Allt hluti af įętlun. Sem er ekki ķ okkar hag.

Ég efast um gešheilsu višreisnarfólks

"Višreisn vill aš nż­skrįn­ingu į bens­ķn- og dķsel­bķl­um verši hętt į nęsta įri, žó meš und­anžįgum. Sam­fylk­ing­in vill einnig gera žaš „raun­hęft“ aš banna nż­skrįn­ingu slķkra öku­tękja frį og meš 2025."

Glóbalistarnir koma hér hreint fram, žeir meiga eiga žaš.  Allir eiga bara aš bśa ķ hylkinu og borša pöddur.  Enginn fer neitt.

Kosningahótanirnar ķ įr eru alvöru.  Ekkert sykurhśšaš lengur, bara: allt bannaš og skattlagt upp ķ topp.

Hvaš fór kosningasjóšur Kamölu ķ?

"Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, advised by leftist political strategists, spent a billion dollars centered around labeling former President Trump and a majority of Americans as 'Hitler' and 'Nazis.' They poured millions into far-left Hollywood stars, elaborate concerts, and private jet travel..."

Magnaš.  Allur listinn er hér.  Skošiš bara ef žiš nenniš.


50K kolefnistrśarmenn halda til Azerbajan til aš samstilla sig

"The hope is to resolve the COP29 summit’s top agenda item – a deal for up to $1 trillion in annual climate finance for developing countries, replacing a target of $100 billion.

“We are asking for the down payment of a very large debt – a down payment of $5tn [a year],” sais Tasneem Essop, executive director of Climate Action Network, global alliance of more than 1900 civil society organisations in over 130 countries.

The argument is rich nations allegedly prospered by burning fossil fuels and now need to fund poorer nations to avoid the same path, and cope with the severe heatwaves, floods and storms fuelled by global heating and already here.

“Climate reparations” have consequently been demanded."

Hljómar eins og kommśnismi.

"Trump has pledged to once again withdraw the U.N. from the landmark Paris climate agreement."

ess vegna var hann jś kosinn.

Antifa er komiš į stjį aftur

"Antifa militants attempted to incite a violent confrontation with Seattle Police but were ultimately thwarted by a robust police response. This marks the second time this week that Seattle PD prevented an Antifa riot over the election.

The direct action featured a number of terrifying incidents, including the leftist extremist group dressed in black bloc and equipped with riot gear surrounding police vehicles – an act that resulted in human entrapment."

Miklar lķkur į aš žeir lendi allir ķ djeilinu snemma į nęsta įri.

En ekki fyrr.

Jesś II: fist of fury

"A man in Spain has declared himself to be Jesus after beating up seven monks in a religious rampage."

Endurkoma Krists var ópvęnt og ofbeldisfyllri en menn grunaši.

Į mešan, ķ Svķžjóš



Gaurinn er ekki einu sinni oršinn forseti.

Óeiršir dagsins, jafnvel vikunnar:

"Around 130,000 demonstrators took to the streets of the city of Valencia to demand the resignation of Carlos Mazon, the head of the provincial government, El Pais newspaper reported.

Locals blame Mazon for failing to issue an alert about the flooding soon enough on October 29; the water had already been pouring into residential areas by the time he did so.

The demonstrators tossed flares, stones and mud at the building. Some also left dirty boots outside the city council as a sign of their frustration with local authorities."

Rķkisstarfsmašur klśšrar einhverju.  Ķ öšrum fréttum; vatn er blautt.

Trump bżšst til aš greiša skuldir Kamölu

"The Kamala Harris campaign raised a record billion dollars for the 2024 election and somehow still ended the race with $20 million in debt.

[Donald Trump] recently posted on Truth Social, saying that he would be willing to help with his leftover campaign funds. He might be trolling, but Democrats would be wise to swallow their pride and take him up on the offer."

ętli hśn taki žvķ?


Žetta geršist

"Several media reports and sources have been claiming that the government of Qatar has ordered the leaders of Hamas to leave the country, following pressure from Washington."

Menn vilja undirbśa jaršveginn.

Lķfselixķrinn er fundinn: Guinness

"The retired accountant credits her long life to her daily habit of drinking a pint of Guinness each day with her lunch."

Bjór er góšur fyrir žig

Žaš mį reka vitleysinga nśna

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor accused of ordering her subordinates to skip Florida homes with Trump campaign signs has been fired.

Marn’i Washington was sacked for telling disaster relief workers in Lake Placid, Fla., to “not go to homes with yard signs supporting President-elect Trump,” FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell said Saturday."

Hśn gęti endaš ķ djeilinu.

Ég veit ekki hvort žetta er rétt. (Sem į reyndar viš um flest sem ég set hérna.) Žetta er annaš sjónarhorn, vissulega.

Žaš eru birnir ķ skóginum, žeir eru svangir

Góšar fréttir, vonandi

"Formašur fjįrlaganefndar telur mjög ólķklegt aš umdeilt frumvarp um kķlómetragjald į bensķn- og dķsilbķla verši samžykkt fyrir žinglok."

Žaš er enn von!

Verra er aš žeir eru örugglega žegar bśnir aš eyša peningunum sem žeir ķmyndušu sér aš žeir fengju śr žessu.

"Gefa žį til śkranķu" eša eitthvaš.

Pólitķskar ofsóknir taka į sig żmsar myndir

"An official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency was "removed from their role" and is under investigation after the Daily Wire obtained a leaked internal message in which they ordered workers to bypass the homes of Trump supporters as they surveyed the damage caused by Hurricane Milton in Florida."

Svona lagaš žykir vķst alvarlegt mįl ķ USA.

Kommśnistar žvęlast fyrir vopnasendingu

"Activists in Greece have protested against NATO aid for Kiev and blocked a column of trucks carrying weapons intended for the Ukrainian army, Greek media reported this week. The protest was staged on Wednesday by members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and its youth branch, KNE, in the town of Tyrnavos in the region of Thessaly."

Ég myndi hafa meiri įhyggjur af aš žeir stęlu žessum vopnum.  Vķsir til žess, held ég.

Breytinga aš vęnta į Ķrlandi?

"A historic coalition government led by Harris’ center-right Fine Gael party and its center-left rival Fianna Fail has been in power since the 2020 race ended in a virtual dead heat.

“We did not agree on every issue but we did always work hard and together for the good of the Irish people,” Harris said. “The time is now right to ask the Irish people to give a new mandate.”"

Stutt ķ žetta.  Allt breytist į innan viš įri žį.  Magnaš.

Venezuela sendir moršingja til USA

"Venezuelan inmates recently released from prison have reportedly been directed by Venezuelan intelligence officers to travel with them to the US and help locate Venezuelan military members, politicians, and law enforcement officials to "neutralize" them, according to a Breitbart-reviewed report. The directive is allegedly aimed at preventing the release of classified information by Venezuelan officials who have sought refuge in the United States."

Hmm... Ķslenska rķkiš sendi venezśela bśnan til baka.  Var žaš vegna žess aš žeir voru ekki mešlimir ķ Tren de Aragua?

Žessi dama var aš lifa drauminn žegar einhverkir veišimenn fundu hana

"Natalya was impossibly lucky that on that particular day - the bear wasn't feeling peckish enough to eat her. 

Instead, it dragged her away and buried her underneath some leaves to - it is believed - save her for a later meal.

But while the bear opted not to eat her  straight away, it still guarded her body jealously for hours like it would with any prized food it had secured for itself. 

That is until the hunters finally came along."


Hęgri öfgamenn vilja lįta reka nazista śr landi

"A far-right Dutch pol is demanding the deportation of the antisemitic thugs who hunted down and attacked Israeli soccer fans after a match in Amsterdam — labeling them “multicultural scum.”

“Looks like a Jew hunt in the streets of Amsterdam. Arrest and deport the multicultural scum that attacked Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters in our streets. Ashamed that this can happen in The Netherlands. Totally unacceptable,” parliament member Geert Wilders posted on X."

ó nei, ekki nazistana.

Darwin veršlaunahafar.

Pśtin boršar okkur ekki, aš sögn

Ég fęri ykkur: Soyja-menniš:



Pśtķn er ekki mannęta

"Harris criticized Trump’s ideas about ending the Ukraine conflict during a presidential debate on ABC News in September, claiming that the Republican would simply abandon support for Kiev to gain favor with Putin.

The Russian leader “would eat you for lunch,” Harris told Trump.

Peskov was asked to comment on her statement at the 21st annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi on Thursday. 

“Putin doesn’t eat people,” the spokesman said with a smile."

Segir Kreml.

Soros veliš ķ fjįrkröggum

"An administrative restructuring is underway at Soros Fund Management, founded by billionaire George Soros in the 1970s, as it plans to shutter its Hong Kong office, according to a Bloomberg report. Although the exact reasons were not disclosed, this move comes just days after Soros' son, Alex Soros, through the family's Open Society Foundations, wasted tens of millions of dollars backing the biggest Democrat loser in a generation: Kamala Harris."

Žetta hefši strax gefiš af sér, vitum viš.

Tilhlökkunarefni... fyrir flesta

"Patel, reportedly Trump’s likely choice for deputy director of the CIA, stated that “massive declassification” will be among their top priorities, aiming to release troves of information previously shielded from public view.

In a recent interview with Benny Johnson, Patel revealed that massive declassification will occur in Trump’s administration, including explosive revelations from the infamous Epstein files to the shadowy “Diddy list.”"

... en ekki alla.

Kvenfólk er eins og žaš er

"Because liberal women mistakenly think that a Trump pregnancy means they won't be able to get abortions, they're making vows to not have sex with random men for 4 years until the next presidential election."

Fólk ętti aš fį sķnar upplżsingar annarsstašar en af CNN.

Žetta veršur betra meš hverri mķnśtu

"Joel Salatin, a self-described 'Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer' who runs Polyface Farms in western Virginia, wrote on his blog that Massie would be Agriculture secretary in the Trump administration.

'I've been contacted by the Trump transition team to hold some sort of position within the USDA and have accepted one of the six ‘Advisor to the Secretary' spots."

Hįgęša mannskapur, sżnist mér.  Žetta veršur osom į allan hįtt.

Rķkiš hatar okkur


Fékk žetta ķ póstinum, til žess aš minna mig į aš kjósa Sjįlfstęšisflokkinn aldrei.  Eša VG.  Eša neinn af žessum kolefnistrśarflokkum.

Svo sį ég žessa auglżsingu, bókstaflega strax į eftir:


7 millur MEŠ rafbķlastyrk.  Žaš var og.  Sem veršur nišurgreitt meš kķlómetragjaldinu sem leggst į žetta.  Sem nęgir sennilega aldrei fyrir styrkinum.

Rķkiš.  Leggst į okkur eins og vampżra.

Bęndur munu spreyja Starmer meš haugsugum ķ nįnustu framtķš

Sósķalistar ęša śt į götu til žess aš herja į almenning. Aftur.

"Not even 24 hours after President-elect Donald Trump won more votes in Illinois this general election than in the previous two, and after winning the US election in a massive red wave sweep, far-left protesters gathered outside the Trump Hotel in Obama's Chicago.

The protests appear to have been highly organized and well-planned before the election, given the coordination among activists...

The Democrat's playbook to potentially unleash another wave of social unrest through activism campaigns, with command-and-control centers operated by nonprofits, will likely not be tolerated under a Trump administration."

Chicago?  Mętti ég benda žeim aš kķkja ķ sušurhlutann.  Hann e vķst fullur af fasistum og nazistum og rasistum og mönnum sem eru ekki einu sinni barnanaušgarar.

Žannig hefst žaš

"As a possible future Trump administration appointee, RFK Jr. has laid out a plan to rid the FDA and other key federal agencies of the deeply-rooted corruption that prioritizes corporate profits over public health.

Recall that Trump said that if he is elected, Kennedy will work on “health and women’s health ” and the nation’s food supply."

Mun kaninn grennast?  Eru žetta endalok dónuts frį Amerķku?

Biden og félagar flyta sér aš henda vopnum ķ śkranķu įšur en žaš veršur of seint

"The White House intends to expedite up to $9 billion in new military aid in a last-ditch effort to arm Ukraine before President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January, according to sources in the outgoing administration."

Žeir hafa enn hvaš, 3 mįnuši til žess aš starta WW3?

Demókratar įtta sig loksins į žvķ aš barnageldararnir eru ekki vinsęlir neinstašar

"Democrats have quietly begun to distance themselves from more extremist elements of transgender ideology in the wake of Donald Trump’s return to the White House, fearing the issue will further alienate voters."

Ég er ekkert eini mašurinn sem vill ekki skera kynfęrin af börnum, bara svo žiš vitiš.

Žórgunnur, athugašu žaš, ef žś įlpast til aš lesa žetta.

Brezka rķkiš hatar bęndur

"The public overwhelmingly back farmers in their battle with Labour after Rachel Reeves capped their inheritance tax reliefs, polling by More in Common has found."

Brezka rķkiš hyggst bśa til hungursneiš.  Žessi mašur, sem var einu sinni handtekinn fyrir aš gera grķn aš nazistum śtskżrir žetta betur:

Lķtur śt fyrir aš bęndur žurfi aš spreyja smį saur į Starmer & co. 

Ķslensk stjórnmįl žurfa sįrlega eins og einn Trump

Viti menn.

Kommśnistar brjįlast. Žaš eru vķdjó.

"Following President Trump’s dominant election victory, liberals across the United States went into full meltdown mode.

Videos on X show Democrats crying and completely enraged after finding out Trump won the presidential election."

Jį.  Er eins og žaš er.

Fólk vildi sķna veršbólgu, sķna heimsstyrrjöld, en fęr nś hvorugt.

Į mešan, ķ Bretlandi

"Last week, he and his Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, broke their pledge that they wouldn’t raise taxes on working people — by raising national insurance contributions for even the lowest-earning workers. The impact will be felt most keenly by small businesses, many of which are already struggling. As Richard Murphy notes on his blog, “Big businesses can afford to pay, but small businesses rarely pay their owners a great deal (contrary to common perceptions), and they will suffer, as will employment prospects for many people who are on lower pay.”

Digital identity systems may help streamline bureaucracy and reduce fraud, but they are also fraught with risks. As Brett Solomon, the then-executive director of Access Now, warned in a 2018 Wired op-ed titled “Digital IDs Are More Dangerous Than You Think”, digital ID, writ large, “poses one of the gravest risks to human rights of any technology that we have encountered.”

Those risks include massive breeches of personal data, including biometric identifiers; hacks and system outages; function creep as more and more basic services require digital identification; unparalleled government and corporate surveillance; the near-total exclusion of people who don’t have access to mobile devices or the internet as well as those who do but choose not to comply with governments’ increasing demands."

Žiš žurfiš aš fara aš trśa į cyberpunk dystópķu, vegna žess aš žiš eruš ķ einni.

Money money money

"Wall Street rallied into record territory, the dollar soared and bitcoin scaled a new peak Wednesday as the world gears up for another Donald Trump presidency.

The Dow jumped three percent while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite added two percent in early deals.

“The rationale behind the US stock market rally is that Trump is seen as business-friendly and will be able to pass his tax cuts through easily without much resistance from the Democrats who have lost control of the Senate,” said City Index and analyst Fawad Razaqzada."


Kommar gera komma hluti

"Hard-left campaign group Just Stop Oil said in a statement Wednesday morning that “Corporate power” and “the fossil fuel industry” that “controls the major parties” are the only true winners of the U.S. Presidential election. Their activists sprayed the limestone wall proclaiming the Embassy of the United States of America with bright orange paint.

The act of vandalism was “in response to the election result this morning” and a rejection of “fascism”, they said. Just Stop Oil called President-elect Trump a “fake populist” because while appealing to the “disaffection many feel”, he doesn’t do what the group says is the truly important thing: ending oil and gas drilling."

100 įr ķ djeilinu lagar žetta.

Musk er meš įętlanir

"Speaking at a Trump rally last month, Musk pledged to help the Republican slash US annual budget spending by “at least $2 trillion” as part of a review of federal agencies that he would carry out if Trump returns to the White House.  

“Your tax money is being wasted and the Department of Government Efficiency is going to fix that,” Musk stated."

Hér į landi er engin eins og hann.  Af hverju ekki?

Žaš er enginn frišur fyrir heimsbęokmenntunum

Söltum heimsfrettirnar žar til į morgun.

TikTok er fullt af allskyns saušabjįnum.

Žetta ku vera lengsta bókmenntaverk sögunnar.  Męli ekki meš žvķ, en gaman aš vita aš žaš er til.

Sitthvaš annaš undarlegt.

Nokkrar bękur sem hafa veriš "bannašar," og hvers vegna žaš geršist.

Žetta var nś meiri vitleysan.

Og aš lokum žetta, sem er į vissan hįtt bókmennta-tengt:

Rķkiš vill myrša ķkorna, vegna žess aš af žvķ bara.


Ķkornatengt mįl



Kommśnistar fį hland fyrir hjartaš

"Kamala Harris supporters across the country have been left rattled after receiving letters and postcards suggesting they will be “volunteering” to house migrant families.

While Democrats have championed open borders and humanitarian migrant policies, it seems when the issue is brought to their own doorsteps—literally—enthusiasm fades."



Žaš er ekkert aš marka Obama

"At a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris in Milwaukee, Obama attempted to scare Jewish voters, even resorting to the debunked “very fine people” hoax, claiming that Trump is antisemitic.

Trump is expected to win at least 30% of the Jewish vote, which would be a recent historic high for a Republican candidate. He is expected to win Orthodox Jews, as well as Jewish voters for whom Israel and the fight against antisemitism are top concerns."

Mašurinn höfšar til allra.


RT tjįir sig um mįlin

"Messina made the warning on Sunday, during an interview with MSNBC host and former White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

“Early vote numbers are a little scary,” he said.

According to the former Obama campaign manager, supporters of Republican candidate Donald Trump have been much more active this time compared to the previous election."

Sjįum hvernig rętist śr žessu į morgun.

Ef Trump sigrar, fer Antifa į stjį.  Og allir į RŚV missa vitiš.
Ef Kamala sigrar, žį mį alveg bśast viš kjarnorkustyrrjöld.


Menn aš gera sig tilbśna fyrir uppreisn hryšjuverkasamtaka leftista

"Washington Governor Jay Inslee is activating the Washington National Guard ahead of election day, according to KING 5, and neighboring state Oregon isn't far behind. 

The action by the governor follows two recent ballot box arsons in Portland and Vancouver, Washington, in late October, which destroyed hundreds of ballots. Officials are still seeking a suspect."



Reglur eru reglur....

"Late on Sunday, NBC was forced to air an advertisement for Donald Trump after the network had to file an Equal time notice with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), after the network was accused of violating the regulation with Kamala Harris' last-minute appearance on "Saturday Night Live.""

Žeir drįpu žó engan ķkorna eša žvottabjörn fyrir žetta.


Hvaš eru Indverjar aš spökulera ķ dag?

"Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday condemned the attack on Hindu temple in Canada.

In his first statement since Canada-related controversy began, Prime Minister Narendra Modi issued a very strong statement after Khalistani extremists targeted a Hindu temple in Ontario yesterday evening."

Ah... alžjóšlegt atvik.


Framtķšin veršur laus viš kolefnistrś

"Polling conducted by the Independent Center in association with Newsweek found that “30 percent of Gen Zers (people born between 1997 and 2012) and millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996) did not have nor want any children.”

Shockingly, 23 percent of those surveyed said they believe having children is irresponsible due to “climate change.”"

Framtķšin er björt.


Um sjśklegt moršęši sósķalista

Ekkert lifandi fęr aš vera ķ friši fyrir sósķalistum.

Gešheilsa sósķalista hangir į blįžręši

"The secret to understanding the average progressive mind is to first realize that everything they do revolves around a deeply ingrained fantasy world in which they are rebels; righteous underdogs fighting against "the system" or "the patriarchy."  Leftists cannot function within their collectivist ideology without first creating a fascist bogeyman to revolt against.  If they were to ever realize that they are, in fact, the establishment and the authoritarians, their entire world view would collapse."

Og žaš veršur bara skrķtnara...

Epstein II, the Diddy

"A producer from New Jersey says he saw – and was in possession of – a number of sex tapes featuring eight different celebrity victims — including two or three underage male stars.

New York Post reported:

“Courtney Burgess, who testified before a grand jury in Manhattan on Thursday, claimed in an interview with NewsNation’s ‘Banfield’ that he saw six males and two female celebs engaging in sex acts with the disgraced music mogul. Asked how many of the stars appeared to be under the influence or inebriated on the tapes, Burgess alleged, ‘All of them.’”"

Žś ert ekki seleb nema žś takir žįtt ķ nokkrum orgķum.

Manstu gamla daga?

Svona verša menn sem hlusta eingöngu į RŚV

"A man has been arrested for allegedly beating up a Trump supporter for "wearing a Trump 2024 hat," police have reported. The victim was beaten in a New York grocery store on Friday, according to authorities.

According to police, Robert Yott, 60, allegedly beat up the Trump supporter after he became aggressive because the victim was wearing a "Trump 2024" hat."

Mį ekki einu sinni vera meš hśfu fyrir yfirganginum ķ leftistum.

Žetta hljómar bęši jįkvętt og skemmtilegt

"A decade ago, Chester Zoo released thousands of fen raft Spiders after the species was found to be in terminal decline.

The zoo has now revealed there are more than 10,000 breeding females across the country — an all time high for the arachnid in the UK. 

“These spiders have an important role in maintaining the rich aquatic diversity found in the grazing ditches on our reserves. The females are impressive in size, but also beautiful – they are truly special to see!”"

Smį tónlist:

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