End the Fed

Pöddu-hamborgara maðurinn hættir hjá WEF

"World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab has announced his resignation as executive chairman of the WEF.

Under his leadership, the WEF has touted ushering in a “Great Reset,” which aims to replace democratic models worldwide with a model of elite stakeholders who make decisions on behalf of the people."

Það var og.

Flóttinn frá Niger

"The U.S. and Niger issued a joint statement on Sunday that set a deadline of September 15 for the withdrawal of all U.S. forces. The departing American troops leave behind a $100-million military base built to support counter-terrorism operations in the Sahel region."

Rússar koma í staðinn.

Séð úr annarri átt.

Musk fær að víra annan heila

"The US health regulator has granted permission to Elon Musk’s Neuralink to implant a brain chip in a second patient despite some initial issues with the first test subject, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

Neuralink expects to implant its device in the second patient in June, and another eight people will participate in further trials before the end of this year, the report said. More than 1,000 quadriplegics have signed up for its patient registry."

Við getum endurbyggt þá alla, við höfum tæknina.


Kaninn er með allskonar hugmyndir

"Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie's legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System."

Vissulega ein lausn á verðbólgunni.

Fylgjumst með.

Bara sama...

Merkilega skynsamlegir hlutir koma frá þessum banjó-spilara.

Hinn uggvænlegi leigumorðingi Eli Kopter

"Hamas Telegram has picked up a joke that Raisi's pilot was a Mossad agent called Eli Copter and is pushing it as fact. These are the same geniuses that the mainstream media has been getting casualty numbers from for 7 months and publishing them without verification"

Geta menn talað og gengið samtímis?

Eitthvað segir mér að forseti íran hafi ekki verið allt of vinsæll

"Iranian women are celebrating the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and dancing on his “dirty grave.”

The “Butcher of Tehran” oversaw a brutal crackdown on the protests in 2022 that rose against the Islamic “morality police.”"

Já... þeir velja annan, og hann verður eins, eða nógu svipaður.

Stuðningur við hryðjuverkasamtök hamlar útskrift

"Harvard has reportedly blocked 12 seniors from graduating and dozens more students received notices to appear in front of the Harvard College Administrative Board in connection with the Gaza camp that lasted nearly three weeks in Harvard Yard. "

Þessu tengt:

Þeir fela andlit sín því þeir vita að þeir eru að gera vonda hluti.

Venezuela hefur ekki næga orku aflögu

"According to a local news outlet, Venezuela’s Ministry of Electric Power has unveiled plans to disconnect cryptocurrency mining farms from the national grid. The move aims to regulate excessive energy consumption and guarantee a stable power supply for the population."

Auðvitað ekki.

Tilgangurinn með kommúnisma er stanslaus skortur á öllu.

Uhm... ha?

Mætið á NASCAR, fáið UFC í kaupbæti

"NASCAR drivers Kyle Busch and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. got into a fight outside the garage area following the 200-lap race.

The physical interaction started when Stenhouse approached Busch after the race and threw a punch at Busch.

A brawl quickly ensued, and Busch’s and Stenhouses’s crews needed to be separated by security."


Addi rokk vs Ted Nugent













*Addi hefur aldrei sagt hvað það var nækvæmlega sem Ted Nugent sagði sem fór svo fyrir brjóstið á honum.

**Sama gildir um Trump.

***Andúð Adda á Ísraelslýð er skopleg og undarleg, en ku þykja normal í kreðsum fjölmiðlamanna.

Hvað er sniðugt í útlendu miðlum?

Innrás USA í Gasa heldur áfram

"After the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden is putting troops in harm's way with a half baked plan to construct a pier in Gaza.

As the fighting raged, the US military said trucks started moving aid ashore from a temporary pier, the first to reach the besieged enclave by sea in weeks.

The situation is heating up even as famine is said to be present in this northern area. "To stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of Gaza – and for that, we need access by land now," deputy UN spokesperson Farhan Haq announced in a statement..."


Tölvuleikjasenan er villt.

Á meðan, í Frakklandi

"The French postal service is offering a scratch-and-sniff stamp that highlights the beautiful aroma of the country’s beloved baguette.

The stamp, which costs 1.96 euro, was unveiled on Thursday, and its “bakery scent” comes from microcapsules in the ink, France 24 reported on Friday."

Þetta hljómar eins og eitthvað sem mönnum dettur í hug á næturvakt númer 2.

Zombíu-heimsendirinn hófst öðruvísi en við bjuggumst við.

Velgengni í Rússlandi

"The Russian economy, which is already subjected to a wide array of international economic sanctions due to the Ukraine conflict, initially contracted by 1.2% in 2022, but last year posted growth of 3.6%, according to official statistics. The first quarter of 2024 saw the country’s GDP further increase by 5.4% year-on-year, according to preliminary estimates issued on Friday. The International Monetary Fund said last month it expects the Russian economy to expand 3.2% this year, a projection which puts the country ahead of a number of major Western economies, including the US (2.7%), UK (0.5%), France (0.7%), and Germany (0.2%)."

Þetta stríð við þá er ekki alveg að virka.

Reddt = 4chan með fávitum.

Innbrotsþjófur skorinn í bita

"A low-life career criminal paid the ultimate price after breaking into a Florida man’s home and shooting his wife.

Highlands County Sheriff Paul Blackman told reporters Glenn gained entry into the couple’s home under a scam that involved the woman’s job as a notary.

After the male victim witnessed Glenn try to kill his wife, Blackman said the man grabbed a seven-inch garden knife and went to work on the intruder.

Blackman revealed the thug was “cut to pieces” and “very much deceased” when deputies found him. The sheriff thanked the male victim for his heroic actions."

Menn komast ekki upp með hvað sem er í Flórída.

Á meðan, í Þýzkalandi

Fólk er að deyja skyndilega:

"The most recent death was 25-year-old Adnan Deumic, who worked in the United Kingdom for Bank of America. Fox Business reported he died from “cardiac arrest” while playing soccer Thursday night, merely two weeks after a 35-year-old investment banker for the company passed away unexpectedly, reportedly due to a blood clot."

Og þessi: "Alice Stewart, a former GOP advisor, Trump critic who did not believe in election fraud, and a CNN political commentator, has died unexpectedly at the age of 58."

Bara það sem er á forsíðunni í dag.

Ekkert má:

Hvernig fóru þeir aftur með Sókrates?

Hvernig skal forðast stór skip

Nauðsynleg bók hverjum sjofarenda, sýnist mér.

"Can it be stopped before it hits you? Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones by reading this book written for the private boat owner/captain."

Auðvitað skal öllum vera ljóst að ekki verður komist hjá því að nota tæknileg sjóara orð eins og "vatn" og "bátur," annars ættu flestir að geta stautað sig fram úr þessu.


Úti á ballarhafi geta svona stór skip algerlega komið manni að óvörum úr einhverju skúmaskotinu.  Eins og reynzlan kennir.

Naut stangar vitleysing á ströndinni

"She made at least three very stupid mistakes. She fed the bull. She kept trying to retrieve her belongings from the bull who was interested in them and sniffing them. Finally, she did not run and seek a protective position away from the animal."


Fólk er hvorki gáfað né gott.

Pútín segir hvað hann hefur í hyggju

"Speaking to reporters at the Harbin Institute of Technology during his two-day visit to China, Putin commented on Russia’s operations in Kharkov Region, asserting that Moscow is achieving success on the battlefield by acting “strictly according to plan.”

When asked about Russia’s goals there, Putin noted that Ukraine is to blame for recent fighting in the area, as it “unfortunately continues to shell residential blocks in the border areas, including Belgorod.”

“Civilians are dying out there. Everything is crystal clear. They are firing directly at the center of the city,” the president said, recalling that he had publicly warned Kiev that Russia would be forced to establish a “cordon sanitaire” in the areas under Kiev’s control if the attacks continued."

Þar höfum við það.

Það er verið að reyna að peppa fólk í aðra kóvitleysu.

Kommúnistar skjóta leiserum á blaðamann

"A local Seattle news journalist was assaulted and harassed by armed Antifa militants and leftist agitators on Wednesday at the University of Washington’s unsanctioned Gaza encampment

They surrounded Fox 13 News photojournalist Mike Harvey with umbrellas to block him from filming the encampment, and shined high-powered green lasers in his eyes, which can cause permanent blindness."


Musk með allskonar hugmyndir

"According to Musk, an uncrewed mission to Mars could be achieved in less than five years, while landing humans on the planet might take less than a decade. He further projected that a city could potentially be established on Mars within 20 years, and with certainty, within 30 years, securing the future of human civilization beyond Earth."

Gaman að rúnta þar.

eða þetta:

Framtíðin.  Gott að hafa langtímaplön.  Menn verða jú sífellt eldri.

Al Gore segir að heimsskautin hafi bráðnað að fullu árið 2014

Al Gore segir líka að hafið sé að sjóða.

Þetta er síðan 2009... bara að segja

"New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in the summertime as early as 2014, Al Gore said Monday at the UN climate conference.

"The time for collective and immediate action on climate change is now," said Denmark's foreign minister, Per Stig Moeller."

Kolefnistrúarmenn eru staðfastir í sinni villutrú.

Alvöru vísindi:

Hvað segiði, hvað fenguði margar?

Þeir í Perú segja það eins og það er

"Conditions now recognized as mental health disorders include transsexualism, dual role transvestism, gender identity disorder in childhood, other gender identity disorders, fetish transvestism, and egodystonic sexual orientation.""

Þegar menn læra að mistökum annarra...

Ofbeldismaður fær það sem hann á skilið

"Would-be attacker stabbed multiple times after wild caught-on-camera ambush of NYC couple walking their dog.

Footage released by the New York Police Department (NYPD) shows the man sneaking up behind the couple as they strolled the streets with their pup. The suspect then throws his coat aside and pounces on the man in the scooter.

But things quickly go haywire for the assailant. The would-be victim immediately tosses the thug to the ground and starts raining blows at him."


Íranir þykjast eiga atómbombu

"The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) offered to share the nation’s nuclear “expertise” with any country seeking to develop a nuclear program on Wednesday, the latest in a string of provocative comments by Iranian officials, including one claiming Tehran already has a nuclear bomb."

Þá er augljóslega rétti tíminn til að starta einhverju þar.

Á hverjum degi, alltaf eins: Þetta fellur, hitt fellur... allt fellur.

Maður náðaður fyrir að skjóta terrorista

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a full pardon and restoration of rights for Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant who was found guilty of murder for the fatal shooting of Garrett Foster during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest while Perry was an Uber driver."

Meiri góðar fréttir.


Tölvugerðar bókmenntir og lesbíu rómans

Besta bók sem skrifuð hefur verið. (Byrjar ~12.00)

Um bókmenntir á TikTok.

Bókmenntir sem þessi fann gegnum Tik Tok.

Þessi tilkynnir okkur það að persónurnar í lesbíu-rómans eru ekki nógu ljótar, og alls ekkert gey.

Sem hljómar eins og fyndið concept.

Þetta er Live Action útgáfan af Maria Sama ga Miteru.  Hvorki gey né eró.


Manndráp sem leiddi til dauða

Þeir á fréttastofu RÚV vita ekki hvað orð þýða.

... ha?

Þessu tengt: Kolefnistræuarmapur vill myrða stóran hluta mannkyns til að breyta veðrinu

"One government climate scientist made the mistake of blurting out the real end-game of so many radical environmental activists in a bid to preserve the planet: Killing off the human population.

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate,” he wrote."

Kolefnistrú er bókstaflega dauða-költ.

Kínverjinn veit.

Hinn heimsfrægi apa-riðill Tedros stefnir á heimsyfirráð

"The United Kingdom’s health officials issued statements during negotiations last week suggesting London would not sign to the draft as it currently exists, as it is a threat to the country’s sovereignty. Conservative leader Nigel Farage launched a campaign this week to oppose the adoption of the W.H.O. pandemic accord, warning that the draft could result in an international push “for mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations.”"

Getur Tedros og hans hyski ekki bara farið í næsta dýragarð og lokað sig inni með górillunum?


Google kært vegna vafasamra viðskifthátta

"Rumble argued in their suit that during their time as a client, Google had prevented them from earning more than $1 billion in ad revenue and that the company had illegally hindered their ability to become a viable competitor in the advertising tech sector."

Þætti líklega eðlilegt hér.


Fasisminn lifir

"A court in Germany has approved the intelligence monitoring of the Alternative for Germany (AFD) political party on the grounds that it poses a “threat to democracy.”

As the party’s popularity continues to rise as Germans rise up against the globalist regime that rules them, particulary over the issue of mass immigration, the government has now found an excuse to monitor them by classifying them as an extremist organization."

AfD eru aðeins of augljóslega góðu kallarnir, og ríkið vondu kallarnir.  Algerlega svart/hvítt, eins og í einhverri teiknimyndasögu.


Svo margir þrá kjarnorkustyrrjöld

Þessi gaur er jafn bjagaður og liðið sem heldur að Rússar muni núka Keflavík

"Warmonger in chief Lindsey Graham suggested Sunday that Israel, with the help of the US, should use nuclear weapons on Iran and Hamas fighters in Palestinian territories."

Það er eins og menn haldi að það séu bara einhvr pólitísk tómarúm um allt þar sem menn gata bara valsað um og gert hvað sem þeim dettur í hug.

Svo er ekki.

Þessi hugmynd er til komin vegna vanskilnings á öllu undir sólinni.

Tala látinna lækkar

"In a graphic featured within OCHA’s recent daily briefing on May 6th, it was claimed that approximately 9,500 women had lost their lives in the ongoing conflict. The organization also cited data sourced from the Hamas-administered Ministry of Health in Gaza asserting that since hostilities began last October, roughly 14,500 children had been killed.

Yet just two days later, the U.N. agency appeared to revise these figures significantly downward in its subsequent report. The updated data indicated that approximately 4,959 women and 7,797 children had lost their lives."

Var semi að vonast eftir zombíum...

Ekkert að marka sameinuðu þjóðirnar.

Allskyns óþokkar reyna að myrða fólk í kirkju, en hvorki gengur né rekur

"Churchgoers thwarted a teenager armed with a rifle from entering a Louisiana church full of children Saturday in a service that was being livestreamed, authorities said.

He was trying to enter the back door and parishioners barred the entrance, apprehended the boy, and called the police."

Minnir á þetta atvik: "A horrifying livestream of the ordeal showed Germany ducking for cover as the perp brandished the weapon in front of churchgoers, including the pastor’s own 14-year-old daughter.

“He pulled the gun; it clicked,” the pastor told WPXI. “You heard him shoot it.”

“God jammed the gun so the bullet didn’t come out.”"

og þetta: "Bishop Mari Emmanuel was preaching a live-streamed sermon at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in the city’s west when a man dressed in black approached the altar and allegedly stabbed the Christian Orthodox priest multiple times."


Í stuði með Guði.

Háskóli Norður karólínu tekur ekki lengur þátt í neinni úrkynjun

"UNC's board of trustees has voted unanimously to abolish the university's DEI department and transfer all funds to the campus police. It's not 2020 anymore. "Defund DEI, refund the police" is the winning slogan of the day."

Loksins loksins.

GameStop aftur

"Trading on GameStop was halted 5 times Monday morning before 10:30 AM EST because the stock was up over 100%."


Á tímum úrkynjunar

Allir hafa heyrt um kaffilausa kffið og mjólkurlausu mjólkina, nú; hníflausi hnífurinn

"Swiss Army Knife manufacturer Victorinox announced that they are in the process of developing knifeless Swiss Army Knives.

'We are concerned about the increasing regulation of knives in the world due to violence. In England or certain Asian countries, you are sometimes only allowed to carry a knife if you need to have it to do your job or operate outdoors."

Hvernig eiga þeir að skera hluti hníflausir?  Naga bara með tönnunum?  En hey, menn mega ekki einu sinni hafa í fórum sínum banana lengur.

Menn vilja fara aðeins í fjármál hryðjuverka-stuðningshópa

"A group of 15 Republican senators, led by Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, has sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, demanding an investigation into whether several nonprofit organizations have violated their tax-exempt status by providing financial support to groups backing Hamas, which is a designated foreign terrorist organization, according to Just The News. 

The letter pointed out that at NSJP chapter-led demonstrations, such as those at Columbia University, protesters “were reportedly chanting “We are Hamas” and “Al-Qassam [in reference to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing] you make us proud, kill another soldier now!”

“In light of this abhorrent support for an FTO, we call on you to initiate an investigation to determine whether financial supporters of NSJP, including but not limited to AJP, the WESPAC Foundation, and the Tides Foundation, have engaged in conduct warranting their tax-exempt status to be stripped,” the letter stated."

Bill Gates vill hindra beljur í að leysa vind

"According to a report from Axios, Gates is the leader of an investment fund behind ArkeaBio, a Boston pharamceutical company that is seeking to develop a livestock vaccine that will help reduce global vaccine emissions.

The outlet reports:

ArkeaBio, a Boston developer of a vaccine to reduce livestock methane emissions, raised a $26.5 million in venture capital funding led by an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

Why it matters: Caring about cow farts (or burps) has become a political punchline, but they’re estimated to create more than 5% of global greenhouse gasses. Vaccines could be a relatively low-cost, scalable solution, particularly as food demand increases."

Kolefnistrúarmenn reyna að eyðileggja Magna Carta

"The general goal of every Marxist movement is to undermine or sabotage any opposing culture using whatever means necessary so that it can be scrapped and replaced with a new progressive/collectivist system.

The real message is one of aggression, not attention.  Marxist activists are saying that western culture, not oil, is their enemy. And, if they don't get what they want they will continue to try to smash our greatest works of art and historic documents as a means to tear the west down piece by piece.  When protesters declare the Magna Carta fair game it's not a random decision; they know exactly what they are doing."

Þetta vandamál hættir ef þessu liði verður stungið inn til lengri tíma.  Guantanamo, sko.


Roger Corman fellur frá

"Corman died Thursday at his home in Santa Monica, California, according to a statement released Saturday by his wife and daughters."

Það var B í öllum hans kvikmyndum.

Þetta er vestræn menning.

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