Ríkið heldur áfram að skemma fyrir okkur og kenna okkur um

Stríð Írana og Ísraela er furðulegt.

Fyrst gera Íranir eitthvað.  Svo gera Ísraelar eitthvað.  Svo líðuir og bíður.  Svo gera Íranir eitthvað.  Svo gera Ísraelar eitthvað annað.

Og svo framvegis.

Þetta endar þegar annar aðilinn kallar: "þú hefur sökkt orustuskipinu mínu!"


Að allt öðru:

Fólkið vs pödduétandi glóbalistar

"It is no coincidence that the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) won a historic victory on Sunday in the election whose central theme was illegal migration. Our neighbor has seen unbearable conditions develop in the big cities, for example, more than half of the students in Viennese schools do not know the German language. Whoever forms a government must radically change the current migrant policy, otherwise serious social conflicts may break out, the consequences of which are unforeseeable.

The situation is similar in several EU member states."

Glóbalistarnir vilja bara rústa efnahagnum til þess að fólk hafi það skítt, og láta svo islamista nauðga börnunum.

Brekku Vilhjálmur vs Kolefnistrúarmaður

"UPDATE 10:57 p.m. ET:

CNN and MSNBC are both melting down as Walz’s disastrous performance now threatens to tank Harris’s already slim chances of winning the election.

UPDATE 9:39 p.m. ET:

Vance is just absolutely destroying Walz here on the economy, laying out the major problems that Walz has to confront as a candidate–attacking Trump falsely while also falsely defending Harris.

UPDATE 9:12 p.m. ET:

As the conversation changes to the response to Hurricane Helene, Vance tells stories of people who lost their lives. He said he thinks Walz would join him in expressing concern for those people and Walz nods.

Then, Vance dismantles the left’s views on climate change."

Er eins og það er.

Þessi er í meiriháttar vandræðum

"On Tuesday, Texas-based attorney Tony Buzbee, who is representing 120 individuals, held a press conference where he shared that the accusers are roughly split evenly by gender, span over 30 years, and include 25 minors. One of those minors was only nine years old at the time of the alleged abuse."


Soros einokar útvarpsmarkaðinn

"The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has launched an investigation into the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) fast-tracking of Democrat billionaire George Soros’ purchase of over 200 US radio stations."

Eitthvað antitrust-dæmi í uppsiglingu?

Og hér er gaurinn sem orsakaði verðbólguna að fara framá að þeir sem komu hvergi nálægt henni taki sig saman til þess að stemma stigum við henni

"Aðilar vinnu­markaðar­ins þurfa að spila með, sýna það í orði og verki að raun­veru­leg­ur ár­ang­ur sé þeim efst í huga. Ef allt geng­ur eft­ir og verðbólg­an hjaðnar áfram get­um við verið bjart­sýn um að mun meiri vaxta­lækk­an­ir séu í far­vatn­inu."

Segir hann, og undrast hvers vegna flokkurinn minnkar með hverjum degi.

Fólk rankar við sér.

Það munu ekki allir gera, en með smá heppni, nógu margir.



Verkfall & óveður


Smá verkfall

"More than 45,000 International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) members from over three dozen facilities across 14 Gulf and East Coast ports went on strike early Tuesday, marking the largest labor action at US ports in nearly 50 years.

Supply chain management company Flexport founder and CEO Ryan Petersen noted on X that the Teamsters Union released a statement in solidarity with ILA, informing the Biden administration to "stay the f**k out of this fight"..."


Smá Grindavíkur flassbakk

"According to Grok, the United States has committed approximately $175 billion in aid to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion began in February 2022.

On Monday Joe Biden told suffereing Americans in the flood disaster zone, “No,” there won’t be more resources coming… “We’ve given them all we can.”

And then later, during a live video feed from the White House, Joe Biden told the American public they need to help the recovery in North Carolina and, “It’s gonna take a hell of a lot of money.”"

USA er bara stærri útgáfa af Íslandi.

Eftir náttúruhamfarir eru samkynhneigð og fóstureyðingar víst það mikilvægasta af öllu

"Leftist journalist Jessica Kutz at The 19th News posted a list of different efforts for LGBTQ people as well as pregnant women wanting to get abortions, saying, "We put together a list of resources for those looking to donate in the wake of Hurricane Helene. We focused on mutual aid groups and organizations on the ground that are helping LGBTQ+ people and people seeking an abortion.""

... ekki það fyrsta sem mér datt í hug, ef ég á að segja eins og er.

Á hverjum degi sökkva bretar dýpra í úrkynjun

"People who have chickens in their garden and don’t comply with the mandatory register, the purpose of which is to allow “more effective surveillance”, risks “being fined or even imprisoned”."

Hænsnaeftirlit.  Þarf það eins og krabbamein í augun.

Á meðan, í Sjanghæ

"Three people have been killed and 15 wounded in a knife attack at a supermarket in Shanghai, police said on Tuesday. The incident happened just before China’s week-long National Day holiday.

Eighteen people were taken to the hospital, of whom three succumbed to their injuries. The lives of the other 15 are not in danger, the police report noted. According to preliminary findings, Lin flew into a rage due to “personal financial reasons.”"

Ef þeir eiga ekki byssur þá nota þeir hnífa, ef þeir eiga ekki hnífa þá nota þeir eiturgas.


Glóbalistar hlaupa til og verjast andstæðingum barnanauðgara

"on the one hand, the right-wingers all around the ‘old continent’ are celebrating yet another evidence of a new European mindset; on the other hand, the ‘mainstream’ parties in Austria (a.k.a. Globalist servants) are scrambling to find a way to block the FPO victors out of power, denying the people’s will as they are wont to do."

Barnanauðgarar og pödduætur vs Hægri-Öfgamenn.  Veldu þér lið.

Umfjöllun um allskyns framandi skáldverk

Magn.  En gæði?  ... veit ekki.


"Isekai" er í grunninn allt sem er eins og "Ljónið og Nornin og kústaskápurinn" og "Galdrakallinn í Oz."  Svoleiðis.

Þessi með skrítið úrval.

Framúrstefnulegt efni.


Hin ýmsu ævintýri jarðarbúa


Að mestu friðsamlegar framtíðaráætlanir

"On Wednesday, the IDF chief of staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, announced a potential ground operation in the neighboring state as he talked to troops stationed at Israel’s northern border. Airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon over the past week were aimed at preparing the area “for the possibility of your entry,” the general told the troops."

Tekur Íslenska ríkið þátt +o þessu?  Þau ættu öll að mæta á staðinn og skoða.  Margnafna Þórdís og Kata og allt þetta lið.

Læknavísindunum fleigir fram

"Nature reports that in a world first, a 25-year-old woman from Tianjing, China, has achieved insulin independence after undergoing a transplant of reprogrammed stem cells, according to a study published in Cell Today. The woman, who has type 1 diabetes, started producing her own insulin less than three months after the transplant, making her the first person with the disease to be treated using cells extracted from her own body."

Tæknin er geggjuð.

John Kerry er ógnvekjandi illmenni

"You know there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on facts, etc.

Look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence."

Viðurkennir hann bara.  Svona hugsa þessir skúrkar, ekki bara þarna úti, heldur hér heima líka, hef ég séð.

Náriðlasíðunni er ekki treytandi.

Kamala flutti viljandi inn 13.000 morðingja og 15.000 nauðgara

"...the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while 226,000 face pending criminal charges, all of whom have been released into the United States under the regime’s lenient immigration enforcement.

Of that staggering number, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault."

Þetta er fyrirmynd íslensku ríkisstjórnarinnar, sýnist mér.

Á meðan, í Kína

"China faces a wave of resignations by chiefs and executives of listed companies and banks as Beijing ramps up a crackdown on the nation’s financial industry.

In a little more than a month, more than a thousand senior leaders of China’s A-share listed companies, banks, and financial institutions resigned for personal reasons, according to Chinese state media reports.

This wave of departures coincides with Beijing’s intensified purge in the financial sectorBy Sept. 18, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had listed at least 67 senior finance officials being investigated, disciplined, or expelled from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) this year.

China’s stock market has been trending downward in recent years. The CSI 300 Index—a free-float weighted index that reflects the overall performance of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets—hit a record low of 3,159.92 on Sept. 13, a stark contrast to 5,807.72 in February 2021, the highest point since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and strict quarantine measures were imposed in the country."

Sjáum hvað þeir geta feikað efnahaginn lengi.


Kínverks framleiðzla er öll eins

"According to the Wall Street Journal, a Zhou-class submarine, the first of its kind, sank at a shipyard near Wuhan. It’s believed the vessel sank in May or June.

Attempts to cover up the humiliating loss have now been exposed by satellite imagery."

Hefði geta verið verra.

Útvarpsstöðvar banna lélega rokkhljómsveit

"Las Vegas radio stations have banned Green Day after frontman Billie Joe Armstrong called the city “the worst shit hole in America” during a recent performance."

Það má aldrei segja neitt.

Hvít-rússar vilja líka vera memm

"A NATO attack on Belarus would trigger a world war and prompt Minsk to deploy nuclear weapons in response, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned during a meeting with university students on Friday."

Þeir hjá Toyota eru kynþáttahatarar og barnageldarar

"Toyota is the latest to come under fire over its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. It has been revealed in a report that Toyota conducts DEI training, divides employees into employee resource groups based on gender and sexual orientation, and supports funding sex change procedures for minors as well as "all ages" LGBTQ Pride events."


Geislavirk efni

Fyrrum FBI maður hefur ráðleggingar

"FBI Whistleblower Urges Americans to Vote, Arm Yourself, Stock up 3-4 Months Supply of Food and Water, and Pray"

Jæja.  Betri ráðleggingar en við fáum frá Neto the Pedo og vinum hans.

Rússar eru að bóna atómbomburnar

"Russian President Vladimir Putin met with officials on Wednesday and announced changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine.

Putin lowered the threshold regarding Russian strategic forces’ use of nukes."

Þeir ýja að þvæi að fyrsta skotmarkið verði London.  Sennilega fermílan.  Þar geyma margir alþingismenn peningana sem þeir "gáfu til Úkraníu," þar eru líka bankareikningar útgerðarinnar, ofl.

Að sprengja London er að skjóta Evrópu í veskið.

Starmer vill frelsa pylsurnar

"British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has demanded that Palestinian armed group Hamas release “sausages” being held in Gaza."

Pylsur.  Yum.

Kolefnistrúarmenn hafa allskonar aðferðir til þess að bjarga heiminum frá veðrinu

"Just as the crowd begins laughing, a large screen over the stage flashes a picture of a 2011 tweet from singer Britney Spears asking, “Does anyone think global warming is a good thing?” As Gonia points to the screen, she begins lip-syncing the Spears song, “Toxic.”"

Mannkyn er að verða vitlausara með hverjum degi.

Hætturnar leynast víða

"57-year-old Barry Griffiths was a "very private man," and a new story this week says he accidentally stabbed himself in July 2023 with a chef's knife in his Wales apartment while attempting to separate a pair of frozen burger patties."


Mér finnst að fólk eigi að hlusta á þetta.

Út í Geim

Kananum kvíðir fyrir að fá Harris

"A signature feature of Kamala Harris’s housing plan is providing first-time home buyers with $25,000 in down-payment support, at a total cost of $100 billion over four years. Absent a severe recession, this policy is all but certain to lead to higher home prices. That’s because the four million program recipients would become price setters for all buyers in their neighborhoods."

Venjulegur dagur.

Herra og Frú Nessie

"It now arises that new footage of an unidentified hump in Scotland’s Loch Ness surprisingly suggests that ‘there might not be one, but possibly TWO long-necked creatures lurking in its depths’, according to one dedicated monster hunter."

Skotland 140

Svolítið öðruvísi listagagnrýni

"Ai Weiwei sculpture gets destroyed by man who targets art for “vandalism practice”

The collective gasps on the video as this hero/monster transforms Ai Weiwei's cube of what appears to be painted-ceramic pvc pipes.

Another time, he smacked performance artist Marina Abramović upside the head with a portrait he painted of her."

Þetta er viss list-viðburður.

Elon Musk sendir fólk lengst út í geim

"In a post on his X platform Sunday, Elon Musk announced plans to launch unmanned Mars missions within two years, and crewed missions within four years. This endeavor, which he says is primarily to be funded using revenue from his Starlink satellite internet company, is a response to what he sees as "the fundamental existential question" of whether or not "humanity becomes sustainably multiplanetary before something happens on Earth to prevent that.""

Ekkert grunsamlegt

"Paul Pelosi, the husband of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), sold between $500,000 and $1 million worth of Visa stock, according to public records, just weeks before the Justice Department launched a lawsuit against the credit card company on Tuesday.

The finding raises concerns that many members of Congress trade stocks based on information unavailable to the public."

Hérna, horfið á þetta:

Það styttist í að maður þurfi að finna til mótorhjólabrynjurnar og logsjóða járnarusl á bílinn

Rússar eru fúlir út i Breta

"In our simulation, the epicentre of the explosion is at Westminster. People within that radius won’t even feel anything because the nerve impulse transmission speed is slower. Within 5 km [3 miles] of the epicentre the blast radius city of London, Camden town, Kensington, Brixton these areas will receive the most destruction.

A ticker on the screen counts up the number of fatalities, eventually maxing out at 850,000 deaths."

Bretar ættu að losa sig við Starmer áður en hann orsakar eitthvað.

Þetta er mjög galið

""So if the situation escalates and Hezbollah falls for what is essentially a trap that’s being set by the Israelis and responds very forcefully… then the United States will also step in in defense of Israel," Murphy continued. This after yesterday the Pentagon announced it has deployed more troops to the region, but without disclosing their precise mission or deployment base."

Menn eru með alla anga úti til þess að stofna til ófriðar.

Gjörsamlega alltaf...

"Investigators say they discovered 'hundreds' of files with child pornography during a search of Oran Routh's residence in Guilford County, North Carolina, on Saturday conducted 'in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation.'

The two charges he faces include receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

That "unrelated" investigation is the search for info about his father's assassination attempt on Trump."

Ef Guð er með þér, hver er þá á móti þér?

Brilljant hugmynd.

Ekkert má

"Libs are losing their minds cuz Trump gave $100 to this Pennsylvania mom for her groceries"

... já.

Þegar Janet Jackson segir eitthvað þá skal það standa

"Pop star Janet Jackson was blasted by left-wing critics last week for saying that Kamala Harris isn’t black. Then it was reported that she apologized saying she was “misinformed.” Now, Jackson is saying that apology was issued without authorization."

Alltaf eitthvað lið að þvælast fyrir.

Kápumyndin er mikilvæg

Um kápumyndir.


Örugglega klám.  Þessi bók er til i alvöru, leitið bara að henni sjálf.

Umfjöllun um klám.


Örugglega einhverskonar klám.  Þetta er víst líka alvöru bók.  Margar margar blaðsíður.

Tom Clancy.  Það er svona græju-klám.


Það er magnað að þetta skuli vera alvöru.

Hér er Anna í Grænuhlíð að fjalla um bækur sem eru ekki klám.  Held ég.


Minnir endilega að þessi sé ekki mjög löng.

Bester er bestur.

Yfirvofandi stríð

Fyrrum vopnaeftirlitsmaður er eitthvað stressaður. Hann færir fyrir þvi ýmis rök.

Allir eru að skemmta sér

"United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said on X, "With the region on the brink of an imminent catastrophe, it cannot be overstated enough: there is NO military solution that will make either side safer."

On Saturday Israel very clearly intensified its airstrikes on Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah retaliated with dozens of rockets in the early Sunday morning hours targeting Israel’s Ramat David Airbase, east of Haifa."

Mér skilst þeir hafi 40 daga til þess að koma öllu í kalda kol.  Eða voru það 50?

Flugkaffiperrarnir voru allir kommúnistar.

Þessi bjórframleiðandi styður hryðjuverkasamtök

"A Wisconsin-based beer company is selling cans featuring Antifa, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, as well as "MAGA tears" in the area of Chicago, Illinois.

A portion of the profits from the company go to abortion activist organizations and the beer are meant to promote Democrat voter turnout."

Bjór fyrir kvenlega menn sem vilja skera kynfærin af börnum og brenna svertingja.

Hvers vegna eru leftistar alltaf vöðvastæltir eins og Auzwitch fangar?

Bandarikjaher fylkir lið í Alaska

"The US is reinforcing its military presence in Alaska due to increased Russian and Chinese activity off the coast, Politico reported on Friday."

... og birnir.  Það eru mannýgir brinir í Alaska.

Military Summari gaurinn gæti fylgst með þessu

"“When the black gangs here get fed up with the illegalities and criminal activities of these migrants or non-citizens, the city of Chicago is going to go up in flames and there will be nothing the National Guard or the government can do about it when the bloodshed hits the streets. It’ll be blacks against migrants.”

The latest figures show Chicago has spent almost half a billion dollars over the last two years on the more than 42,000 migrants who’ve arrived since 2022.

Many have been given money for rent, food stamp cards and even cars — and some landlords have pushed out local African-Americans because they can get more government money for housing migrants."

Þetta fær væntanlega að malla í svona ár.

Boris Johnson er einhverskonar sauður.

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