21.9.2024 | 18:06
Þá og nú
Byrjum á að velta okkur uppúr fortíðinni:
Allar heimildir um þetta koma frá spánverjum, og jafnvel þær eru mikið til síaðar í gegnum Apache.
Þetta er ákveðinn gluggi inní hvernig ástandið hefur verið í Evrópu fyrir Rómaveldi.
En það var þá, núna er þetta svona:
"Lunatic progressives who transformed parts of California into lawless hellholes insist their 'utopian' state should be a model for the rest of America. Thanks, but no thanks.
On Friday evening, a mob of 50 kids ransacked a 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, more specifically, on the border of Beverly Hills at 8500 W Olympic Blvd, local media outlet KTLA reported."
Svona vilja menn víst hafa þetta.
"Russia has sent two more Tesla Cybertrucks to the combat zone in the Ukraine conflict, Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Republic of Chechnya, wrote on Telegram on Friday. He also published a video showing the two electric vehicles.
The post came just a day after Kadyrov chastised Tesla CEO Elon Musk for supposedly remotely deactivating a Cybertruck the Chechen leader had demonstrated in August."
Það er víst létt verk að aftengja bara netið ef það er með einhverja stæla.
Írska ríkið neyðist til þess að hætta með nazista bullshit
"Justice Minister Helen McEntee confirmed on Saturday that Dublin will drop new hate speech provisions in the proposed Criminal Justice Bill, admitting that the incitement to hatred section of the legislation did not have a consensus, the Irish Times reports.
The campaign group Free Speech Ireland also warned that the government may still seek to criminalise speech, warning that the legislation could still potentially impose penalties for the denial of genocide."
Það verður gerð önnur tilraun til þess að koma nazista bullshit í lög.
Í hinu undarlega og dystópíska Bretlandi
"Brits are being warned that they could face a £300 home if they sit in front of a roaring fire this Autumn - depending on where they live.
The fine could be issued to anyone living in the UK if they have a chimney in their property due to a new rule relating to Smoke Control Areas."
Landið er greinilega rekið af hinum mestu bjánum.
Og ljúkum þessu með meira sögulegu efni:
20.9.2024 | 16:59
Casey Jones þarf að athuga hraðann
"The rightward shift in East Germany is a shift above all among the youngest, as the elections in Saxony and Thüringen have shown. One in three young people there voted for the far right. In Thüringen, as many as 38% of 18- to 34-year-olds cast their ballot for the AfD more than in any other age group. Many a parent who values living in a democracy will have wondered: What have we done wrong?"
Börnin hafna fasisma og kommúnisma, og leita til frjálshyggju og þjóðernishyggju.
Áreiðanlegustu bílarnir & þeir óáreiðanlegustu
"2, Lexus; 2, Toyota; 3, Mini"
Mini? Hefði aldrei grunað það.
"28, Rivian; 29, Benz; 30, Chrysler."
Vei bakk in ðí Eydís voru Benz góðir, jafnvel framúrskarandi. Það var hægt að kera þá 10X í kringum jörðina. Nú... ekki svo mjög.
Fjöleminningin lætur á sér kræla í Rotterdam
"According to De Telegraaf, the suspect was armed with two large knives and was stabbing people at random. Multiple witnesses interviewed by Dutch media said the assailant was shouting Allahu Akbar.
The man clearly intended to claim many victims, a witness told De Telegraaf.
Kickboxing trainer Reniel Renato David Litecia told reporters that he hit the attacker with two sticks and managed to take away his knives. Other people reportedly tried to stop the suspect by throwing furniture at him."
Ekki nenntu allir að bíða dauða síns, greinilega.
"On Sunday, after Trump survived the second assassination attempt on his life within the span of two months, an X account asked, Why they want to kill Donald Trump? to which Musk replied, And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala ????
In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the Secret Service told Bloomberg that the records the agency has regarding Musks X post were compiled for law enforcement purposes and are being withheld because disclosure could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings."
Brandara-lögreglan er náriðla-megin í lífinu, er mín reynzla.
Þeir eru að komast að því fyrst núna að amfetamín hefur aukaverkanir
"First, lets remember that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is NOT based on science. There is no medical test (blood work, urine test, CAT/MRI, etc.,) that will reveal any known objective, confirmable abnormality in the brain that is ADHD.
In fact, ADHD is a list of behaviors in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. If a child is labeled with six of the eighteen behaviors, the ADHD label is affixed.
According to recent data, as of 2021, 41 million prescriptions for Adderall (amphetamine) were written for those suffering from ADHD. This number is the equivalent of one in eight Americans who need to have their brains chemically altered just to function normally?
In a Daily Mail article about Morans research, the reporter explained that They (ADHD drugs) work by ramping up dopamine levels in the brain, which is linked to hallucinations, delusions and paranoia."
Ekkert nýtt.
Það hefði verið betra að gefa þeim öllum kókaín. Færri aukaverkanir.
19.9.2024 | 11:32
Raunverulegur og ekta sannleikur
Formaður strafsgreinasambandisns býr víst ekki á Íslandi
"Vilhjálmur Birgisson, formaður Starfsgreinasambandsins vill kalla erlenda sérfræðinga til landsins til þess að gera úttekt á því af hverju Ísland sé dýrasta land í heimi..."
Við erum dáldið að keppa við Sádí Arabíu... en hvað um það. Hér er allt dýrt vegna hárra skatta.
Og það má ekki lækka skattana, að sögn vegna þess að þá er ekki til peningur í heilbrigðiskerfi, skóla og vegi.
Í raun er ríkið mest bara að stela þessum peningi, með "göfum til úkraníu," einhverju kolefnis-dóti, sem hver heilvita maður er búinn að átta sig á fyrir 10 árum að er ekkert nema openingaþvottur (sem skýrir sjúklegan ótta ríkisins við peningaþvott, þeir stunda svo helvíti mikið af honum sjálfir) og almenna sóun.
Ég meina, auðveldlega fjórðungur alls skattfés sóast í meðförum ríkisins vegna óþarfa fasteigna og mannahalds.
Þetta eru í raun allt aðgengilegar upplýsingar. Hann getur hreinlega flett þessu upp sjálfur.
Ísraelar komnir í stríð við Líbanon
"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said it carried out airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon on Wednesday. This comes after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced a new phase of Israels war against Hamas in Gaza and pro-Palestinian militants in Lebanon."
Íslenska ríkið iðar í skinninu að fá að fjármagna þetta.
Af hverju gerir íslenska lögreglan þetta ekki?
"That's right. San Francisco's finest are out on the streets dressed in giant chicken costumes to entrap drivers that won't slow down at crosswalks.
Lt. Jonathan Ozol wore a flamboyant, inflatable chicken costume as he attempted to navigate a crosswalk."
Hann var ekki að búa neitt til þegar hann sagðist vera pimp
"Here is a compilation of the alleged abuse by Combs who has also been known as Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, Diddy, PD, and Love according to the indictment.
- Combs abused, threatened, and coerced women and others around him to fulfill his sexual desires, protect his reputation, and conceal his conduct.
- Combs, through his business empire, created a criminal enterprise whose members engaged in or tried to engage in sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice, among other crimes.
- Combs engaged in persistent and pervasive pattern of abuse toward women and other individuals, which included verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.
- Combs manipulated women to participate in highly orchestrated performances of sexual activity with male commercial sex workers.
- Combs, and others acting at his direction, arranged for women and sex workers to fly to his location, where he ensured participation from the women by obtaining and distributing narcotics to them, controlling their careers, leveraging his financial support and threatening to cut off the same, and using intimidation and violence.
- Combs assaulted women by striking, punching, dragging, throwing objects at, and kicking them, and also engaged in violence against employees, witnesses to his abuse, and others.
- Combs attempted to bribe a member of hotel security staff who intervened during a 2016 instance to ensure silence. The incident, which was caught on film, showed Combs kicking, dragging, and throwing a vase at a woman.
- Combs used his business and employees to carry out, facilitate, and cover up his abuse and commercial sex.
In addition to that, Combs led a criminal enterprise called Combs Enterprise, which existed to facilitate his abuse and exploitation of women, to protect his reputation, and to conceal his conduct, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York alleges."
Hann er sko enginn poser. Keepin' it real.
Þetta á alls ekki eftir að koma í bakið á þeim á neinn hátt, alls ekki
"The Minister of Migration has now announced it will pay up to $34,000 for migrants to return to their home of origin."
Slæm hugmynd.
Betri hugmynd: ekki boga þeim neitt. Þá fara þeir allir innan mánaðar.
Mest raunverulega og ekta auglýsing frá upphafi alheimsins.
18.9.2024 | 16:51
Ég myndi heldur ekkert bjóða þessum úrkynjuðu sauða-bjánum sem hér ráða ríkjum í þetta
"Ríkisreknar sjónvarpsstöðvar Norðurlanda, að RÚV undanskildu, héldu í síðustu viku sérstakan sjónvarpsviðburð sem sýndur var á öllum stöðvunum. Þátturinn bar titilinn Svar Norðurlanda við stríði Pútíns og sátu utanríkisráðherrar landanna fyrir svörum, auk sérfræðinga og Jens Stoltenberg, framkvæmdastjóra Atlantshafsbandalagsins.
Ríkisútvarpi og utanríkisráðherra Íslands var ekki boðið að taka þátt. Þórdís Kolbrún R. Gylfadóttir, ráðherra, hefur látið mikið til sín taka þegar kemur að innrás Rússa í Úkraínu."
Þórdís osfrv er borderline vangefin, og ekki til svara um neitt. Það er okkur enn í fersku minni er hún ákvað að stela þinglýstum eignum af fólki til þess að búa til úr þeim "þjóðlendur."
Þar áður hefur hún verið að stuðla að ófriði í löndum sem ég hef ekki komið til og veit mest lítið um. Hvað það á eiginlega að þýða efast ég um að hún geti útskýrt.
Við verðum að þakka norrænu sjónvarpsstöðvunum fyrir að hindra að Þórdís gerði sig að meira fífli þarna fyrir okkar hönd.
"The FDA's Breakthrough Device Designation is a program that allows companies to cut through (mountains of) red tape in order to get critical medical technology into the market faster. As of the end of June, only 831 devices had received this designation.
Neuralink is calling this device "Blindsight," because, well, it gives sight to blind people."
Star Trek tækni.
Musk segir það sem aðrir hugsa
"Elon Musk is being investigated after a post made in the wake of the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
In the now-deleted post, made shortly after Sundays would-be assassin scare, Musk appeared to question the lack of attempts on the lives of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala, Musk wrote on X, adding a thinking emoji at the end.
Well, he later added in a reply to his own comment before ultimately deleting the post, one lesson Ive learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesnt mean its going to be all that hilarious as a post on X.
The post, while obviously not a threat, is still attracting the attention of the government."
Demókratarnir eru ekki bara hættulegir, þeir eru vondir.
Á meðan, í Rússlandi:
... ha?
"On Wednesday morning, another explosion rocked the city center of Cologne, this time destroying a clothing store and slightly injuring one person. This follows a similar explosive attack on a dance club on Monday, just a few hundred meters away, according to Mandiner.
Police are investigating a link with the notorious Mocro Mafia, which is based out of the Netherlands.
An African man has died in Germany after detonating an explosive device intended to blow up an Arab-owned restaurant too early."
Ekki alveg Rauðu herdeildirnar, en samt...
"An overnight Ukrainian drone attack triggered a massive explosion and large fires in northwestern Russia's Tver region. Is believed the initial drone strike hit an important Russian weapons stockpile.
this could be the largest explosion of the war on Russian territory. There's widespread speculation that it was a missile and ammo storage site."
Það er vídjó.
Málefni líðandi stundar með Lauga.
17.9.2024 | 17:44
Stöðugar vinsældir þrælahalds
"Military analyst Elijah Magnier has told Al Jazeera that Hezbollah relies heavily on the so-called pagers to avoid Israel intercepting its members communications.
He also suggested that these devices might have been pre-tampered before they were dispersed among Hezbollah members.
This is not a new system. It has been used in the past, he said. So in this case there has been involvement of a third party to allow access to remotely activate the explosion, he said."
Við búum í sæberpönk dystópíu. Lélegri svoleiðs, meira að segja.
Kanadamenn eru of úrkynjaðir fyrr geimferðir
"As Canada prepares to send an astronaut on the first manned moon mission in more than 50 years, its own military has commissioned a $32,250 report on how space exploration may actually be racist, exploitative, elitist, and environmentally destructive.'"
Jæja. Engir trannar og barnanauðgarar í geimnum, þá.
"GoFundMe cancels fund for Canadian women charged with armed assault for accidentally spraying neighbor with toy water gun
Consider the GoFundMe campaigns for legal defense for people like Quindarius Zachary, who was charged for committing a drive-by shooting targeting members of a rival gang in Atlanta.
Zachary used a real gun, Washik a water gun, but GoFundMe only canceled one of their legal defense funds."
GoFundMe kemst þá ekki út í geim.
RT er þá áreiðanlegasti fjölmiðillinn
"US tech giant Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has banned several Russian news networks, including RT. Since the escalation of the Ukraine conflict in 2022, Meta has been cooperating with a prohibition on RT imposed by the EU and other individual Western nations.
In a statement on Monday, the company said the deplatforming of the media outlets from its apps is due to foreign interference activity and would be implemented globally over the next several days."
Gott að fá það staðfest.
Þrælahald snýr aftur, hægt en örugglega
"... the think tank America 2100, [...] first revealed that the town's population of Haitian migrants exploded by 2,000% over the past two years.
As far as what is visible by residents, they explained the primary reason the Haitians were dumped into the town was because of Fourth Street Foods, a food manufacturer that produces quality frozen food products for the processed foods industrial complex.
Let's remind readers in March, we penned a note titled "How Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor," which is possibly how this entire scheme is being operated. The federal government alone can't possibly plan shelter and transportation arrangements for the migrants."
Auðvitað borða þeir ketti, þeir fá ekki nóg borgað til að kaupa mat. Ef svo væri, þá þyrfti ekki að flytja þá inn.
Ein frá Mexíkó:
16.9.2024 | 16:25
Eitthvað af vitleysu dagsins
Og í rétrri röð líka.
Nazisti reyndi að ráða Trump af dögum
"Ryan Routh was featured in an AZOV propaganda video in 2022. For those unaware, AZOV is a violent, far-right Ukrainian militia with neo-Nazi origins, notorious for its anti-Russian extremismand supported by the CIA. Yet the media stays silent."
Hann er líka trans aktívisti.
Ríkið var ekki nógu fljótt að eyða öllum gögnum um þennan.
Af öðrum nazistum er helst að frétta:
"Climate change brat and hoaxer Greta Thunberg has expanded her vile rhetoric to Jew-hatred and joined the Hamas-loving pro-Palestine movement in a very public way.
For her vocal affiliation with Jew-hating activities, the organization Stop Antisemitism has named Thunberg its antisemite of the week."
Kennedy vs Hvalur
Nazisti segir upp störfum eftir vanhugsaða rimmu við Musk
"Breton, who spearheaded the blocs new draconian censorship law, the Digital Services Act (DSA), claimed that von der Leyen lobbied President Emmanuel Macrons government in Paris to withdraw his nomination for a second term for personal reasons and that she had in no instance mentioned this to him."
The price of failure.
Flugan veltir fyrir sér hvernig ofbeldi leftista færist í aukana
"...I also believe it's apparent that two assassination attempts in two months should speak volumes to her and all of those involved in the left-wing media/Democrat party political sphere that fueling the vitriolic hatred in deranged half-wits is itself proving to be a profound threat to the preservation of our democratic republic."
Leftistar. Ekki bara barnanauðgarar, heldur morðingjar líka.
"President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree that officially increases the number of personnel in Russias armed forces to almost 2.4 million people, including 1.5 million servicemen."
15.9.2024 | 19:53
Öll okkar vandamál eru vegna kommúnisma
Félagsfræðingur vill leysa vandamál sköpuð af kommúnisma með meiri kommúnisma
"Sömuleiðis beinir Viðar sjónum sínum að aukinni skautun sem birtist meðal annars í hatursorðræðu, ótta við ókunnuga, hnífaburði ungmenna og stríðsátökum í heiminum."
"Hatursorðræða" er kommúnista-plott til að stía fólki í sundur og auka á úlfúð.
"Ótti við ókunnuga" er það sem foreldrar venja börn við til þess að þeim sé ekki nauðgað af ókunnugum, þá nær alltaf kommúnistum.
"Hnífaburður ungmenna" er ekki vandamál, nema þú sért pedó sem óttast að vera stunginn í punginn.
"Stríðsæátök í heiminum" gerast *enn sem komið er* í öðrum löndum.
"Sömuleiðis mælist þverrandi öryggiskennd og það sé ágætis mælikvarði á firringu þegar það þurfi að efla löggæslu, sérsveitir, nota rafbyssur, og eftirlitsmyndavélar. Að sögn Viðars eru þetta allt dæmi um aukna firringu samfélagsins."
Þetta er ekki "fyrring samfélagsins," heldur er þetta vísvitandi tilraun ríkisvaldsins til þess að valda ótta. (Hey, virkaði um daginn. Hver man ekki eftir bláu læknagrímunum, 2 metra reglunni, sprautunum...)
Nema að sjálfsögðu ríkisvaldið sé í raun og veru svo fyrrt að það telji sig þurfa alla þessa löggæzlu til að vernda sig fyrir almenningi.
Sem gæti verið.
Sæopp eða raunveruleg paranoia yfirvalda? Veit ekki. Kemur á sama stað niður.
Eina fólkið sem vill aukna löggæzlu, vopnaðar sérsveitir og myndavélar, er liðið sem fær hvellskitu þegar það sér ryksugu, og felur sig þá undir borði með símann til þess að tilkynna þetta fyrir lögreglu í 14. sinn.
Fólk þarf Haldol, ekki sérsveitir.
"Það ýti frekar undir einstaklingsvæðingu þegar fólk sé í auknum mæli eitt í herbergjunum sínum frekar en að vera með fjölskyldunni fyrir framan sjónvarpið eða matarborðið."
Allt hluti af Glóbalismanum. Búðu í hylkinu og borðaðu pöddurnar. Vertu hræddur við einhverja vírusa, vertu með grímu og forðastu annað fólk, sögðu þeir.
Fólk fór eftir því. Var mikil herferð, man ég.
Stór hluti vandans er að fólk þarf að vinna allan daginn til þess að hafa efni á skattinum, sem er notaður til að magna stríðsátök í heiminum, innflutningi á nauðgurum og eiturefnum frá Sviss, sem er svo dælt niður í Hafnarfirði.
Restinni er svo stolið.
"Alls staðar sem við heyrum er bara krafa um niðurskurð. Niðurskurður, niðurskurður, niðurskurður og hvar er skorið niður? Það er skorið niður á þessum félagslegu þáttum. Það er grafið undan félagslegum stofnunum, það er heilbrigðiskerfi, menntakerfi, félagslegur stuðningur og allt það, vegna þess að það er ekki alveg eins hlutbundið og margt annað, segir Viðar."
Viðar er náttúrlega nazisti, og sér því ekki hvað er að því að ríkið reki allt félagslegt á landinu.
Spítalar voru einu sinni reknir með sjúkratryggingum, sem menn ráðu sjálfir hvort þeir borguðu. ST. Jósefs var rekinn þannig, og rekinn vel, þar til ríkið komst í hann og setti hann á hausinn nær samdægurs.
Fólk afsalaði sér þessu öllu til þess að fá verri vöru fyrir meiri pening, og ríkið tólj því afsali fagnandi tl þess að fjármagna frí í útlöndum, brennivín og stríð í Úkraníu.
"Viðar setur þetta í samhengi við loftslagsbreytingar sem hann segir stóra vandamál heimsbyggðarinnar. Á meðan hnattræn hlýnun ógni öllu lífi á jörðinni þá ógni félagsleg dvínun gæðum þess lífs."
Kolefnistrúarmaður... auðvitað. Menn þurfa greinilega ekki að vera í neinum tengzlum við raunveruleikann til þess að verða hagfræðiprófessorar. Spyrjið hann hvernig honum varð við þegar ísbirnirnir dóu út hér um árið.
"Formaður Samfylkingarinnar sakar stjórnvöld um að hækka skatta á ungt fólk og fjölskyldur og að reka ósjálfbæra atvinnustefnu í landinu. Forsætisráðherra segir Samfylkinguna á móti ekki boða neitt annað en skattahækkanir og aukin ríkisútgjöld."
Þau hafa bæði rétt fyrir sér. Þau eru bæði vanhæf og hinir verstu skúrkar sem munu ekki gera neitt nema illt.
Rússar segjast ætla að fletja Kiev út
"The globalist elites want to approve Western made high precision long range missiles in attacks inside Russia.
Vladimir Putin pointed out that it will take Western intelligence to operate these weapons. The US will not only be providing these long range missiles to fire deep inside Russia but Western intelligence will operate the weapons for Ukraine using Western satellite systems.
Russian officials threatened Western nations with an unchecked escalation of war including the potential use of nuclear weapons and the all-out destruction of Kyiv, if Ukraine gets its allies permission to use long-range missiles to strike further into Russia."
Vestrænir ráðamenn eru alltaf að pota í Rússana.
Fólk, ekki djúp-hugsandi verur.
Heimurinn hefur breyst síðan 1985
"The US crackdown on Russian media amounts to a declaration of war on free speech, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday. She described the new sanctions against RT and other news outlets as repressions unprecedented in scale."
Og einmitt þegar við þyrftum mest að fylgjast með hvað rússar hugsa.
Tónleikar Jane's Addiction eru allra peninganna virði
"Navarro was performing a guitar solo onstage while Farrell was screaming into the microphone at the closing of a Janes Addiction song, when suddenly the lead singer moved toward the guitarist and began screaming into his face, before elbowing him and appearing to scream Fuck you.
Farrell and Navarro then appeared to briefly exchange words, as the singer got in the guitarists face, causing him to step back. Farrell then threw a punch, but ended up hitting Navarros guitar.
Men who appeared to be crew members, meanwhile, rushed onto the stage to break up the altercation."
Tónleikar og MMA. Samtímis. Punk Rock!
Einhver átisti útskýirr ástandið í Úkraníu.
14.9.2024 | 18:29
Kommúnistar vilja bara brenna heiminn
"U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer is expected to urge President Biden on Friday during a visit to Washington to sign off on allowing Ukraine to use long-range European-made cruise missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia, according to U.S. and Western officials.
Canada fully supports Ukraine using long-range weaponry to "prevent and interdict Russia's continued ability to degrade Ukrainian civilian infrastructure", Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday."
Það sem RÚV "gleymir" alltaf að segja okkur um þetta er að langdrægu eldflaugarnar þurfa *VESTRÆNAN* mannskap til að skjóta þeim.
Þetta væri beinn hernaður NATO við Rússa, ekki óbeinn.
Brazilíska ríkið rænir Elon Musk
"The Brazilian Supreme Court has unblocked the bank accounts of X and Starlink, only to withdraw $3.3 million from them in order to enforce a fine levied against Elon Musks social media platform."
Kommar munu komma.
Video nasty.
"He told us that he was picking up his son last summer, when he noticed the unusual situation. It was some Africans that stay right next door to my kids mother, he said. This African dude next door had the damn cat on the grill.
We then identified the home by matching it to the visuals in the video and cross-referencing them with the eyewitness. When we knocked on the door of the first unit, a family answered, telling us they were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and that all of the surrounding units were occupied by other African migrants."
Ks ks.
"The semi-truck, which appeared to be carrying an M109 Paladin Howitzer, was crossing the train tracks in Goose Creek on Thursday afternoon when it was struck, Fox News reported."
Það er vídjó.
Nútíma vandamál hitta nútíma lausnir.
Hlæjum að kynþáttahyggju-kommúnista
"Robin DiAngelo has issued a statement denouncing our film. She claims that the movie is designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists. She couldnt be more correct in that assessment. Thank you, Robin!"
Það er vídjó.
13.9.2024 | 15:09
Kaninn ætlar að koma sér í meiri vandræði
"We are told in the article that "Seal Team 6, the clandestine US Navy commando unit that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, has been training for missions to help Taiwan if it is invaded by China, according to people familiar with the preparations.""
Hættan er alltaf sú að ofbeldismenn verði skotnir
"A Palestinian supporter was shot Thursday evening after violently attacking a pro-Israel Iraq War veteran during a protest in Newton, Massachusetts."
Æ-æ. Það verður erfiðara fyrir hann að nauðga börnum núna.
"Moscow, which considers the Ukraine conflict to be a US-led proxy war against Russia, has organized an exhibition of captured NATO military hardware. The Russian Defense Ministry regularly showcases successful strikes against Western armaments in the context of the Ukraine conflict.
According to Oryx, an open-source analytical center, Kiev has lost at least 14 M1A1 Abrams tanks, 103 M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, 141 M113 armored personnel carriers, 97 M777A2 howitzers, and hundreds of pieces of other heavy weaponry."
Lesið fyrisögnina.
Community notes strikes again.
"This Kamala supporter magically turned back into a man when he was triggered by questions"
Það er vídjó...
Ef það eru ekki flakkarar eru það vélmenni
"New York City is becoming a boomtown for the robot business as companies are developing and using them to provide massages, install roof shingles, automate medical testing and much more.
The company eliminates the manual labor, like pipetting, involved in conducting experiments and testing lab samples, so scientists are freed up for more high-level work.
The price of the robots starts at $10,000. With the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT, researchers can use Opentrons AI software to write prompts for robots in plain language like requesting to run a COVID test and the machine handles the rest."
Næst stofna vélmennin Kraftwerk cover bannd.
12.9.2024 | 15:51
Kettir eru umræðuefni núna
Kettinir eru ekki óhultir lengur
"YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio to investigate the rumors of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.
The answers from the citizens were shocking. Numerous locals accused the Haitians of eating the cats. One man said the cat lady down the street used to have 50 cats and now shes lucky if she has five."
Þetta er fyndnasta frétt vikunnar.
"A mother was shocked when her 9-year-old daughter went to sniff a candle at Dollar Tree and ended up pouring a candle full of urine on herself."
Étthvað að gerast á sólinni, til tilbreytingar
"he average number of sunspots reached 215.5 in August, according to the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center at the Royal Observatory in Belgium. Its the highest number since Sept.-Dec. 2001, according to SpaceWeather.com. Julys total was 196.5. Last month, NOAAs Space Weather Prediction Center issued a preliminary statement that solar activity is at its highest since March 2001."
Ég veit ekkert hvað þetta þýðir. Sennilega ekkert.
"US President Joe Biden was filmed trying on one of Donald Trumps campaign hats at a 9/11 memorial event in Pennsylvania on Wednesday. The White House said that Biden wore his two-time opponents headgear in a gesture of bipartisan unity."
Appelsínuguli maðurinn dáleiðir.
Making a list, checking it twice...
"The actress Kathy Griffin has claimed that Donald Trump is preparing to crack down against comedians and pick them off one by one if he wins in November.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Griffin insisted that Trump had prepared a list and would target her and many others as a result.
She did not specify exactly how Trump intends to punish them.
Hes going to pick us off, one by one, like bowling pins, and Im not kidding, and Im not being paranoid, the 63-year-old said."
Einmitt. Einmitt.
"A former Miss Switzerland finalist was strangled and savagely dismembered by her husband, who then pureed her remains in a blender, Swiss officials revealed."
Hvers vegna eru kommar allir pedóar?