22.10.2024 | 17:56
Goff Horror
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21.10.2024 | 16:59
Hestar sprengdir í loft upp ofl.
Menn vekja athygli á því að kosningar í USA eru dáldið vafasamar stundum
"One of the many lawsuits against MI SOS Benson was filed by the RNC in March. The lawsuit accuses the Democrat SOS of having more active voters on the voter rolls than eligible voters in 53 counties in Michigan."
Úkraníumenn að verða uppiskroppa men mannskap
"The head of the Ukrainian Defense Ministrys press team on the ground, speaking on condition of anonymity, told El Pais that Kievs main problem is not weapons, it is the people.
Nobody wants to go to the army. The brigades tell us they cant rotate, theyre exhausted. There will be no people to fight soon, he is cited as saying."
Auðvitað vill enginn heilvita maður taka þátt í þessu.
Wyoming er skemmtilegri staður en mig hefði grunað
"Wyoming has to stop blowing up dead horses to prevent forest fires.
But only temporarily.
The US Forest Service routinely blows up carcasses of fallen horses - after removing horseshoes to minimize the hazard from flying metal debris - to prevent gatherings of ravenous grizzly bears that frequent Wyoming's open spaces."
Samkeppnin um rottufyllstu borg USA er hörð
"San Francisco has been ranked as Americas second most rat-infested city right behind New York City.. Although the plague of the hated rodents has led to several McDonalds closing in nearby Oakland due to safety and sanitary concerns, a lot of small businesses are taking abuse from the rats without getting much publicity over it."
Best að vera græjaður upp.
Sverðfiskur stingur brimbrettakappa
"The surfing lifestyle cult figure was catching waves at Masokut Island in the Mentawai archipelago when a swordfish leapt out of the water and stuck her in her chest, eyewitnesses have told news outlets.
According to The Standard, the Instagram influencer reportedly had a 5cm (1.96 inches) deep stab wound on the left side of her chest."
20.10.2024 | 17:57
Fólk með persónufylgi fer yfir í Miðflokkinn
"Sigríður Á. Andersen, fyrrverandi þingmaður Sjálfstæðisflokksins, hefur fallist á að lista Miðflokksins..."
Þeir hafa sínar hugmyndir um tilveruna
"Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir, skipar 2. sæti lista Sjálfstæðisflokksins í Suðvesturkjördæmi.
Hún hafði betur gegn Jóni Gunnarssyni."
Ætli Jón gangi þá ekki bara í Miðflokkinn. Þórdís margnefna hefur anti-persónufylgi.
"Ingveldur Anna Sigurðardóttir, lögfræðingur og varaþingmaður, hafði betur gegn Ásmundi Friðrikssyni..."
Kannski fer Ási í Miðflokkinn?
Flokkur náttúrutortímingarsinna hefur birst
"Kikka Sigurðardóttir, ein stofnenda stjórnmálasamtakanna, segir bæði pláss og þörf fyrir fleiri flokka þingi, enda hafi náttúrunni og loftslagsvánni ekki verið sinnt af hálfu starfandi flokka."
Eyðing ræktarlands, orkuskortur og hungursneið.
Ekki gæfulegt.
Ameríska ríkið er líka fullt af mongólítum
"Speaking at a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on Saturday, Musk recalled that the company had to undertake a study to see if the Starship would hit a shark, drawing a burst of laughter from the crowd."
Íslenska ríkið hefur ekkert einkaleyfi á heilaþoku.
"Xis call for heightened military readiness comes just days after China conducted large-scale military drills surrounding Taiwan.
While visiting a brigade of the PLA Rocket Force on Thursday, Xi Jinping urged troops to comprehensively strengthen training and preparation for war and to ensure they possess solid combat capabilities."
Stríð fyrir fólkið.
"Im so happy to be back in Detroit, Lizzo told the crowd. You know, all the best things were made in Detroit, Coney Dogs, Faygo, and Lizzo. Im so proud to be from this city. You know, they say if Kamala wins, then the whole country will be like Detroit."
Detroit. Ég hef komið þangað. Óttalegt greni.
"A major leak of US classified documents has appeared online Saturday... or we should qualify alleged leaks of at least two TOP SECRET documents, with both marked NOFORN - which is among the highest classifications - given it indicates the specific intelligence cannot be shared with allied foreign intelligence agencies (with the exception of the "Five Eyes").
A breaking Axios report suggests their authenticity..."
A-a-a attack Iran...
19.10.2024 | 15:13
Þeir sem létu sprauta börnin sín sleppa því bara að lesa þetta
"The study was conducted by a team of leading UK medical doctors, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and public health experts led by Oxford Universitys Professor Colm D Andrews.
A preprint of the studys paper was published in the MedRxiv medical journal.
The researchers were investigating the safety and effectiveness of Pfizers vaccine in fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated children and teenagers.
However, they discovered that cases of myocarditis and pericarditis only emerged in the vaccinated group."
Sumir hefðu fengið sé MacDonalds... en ekki þessi:
"35-year-old Mohamed Noor Iidow has been found guilty of raping and killing 37-year-old mother-of-three Natalie Shotter, who was found dead on a park bench in London by a passer-by in the early morning of 16 July 2021. Iidows DNA was found in the deceased womans mouth, with CCTV footage showing him orally raping her repeatedly for over 15 minutes."
Er þetta kosher?
"Owned by Ukrainian firm Metinvest, the modern facility -- opened in 1990 -- is Ukraine's largest mine for producing coking-coal, a specific grade used to fuel blast furnaces. It's near the village of Udachne, about 10 kilometers west of the city of Pokvrosk, which is itself a key supply hub in Ukraine's Donetsk oblast. Per the latest reports, the Russian army is reportedly just 8 to 12 kilometers east of Pokrovsk. Defensive lines have already been dug to Pokrovsk's west, so Ukrainian units will have positions to drop back to if Pokrovsk falls."
Ef? Þegar.
Kommúnisti dregur úr hreyfanleika alþýðunnar
"The sale of diesel is set to be banned at four forecourts on Paris' ring road as Socialist Party Mayor Anne Hidalgo looks to curb the use of the most polluting vehicles and reduce emissions."
Nazistarnir fóru, en liðið sem varð eftir er alveg eins, jafnvel verra.
"Jharkhand elections: BJP has announced that it will contest 68 seats, while its allies AJSU will contest 10 seats, the JD(U) on 2 seats and LJP (RV) on 1 seat."
Ég veit ekkert hvað er að gerast þarna.
18.10.2024 | 16:17
Fréttirnar eru leiðinlegar. Horfum á kvikmyndir.
6 Donne per L'assassonu. Mario Bava. 60ies.
Litrík, hefur allt dótið sem giallo þarf að hafa, og hélt áfram að hafa næstu 20 ár, eða þar til allir urðu leiðir á því.
Fuglinn með kristals-stélið. Argento. 1970.
Ein af fáum verkum Argento sem hafa vitræna framvindu.
Nitten Röde Roser. 1974.
Hver kannast ekki við þessa? Eftirmynnileg dönsk kvikmynd í giallo-stíl um morðingja með sérstaka aðferð til þess að velja fórnarlömb.
Seinna fór kaninn að gera svona kvikmyndir, með þeim afleiðingum að við fengum yfir okkur 40 kvikmyndir um Jason Vorhees og 45 um Mike Myers.
Vantaði það? Ekki mig.
17.10.2024 | 17:28
Kosningahótanirnar eru byrjaðar að birtast okkur
Maður þarf að virða það við fasistana að þeir virðast þó koma hreint fram í þetta sinn
"Setja á auðlindagjald á fiskeldi, orkuframleiðslu og ferðaþjónustu og hækka veiðigjald á útgerðir. Þetta segir Kristrún Frostadóttir, formaður Samfylkingarinnar. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðherra og þingmaður Sjálfstæðisflokksins, segir að slíkt þyrfti að skoða,"
Tveir leftistar leggja á ráðin um hvernig þeir geta lagt fiskeldi, fiskveiðar, orkuframleiðzlu og ferðaþjónustu endanlega í rúst.
En hey, ég trúi því alveg að þau vilji þetta.
Bara gamla: "skattleggjum það í hel og dælum svo í það styrkjum" trixið.
Allir sem falla fyrir þessu eru vangefnir.
"Baier: 'You've been in office for three and a half years.'
Kamala: 'And Donald Trump has been running for office - '
Baier: 'But you've been the person holding office, madame - '
Kamala: 'Come on, come on! You and I both know what I am talking about! You and I both know what I'm talking about.'
Baier: 'I actually don't, what are you talking about?'"
Og það versnar bara. Það eru mörg vídjó.
"A pros-Hamas agitator posted a since-deleted video on TikTok Tuesday showing herself tearing down what she thought were Israeli flags outside of Efis Gyro in Montclair, New Jersey.
Look at this sh*t! she shouts while ripping the supposed Israeli flags down from the eatery. Free Palestine, bi**h!
The workers then drop a brutal reality check on the pro-Hamas idiot: The white-and-blue flags she was tearing down are Greek ones, not Israeli ones."
Heimska fólks er botnlaus.
"Amazon is investing heavily in advanced small modular nuclear reactors to meet the rapidly growing power demands of its expanding data centers across the United States. Tech giants are finding the power needs of AI data centers to be insatiable and nuclear power the only way to keep their servers running."
"A secretive US spaceship will attempt flight maneuvers above Earth that have never before been performed.
The project began as a NASA project back in 1999, but it was transferred to the US Department of Defense in 2004."
Ég verð fyrir miklum vonbrigðum ef þetta getur ekki skotið marglitum leiserum í allar áttir.
Rússar taka meira svæði.
Ekki gæfulegt.
16.10.2024 | 17:31
Nazistar elta stuðningsmenn Trump
"...some sinister Antifa-like scum decided to cosplay as Neo-Nazi Trump fans to ruin the party and humiliate the Trump campaign. A boat with Trump and Nazi flags is seen approaching the Trumptilla event, and they try to make a show of how MAGA they are.
But as one can see below, there are a few red flags that emerge, making it blatantly obvious these losers are no fans of Trump. As one can see, they talk in stereotypical hick accents while bragging about white power and shouting Heil Trump! This is something you would see out of a garbage movie from Hollywood."
Antifa, Nazistar... hver er munurinn?
"Xiaomeisha Sea World in Shenzhen is being criticized by visitors after trying to pass off a fake whale shark in its aquarium.
This isn't the first Chinese zoo controversy. Earlier this year, a Chinese zoo was criticized for painting dogs to look like pandas."
Kínverjinn reddar sér.
"The Satanic Temple has opened a second abortion clinic in the US, this time in Virginia, where expectant mothers can engage in a self-focused abortion ritual, which has been endorsed by Cosmopolitan magazine. The goal of the Satanic Temple in turning abortion into a ritual is so that they can make the claim that practicing abortion is a religious liberty issue that that the termination of pregnancy is a "spiritual" undertaking."
Blóð fyrir blóð-guðinn!
Trump vinnur hjá MacDonald's
"Trump's doing it. He's really doing it. He's going to be working the fryer at a Pennsylvania McDonald's."
Trump. Sælkeri.
Allir eru þunglyndir og drekka Tequila
""Within overall US alcohol consumption, beer has been steadily losing share to spirits over the last 20 years. Within the spirits category, tequila has been gaining market share at the expense of vodka over recent years.""
15.10.2024 | 17:34
Heimsbókmenntirnar í dag
Ljóslega besta bók sem skrifuð hefur verið
Þessi er dáldið krípí
Þessi er með hatt innandyra
Þetta finnst á Amazon.
Þessi situr kannski kjur of mikið.
Ein enn:
Alltaf eitthvað allt annað.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.10.2024 | 17:42
Ryksugan á fullu
"It recently arose that robot vacuum cleaners made by Ecovacs have been reported roaming around the home of its owners, shouting expletives at them through the onboard speakers."
Sérsveitin var ekki kölluð til.
Kaninn hefur svona allskonar álit á Obama.
"The government of Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, in its impending Employment Rights Bill, would change equality laws in Britain to mean that employers would be held responsible for their employees being offended by third parties like their customers or the general public."
Það arf að sniffa mikið lím til þess að vera svona vinstri grænn.
"A spell-caster in Kentucky was arrested after authorities discovered her mothers dismembered body cooking inside a kitchen pot.
Troopers said they discovered an even more horrifying scene once they entered the home. The officers discovered what looked like cooked human remains in a pot inside the oven that remained warm, according to the citation. Additional body parts and organs were discovered hidden in a folded mattress beside the butchered body, authorities alleged."
Þú ert það sem þú borðar, býst ég við.
Menn mishrifnir af glæpagengjum
"Former President Donald Trump, 78, stumped in the Denver suburb Friday and vented that the Tren de Aragua (TdA) crime syndicate had overrun the city.
The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes apartment complexes and the mayor said, Our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns,' Raddatz, 71, told Vance...
Martha, do you hear yourself? asked Vance, 40, seemingly taken aback by the reporters objection. Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris open border?"
Sumum finnst í lagi að glæpagengi leggi undir sig nokkrar blokkir. Öðrum lýst illa á að þau leggi undir sig eina einustu blokk.
"Signs of non-human intelligence in our galaxy have been discovered, and the proof will be made public within a month, British filmmaker Simon Holland has claimed.
In 2019, Australian telescopes detected a weird signal while observing the system of Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our solar system, located around 4.2 light years away."
Ég held ekki niðri í mér andanum eftir þessu.
Menn eru jákvæðir
13.10.2024 | 15:26
Annarlegar hneigðir félagshyggjufólks
Lögreglan í Portland býr sig undir óeirðir félagshyggjufólks
"Police in the city of Portland, Oregon are getting ready for potential violence and rioting on election night, no matter who wins.
Its almost like rioting over politics has become a cherished tradition in the far left city. People in the city even rioted in 2020."
Ef þú vilt ekki eyða og myrða, þá ertu ekki félagshyggjumaður.
Þó morðóðir séu, kunna leftistar ekki að meðhöndla skotvopn
"Governor Tim Walz struggles to load his gun while going pheasant hunting in Minnesota to impress male voters. Walz is trying to impress young men by doing "manly" things as Kamala Harris struggles with male voters.
Governor Walz hopes to convince men that he is very manly and that he can relate to them. During the debate, Walz not only said he was friends with school sh**ters but also claimed he kept a shotgun in his car to hunt pheasants after football practice.
Isn't it interesting that the people who say you shouldn't own an "assault rifle" know so little about guns overall?"
Þeir eru vanir að láta aðra myrða fyrir sig.
Hillary Clinton hefur gert söngleik
"Suffs, the feminist Broadway musical that counts Hillary Clinton as one of its main producers, is officially a box-office bomb, with the show announcing a closing date after reportedly failing to turn a profit after nearly six months.
The musical a nearly three-hour celebration of the suffragette movement, featuring a cast comprised entirely of women and gender non-binary performers cost $19 million to produce, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing reviewed by the New York Times. That money has not been recouped, with ticket revenue failing to cover the weekly cost of operations."
... Hillary Clinton... söngleikur... ... ... ha?
Mjög í anda sósíalismans.
"It appears that planet Earth has assumed babysitting duties for a minor space object that came too close to our world and chose to stay for a few weeks. The traveling object fell into Earths orbit in September and will remain there until late November. Rocky in disposition and roughly the size of a school bus, the object is an asteroid, yet scientists are calling it a second moon."
Það er frekar lítið og lélegt.
Þýzkaranum finnst sem stríð í framandi löndum komi honum ekkert við
"The protest on Saturday was organized by the ver.di trade union, with the slogan: You will not prepare me for war.
The demonstrators urged the government in Berlin to stop arms shipments to Israel and Ukraine, and instead use the money for social needs at home."
Þeir sem hafa lesið 1984 vita að tilgangurinn með stríði er að sóa peningum svo ekki sé hægt að nota þá til þess að bæta lífskjörin heima við.