

"Allt svona bķšur upp į vanga­velt­ur um spill­ingu."

Ef žeir fengu 300+ svona byssur meš VSK, žį var žaš bara nokkuš góšur dķll.  Skynja ekki alveg spillinguna.

Kannski eru žeir aš fela aš žetta voru alls ekki 300 byssur.  Žetta voru bara 50-60 byssur.  Gamla smygl-veršiš.  Žaš vęri sko įstęša til aš fela upplżsngarnar.

"Žetta virt­ist frek­ar vera af­sök­un til žess aš vopna­vęša lög­regl­una. Aš nota ženn­an fund til žess aš stękka vopna­bśriš."

Žetta vekur hinsvegar allskonar spurningar.

"https://www.mbl„Aš mati nefnd­ar­inn­ar verš­ur žannig aš telja aš upp­lżs­ing­ar um fjölda skot­vopna og skot­fęra, sund­urlišaš eft­ir geršum vopn­anna, sem og upp­lżs­ing­ar um tękni­lega eig­in­leika fyrr­greindra ein­skots­byssa, kunni aš nżt­ast žeim sem hafa ķ hyggju aš fremja įrįs­ir eša til­ręši og aš op­in­ber­un žess­ara upp­lżs­inga myndi žvķ raska al­manna­hags­mun­um,“ seg­ir ķ śr­sk­urši nefnd­ar­inn­ar."

Vį.  Paranoian.

Viš hverja eru žeir hręddir?  Eru žeir hér?  Hvers vegna er ekki almenningur aš vopnast til žess aš bregšast viš žessu, hvaš sem žaš er?

Žś verš ekki hendur žķnar eftir į.  Ętliši aš reiša ykkur į Rķkiš?

Gaurana sem eyša nįttśrinni ķ žįgu nįttśruvernadra?  Lišiš sem myršir 3000 manns meš eitri til žess aš kannski vernda 30 gamalmenni?  Fólkiš sem kemur af staš strķši viš Rśssa til žess aš stela milljöršum śr rķkiskassanum?

Kannski er lögreglan bara hrędd viš ryksugur.

Ég veit žaš ekki.  En hey... 80-90 žśsund kall.  Allir ęttu aš fjįrfesta ķ Glock.  Ef ekki til aš plaffa į žennan mystery óvin žarna, (sem mig grunar aš sé ekkert til) žį bara uppį punt.

Flokkar óeiršaseggja eigra um götur

"The NYPD reports that undocumented illegals residing in local shelters are joining gangs that have been using their large numbers to intimidate and rob citizens.

These groups have been dubbed “Wolfpack-gangs” due to the mobs of people committing crimes in a large “pack.”"

Hlakkar ekki öllum til žegar Sema & félagar verša bśin aš fęra okkur svona? 

Kamala kvartar undan eigin verkum

"Presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris held a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on Friday, where she unveiled her economic plans for a possible Harris-led White House and complained about the prices of food under the Biden-Harris administration.

Harris told supporters, "As president, I will take on the high costs that matter most to Americans, like the cost of food.""


Į Tyrkneska žinginu

"Turkey's parliament descended into a rare, violent brawl on Friday - all caught on camera - and which literally resulted in blood on the ground and at least two lawmakers injured.

The fracas lasted for a stunning 30-minutes, and it all started during a speech from opposition leftist MP Ahmet Sik of the Workers' Party of Turkey (TIP).

Leader of the main opposition party CHP Özgür Özel later issued a statement saying the whole spectacle was shamful.

"Lawmakers punched other lawmakers, even women. This is unacceptable," he said according to Reuters."

Žeir eru aktķvari en okkar.


Rafbilar eru ekki aš höfša til Kóreumannsins

"Mercedes-Benz and BMW have reportedly disclosed the names of their electric vehicle battery suppliers in South Korea, following a recent EV explosion that triggered widespread revolt against electric vehicles."

Žjóšarmorš er lķklegast yfirvofandi.

1: almenningur er aš skynja innrįs.

2: almenningi finnast innrįsarašilar vera ógešslegir.

3: innrįsarašilar eru sannarlega ógešslegir, naušgandi börnum innflytjenda, ef ekki hreinlega skerandi žau į hįls.

Strķšandi fylkingra verša mśslimar meš  svejšur, og lögreglan, vs fótboltabullur, gamlir IRA menn, og bara allir sem vilja ekki lįta naušga börnunum sķnum.

Veršur lķklega mesta fjöldamorš sišan menningarbyltingin.

Į mešan fjöldasamtök samkynhneigšra dżrarišla bķša eftir apabólunni...

Žetta er merkileg frétt:

Žaš er greinilega mikiš feimnismįl hve margar byssur lögreglan kaupir.  Sem er merkilegt višhorf hjį žeim, meš žaš fyrir augum aš Bandarķkjaher hugsar ekki svona, viš vitum til dęmis nįkvęmlega hve margar byssur žeir skildueftir ķ Afganistan.

Hvers vegna žeir eru aš fela žetta veit ég ekki, en žaš vekur ekki traust.

Įttar lögregaln sig einhverntķma į aš žeir eru ekki glępasamtök?

Hvaš um žaš.  Reiknum śt hver margar byssur žetta eru byggt į gefnum upplżsingum:

1: heildarverš: 29.490.300.

2: mķnus 24% VSK: 23.782.500 - sem er žį enn meš įlagningu seljanda.

3: ķ $US er žaš: $170.999

4: į Gallery of Guns kostar 1 stk Glock 17: $582 (gen 3) upp ķ $647 (Gen 5)

Žetta gefur okkur 264 - 294 Glock skammbyssur.

Allt žetta fólk sem er hrętt viš ryksugur les žetta og fęr skitu og fer svo beint ķ yfirliš.


Žetta er į vissan hįtt tengd frétt

"In April, a notorious hacker group called "USDoD" claimed it had obtained 2.9 billion personal data records that it stole from National Public Data, an obscure background check firm that is a DBA brand of a Jerico Pictures Inc in Coral Springs, Florida. Claiming the data covered every person in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, the hackers put the trove up for sale at $3.5 million."

Background check, huh?


Ķ skemmtilegri fréttum: Kata Jak gjaldžrota


"Ég vona aš sumariš hafi fariš vel meš ykkur og žakka aftur įnęgjuleg kynni og einstakan samvinnuanda ķ vor. Nś erum viš į lokametrunum viš aš gera upp frambošiš og žaš vantar herslumuninn til aš loka gatinu."

Kata klįraši allan peninginn sem hśn stal ķ rįšherratķš sinni ķ žetta, og meira til.


Gott į hana.

Önnur vellķšunarfrétt:

"Video footage captured by Planet over Profit’s X page shows Illeri filming with a cell phone when the security staff member approaches him and attempts to grab the phone. The guard then punches the agitator in the face and shoves him to the ground."

Ah... gleši.


Danir fį aš gęša sér į nśšlum

"Danes in central Copenhagen on Thursday marked the return to supermarket shelves of fiery South Korean ramen noodles that had been banned for being too spicy, a decision that has since been partly reversed."

Kryddžolnir danir hafa žurft aš kvarta mikiš til žess aš fį aš borša fyrir mönnum sem höndla ekkert sterkara en sag.


Žessi fyrirsögn:

"Ukrainian troops in Nazi helmets taunt Russian pensioner"

Hehehe... ja hérna.

Enginn heilvita mašur heldur aš CNN sé alvöru fréttastöš lengur

Innbyršis barįtta kommśnista

"Pro-Palestine Protesters STORM into Democratic After party event following Kamala Harris Campaign, SMOKE BOMBS set off at the outdoor restaurant, MASS ARRESTS

Several demonstrators against Israel's military campaign in Gaza were booted from the Democratic gathering in Harlem, where Mayor Eric Adams gave an impassioned speech 

The angry mob of around 50 protesters even stormed into the restaurant Bird in Hand on Broadway and West 146th Street as stunned patrons looked on, according to footage from the scene."

Leftistar aš gera leftista hluti.

L33t haxor hefur stoliš kennitölum allra bandarķlkamanna

"About four months after a notorious hacking group claimed to have stolen an extraordinary amount of sensitive personal information from a major data broker, a member of the group has reportedly released most of it for free on an online marketplace for stolen personal data."

Hver žarf žetta ekki?

Brezka rķkinu er mjög illa viš frelsi, svona almennt

"Nottingham Magistrates’ Court heard the posts were alleged to contain anti-Muslim and anti-establishment rhetoric.
The court heard Mr O’Rourke had allegedly expressed support for the recent riots and offered advice on how to remain anonymous to his 90,000 followers."

Žeir eru bara ķ fķlu vegna žess aš hann skar ekki hausinn af einu einasta barni.

Nazistar huggjast męta į fund ķ Chicago

"The convention is expected to celebrate Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president and Tim Walz as the nominee for vice president.

However, the city is bracing for what could be a perfect storm of chaos. With the possibility of up to 100,000 pro-Hamas protesters flooding the streets, the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is preparing for the worst."

Fjandans nazistar.


Rśssar aš monta sig

"Two US-made Stryker infantry fighting vehicles were hit by Lancet loitering munitions in the Russian border areas where fighting is taking place, according to the ministry."

Žeir viršast taka žessa Kursk innrįs mįtulega alvarlega

"The Federal Security Service must work with the National Guard as part of the counter-terrorist regime and effectively counter the enemy’s sabotage and reconnaissance groups. The National Guard has its own combat objectives too.

Putin thus only considers this attack to be an act of terrorism and not a full-fledged invasion for now."

... jį.


Į sjóndeildarhringnum

Eitthvaš fyrirtęki žykist vera bśiš aš sódastrķma Helguvķk

"Car­bfix er bśiš aš dęla nišur um 100 tonn­um af kolt­vķ­sżr­ingi ķ berg­lög ķ Helgu­vķk ķ Reykja­nes­bę."

Ķ orši hverš'nu er žetta egtt af trśarlegum įstęšum.

Ég held hinsvegar aš žeir séu ķ laumi aš dęla geislavirkum śrgangi žarna nišur.  Žaš kemst ekki upp fyrr en allir eru farnir burt meš peningana, jafnvel daušir.

Ef ekki geislavikrur śrgangur, žį dķoxķn, melamķn og trķoxķn, eša hvaš annaš sem menn vilja ekki hafa ķ bakgaršnum heima.

Ég meina: hvers vegna aš dęla kolsżru onķ jöršina?  Žaš er jafn gįfulegt og aš dęla žangaš vatni.

Svo, jį.  Ef Reykjanesiš fyllist skyndilega af zombķum, žį vitiši hvers vegna.

EB sér skyndilega aš žaš er óvinsęlt

"The European Commission has said that it was not consulted by a senior official before he sent a threatening letter to Elon Musk, ahead of the billionaire's live interview on his X Spaces platform (formerly Twitter) with US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

A letter sent by Thierry Breton, the bloc's Internal Market commissioner in charge of enforcing the Digital Services Act (DSA), insisted that Musk had an obligation to censor potentially “harmful content” on his platform."

Žeir eru smįm saman aš gera sér gein fyrir aš enginn horfir į CNN nema bśmerar.  Og žeim fer ört fękkandi.

Biden lifir enn, og hyggur į tķmaflakk

"“We’re mobilizing the whole country effort to cut American cancer deaths in half by 2020,” Biden said."

... jį.

Talibanar sżna gręjurnar sm Biden gaf žeim

"Taliban showing off their military full of American and Soviet weaponry during a parade at what was formerly Bagram Airfield.

Billions of dollars' worth of war machines that American tax dollars paid for. Americans who are struggling to buy food have the pleasure of knowing they financed armored vehicles for Islamic jihadis."

Kaninn kynnist Ķlenskri veršbólgu, ķ boši Bidens

"If a working class mom who works as a paralegal cannot by a $2 bell pepper because it's now $5, imagine a mother living with food stamps. Imagine a mother working minimum wage trying to feed children. They're killing us without killing us ... they're killing us without telling us they're killing us. They're hurting people in ways they can't help themselves."

Fólk heimtaši žetta.  Fólk er alltaf aš heimta žetta, og skilur ekki af hverju žaš į aldrei pening.

Žaš mį ekki segja neitt ķ Bretlandi

"A 61-year-old man in the UK was jailed for 18 months for chanting “who the fuck is Allah” and telling police officers “you’re not English anymore” during a protest outside Downing Street."


Bretland var einu sinni sišmenntaš land.

X com

Rt hefur skrifaš allt Musk - Trump samtališ nišur.

"Technical issues appear to have stalled the interview, with X users reporting that they are unable to access a ‘Spaces’ link to the conversation shared by Trump. The former president’s campaign staff put the technical difficulties down to the sheer number of people attempting to tune in, with aide Chris LaCivita declaring that the interview “broke the internet.”"

Sumir segja DDOS...

"Musk opened the conversation by asking Trump about the attempt on his life in July, calling the former president’s resilience “inspiring.” Trump said that he knew instantly what was happening, and heard bullets flying overhead as he ducked behind the podium in Pennsylvania."

Og svo framvegis.

Ég veit ekki hvaš er eiginlega į seiši ķ Venezuela

"In an interview published on Monday by EFE, the main opponent of Venezuelan dictator Nicolįs Maduro, Marķa Corina Machado, asserted that Edmundo Gonzįlez Urrutia, an opposition figure and political candidate, will be sworn in as president in January 2025.

Meanwhile, according to the WSJ, the Biden administration is attempting to negotiate an amnesty for Nicolįs Maduro so he can leave power without facing accountability for the crimes he has committed, as reported by TGP."

Fauci er alltaf aš fį flensu

"I got infected about about two weeks ago, it was my third infection, and I have been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times."

Segir Fauci.

Ég tek eftir žessu mešal fólks sem ég žekki.  Fįšu sprautu, fįšu Kķa-Kvefiš.  Aftur og aftur.

ADE... ?

Sumir  vilja meina aš youtube kellingin sem dó um daginn hafi fengiš krabba vegna sprautunnar.  Sem er alveg lķklegta.


Hindśar vs Mśslimar

"A Hindu mob in Ghaziabad, India, attacked a group of Muslims on Friday night, apparently as an act of revenge for Muslim mobs targeting Hindus in Bangladesh following the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina last week."


Ķ Bretlandi er gaur sem berst viš mįva

"North Yorkshire's ‘Gull Champion' is fighting the "seagull menace gripping coastal communities" this summer.

The spate of seagull muggings and the filth they create has caused a drop in business for Caffe Italia."

Reynzla žeirra sem hafa reynt svona lagaš ķ fortķšinni hefur öll veriš į einn veg.

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