2.11.2024 | 17:29
Dagleg vitleysa
Allir vita, enginn vill tala um.
Þessi Cardi hefur ekkert verið að fylgjast með
"Cardi B endorses Kamala by [checks notes] saying groceries have gotten too expensive the past few years"
... uhm.
"Walz was in the process of talking about the economy when he turned the subject to tax cuts for billionaires like Musk.
If youre a billionaire, Elon Musk for example, say, that gah
, that gay got
then he snickered.
Michigan knows that word, he said."
Gamer words
"Demonstrators from Palestine Action took the sculptures of Chaim Weizmann to mark the 107th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration - a statement which announced Britains support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine."
Ekki veit ég hvað þeir ætla að gera við þetta.
Demókratar nota klám til þess að veiða atkvæði
"Democrats are leaning hard into a new talking point in their closing argument to voters porn.
We want to show the American people not tell them what Republicans are trying to do in their bedroom and in their personal lives, Jacobson told The Post, adding that more ads are in the works.
Porn matters have reached the highest levels of the Harris-Walz campaign.
During a Walz appearance on The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz, host Dan Le Batard warned that Republicans infamous Project 2025 could lead to the outlaw of porn.
Im pro-porn, added show producer Chris Cote a few minutes later."
Eitthvað sem Íslenskir pólitíkusra mættu athuga?
Þetta er á góðri leið með að verða þjóðsagnakennt
"On Friday evening, AFpost wrote on X, "Ron Paul says he wants to join Elon Musk to cut government waste in second Trump administration."
Musk chimed in on X: "It would be great to have Ron Paul as part of the Department of Government Efficiency!""
Milei verður ekki sá eini. Kaninn er í góðum málum.
Við hinsvegar... æ æ æ...
Það er hellingur af tölvuleikjum næuna sem er ekkert varið í að spila, en hörku-fjör að gera grín að.
1.11.2024 | 16:52
Páll Vilhjálms vs Barnageldarinn
Það er alveg klárt mál hver er góði kallinn hér, og hver er sá vondi.
Páll kærður fyrir barnanauðgarafóbísk ummæli
"Álfur Birkir taldi haustið 2023 að nóg væri komið af neikvæðri umræðu um Samtökin 78 og starf þeirra í leik- og grunnskólum. Nú skyldi hefja gagnsókn og kæra þá fyrir hatursorðræðu sem andmæltu starfi lífsskoðunarfélagsins meðal smábarna og grunnskólakrakka. Álfur Birkir kærði í október 2023 tilfallandi til lögreglu. Í eitt ár hafði lögreglan málið til skoðunar og lætur nú til skarar skríða. Hvað fann lögreglan í bloggskrifum sem hægt væri að ákæra fyrir? Jú, blogg frá 13. september 2023. Tvær efnisgreinar eru teknar úr blogginu sem tilfallandi skal sæta fangelsi fyrir í allt að tvö ár. Efnisgreinarnar eru eftirfarandi:
1. Samtökin 78 eru regnhlífarsamtök og lífsskoðunarfélag fullorðinna sem áhugasamir eru um klám, kynlíf, kynjaveröld og tælingu barna.
2. Kennsluefnið er tæling dulbúin sem upplýsingar. Meðfædd blygðunarsemi barna er skipulega brotin niður. Börn eru gerð móttækileg fyrir þátttöku í kynlífi og það jafnvel ofbeldiskynlífi - BDSM. Börn eru gerð efins um eigin sjálfsmynd og talin trú um að þau séu mögulega fædd í röngu kyni. Ringluð börn og óörugg eru síður í stakk búin að veita viðnám fullorðnum með eitthvað misjafnt í huga. Út á það gengur tælingin.
Þetta kallar Álfur Birkir formaður Samtakanna 78 hatursorðræðu og lögreglan í Reykjavík étur það upp eftir honum."
Semsagt: hinn nafntogaði öfuguggi Álfur hefur kært Pál fyrir að segja satt frá einhverju illviljuðu "grooming" gengi sem er starfrækt í skjóli ríkisins.
Einhver ætti að skoða harða drifið hjá þessum Álfi, það er örugglega fullt af pedó-efni.
Þetta mál er mikilvægara en fólk gerir sér grein fyrir.
Ef Páll sigrar, má fólk frjálslega segja allskonar hluti um pedóa á internetinu. Ef Páll tapar, þá verða pedóar að vernduðum stofni innan lands, sem enginn má gagnrýna.
"Google searches for a garbage costume have gone through the roof this Halloween in response to people seeing former President Donald Trump dressed like a garbage collector at his Wednesday night Green Bay Rally. Trumps orange vest as well as the garbage truck he rode along in, was his response to President Joe Biden referring to the Republican presidential nominees voters and supporters as garbage."
Propaganda win.
Á meðan í sósíalistaparadísinni Bretlandi:
"A total of 13 people have now been arrested over the murder of a "much-loved" 23-year-old, police have said."
Þetta er mjög sósíalistaparadísarlegt.
Tucker Carlson bitinn af hundi, kennir dímonum um allt saman
"The founder of the Tucker Carlson Network continued, In my bed at night, I got attacked while I was asleep with my wife and four dogs in the bed and was mauled physically by a demon."
... já.
"Hundreds of furious farmers will hold a major demonstration in central London amid rising anger at Labour's Budget death tax raid on their land.
The National Farmers Union is to hold a major Westminster rally next month after Rachel Reeves revoked farmland's exemption from inheritance tax (IHT).
From April 2026, it will be levied at an effective rate of 20 per cent on the value of business and agricultural assets over £1million in a shake up of Agricultural Property Relief (APR)."
Sósíalismi & matvælaframleiðzla fer saman eins og olía og vatn.
31.10.2024 | 17:09
Biden bítur börn
"Joe Biden bit at least three babies on Wednesday night during the White House Halloween celebration.
Joe Biden got so excited when he saw a baby in a chicken costume that he bit its leg.
Joe Biden also put a babys entire foot in his mouth after biting another infant during the White House trick-or-treating event on Wednesday."
Ég get engu við þetta bætt.
Kanadíska Action T4 leggst ekkert of vel í alla
"Canadian doctors are starting to regret euthanizing their non-terminally ill patients.
Some doctors, who shared their thoughts anonymously, posted about their inner conflict with performing these procedures on patients who don't meet the traditional definition of terminally ill.
Many physicians involved in assisted dying say the loosening criteria is "morally distressing."
Since Canada expanded MAID laws in 2021 to include individuals with incurable but non-terminal illnesses, assisted deaths jumped by 30% in 2022. As a result, Canada has euthanized so many people that it "outpaces every other nation in the world.""
Skil ekki hvers vegna þeir áttuðu sig ekki á þessu fyrr.
Stríð sem enginn er að fylgjast með
"The attack on Sunday involved hundreds of heavily armed Boko Haram jihadis launching a surprise attack on the military garrison in Ngouboua at roughly 10:00 p.m. local time.
Boko Haram took control of the garrison, seized the weapons, burnt vehicles equipped with heavy arms, and left, according to local eyewitnesses.
The military garrison housed about 200 soldiers, while Chadian military officials said there were more than 300 attackers, who were well-equipped going in, and even better-equipped coming out of the operation. The Boko Haram force reportedly withdrew into nearby villages and fled across Lake Chad after the assault.
The Lake Chad Basin became Boko Harams preferred theater of operations soon after the jihadi insurgent group was formed in Nigeria in 2009. Sundays action was the groups most devastating attack on Chadian forces since 2020, when it killed about one hundred troops in a raid."
Búið að vera að malla lengi, þetta.
Maðurinn hefur nef fyrir drama
"The lawsuit against Elon Musk for giving away $1 million to random registered voters who sign his petition in swing states has been placed on hold as the lawyers for Musk have argued that the case should go to the federal courts."
Allt geta menn rifist um.
30.10.2024 | 17:57
Löggan þarf að "lose a few"
Sel-Enski kom á allra versta tíma fyrir Sjálfstæðisflokkinn. Akkúrat til þess að minna alla á hvaða hryðjuverk þeir hafa verið að vinna á viðskiptahagsmunum íslendinga í útlöndum.
Og enginn var drón-strækaður. Skiljanlega, þetta voru allt frontar, a dime a dozen. Nóboddís. Hefði samt verið fyndið að sjá lögguna reyna að skjóta niður svona drón. Mikið eignatjón hefði orðið af, er ég viss um. Það hefði verið gert grín að þeim í öld á eftir. Eins og er, þá höfum við bara séð hversu feitir þeir eru.
Kleinuhringir, sko.
Hvernig gengur annars þetta stríð, sem XD & VG hafa tekið þátt í fyrir okkar hönd?
Algert klúður, eins og allt annað sem þeir taka þátt í.
Musk bendir á nokkuð sem var alveg vitað
"Musks criticism of Wikipedia comes after a June report by the Manhattan Institute found that some English-language articles tended to associate right-wing leaders more often with words correlated with negative emotions as anger and disgust. This apparent bias, the researchers added, is also influencing automatic responses given by AI large language models."
Maður lærir engin orða á Wiki. Þar er hinsvegar hægt að fletta upp hvaða plötur hinar ýmsu hljómsveitir hafa gefið út, og lagalistann á þeim.
"Russia says it has launched a large scale nuclear exercise, which they claim included flying a land-launched missile over 3,500 miles across the country as well as submarine launches and strategic bombers. The Kremlin has now published video footage of several tests that took place Tuesday, with senior figures making the purpose of the exercises."
Allir pólitíkusar í heiminum þrá kjarnorkustyrrjöld.
Ólæknandi niðurgangur Brezka heimsveldisins
"Insisting the country had 'voted for change' and it is time to 'rebuild', Ms Reeves vowed to 'invest, invest, invest'. Spending is due to increase by around £70billion annually over the next five years.
But the OBR watchdog responded to the monster tax and spend bonanza by downgrading growth and wage forecasts, and warned inflation will stay higher for longer, potentially derailing hopes of speedy interest rate cuts.
Real earnings are predicted to fall in 2026 as a direct result of the Budget, even though Labour promised to protect 'working people'."
Bretar eru gjörsamlega fucked um fyrirsjáanlega framtíð.
Og svona löguðu eru Samfó & XD búin að lofa okkur líka.
Laxey fer á hausinn ef fólk kýs það lið yfir okkur. Svona sem byrjun.
Á meðan, í Kína:
29.10.2024 | 19:29
Undarlegri heimsbókmenntirnar
Þessi fjallar um skrítnar bókmenntir
Bækur sem við könnumst við
Einhverntíma hefði ég kannski skilið þessa stjörnugjafar-áráttu. Nenni ekki lengur að spá í því.
Aðeins afslappaðri
Þetta ætti að vera einhverskonar keppni.
Einhverjar Hallóvínískar pælingar í gangi.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
28.10.2024 | 16:49
Þjóðverjar klappa kaktusum
Trump & félagar, vinsælir allstaðar
"The rally at MSG in New York City Sunday night went on for some six hours and was chock-full of speakers from guys Donald Trump went to school with growing up in Queens to Vivek Ramaswamy, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, JD Vance, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and Dr. Phil, who made his political views known in an epic speech about how the Democrats are a party of bullies."
Það eru til mörg vídjó af þessu, ef menn nenna að leita.
Andstæðingur barnanauðgara Nr 1. handtekinn
"At a hearing at Woolwich Crown Court, Robinson appeared to face allegations that he breached a 2021 High Court order which blocked him from repeating libellous allegations against a Syrian refugee schoolboy, who successfully sued him over false claims in July 2021.
Robinson was sued after he published two Facebook videos after footage of Syrian schoolboy Jamal Hijazi being attacked went viral."
Allar klær úti.
Þjóðverjar geta ekki höndlað kaktusa
"A man at a school in Plettenberg in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, has touched a decorative cactus plant, and, as anyone who knows anything about cacti could've guessed, he was then injured by one of the cactus's spines.
So how is the over-sensitive, hyper-corrective Plettenberg government solving this problem? The mayor of Plettenberg immediately ordered the removal of all cactus plants in any and every government building in his jurisdiction."
"I think therell be some violence. I think therell be workplace fights. Therell be fights at kids birthday parties. I think theyll be protests and will turn violent, Mark Halperin recently told Tucker Carlson."
Sósíalismi er ekki bara trúarbrögð, það er geðsjúkdómur.
Hvernig hafa Kínverjar það?
"The fallen Ukrainian fighters were found to be equipped with foreign weapons and equipment, as well as personal items indicating that they belonged to third countries, such as a Canadian flag, a Polish prayer book, and a notepad with notes on tactics in English."
27.10.2024 | 10:33
Hezbolla grefur göng
Bretar sja´lfir vilja stemma stigum við ólæknandi og þrálátum niðurgangi Brezka Heimsveldisins
"Conservative MP Neil O'Brien has set out a list of policies to make Britain 'vaguely civilised again' including 'large and instant fines' for passengers playing music on public transport and a 'crackdown on spitting.'
The Leicestershire MP also called for action to stop e-scooters being ' dumped across pavements' and a push to plant trees on every residential street 'where this is remotely possible.'"
Tré? En tré eru náttúra, og samkvæmt kolefnistrúnni þarf að eyða náttúrunni til þess að bjarga heiminum. Eða eitthvað.
Loftslag! Kolefni!
"To be clear, the council is not only interested in Ukraine and Russia. Theyre happy to embroil Americans in a larger war wherever they can.
This past week, the Atlantic Council has published another war scenario report dealing with Iran titled The Future of US Strategy Toward Iran: A Bipartisan Roadmap For The Next Administration. The goal of the report is to influence a new defense doctrine with a mission to insert the US directly in the middle of the burgeoning war between Iran and Israel.
As the report states:
In simple terms, the goal was to develop a US policy toward Iran, not a Democratic or Republican one. We termed the effort the Iran Strategy Project (ISP). And when we began recruiting experts to join our advisory committee and working group, we did so with two overriding principles in mind. First, ideological diversity and bipartisanship could not just be talking pointsthey were requirements."
Liðið sem er með hendurnar uppí rassinum á Bjarna Ben & co.
Menn setja upp skotmörk fyrir Rússa
"Germany's largest arms maker finalized plans to establish a joint venture with the state-owned Ukroboronprom defense group earlier this year, to manufacture artillery ammunition, armored vehicles and air-defense systems. As part of the partnership agreement, Rheinmetall, which produces a vast array of weapons including Leopard tanks, stated that it would build four factories on Ukrainian soil.
Moscow responded to the announcement with a warning that such facilities are considered legitimate targets for Russian strikes."
Sumt er bara fyrirsjæáanlegt.
Framtíðin er björt hjá kananum. Á meðan lítur út fyrir að við fáum fasistastjórn sem leggur hér allt í rúst og setur alla á hausinn.
IDF Finnur göng grafin af Hezbolla
"Nestled in the scenic hills of southern Lebanon in the backyard of a private home near the Israeli border is the entryway to a 1.5-kilometer Hezbollah tunnel with the capacity to house hundreds of enemy fighters.
Until last week, when the IDFs Yahalom Unit uncovered the tunnel, this home would have been the launching pad for an October 7-style attack against Israel, with soldiers pouring from the ground to head to and cross the border."
Getum við ekki fangið Hezbolla til þess að grafa göng til Eyja? Virðast vera miklir fagmenn á því sviði.
"It arises now that a flock of mysterious glowing UFOs were seen flying at dizzying speed near an Air Force base in Indiana.
The lights in the sky scared those witnessing it, as we can check in the crazy footage below."
Kínverskir njósna-drónar.
Trump & Rogan
25.10.2024 | 17:22
Útsendarar Satans
Amerísk pólitík er trúðasýning
"The left attempted to amplify a claim by an Obama activist that she hung out with Jeffrey Epstein 30 years ago and they visited Donald Trump, who then groped her.
She chose to keep this information secret for over three decades and only decided to reveal it a few days before the election.
Funny that.
It is so ridiculous and unbelievable that it has ended up with the phrase #KamalaGropedMe trending instead."
Erkibiskup segir Kamölu útsendara Satans
"In Kamala Harris America, Catholics but also Protestants are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul.
Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dense with indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards.
In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients.
Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.
They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters."
Hann færir sannfærandi rök fyrir máli sínu.
"Putin spoke with Guterres behind closed doors on Thursday evening, the final day of the summit, which saw dozens of world leaders gather in Kazan to discuss the multipolar world order advocated by the group."
JD Vance útskýrir hvað planið er
"We've gotta make sure that foreign competitors aren't flooding our markets with cheap agricultural products that destroy the wages and the livelihoods of farmers. It makes us more reliant on countries who don't like us."
Brilljant plan.
Hvað er Ted Nugent að segja núna? Virðist viðkunnalegur náungi.
"Video of the incident showed the person throwing tomato juice on a sign for the event, the table, and people. "You worried Im going to stain your f*cking signs that are telling lies to people?" the person said. The sign read, "Kids can't change their gender, change my mind.""
Barnageldararar... ofbeldishneigðir. Alltaf.
Nútíma vandamál krefjast nútíma lausna
Þetta var slys við vorum ekki þar
"The New York Post reported Manuel Delgado, 43, an asylum seeker from Peru, is believed to have committed suicide on October 9.
Delgados death came after his family members discovered his alleged sex crimes against his teenage relative."
Og að lokum smá hægri-öfga-straumar:
Þetta lag gefur mér jákvæða tilfinningu fyrir komandi kynslóð.
24.10.2024 | 17:37
Úrkynjun heldur áfram að vera alþjóða-böl
Færri og færri nenna að berjast fyrir Úkraníu
"The Times of London reported data from the Ukrainian government showing that "51,000 criminal cases were initiated for desertion and abandonment of a military unit between January and September of this year."
Ukraine has also resorted to allowing prisoners to leave jail if they join the military.
One Ukrainian who deserted told the Times that prison was a better option than the military because "at least in prison, you know when you will be able to leave.""
Það dregur að lokum þarna.
Boeing gervihnöttur springur í loft upp
"The Intelsat 33e satellite, which was launched in 2016 and provides communications across Europe, Asia and Africa, experienced an anomaly on Saturday, Intelsat said in a news release. Attempts were made to work with Boeing and repair the satellite, but on Monday, the U.S. Space Force confirmed that the satellite had exploded."
DEI eða geimverur?
"A prominent doctor and trans rights advocate admitted she deliberately withheld publication of a $10 million taxpayer-funded study on the effect of puberty blockers on American children after finding no evidence that they improve patients' mental health."
Barnageldarar munu gelda börn
Það þarf nú engan fjármálasnilling til þess að sjá þetta
"We now pay nearly $1.2 trillion per year in interest on the debt, about 23% of all taxes, tariffs and fees collected by the US govt goes to paying interest on the debt, the Wall Street Silver account posted.
Musk replied, warning that if there is not a radical reduction of government expenditures, then, just like an individual who has taken on too much debt, America will become de facto bankrupt.
The interest on the debt is trending to rapidly absorb all tax revenue, leaving nothing for critical needs, he added.
Musk previously pointed out in September that the cost of servicing the vast US federal debt has outstripped the current defense budget, which topped $840 billion this year."
Þetta er mjög einfaldur reikningur. Sem mjög margir skilja víst ekki.
Mjög úrkynjað fólk er oft mjög ofsóknarótt
"Umfangsmiklar götulokanir verða í Reykjavík í næstu viku, vegna þings Norðurlandaráðs, auk þess sem vopnaðir lögreglumenn munu sinna öryggisgæslu. Verulegar takmarkanir verða einnig á umferð um Þingvelli á mánudag.
Íslenska ríkið hafi ákveðnum skuldbindingum að gegna þegar tekið er á móti þjóðarleiðtogum erlendra ríkja. Öryggi þjóðarleiðtoga erlendra ríkja sem hingað koma sé á ábyrgð íslenska ríkisins."
Paranoia Paranoia everybody's coming to get you...
Ég myndi hlæja í mörg ár ef löggan myndi óvart skjóta einn af þessum vitleysingum.
Tim Pool getur tekið gleði sína á ný.
23.10.2024 | 17:13
Okkur vantar einn eða tvo svona Javier Milei
Elítan er farin að hatast við Elon Musk
"The EU has warned Musk that it is allowed to hit online platforms with fines of as much as 6% of their yearly global revenue for refusing to censor content, including disinformation. The inclusion of companies like Space X is ridiculous but perfectly consistent with the effort of the EU to use the DSA to regulate speech in the United States and around the world."
Það er spurning hve mikill missir yrði í þessu liði ef Rússinn núkaði það.
Demæokratar kunna ekki að fara með skotvopn
"They are shooting steel at 5-7 yards with rifles, which couldve killed somebody given the force with which the bullets will ricochet off the steel targets at the at [sic] distance. You would instantly get permanently banned at my range if you did that. Zero questions asked."
Gaurinn nældi í fréttamann með kúlubroti.
Einhverjir terroristar að sprengja tyrki
"A terrorist attack was carried out against the Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAS) Ankara Kahramankazan facilities, Yerlikaya wrote in a post on X. Unfortunately, we have martyrs and injured people after the attack."
Terroristar allstaðar.
Bill Gates þarf að mæta fyrir rétt í Hollandi
"A Dutch court has ruled that billionaire and global vaccine proponent Bill Gates will face trial in the Netherlands over his involvement in misleading the public about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines."
Frakkar fara að fylgjast með eigin landamærum
"France is set to ramp up the intensity of border controls with European neighbours amid fears of uncontrolled migration and terror threats just weeks after Germany announced a similar policy."
Evrópa smám saman að fatta að sandniggarinn er viðsjárverður.