Er eitthvaš snišugt aš gerast?

Newsweek spjallar viš Lavrov

"...he reaffirmed the official position that Kiev should comply with Putin’s ceasefire request from over the summer and that Moscow wants to address the root causes of this conflict, not just freeze it for some time.

The spring 2022 draft peace treaty could form the basis for resuming talks with Ukraine if the latter revokes its decree on banning them, though some details would have to change. He also warned against letting Ukraine use Western long-range weapons deep inside of Russia.

Lavrov doesn’t expect that anything will change in Russian-US relations after the election regardless of who wins since both parties are committed to countering his country."

Žaš veršur ekkert samiš fyrr en ķ fyrsta lagi eftir mįnuš.

Meirihįttar lestarrįn

"A video taken by ABC Chicago’s Chopper 7 shows a large group of thieves stealing from a parked freight train on the West side of Chicago.

The video shows dozens of thieves stealing boxes from a parked freight train in Chicago’s South Austin neighborhood.

According to CBS, the looting went on for hours before police were called to the scene."

Vestriš er villt ķ dag.

Ahh... 2020-2022.

Bretar hafa unniš aš žvķ höršum höndum undanfarna įratugi aš egra sig aš fórnarlömbum

"As the video progresses, the young man is left dismayed by French authorities squandering their opportunity to make the trip across the Channel.

But he is undeterred, as he is seen preparing himself for another attempt to cross the Channel on another day.

Perhaps the most shocking part of the clip is where he is seen posing with a gun, an image made more shocking by the firearm tattoo emblazoned across his face."

Žer settu Luty ķ fangelsi.  Žeir hafa veriš aš svara til saka fyrir žaš sķšan.

Musk lofar Roomba leigubķlum

"Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s latest autonomous vehicle concept, the “Cybercab” robotaxi, with his signature flair and ambitious timelines that have become all too familiar to investors. Promising driverless transportation in a few years with scant details, Musk’s presentation has fallen flat as Tesla shares are down seven percent in morning trading."

Sitt sżnist hverjum.

Krókódķll reynir aš snęša bķl

"The operator of a sanitation company in North Fort Myers, Florida, captured the moment when an alligator popped out of the water and bit at his van’s tire early Thursday morning as he traveled down a flooded street during Hurricane Milton."

Aligator. Žaš er annaš kvikyndi.

Žaš er föstudagur

Ron Burgundy IRL

"viewers watching the live broadcast saw a camera shot of a teleprompter placed in front of Harris, which was quickly switched off when it came into view.

Trump supporters accused Harris of reading the lines off a screen and suggested Univision quickly cut away from the shot to hide that fact.

“Kamala has a teleprompter for this “unscripted” town hall….They forgot to hide it by turning it off until it comes into plain view,” remarked Tim Young."

... žaš er alveg til fólk sem vill kjósa žetta višundur.


DeSantis vs költisti

"I just think people should put this in perspective. They try to take different things that happen with tropical weather and act like it’s something there’s nothing new under the sun. This is something that the state has dealt with for its entire history, and it’s something that will continue to deal with."

Ekki žaš sem kolefnistrśarmenn vilja heyra.

Jį. Ég held žessi sé meš žetta.

"You were never supposed to know that Kamala was this bad because Trump is supposed to be dead, and she wasn't supposed to have to do all these interviews."

Jį.  Žetta fór öšruvķsi en menn reiknušu meš.

Hönd gušs...

Hver treystir rķkinu fyrir her?

"Įgśsta Įgśstsdóttir, varažingmašurinn, segist ekki leggja žaš til aš stofna ķslenskan her įsamt tilheyrandi tękjum og tólum ķ ašsendri grein sem hśn skrifar į Vķsi ķ dag. Hins vegar telur hśn mögulegt aš starfrękja varnarliš."

Setjiš į svona 2A eins og kaninn hefur, og žiš fįiš her alveg ókeypis.

Strķšiš gerir Rśssa feita og pattaralega

"The number of Russians diagnosed with obesity has grown 10% over the past five years and now amounts to almost 2.5 million people, Health Minister Mikhail Murashko told an international medical forum this week."

Kommśnisminn deyr, og allt ķ einu  er til nóg af mat.

Smį metal er bara gott fyrir sįlina.

Vafasamir karakterar allstašar

Śrkynjašur kommśnisti amast viš žvķ aš verkalżšurinn eyši sķnum eigin peningum

"Įsgeir Jóns­son Sešlabanka­stjóri minnt­ist į Ķslend­inga į Teneri­fe ķ er­indi sķnu į fjįr­mįlarįšstefnu Sam­bands ķs­lenskra sveit­ar­fé­laga į Hilt­on Reykja­vķk Nordica fyrr ķ dag.

Benti hann į aš 20% hag­vöxt­ur hefši veriš hér­lend­is sķšustu įr sem vęri grķšarlega mikiš stökk og žaš hefši reynt į žanžol Ķslend­inga, žar į mešal ķ sveit­ar­fé­lög­un­um. Hag­vöxt­ur­inn vęri mešal ann­ars rek­inn įfram meš mikl­um inn­flutn­ingi į fólki."

Hagvöxturinn byggir į lįglauna vinnuafli?  Ķ Alvöru?  Žaš hljómar illa.

"Hann talaš nęst um raun­laun­in ķ Evr­ópu og sagši fólk į meg­in­landi Evr­ópu ekki hafa fengiš veršbólgu­skell­inn bętt­an, žar į mešal ķ Svķžjóš og Žżskalandi. Žar vęri sjį­an­lega minni kaup­mįtt­ur en hér į landi.

„Žetta męttu Ķslend­ing­ar hafa ķ huga žar sem žeir sitja sam­an og kvarta į Tene eša hvar sem viš kom­um sam­an, vegna žess aš viš veršum aš velja og hafna,“ sagši Įsgeir og upp­skar hlįt­ur ķ saln­um."

Svo skal böl bęta meš žvķ aš benda į annaš verra.

Er mašurinn vangefinn eša er hann bara illgjarn?

"Įsgeir benti į aš illa hefši gengiš aš nį veršbólg­unni nišur hér­lend­is og nefndi aš elds­um­brot­in į Reykja­nesskaga, žar sem finna žurfti önn­ur heim­ili fyr­ir 1% žjóšar­inn­ar, hefšu haft sitt aš segja og sett įkvešinn žrżst­ing į kerfiš."

Rįšamenn eru lķka į fullu aš stela beint śr rķkissjóši ķ gegnum peningažvottavélar sem heita til dęmis "śkranķa" & "loftslagsmįl."

Žaš viršist evra ašal vandamįliš.

"Hann talaši um aš grķšarlega mik­il eig­in­fjįr­mynd­un hefši įtt sér staš hér­lend­is ķ gegn­um hśs­nęši..."

Lęršur hagfręšingur, ha?  Fjandans idjót.

Nįrišillinn sem ég žekki segist ekki trśa eigin augum, bara CNN.

Talandi um hagfręši:

"Frį og meš mįnudeginum 14. október žurfa konur sem fara ķ skimun fyrir brjóstakrabbameini einungis aš greiša fimm hundruš krónur ķ komugjald fyrir skimunina. Önnur gjöld fyrir hana, sem kostaši įšur sex žśsund krónur, verša felld nišur."

Viš getum fjįrmagnaš žetta og meira til meš žvi aš leggja nišur Umhverfisrįšuneytiš.

Śrkynjaš hyski brjįlst žegar skynsamur mašur fer fram į skynsamlega hluti

"Orbįn argued that the open borders agenda favoured by Brussels has resulted in a rise in antisemitism, homophobia and violence against women across Europe. The Hungarian leader claimed that the “only solution” to the migrant crisis would be to only allow asylum seekers who were “given permission in advance” to enter the bloc.

German Green Party politician Daniel Freund called Orbįn “Mr. Dictator”, and asserted that he is the most corrupt politician in Europe. In another unhinged outburst, Bulgarian leftist MEP Klįra Dobrev asked Orbįn: “Answer the question, what are the Russians blackmailing you with?”"

Leftistarnir žurfa bara aš slappa af fį sér apabólu-lyf, og skreppa ķ dżragaršinn ķ skjóli nętur eins og Tedros & Sigurgeir, og lįta börnin ķ friši.

Rśssar segjast geta sannaš žaš sem allir vita

"There was “proof that explosives had been planted”  during a NATO exercise in June 2022, Nebenzya said, referring to the recent bombshell report by reporter Seymour Hersh claiming Washington was the culprit."

Viš vitum.

... žvķlķkt val.

Reglur fyrir žig en ekki mig

"During a recent 60 Minutes interview, Vice President Kamala Harris claimed that she owns a Glock pistol, despite her long-standing advocacy for gun control measures that could ban or heavily restrict ownership of such firearms."

Harris er Ķslenskur pólitķkus.  Sem er svolķtiš eins og aš segja skašlegur barnanaušgari.  Ekki hrós.

Stórfótur į geimskipi

Menn eru meš einhverjar hugmyndur um Google

"On Aug. 5, US District Judge Amit Mehta, Washington, DC, ruled that Google violated antitrust law by spending billions of dollars to create an illegal monopoly as the world's default search engine on smartphones, computers, and tablets. The ruling paved the way for antitrust enforcers to submit a 32-page document on Tuesday that explained the potential remedies for the judge to consider as the case moves into the remedy phase."

Hefur lķtil įhrif į okkur... fyrst um sinn.

Evo Morales bendlašur viš fólks-smygl

"Leaked Documents Accuse Evo Morales of Leading a Child Trafficking Network

The case began to unravel when a young woman from Tarija, identified by the initials ESNV, accused Morales of rape and sexual abuse, claiming the incidents occurred when she was still a minor. According to the investigation, she became pregnant at the age of 15, with Morales allegedly being the father."

Ég yrši meira hissa ef hann vęri ekki bendlašur viš eitthvaš svona. 

Rśssar monta sig

"Russian troops have destroyed two Ukrainian armored vehicles with the help of explosives-laden FPV drones in Kharkov Region, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said, releasing footage of the attack."

Žetta mjakast allt hjį žeim.

Musk į leiš burt, lengst śt ķ geim

""Mars will make science fiction real. It doesn't have to be fiction forever. It's the biggest space race in history. Awesome! The Star Fleet academy should be real!"

In a September post on his X platform, Musk provided a view of his plans for space travel to Mars as he discussed sending unmanned spacecraft to the Red Planet over the next two years before sending a manned flight in four years."

Žangaš sem enginn mašur hefur įšur fariš.


Elon Musk vs UFO

"SpaceX CEO Elon Musk believes that the alleged UFOs seen zipping around the United States are not extraterrestrial life but are more likely the US government’s “new weapons programs” that are highly classified.

Musk, 53, revealed that he has “not seen any evidence of aliens” while in charge of his Space Exploration Technologies company during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Monday."

Žetta śtilokar ekki tilvist Stórfóts.

Hljómar undarlega, en į sama tķma žurfum viš aš įtta okkur į žvķ aš Demókrtar "tżndu" fleiri en 30.000 börnum į eiš yfir landamęrin.

Bara aš segja...

Markvert ķ dag, 8/10/24

Herinn hindrar björgunarašgeršir

"Videos have emerged on social media showing an unidentified helicopter with pilots wearing military-style headgear sabotaging direly needed supplies at a United Cajun Navy distribution site in Burnsville despite volunteers in a seemingly deliberate act of sabotage despite volunteers allegedly designating the area as a “no-fly, no drop” zone just hours before."

Smį sovét fķlingur ķ USA nśna.

Lithįar stela buxum aš Rśssum

"Lithuania has confiscated five pairs of camouflage pants from a passenger train traveling from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad to Moscow, the local authorities have said, promising to send them as aid to Kiev."

Žeir höfšu fyrir žessu.

Į mešan, ķ Texas

"The church member told deputies he had confronted two suspicious men outside the church, and one of them presented a rifle. The church member allegedly fired multiple rounds, causing both men to enter a white minivan and flee the scene, driving northbound on U.S. 281."

Į mešan mešal-ķslendingurinn vill ólmur lįta myrša sig, er Texasbśinn į öšru mįli.

Musk segir bara žaš sem honum dettur ķ hug

"(0:00) Elon Musk Is All in on Donald Trump

(6:35) Providing Starlink to Victims of Hurricane Helene

(9:22) If Trump Loses, This Is the Last Election

(21:49) The Epstein and Diddy Client List

(33:38) Vaccines

(35:49) The Movement to Decriminalize Crime

(50:22) Gavin Newsom

(53:11) Europe’s Declining Birthrate

(57:02) We Need Religion

(1:08:04) Why Is There So Much Anti-Human Messaging?

(1:19:33) AI and the Woke Mind Virus

(1:43:01) Musk’s Role in a Trump Administration"

Žetta fór ekki samkvęmt įętlun hjį žeim

"In the pre-taped interview, Harris faced some actual journalism, squirming awkwardly as she faced questions about her nomination, and was asked to clarify her shifting positions on fracking, border security, and other policy flip-flops.

Bill Whitaker: “You’ve changed your positions so much that no one believes anything.” Harris: “Well, I’m the vice president and I travel a lot.”"


Redneck air force

"The operation is running out of a Harley-Davidson dealership and is being overseen by people with some impressive military backgrounds.

Smith and crew are reportedly using “a fleet of 35 helicopters that have flown hundreds of rescue, reconnaissance and resupply sorties.” The aircraft are privately owned."

Į mešan er rķkiš aš senda peninga til Palestķnu.

Heimsbókmenntirnar eru gįfulegar



Žetta er framśrstefnuleg ašferš viš aš velja lesefni.


Ritgeršasafn G.K. Chesterton

Žaš er sunnudagur, og Rśssarnir eru bśnir aš bóna kjarnorkusprengjurnar

Hillary Clinton segir žaš bara beint śt:

"Clinton called for repealing Section 230 of the Communications Act, which protects social media platforms from liability for third-party content.

"We should be, in my view, repealing something called Section 230, which gave, you know, platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn't be judged for the content that is posted," the 76yo baby boomer said. 

"But we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it's Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don't moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control," she warned, noting, "And it's not just the social and psychological affects, it's real life."

It's not a surprise that Clinton and her pals of the progressive far-left regime hate free speech, better yet, more simply, despise Western values. These are the same globalists who support open borders to flood the nation with ten-plus million illegal aliens to usher in a one-party country.

Also, last month, Clinton called for anyone spreading "misinformation" to be criminally charged as a "better deterrence" ahead of the election.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win...the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change," Kerry said. 

He noted, "It's very hard to govern today."

This is why the fake news media is attacking Elon and the X platform. They have lost control of the narrative they once had. “We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well”. … Emma Tucker, WSJ Chief Editor"


Žeir ķ Kiev plotta innrįs ķ Hvķta Rśssland...

"Minsk will have “full grounds” to hit Kiev with nuclear weapons if Ukraine moves to attack Belarus, Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and current deputy head of the Security Council, has said.

Medvedev was responding to statements made on Friday by Ukrainian MP Oleg Dunda. At an anti-Russia conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, Dunda suggested that it is “crucial to move the war not only to the territory of [Russia’s] Bryansk and Kursk regions, but also to Belarus.”"

99 Luftballons...

Mótmęlandi kveikir ķ sér

"An anti-Israel protester, identified as Samuel Mena Jr, lit himself on fire outside of the White House during an anti-Israel protest on Saturday evening.

In photos and videos  of the incident, Mena Jr,  is seen screaming in pain as he raises his left arm engulfed in pain and several bystanders rished to his aid, dousing him with water and beating out the flames with pieces of clothing.

Mena screamed about ‘misinformation’ and announced that he is a journalist."


Hvaš er Taylor Swift aš gera ķ dag?

"“Following Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, there was no noticeably significant voter registration surge in crucial swing states compared to 2020,” he wrote. “Republicans out-registered Democrats in North Carolina, Florida, and Pennsylvania in the week that followed her endorsement.”"

Swift velur alltaf rangt, er sagt.

Kķkjum į fasistaįróšursveituna Vķsi:

"Tillaga aš įlyktun um aš rķkisstjórnarsamstarfiš sé aš nįlgast leišarlok var samžykkt į landsfundi Vinstri gręnna fyrir skömmu. Ķ įlyktuninni segir mešal annars aš ganga verši til kosninga nęsta vor."

Ķ vor, jį.  Žvķ lengur sem XD er meš žeim ķ žessu, žvķ verra fyrir žį.  Žeir eru meš raušvķn nśna, en ķ vor verša žeir sennilega komnir nišur ķ IPA.

Į mešan eru VG léttur lager, į góšri leiš meš aš verša löglegur pilsner.

Ķ vor veršur Arnór bśinn aš fį nęgan tķma til aš stela restinni af fylgi XD, og fylgi VG verur allt komiš til Pķrata.

Resti af flokkunum fį žaš sama og venjulega.

Ķ ran er žetta bara slęmt fyrir XD.  VG eru fucked sama hvaš.  XD ęttu aš gera eitthvaš ķ žessu.


Hatrömm barįtta rķkisins viš fólkiš er aš nį hįmarki

Musk fśll egna žess aš rķkiš leyfir honum ekki aš ašstoša bįgstadda

"Elon Musk is calling out Biden-Harris’ FEMA in a fiery rant, accusing the federal agency of actively obstructing humanitarian efforts in the wake of widespread devastation in North Carolina.

Q: Just received this note from a SpaceX engineer helping on the ground in North Carolina.

is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help! “Hey Elon, update here on site of Asheville, NC. We have powered up two large operating bases for choppers to deliver goods into hands. We’ve deployed 300+ starlinks and outpour is it has saved many lives. The big issue is FEMA is actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people helping. We are blocked now on the shipments of new starlinks coming in until we get an escort from the fire dept. but that may not be enough.”"

Bretar berjast viš rķkiš

"As of today, the UK’s “Chicken License” is in full effect. October 1st marked the deadline for registering your chickens with the proper authority.

In the run-up to the deadline thousands of people took to the DEFRA website to register their “chickens” – frozen, nuggets, unhatched and even rubber:

That’s all poisoned data flooding the system rendering the register all but useless. A display of the power of malicious compliance."


Minnir nokkuš mikiš į Ķslensk yfirvöld.

Trannarnir eru lélegir ķ boltanum

"The founder of Fenix FC, Hugo Martinez, told Reuters that he decided to set up an all-trans squad after being asked to leave the women’s team after he began transitioning to a man through hormone therapy.

Fenix FC – named after the mythical phoenix – played its first game in the league on September 21 and lost 19-0."

Röng gerš af trönnum.

Kim vill lķka taka žįtt

"The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Pyongyang’s flagship state propaganda outlet, reported that Kim supervised military training and delivered his remarks to commanding officers in his military on Tuesday, focusing on response to South Korea celebrating its Armed Forces Day with a parade on the same day. The South Korean parade featured the display of some of Seoul’s most powerful missiles, including a massive conventional missile clearly intended to send a message to Pyongyang that it would face a significant attack in response to any preemptive nuclear strike."

Bara gaman aš žvķ.

Markiš var sett of hįtt.

10 kg rottur herja į San Francisco

"Nearly a thousand nutria have been hunted in the Bay Area this year, but sightings show the invasive 2.5-foot-long rodents have now spread to Contra Costa County, threatening a key watershed, according to a new report from SF Gate. Wildlife officials are urging the public to report any sightings."


Menn verša aš vera gręjašir upp til aš męta risa-rottunum.

Jęja, kķkjum į žetta:

Ungverjar vs Evrópusambandiš

"A years-long battle has been taking place between Brussels and Budapest, with conservative President Viktor Orbįn having to go toe to toe with the EU bureaucracy every step of the way.

Today, another chapter in the dispute begins, with the European Union announcing that it is taking Hungary’s government to court over laws that could ‘allow the authorities to investigate and prosecute people accused of undermining the country’s sovereignty’."

Hver heldur meš hinu illa?  Įfram Ungverjar!

Hvernig žetta gengur.

... žessir rśssar:

"Russian State Duma MP Yevgeny Popov has spoken out against the proposed revival of a Stalin-era policy that would tax people who don’t have children."

Allur heimurinn er... eins og hann er.

Ekkert mį.

Toyota hęttir aš naušga börnum

"Toyota announced Thursday it will no longer sponsor LGBTQ parades and events and will no longer make efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)."


FEMA er disaster

"A shocking firsthand account from a SpaceX engineer in storm-battered North Carolina reveals that Biden-Harris' Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) blocked shipments of critical goods for relief efforts into the region. There have been numerous reports this week of FEMA actively hindering relief efforts in the western part of the state, including threatening private helicopter pilots with arrests for conducting rescue missions. We also learned that the Biden-Harris administration drained FEMA funds to support illegal aliens, prioritizing non-citizens (future voters) over American citizens."

Minnir mjög į Ķslenska Rķkiš.

Daily mail er ekki alveg aš fatta...

"Every now and again, a headline comes along that threatens to retire The Babylon Bee:
Alarming rise of 'super-fit' slim young people suffering heart attacks as experts reveal theories for the surge"

Af youtube: 

Allir vita.  Allir meš tvęr heilasellur eša meira.

Montana er ekki stašurinn fyrir Dr. Moreau

Ekkert mį.

"On Monday, a Montana man was sentenced to six months in Federal prison for cloning sheep.

Arthur “Jack” Schubarth, 81, of Montana, was sent to prison after “illegally using tissue and testicles from large sheep hunted in Central Asia and the U.S. to create a hybrid sheep.”

The Associated Press reported Schubarth cloned the sheep for captive trophy hunting in Minnesota and Texas."

Ég žarf aš gerast fylkisstjóri ķ Montana bara til žess aš leifa öllum sem vilja aš klóna hverja į skepnu sem žeim dettu ķ hug, og bśa til allar žęr samfellu-lķfverur sem möguleiki er į.

Hver žarf ekki eins og eitt hżenu-svķn?  Eša górillumenni eša kattastelpu?

Og žaš er ekki eins og fólk sé ekki algerlega fylgjandi allskonar tilraunum į fólki, hver man ekki eftri kóvitleysunni og žessari mRNA lyfjagjöf?  Ekki hafši žaš sull veriš fyllilega prófaš.

Og ég veit ekki betur en Planned Parenthood séu beinlķnist stofnuš til žess aš stunda mannkynbęotastenfuna (eugenics):

Fleira vķsindalegt:

"An update on space weather website SolarHam notes the solar flare was a "faint halo CME was associated with the X7.1 solar flare around AR 3842 Tuesday evening. Although not an overly energetic event, a passage past Earth will still be likely within 48-72 hours.""

Žaš ęttu aš vera góš noršurljós.

Viš ęttum kannski aš ķhuga žetta

"An MP in Ukraine has proposed a new law preventing schoolchildren from speaking to each other in any language but Ukrainian, even outside of the classroom.

A large proportion of Ukrainian citizens can speak or understand both Russian and Ukrainian, particularly in the east of the country. However, since the 2014 coup, the new authorities have abolished Russian as an official regional language, and adopted policies aimed at its suppression."

Žaš er alveg skošandi aš sekta fre“ttamenn til dęmis sem heimta aš kalla Hvķta Rśssland "Belarus."  Sem er rśssneskt oršs, sem žżšir "Hvķta Rśssland."

Hiš and-feminiska skegg JD Vance

""As POLITICO Magazine has noted before," Navarro writes, "Vance is the first White House wannabe to wear facial hair in 80 years. Our appearance is fundamental to our body language, and research indicates that voters see beards as (surprise, surprise) more masculine. That can be positive to some, reading as strength and competence. But to others, especially women, it can be negative, conveying aggression and opposition to feminist ideals.""

Ekki ofselja manninn.

Žaš žżšir ekkert aš bjóša Denzel ķ pedófķla partķiš žitt

"Though Washington has never publicly commented on Diddy or his parties, comedian Brandon T. Jackson once said that the Academy Award-winning actor once told him to leave parties early “before the devil get there.”

“Denzel always told me, [when] we be at the parties, ‘You leave 30 minutes before the devil get there. OK?’ Always remember that Denzel would leave the parties early,” Jackson said on the “Breaking the Machine” podcast in January of this year."

Menn viršast hafa vitaš eitthvaš.

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