11.9.2024 | 20:17
Menn eru eitthvaš aš vęflast śt į sporbaug nśna
Indverskar fréttir eru mjög dramatķskar.
Jį... svona er žetta bara.
"Here are 21 false claims and hoaxes that Harris uttered on live television, in front of millions of Americans:
1. Very fine people hoax..."
og svo framvegis.
Žessi er ķ framboši til valdamesta embęttis į jöršinni, fólk.
Aš öšru leiti var žetta frekar slappt.
Breski herinn žarf aš žjįlfa śkranķumenn
"The British military has taught so many Ukrainian soldiers its own Army has struggled to get vital exercise time on its own training facilities, a government report has found. The National Audit Office (NAO), the UK-government funded autonomous value for money assessor also found the sheer volume of equipment donated to Ukraine from UK stocks will cost billions to replace and take years to source."
Kannski er nśna rétti tķminn fyrir Vestmannaeyjar aš gera innrįs ķ Brteland, og leggja žaš undir okkur?
Hlutir eru fljótir aš verša aš svona landmarki
"This stranded truck has become a city landmark now with its own Google Maps pin, a new report from Jalopnik says.
But the fun could be short-lived. The truck was reported abandoned recently and city officials warned the owner via an orange sticker that it would be towed if not moved."
Fyndiš į mešan žaš endist.
"The annual NATO Saber Junction land warfare exercise is being held in Bavaria until September 19th. The joint exercise will have 4,300 troops, mostly from the U.S. (of course) but also include troops from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, and the United Kingdom.
This year's theme is "fighting the Russians"!"
1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for?
Žaš styttist ķ aš hver sem er geti fari śt ķ geim
"Polaris Dawn, which will also attempt to conduct the first-ever private spacewalk, was launched atop a SpaceX Falcon from NASAs Kennedy Space Center."
Fyst fer einhver milli śt ķ geim, bara aš spóka sig mešal stjarnanna, svo egtum viš öll fariš ķ go-cart į Mars. Į Teslum.
10.9.2024 | 20:02
Kisa er ęt
Haitimenn eru eins og engisprettur
"The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals."
Žetta var plataš innį fólk.
"Chinese Spy Lover Eric Swalwell Has a Complete Meltdown on the House Hearing Over Trump Cat Memes"
Katta-mķm, jį?
"Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell went on a fiery rant during a House Judiciary Committee hearing over memes featuring President Trump hugging ducks and kittens.
Residents recounted disturbing stories, like witnessing immigrants grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and a horrifying incident where a cat was reportedly hung from a tree branch and carved up.
These alarming stories prompted a wave of online memes mocking the Biden-Harris administrations failure to protect not just American citizens, but even animals."
Geršu heimskulega hluti, fįšu fyndin mķm.
Ekki meira ókeypis Playstation fyrir Śkraniu
"The Japanese company waived subscription fees for Ukraine in March 2022, as an expression of support for Kiev in its conflict with Moscow, while suspending services and support in Russia.
We want to inform you that your free access to PlayStation Plus will end in November 2024, said a note sent out to Ukrainian users by Sony on Tuesday.
The special program has ended, but subscribers have been issued a 30-day voucher for September and will be given another for October, Sony said. As of November 7, users will be returned to their previous subscription plan at the same price."
Ekki meira Mario kart, bara strķš.
"A food dye that helps give certain sodas and snacks their hallmark orange hue renders mouse skin almost completely see-through in a reversible, potentially non-toxic research method that could transform medical and scientific imaging. Because of a counterintuitive fundamental physics principle, Tartrazine, also known as Yellow 5, can temporarily turn biological tissue transparent to the naked eye, as described in a study published September 5 in the journal Science."
Snišugt. Prófum žetta.
Žetta er aš gefa jafn vel og Alec Baldwin.
Musk bendir į aš įstandiš gęti veriš verra
"Billionaire Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, quickly chimed in on social media, lambasting conservative Senator JD Vance for amplifying these allegations.
Weird. JD Vance repeats baseless claims that Haitian immigrants are eating pets as Ohio officials say there is no evidence, Khosla tweeted.
But Elon Musk was not having it and fired back with a bombshell tweet.
Could be worse, I suppose Musk wrote, attaching an article about violent cannibal gangs in Haiti who have allegedly been eating people theyve killed in the streets."
Kommarnir vilja aš Hętķmenn borši kettina og mśslimar naušgi börnunum eftir aš barnageldarar skera kynfęrin af žeim.
Kęmi mér ekki į óvart aš kommarnir žrįi ekkert heitar en aš vera étnir.
Eitthvaš allt annaš.
Ruggero Deodato spįir ķ framtķšina... eša žannig.
9.9.2024 | 20:37
Helgi vara sagši ekkert rangt.
Gušrśn reynir aš žóknast öllum
"Gušrśn Hafsteinsdóttir dómsmįlarįšherra hefur įkvešiš aš hafna beišni Sigrķšar J. Frišjónsdóttur um aš Helgi Magnśs Gunnarsson vararķkissaksóknari verši leystur frį störfum tķmabundiš."
Reynir aš žóknast almenningi, ž.e.a.s. "hęgri öfgamönnum."
"Žaš er mķn skošun aš ummęli vararķkissaksóknara séu óvišeigandi og žau eru ekki ķ samręmi viš stöšu hans."
Reynir aš žóknast fasistum.
Voša dipló.
"The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals."
Menn verša aš borša eitthvaš.
"The Chinese government newspaper Global Times highlighted a growing trend in the country on Sunday of refurbishing kindergarten facilities into nursing homes, or adding amenities for seniors to childrens play and education sectors, as a way to participate in the flourishing silver economy.
The state newspaper described the trend as a forward-thinking and creative way to address the growing unpopularity of private kindergartens in reality, private institutions do not exist under communism allegedly due to the increased quality of government kindergartens. China is facing a dramatic decline in its birth rate, however, that has left it with a shrinking population and the prospect of becoming a severely aging society by 2035."
Kommśnismi drepur ekki bara beint, heldur lķka óbeint.
"In an exclusive report, The New York Post has reported a surge of animal sacrifices have been taking place in Queens, New York.
In the last month, chickens, rats, dogs, and pigs mutilated body parts have been discovered in Spring Creek Park in Howard Beach and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens.
Several rescuers reported finding live pigs with severed ears, a dead dog with its neck snapped, a hen in distress, a decapitated chicken head, and a baby rat tied up in a bag.
Local religious leaders believe the animal sacrifices stem from a sect of Hindu devotees who worship the goddess Kali."
Ég bjóst viš vśdś... en nei.
Žjóšverjar ętla aš fara aš verja eigin landamęri
"Germany will reimpose passport controls on its land borders for at least the next six months, in order to curb irregular migration, the government in Berlin has said"
Kaninn žarf aš dķla viš žetta einhvernvegin
"O'Keefe Media Group has obtained Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) from the US Army of the North Division, highlighting the growing presence of one of Venezuela's largest criminal organizations in the US. The document states that Tren de Aragua "has established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, NY, "with "approximately 400 TdA members" living in these cities. The CUI also warns that TdA members in Denver "have been given a 'green light' to fire on or attack law enforcement," with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York receiving a similar report.
The breadth and depth of the continuing damage are only beginning to be realized as once-peaceful neighborhoods across the US, from New York City to Chicago to Denver to some West Coast cities, are plagued with migrant crime. Some municipalities are being overrun by illegal aliens as local resources are quickly dwindling."
Žeir finna śt śr žessu.
8.9.2024 | 18:31
Stórfótur sįst klifra į fjalli
Bolsonaro stendur fyrir mótmęlum
"Several notable X accounts, including journalist Michael Shellenberger, are reporting from Sao Paulo's main boulevard, where tens of thousands have gathered today in opposition to far-left Brazilian President Luiz Inįcio Lula da Silva and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes that recently blocked X nationwide.
The crowd was absolutely enormous. Without a doubt one of the largest free speech protests in history."
Mörgžśsund manns.
"What's happening with censorship in Brazil goes all the way to the top. Just ONE MONTH into Lula's term, President Biden and President Lula met in Washington & SPECIFICALLY pledged the US government would "work together" with Brazil's government to stamp out "disinformation.""
Yfirvöld vilja ekki aš fólk frétti neitt.
"SpaceX is planning its first unmanned Starships to Mars journey in two years when the Earth is closest to Mars in order to assess the logistics of landing on the neighboring planet. If all goes according to plan, SpaceX plans to send astronauts to Mars within the next two years after that.
Musk said that by extending humanitys interest in space travel from the moon to Mars will vastly increase the probable lifespan of consciousness as we will no longer have all our eggs, literally and metabolically, on one planet."
Cybertruck passar vel į Mars.
Svarti mašurinn hefur skynjaš hver óvinurinn er
""The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man." - Malcolm X."
Ekki rangt.
Jį. Žvķ ekki?
Kamala ręšur kolefnistrśarmann sem vill eyša mannkyni til aš breyta vešrinu
"Vice President Kamala Harris new Climate Engagement Director, Camila Thorndike, has a history of promoting radical climate change proposals, including expressing hesitation about having children due to concerns about the planet's future."
Svona fólk dó bara fyrir 200 įrum. Nś vex žaš śr grasi.
Menn žykjast hafa komiš auga į risa
"two American hikers were left astonished after encountering what can be described as a frightening 20-foot-tall figure that is seen clinging to the side of a Colorado mountain.
Jessee Clauson and Camille Avarella were descending Longs Peak in the Rockies when they accidentally caught the lanky gray creature on camera as it appeared to scale the crag."
Ef žaš er ekki stórfótur, žį er žaš Elvis.
Žetta geršist.
7.9.2024 | 17:11
Lįtiši hafa ykkur aš fķfli aftur?
Hvernig spyr ég? Aušvitaš geriši žaš.
Ódżrt vinnuafl, jafnvel žręlar
"since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs.
since last June, the US has added just over 2 million part-time jobs, and lost over 1.5 million full-time jobs."
"They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.
The beta test known as Covid-19 proved once again the validity of the The Milgram Experiment.
In case the WEF decides to take down this damning link about Covid being a test of public compliance with medical tyranny, Im inserting a screenshot of it below."
Hafiš žetta ķ hugam fólk.
"At a news conference in the capital Budapest, State Secretary Bence Rétvįri has claimed that since the EU wanted to force their country to allow illegal migrants across its borders, Hungary would offer these illegal migrants, voluntarily, free of charge, one-way travel to Brussels."
Ungverjar eru miklir snillingar og til eftirbreytni.
Rśssar vilja ekki sjį neitt gei
"Russias media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, has blocked several websites that hosted pirated copies of the 2005 Oscar-winning melodrama Brokeback Mountain, which centers on a love affair between two gay cowboys.
Following the adoption of a new Russian law banning LGBTQ propaganda, which introduced hefty fines for violations, Roskomnadzor published a list of films and TV series that should be prohibited in the country to comply with the new legislation."
Gei avei.
Annar moršóšur trans-aktķvisti
"Georgia school shooter Colt Gray was discovered to have had a Discord account that contained posts suggesting he was planning a mass shooting due to his grievances over trans acceptance."
Žvķ fyrr sem žetta trans bullshit lķšurundir lok, žvķ betra.
"The suspect, 18-year-old Emrah I., is said to have arrived with a Swiss military surplus repeating rifle with bayonet possibly the K31 carbine of 1933 on Thursday morning and was quickly spotted by police officers. Yet, reports Die Welt, those police were initially unsure whether the out-of-time rifle was real or a prop and lost sight of the Austrian citizen, Bosnian-heritage migrant.
Emrah I. fired first at the National Socialism Documentation Centre (NS-Dokumentationszentrum München), a new museum and educational centre built on the site of the former Brown House national headquarters of Adolf Hitlers Nazi Party, which itself was destroyed in Second World War bombing. According to German media, he shot at the building twice. Footage allegedly of the incident shared on German social media shows a gunman being visibly thrown back by the recoil from his rifle.
The migrant gunman then attempted to climb the outer wall of the Israeli consulate general and found he was unable to, and so he opened fire on the building itself. This was also two shots, one of which struck a window. Five other rounds were let off by the teen, including when he ran into a pair of police officers who ordered him to surrender the rifle, when he fired on the lawmen."
Ég žarf aš virša žaš hversu frumlegt vopn hann notaši.
Įstandiš eins og žaš er.
Žetta er styrkt aš hluta af Ķslenska rķkinu.
6.9.2024 | 16:32
Geimpöddur frį Atlantis ofl...
Töum okkur frķ frį žvķ aš benda į śrkynjaša kommśnista, og skošum hvaš r til af heimsbókmenntunum į youtube:
Žessi er meš mjög fyndiš andlit.
Hitt & žetta
Žessi er til. Fęst notuš į Amazon ef menn hafa įhuga.
Svona voru hlutirnir geršir AD 1930.
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
5.9.2024 | 20:28
En hvers vegna vill Ķslenska rķkiš aš Islamistar naušgi börnunum?
Žetta er sęopp.
Spurt er: "Af hverju mį ég ekki vera meš hnķf ef ég er bara aš verja sjįlfan mig?"
Svar: vegna žess aš Islamistar og Pedófķlar eiga aš frjįlslega naušga žér og/eša skera af žér hausinn. Vegna žess aš fokk jś.
Viš vitum hvernig žetta fór ķ Bretlandi. Žaš er alveg žekkt. Og nś į aš endurtaka žaš hér heima.
Ķslenska rķkiš vill myrša okkur. Börnin fyrst.
Rķkiš er illt og allir sem žar starfa lķka.
"Ford, Coors Light, as well as other brands have backed out of an LGBTQ+ ranking system that spear-headed by the Human Rights Campaign. The left-wing group has ranked companies and brands by their DEI initiatives and policies surrounding the LGBTQIA agenda, as well as other efforts."
Kommśnista bullshit hefur ekki reynst vinsęlt.
75% af öllum bófum ķ NY eru ólöglegir innflytjendur
"On any given day, Big Apple criminal court dockets are packed with asylum seekers who have run afoul of the law.
The problem is made much worse by sanctuary city laws that mean New York cops arent allowed to work with ICE on cases in which they believe suspects are in the country illegally. Additionally, the NYPD says it is barred from tracking the immigration status of offenders."
Bjarni Ben fęr ķ hann ef hann fréttir af žessu.
Forseti Argentķnu vill ekki skera undan börnum.
"Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed he supports Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.
While speaking at an economic forum in Vladivostok, Putin said hes backing Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election and cited her infectious laugh as a reason to prefer her over Trump.
Putin stated, Biden was our favorite but he dropped out of the race, he recommended that all his supporters support Harris, so we will too."
Demókratar eru gjöreyšingarvopn Rśssa ķ barįttu žeirra viš USA.
Connor McGregor veršur foringi Ķrlands
"As President I hold the power to summon the Dįil as well as dissolve it. So as i said before, I would have all the answers the people of Ireland seek from these thieves of the working man, these disrupters of the family unit, these destructors of small businesses, and on and on and on! These charlatans in their positions of power would be summoned to answer to the people of Ireland and I would have it done by day end. Or I would be left with no choice but to dissolve the Dįil entirely. Stop the train until. The people of Ireland deserve the answers they seek. Point blank. This would be my power as President. I know very well. Ireland needs an active President employed wholly by the people of Ireland. It is me. I am the only logical choice. 2025 is upcoming "
Segir Connor.
Įfram hann.
Allir vilja Marx, Mussolini, Hitler og Stalin. Ég... ég gęti drukkiš meš Churchill.
4.9.2024 | 15:24
Ungdómurinn hugsar rétt
Hvaš segir fasista-įróšursveitan Vķsir ķ dag?
Embęttismašur į vegum rķkisins segir žaš:
"Veišimenn žurfa aš vera meš hnķf en viš žurfum ekki aš vera meš hnķf hérna ķ höfušborginni."
Ef rķkisstarfsmešur segir aš žś žurfir žaš ekki, žarftu tvö af žvķ, hvaš sem žaš er.
En hvers vegna žurfa börnin hnķf?
"Grķmur segir žį sem beita hnķfum ekki endilega meiša. Žeir noti žį til aš hóta og börnin beri žaš fyrir sig aš žau beri hnķf til aš verja sig fyrir öšrum sem beri hnķfa."
Hafa börnin ķhugaš aš redda sér byssu? Betra į allan hįtt, žó fasistaįróšursvélin vilji ekki heyra į žaš minnst. MP5, lögreglan fer ekki śt til aš skoša menn meš ógnvekjandi ryksugu įn einnar svoleišis.
"Grķmur segir žessa hręšslu barna óśtskżrša en ljóst sé aš eitthvaš hafi breyst mešal ungmenna frį žvķ aš hann var sjįlfur ungur."
Hefur hann ķhugaš aš spyrja bara? Hann gęti fengiš svar.
Svar sem honum lķkar ekki, kannski.
Sannleikurinn į žaš oft til aš vera rasķskur, haldinn allskyns fóbķum, og bara andkommśnķskur į allan hįtt.
Mennirnir sem fęršu okkur Kóvitleysuna eru mjög haršir į žvķ aš unglingar skuli afvopnašir. Žvķ skyldi nokkur mašur treysta žeim?
Pedóarnir vilja taka hnķfana af unglingunum til žess aš unglingarnir stingi žį ekki žegar į aš fara aš naušga žeim. Yfirvöld almennt vilja ekki aš krakkarnir séu aš stinga palestķnsku hryšjuverkamennina įšur en žeir nį aš afhausa žį.
Einfalt, ķ raun.
Ķrskur kennari handtekinn fyrir aš vilja ekki skera kynfęrin af börnum
"In 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported that Burke was put on paid administrative for refusing to address a trans student as they.
Despite the firing, Burke continued to show up to the school, and in September 2023, he was arrested again.
At the start of the 2024 school year, Burke was arrested for a third time and taken into custody by Irelands Garda (police force)."
Kommarnir vilja skera undan krökkunum įšur en žeir sódómera žį.
Ungmenni ķ Žżzkalandi sjį lausn sem rķkiš vill ekki
"The anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany populist party was the most popular among young voters in Sundays regional elections, as analysis finds that establishment warnings of the rise of the so-called far-right are being dismissed by many self-described centrist youths."
Rķki vilja bara "endanlega lausn," į mešan fólkiš vill allt ašra hluti.
Rķki eru skašleg umhverfi sķnu
"A Russian missile has hit a concealed Ukrainian position where two US-made multiple rocket launch systems were deployed, the Defense Ministry in Moscow reported on Wednesday, showing purported footage of the strike."
Rķki Evrópu eru į fullu aš senda rįndżrar gręjur til žess aš lįta rķki ķ Asķu sprengja žęr ķ loft upp.
Ekki til eftirbreytni.
Žeir vilja afvopna borgarana, en svo henda žeir sprengjum ķ fóplk ķ öšrum löndum alveg hęgri vinstri, eins og žaš sé bara ķ lagi.
Hiš sķvinsęla Venezuela gengi er allstašar
"The Mayor of Aurora, Colorado just CONFIRMED that Venezuelan illegal migrant gangsters have indeed taken over several apartment complexes and have pushed out property managers to EXTORT rents from the tenants directly.
The big picture understanding is that sanctuary cities have imported millions of illegal aliens, some of which are prison gang members and have zero respect for first-world laws. Defunding the police has also been pushed nationwide by Democrat lawmakers, and with that comes the risk that local municipalities could become quickly overwhelmed."
Ég er eiginlega svolķtiš hissa į aš žeir skuli ekki fyrir löngu vera bśnir aš defunda lögregluna hér.
Myndi aušvelda pedóum og hryšjuverkamönnum lķfiš mjög mikiš.
3.9.2024 | 18:15
Lesiš dagbók fręgasta moršóša trannans
Trannifestóiš er komiš śt, eftir langa biš
"All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale manifesto was released by The Tennessee Star on Tuesday.
You can download Audrey Hales manifesto here."
Og žaš eru tilvitnanir: "No brown girls, no love
Brown love is the most beautiful kind"
"Germany-based Volkswagen (VW) is considering closing plants in its home country as automakers in the European Union (EU) grapple with a flood of cheap China-made cars that are increasingly making up a share of auto sales in the continent."
Eru menn eitthvaš bęttari meš kķnavagninn? Efast.
Glępagengi frį Venezuela leggur undir sig blokk ķ Chicago
"Chicago, another sanctuary city that welcomed tens of thousands of illegal aliens during the Biden-Harris administration's first term, is now facing what could be third-world-like conditions similar to the chaos seen in the Denver suburb of Aurora.
One X user responded to the journalist, "Officers showed up 2 hours after the call. You're a journalist. Why don't you go to the apartment complex and interview the residents to find out what they saw? Are you interested in the truth?""
Hver reddar žessu, Hells Angels eša einhverjir local gangsterar?
Žaš veršum amk ekki lögreglan.
"Tech mogul Elon Musk has vowed to seek the seizure Brazilian government assets in the US, if Brazil does not return property belonging to his companies X (formerly Twitter) and Space X.
Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial, the billionaire added, referring to Brazilian President Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva."
"A new bus route has been launched in London to help Jews feel safe when they travel, as antisemitism has surged across the capital following Hamas attack on Israel last year."
Breska rķkiš gerir allt rangt.
Svona svipaš og Ķslenska rķkiš, nema bara į undan.
Žetta er alltaf eins: rķkiš bżr til vandamįl, og notar žaš sem afsökun til žess aš gera vandamįliš verra, sem aftur er notaš sem afsökun til žess aš auka enn meira į vandamįliš.
Fólk fellur alltaf fyrir žessu.
Sjįlfseyšingarhvöt eša heimska? Bęši, kannski.
2.9.2024 | 16:51
Hells Angels vs eitthvaš glępagengi frį Venezuela
"The latest movement to latch on to this sense of despair, shocking the country and prompting a fierce state crackdown, is a religious group that practices a system of lottery-based suicide. The Allahiyah movement, also known as the Qurban ("sacrifice") group, is thought to have formed in Basra and Dhi Qar in early 2020 and has as many as 2,500 adherents."
Menn geta ekki bara spilaš Mario kart. Žaš žarf alltaf aš vera eitthvaš skrķtiš.
Peningarnir voru ekki gefins eftir allt saman
"A glitch at Chase Bank went viral on TikTok over the weekend, enabling customers to withdraw large sums of money from ATMs despite having insufficient funds in their accounts. This issue appeared to allow users to deposit fake checks and immediately withdraw the funds before they cleared, leading many to believe they had successfully manipulated the banking system.
However, they made a vital mistake in thinking that the bank could be outsmarted so easily, as Chase was quick to fix the bug, and within one day many individuals who participated in the trend were left grappling with holds on their accounts and massive negative balances."
Hrašbankinn er ekki tölvuleikur.
Vinstri-öfgamenn eru ekki sįttiš viš lżšręšiš... aš venju
"Far-left extremists protested on Sunday night in Dresden, Germany following the election victories by the AfD party in Saxony and Thuringia.
The radical left has a long history of violence and assault on AfD candidates in Germany this comes after years of the far left media smearing the moderate German party."
Kommśnistar geta huggaš sig viš aš Nazistaflokkurinn "Sahara Kerrudrengur" kom manni inn.
Barįtta Rśssa viš Nazista tekur engan enda
"The West has always wanted to dismantle Russia and has gone as far as joining forces with the Nazis in Ukraine in an attempt to achieve this goal, Moscows top diplomat Sergey Lavrov has said."
Žaš skemmtilegasta viš žetta er aš žaš er alveg rétt sem hann er aš segja.
Į mešan, ķ Colorado:
Hells Angels. Aha. Frįbęrt. Žetta ętti aš vera įhugavert.