1.9.2024 | 17:57
Nick Cave & íkorni með byssu
Helstu soja-menni landsins eru með slæm skilaboð út í heiminn.
Góðir tímar gera lina menn. Og þarna eru þeir komnir, linu mennirnir, til að reyna að gera erfiða tíma. Testósterón-hörgull er vaxandi vandamál á íslandi, greinilega.
Gildir líka um XD.
Undirskriftarlisti til að fjarlægja klám úr barnabókasafninu
"As we explain in our petition, both federal and state laws emphasize the important role and compelling interest of public schools in protecting children from exposure to lewd and obscene content. Public schools and boards of education owe a duty of care to both parents and students to ensure that the curriculum and other materials provided to students are free of pornography and are age appropriate, the ACLJ reported.
Parents should be able to trust that the books selected by their childrens librarians do not contain pornography or sexually explicit material, excessive profanity, and other lewd or vulgar content."
"One of the major threats to the countrys youths it named is the imposition of the Western lifestyle and consumption habits, which includes extraterritorial, apolitical views and sexual deviations."
En: "The moral system of the younger generation in Russia reflects value shifts from collectivism to individualism and from statism to cosmopolitanism over the past 30 years, it said."
Eins og Gatewaypundit bendir á hér að ofan, þá kemur klámið frá "collectivistum" og "statistum." Semsagt kommúnistum. Rússinn ætti að athuga það.
Nick Cave er sama hvað fólk segir
"Musician Nick Cave said in an interview last week that he would perform in Israel, and slammed Pink Floyd guitarist Roger Waters for his embarrassing anti-Israel stance, adding that cultural boycotts do not work to create change."
Þessi tölvu"leikur" mun vera fjármagnaður af Norska ríminu og Evrópusambandiu.
Byrjar ~9:00 eða þar um bil.
Fleiri hafa horft á þetta að meðaltali en hafa spilað sjálfan leikinn á sama tíma. Jafnvel frá upphafi.
Þessi er miklu vinsælli. Vegna þess að auðvitað. Það er íkorni í þessu. Íkorninn gerir gæfumuninn.
31.8.2024 | 18:15
Gato Negro
Musk vs einhver skúrkur í Brazilíu
"On Friday, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre De Moraes ordered social media platform X to be 'immediately suspended' in the country, citing the company's refusal to comply with a legal order to censor the judge's political opponents.
What's more, Moraes has also threatened Brazilians who use a VPN to access X with a fine equivalent to US$8,900.
That said, Moraes may be in hot water with the Brazilian BAR association (OAB) - which is investigating the daily fines against users accessing X.
"It is necessary that the measures occur within constitutional and legal limits, ensuring individual freedoms," said OAB President Beto Simonetti. "The application of a fine or any sanction can only occur after the deaftory and the broad defense assured never in a prior and summary way.""
Brazilískir lögfræðingar almennt vilja ekki víkja frá réttarríkis-hugmyndinni.
Fólk almennt veit ekki hvað réttarríki er. Mæli með að menn googli það.
Fasistar óttast uppgang hægri-öfgamanna
"The AfD party has grown by embedding itself in the local level, where it has common-sense policies that normalize their existence away from the caricature of itself painted by the globalist goons.
AfDs surge in support comes despite the persecution it suffers from state-level domestic intelligence authorities."
Fjandans AfD, það má ekki einu sinni nauðga börnum í friði fyrir þeim. Hvað þá skera af þeim hausinn. Þá er fokið í flest skjól fyrir Glóbalistana.
Allar löggurnr segja upp störfum vegna þess að bæjarstjórinn er svo mikil grybba
"A Tennessee town has lost its entire police force after every officer quit in protest of the new female mayor's alleged excessive "micromanaging." The now-former police chief told WTVF that he had no choice but to leave the department after Alexandria Mayor Beth Tripp attempted to control the officers' every move, despite having "no experience" in policing."
Hún hlýtur að geta séð um þetta sjálf.
"The Russian economy is growing at a faster pace than projected, with GDP expected to soar 3.9% this year, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced on Friday."
Þeir hafa það betra með hverjum degi.
Á meðan í USA...
Áframhaldandi stemming í Þýzkalandi
"Police arrested a 32-year-old woman after six people were hurt in a knife attack on a bus headed to a festival in western Germany. Authorities said Saturday that there was no evidence of a political or religious motive."
Hún var sennilega bara að halda uppá yfirvofandi hnífabann.
Enginn veit fyllilega hvað er að gerast í Kína.
30.8.2024 | 16:50
Fréttirnar eru leiðinlegar
"Visual novel," svo tæknilega bókmenntir.
Þetta er bókin sem "Blade Runner" er byggð á. Glöggir sjá að það er smá munur.
Lokakafli Brekkukotsannáls.
Hitt & þetta
Þetta er örugglega eitthvað voðalega sniðugt.
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29.8.2024 | 17:42
Allt sem leftistar segja er vitleysa
Hvað eru kommúnistar að segja núna?
"Through a combined ecofeminist, and critical disability philosophical analysis of the commodification of female farmed animal reproduction, the paper conceptualizes ability as a socio-capitalist construct that can carry the potential for harm. Patriarchal farmed animal capitalism relies upon the idea of naturalized ability of farmed females to be hyper-reproductive/hyper-ovulatory/hyper-lactative."
... ha? Já, það var og.
Gaurarnir sem vilja hindra múslima í að skera hausinn af börnum verða sífellt vinsælli
"Three eastern German states hold elections next month and, by a quirk of the calendar, the regions up for grabs are among those with the most supporters of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland. If the polls are accurate, the AfD could wind up the strongest party in all three, a year before the planned date of Germanys next general election. Depending on who you ask, it would be a political earthquake, a catastrophe or a wake-up call for the country."
Það gæti verið bjartar tíð framundan hjá þeim.
Menn eiga ekki að hafa svona miklar áhyggjur af Kóvit, hatursorðræðu, veðrinu, skotárásum og vafasömum upplýsingum.
"FinalSpark claims its Neuroplatform is the world's first online platform delivering access to biological neurons in vitro
FinalSpark, the firm behind Neuroplatform, has begun to offer paid 24/7 remote access to its bioprocessors. ... [A]cademic customers can get access to this biocomputing platform, featuring four shared organoids, for $500 per user per month (or even free, for selected projects).
Right now, we're using induced pluripotent stem cells derived from human skin cells [induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPSCs, are specialized cells created in a lab from adult cells, which can then turn into any cell type in the body]."
"NEW VIDEO armed group at troubled #aurora #colorado apartment complex now home to many migrants. Councilmember @DaniJurinsky says gangs have taken over the complex @KDVR @AuroraPD"
Svona fer þegar fólk fær ekki að verja hendur sínar.
Þeir eru á hættulegri braut á Akureyri
"Lögreglan á Akureyri hafði afskipti af þremur undir lögaldri sem báru hnífa um helgina. Foreldrar og lögregluyfirvöld hafa þungar áhyggjur af stöðunni."
Svona byrjaði þetta í Bretlandi. Fyrst tóku þeir hnífana af börnunum. Svo komu múslimar og byrjuðu að brytja börnin í 500 gramma parta.
Hættuleg braut, sem farin er viljandi, held ég.
Who gives a fuck.
28.8.2024 | 19:38
"One of the more ridiculous foreign data requests that Gab received (and turned down) from Germany was when they wanted us to dox a user for calling a female politician fat."
Hún er vissulega mjög feit.
Það ætti þá að byrja að draga úr þessu um og eftir 2030.
Þetta fer ekkert í burtu.
"A man in a wheelchair has been stabbed to death in a street fight in east London."
Ehm... ha?
Borðið pöddurnar og búið í hylkinu
"Earlier this year, NPR's Code Switch, Gene Demby and NPR reporter Huo Jingnan discussed, "The conspiracy theory alleges that a shadowy global elite conspires to control the world's population, in part by forcing them to eat insects."
This leaves us with a new report from The Telegraph titled "Public will get the bug for eating insects under Government-backed drive." "
Saltaður múkki ku vera ljúffengur. Hollari en pöddur, get ég lofað.
"A cobra and a mongoose treated an airplane runway like a boxing ring, viciously attacking one another and causing havoc in India.
The airplanes takeoff was delayed after the pilot spotted the creatures scrapping on the tarmac in Patna, Bihar, as seen in a viral video."
Auðvitað er vídjó.
27.8.2024 | 20:46
Forstjóri Toyota verður handtekinn í náinni framtíð
Menn fagna af miklum krafti í USA
"Riggs, 22, ascended to the top of his vehicle and began pumping his fist. However, after a few fist raises, Riggs suddenly grabbed his shoulder and indicated he was hurt.
I dislocated my shoulder, Riggs said after the race. I was celebrating so hard. It hurts like a mug, but hey, it was worth it. Its not the first time its happened to me, but it aint gonna slow me down."
Riggs... hmm...
Fiskur & ranskar verða fyrirbyggjanlega dýr
"According to July figures, the cost of fish and chips has surged by around 52% to nearly £10 ($13) per serving from an average of £6.5 in July 2019. According to the ONS, the cost of the popular dish has seen the largest increase over the reporting period in comparison to pizza, kebabs, and Indian and Chinese food."
Það gengur allt á afturfótunum í UK.
Fólk er ekki að skynja aðstæður
"Jersey girl tried to pet a tiger at the zoo and things unfolded exactly like youd expect
After snatching her arm back from the literal jaws of death, Dennis turned around to pose, which means she probably has an accomplice somewhere filming this for a viral video.
As it turns out, the police also watch viral videos of people committing crime.
Zyair was charged with "defiant trespassing" and violating two city ordinances!"
Kis kis.
Á meðan, í El Salvador.
"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Monday that the Biden-Harris administration pressured the platform to censor Americans, and that he went along with it and did their bidding, censoring and suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story of October 2020, and other things."
Það eru engir á FB núna aðrir en náriðlar, pedófílar og gamalmenni.
"Researchers using the James Webb Telescope have discovered six distant rogue worlds that may have peculiar origins.
Whats uncommon is that none of the planet-sized bodies, all between five and 15 times Jupiters mass, orbit a star, as the Earth does to the sun."
Sumarleyfisstaður framtíðarinar.
Þýzka lögreglan plaffar á leiðindasegg
"German police on Tuesday said they had shot dead a man suspected of attacking passers-by with knives in the western town of Moers, days after a deadly knife attack in nearby Solingen.
Officers were able to locate a 26-year-old German suspect who "attacked (them) with two knives in his hands", the police said.
Police shot at the man who was "fatally injured as a result" but no other people were injured, they said."
Þegar sekúndur skifta máli berst hjálpin eftir nokkrar mínútur.
Facebook er í stórhættu, og allir sem þar starfa
"Macron said Monday, "The arrest of Telegram's president on French territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. This is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to decide." Macron further condemned what he called "false information" surrounding the case.
Below: the translated list of 12 charges Durov is facing..."
Skoðum nokkur atriði:
"4. Complicity - distributing, offering or making available pornographic images of minors, in organized group,"
Gildir heldur betur um FB, og líka Mastodon - sem er bara frægt fyrir að hafa tekið við öllum barnaperrunum sem var hent út af X.
"7. Complicity - organized fraud,"
Þetta gildir um allt internetið. Og póstinn... og símann...
Og þannig er þetta allt.
Scholz lofar fleiri hnífstunguárásum
"We must do everything to ensure that such things never happen in our country, if possible, Scholz said of the attack. He predicted a toughening knife laws in particular and this should and will happen very quickly.
Green Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck also called for a tightening of knife laws, saying there must be more weapon ban zones and stricter weapon laws.
No one has to carry stabbing or cutting weapons in public spaces in Germany, said the Green politician. We no longer live in the Middle Ages."
Strangari reglur, meira ofbeldi. Þannig hefur það virkað allstaðar hingað til.
Niðurgangur Bretlands hefur staðið yfir lengi.
"In a strategic move which puts pressure on Ukraine in response to its ongoing Kursk incursion into Russia, Belarus has built-up its troops along parts of its southern border with Ukraine.
The statement described that under the guise of exercises, "a significant number of personnel, including Special Operations Forces, weapons, and military equipment" are present at the border. It additionally named the presence of former Wagner PMC forces."
Það er mjög sniðugt að gera árás þaðan.
Af einhverjum ástæðum er ekki mikið fjallað um þetta
"Hezbollah said it fired more than 320 rockets at 11 Israeli military sites in a statement issued early on Sunday, including those in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. It added that the attack came within the framework of the first response to the brutal Zionist aggression on the southern suburbs of Beirut, in which Shukr was killed."
Eru fjölmiðlar á Íslandi bara hallir undir Hamas? Hisbolla þykja ekki nógu merkilegir.
Notting Hill karnivalið er osom
"Over 40 weapons have been seized at Notting Hill Carnival today, including two firearms, as 145 people have been arrested.
A person has also been stabbed, bringing the total number of stabbing victims to four so far over the two days."
Svolítið eins og verzlunarmannahelgarnar voru.
Hressir bætir og kætir
25.8.2024 | 18:21
25 8 2024, hvað er að ske?
Evrópusambandið er óvinur almennings nr. 1
"Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was just arrested in France after stepping off his plane. He now sits in a French jail, charged with terrorism, trafficking and money laundering. All for refusing to censor at the behest of governments and intel agencies.
The Russian-born Durov notably left Russia in 2014 after he refused to comply with demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he has since sold. He now lives in Dubai, where Telegram is based, and holds dual citizenship in France and the UAE."
Rússarnir handtóku hann ekki...
Yfirmaður Rumble flýr frá Frakklandi
"Rumble CEO Chris Pavolvski announced on Sunday that he has escaped France and departed communist Europe.
Pavlovski, who runs one of the largest social media companies in the world in Rumble, has always vowed to make his platform an oasis for free speech unlike the far-left tyrants at Google-YouTube who allow leftists to spew unlimited amount of lies but will not allow conservative voices a voice on the platform without restrictions."
Það þarf að passa sig á kommúnistunum.
Evrópusambandið lét gera tölvuleik
"One might find it ironic that a game about rebel queers fighting the government was actually co-funded by government through the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union (at least $168,000). ESG strikes again."
Hér er einhver að spila þetta fyrirbæri í gegn, svo þið þurfið þess ekki
Trassaskapur hefur afleiðingar
"According to information obtained by German paper of record Die Welt, 26-year-old Issa Al H., the Syrian asylum seeker who surrendered himself to police on Saturday after the mass stabbing in Solingen, was supposed to be deported in 2023.
However, following his deportation order, Issa Al H. disappeared from his residence in the Western German city of Paderborn. He re-appeared several months later, but rather than removing him, he was reportedly granted subsidiary protection for people from countries with civil wars and transferred to a refugee centre in Solingen, where Fridays attack took place."
Það var nú ágætt.
Rússar eru komnir í bjórinn aftur
"Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage among Russians, accounting for 51% of total alcohol sales since the beginning of the year, the Moscow city news agency reported on Thursday, citing data by IT company Atol.
Wine was the second most consumed alcohol product in the country and made up 23% of sales in the alcoholic drinks category, according to the report."
Kommúnisminn breiðir úr sér.
24.8.2024 | 18:05
"Western nations, led by the US and ones across Europe, with the most modern warship fleets, seem absolutely powerless to stop Iran-backed Houthi rebels from launching missile and drone strikes on merchant vessels in the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Oman (maybe because it's an election year in the US).
The US and EU have launched numerous military operations committed to ensuring freedom of navigation and maritime security in the highly contested region but have failed repeatedly."
Auðvitað er vídjó.
Sumir segja að skútunni hafi verið sökkt
"Authorities in Italy have opened a manslaughter investigation into the sinking of a yacht off the coast of Sicily earlier this week, in which seven people died, including British tech mogul Mike Lynch and his teenage daughter."
Sjáum hvernig það gengur.
"Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. united on stage at a Turning Point Action rally in Arizona on Friday following Kennedy's earlier commitment to support Trump in the 2024 presidential election. Trump then vowed to establish a commission on presidential assassinations to review all documents related to the John F. Kennedy assassination as well as the assassination attempt on Trump."
Svona er heimurinn breyttur.
DNC var uppspretta mikillar gleði
"A man affiliated with the YouTube channel No Cap on God met with several prominent attendees this week and recorded his encounters on both X and YouTube. Some of the famous people he met up with included lead Trump persecutor New York Attorney General Letitia James, Senator Raphael Warnock (R-GA), Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY), former CNN propagandist Chris Fredo Cuomo, and Star Trek filmmaker J.J. Abrams.
The people the infiltrator spoke with had no clue they were being made fun of, and some even treated him like a member of the Democratic family."
Ali G in da house.
Öllum er hent út af landsþingi Demókrata
Þessum ágæta manni var líka vísað burt, mögulega af sömu ástæðum:
23.8.2024 | 17:08
Bulwer-Lytton & Laxness
Hér eru flest verk Guy de Maupassant á internetinu
Í textaformi, fyrir þá sem nenna ekki youtube.
Laxness á jútúb.
Almennt snakk
Ég kannast ekki við neitt af þessu.
Einhver skopsaga eftir hinn merka rithöfund Bulwer-Lytton
Á því formi sem hentar.
Ein leið til að finna lesefni. Ekki ideal.
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