Į tķmum śrkynjunar

Allir hafa heyrt um kaffilausa kffiš og mjólkurlausu mjólkina, nś; hnķflausi hnķfurinn

"Swiss Army Knife manufacturer Victorinox announced that they are in the process of developing knifeless Swiss Army Knives.

'We are concerned about the increasing regulation of knives in the world due to violence. In England or certain Asian countries, you are sometimes only allowed to carry a knife if you need to have it to do your job or operate outdoors."

Hvernig eiga žeir aš skera hluti hnķflausir?  Naga bara meš tönnunum?  En hey, menn mega ekki einu sinni hafa ķ fórum sķnum banana lengur.

Menn vilja fara ašeins ķ fjįrmįl hryšjuverka-stušningshópa

"A group of 15 Republican senators, led by Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, has sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, demanding an investigation into whether several nonprofit organizations have violated their tax-exempt status by providing financial support to groups backing Hamas, which is a designated foreign terrorist organization, according to Just The News. 

The letter pointed out that at NSJP chapter-led demonstrations, such as those at Columbia University, protesters “were reportedly chanting “We are Hamas” and “Al-Qassam [in reference to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing] you make us proud, kill another soldier now!”

“In light of this abhorrent support for an FTO, we call on you to initiate an investigation to determine whether financial supporters of NSJP, including but not limited to AJP, the WESPAC Foundation, and the Tides Foundation, have engaged in conduct warranting their tax-exempt status to be stripped,” the letter stated."

Bill Gates vill hindra beljur ķ aš leysa vind

"According to a report from Axios, Gates is the leader of an investment fund behind ArkeaBio, a Boston pharamceutical company that is seeking to develop a livestock vaccine that will help reduce global vaccine emissions.

The outlet reports:

ArkeaBio, a Boston developer of a vaccine to reduce livestock methane emissions, raised a $26.5 million in venture capital funding led by an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

Why it matters: Caring about cow farts (or burps) has become a political punchline, but they’re estimated to create more than 5% of global greenhouse gasses. Vaccines could be a relatively low-cost, scalable solution, particularly as food demand increases."

Kolefnistrśarmenn reyna aš eyšileggja Magna Carta

"The general goal of every Marxist movement is to undermine or sabotage any opposing culture using whatever means necessary so that it can be scrapped and replaced with a new progressive/collectivist system.

The real message is one of aggression, not attention.  Marxist activists are saying that western culture, not oil, is their enemy. And, if they don't get what they want they will continue to try to smash our greatest works of art and historic documents as a means to tear the west down piece by piece.  When protesters declare the Magna Carta fair game it's not a random decision; they know exactly what they are doing."

Žetta vandamįl hęttir ef žessu liši veršur stungiš inn til lengri tķma.  Guantanamo, sko.


Roger Corman fellur frį

"Corman died Thursday at his home in Santa Monica, California, according to a statement released Saturday by his wife and daughters."

Žaš var B ķ öllum hans kvikmyndum.

Žetta er vestręn menning.

Meš banana ķ annarri og Breska fįnann ķ hinni

Innrįs USA ķ Gaza heldur įfram

"As the American domestic scene is distracted by the sudden appearance of the Palestinian “protesters” (née Antifers, née violent Transgenders, née Trust Fund malcontents), the Gaza Pier building exercise has been out of the spotlight.  The real question should be, after at least 15 years of about a $1 Billion Dollars of year of funding donated directly to the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) – why has a modern port not already been made in Gaza?  For some reason $1 Billion Dollars a year was not enough to at least have a simple seaport and pier."


Nś geta menn fylgst meš Milo į X

"Milo Yiannopoulos' infamous @Nero account has been unbanned from X after a wave of accounts were unlocked this past week.  

After Elon Musk bought Twitter and promised more freedom of expression on the large social media site now known as X, many other controversial figures have had their accounts unbanned."


Smį Eurovision žema ķ žessu.

Rśssar aš segja eitthvaš

"Ukrainian forces are actively using weapons supplied by Britain to carry out terrorist attacks against Russian regions, Foreign Ministry official Sergey Belyaev has said.

London remains one of the largest donors of weaponry to Kiev, providing £7.1 billion ($8.9 billion) in assistance since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022..."

Komum žessu fyrir einhversstašar ķ samhengi hlutanna, til skilnings seinna.

Bretland er skrķtinn stašur nśna

"Now the anti-Hamas activist has been arrested again, but not for carrying a sign, but rather for brandishing then eating a banana, and for carrying the flag of England, the country he was in at the time of the arrest."

Handtekinn fyrir aš veifa banana og breska fįnanum.

... žetta geršist.

Rśssar stešja fram

"Artillery, mortar, and aerial bombardments hit more than 30 different towns and villages, leaving at least three people dead and five others injured, said Kharkiv governor, Oleh Syniehubov.

Russian military bloggers said the assault could mark the start of a Russian attempt to carve out a “buffer zone” that President Vladimir Putin vowed to create earlier this year to halt frequent Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod and other Russian border regions."

Og nś, eitthvaš allt annaš: 

Įgętis vörn viš mannįti, kannski.

Kommśnistar rįšast į Tesla verksmišju ķ Berlķn

"All hell is breaking out at Tesla's Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg on Friday as hundreds of woke Marxist extremists storm the property. 

From eco-terrorist attacks in Germany to migrant invasions across Europe - and across the Atlantic, migrant invasion on the southern border to BLM protests during Covid to pro-Palestinian demonstrations shutting down critical infrastructure (bridges, highways, and airport terminals) and colleges and universities - this chaos is all funded by Marxist NGOs that all have one goal: kill capitalism and America."

Fólk stķgur ekki ķ vitiš.

Tranni vinnur hlaup

"A male student at McDaniel High School in Portland, Oregon who identifies as ‘transgender’ absolutely dominated the girls varsity 400-meter race on Wednesday."

ESG skoriš žitt hrķšfellur žegar žś hlustar į žetta.

Rśssneski strętó er ekki öruggur

"A passenger bus fell into a river in the Russian city of St Petersburg, killing at least three people, the emergencies ministry has said.

According to law enforcement, the driver is being held at a police station; a criminal case has been launched against him.

Gazeta.ru has reported that according to preliminary data, the driver could have lost control of the vehicle due to sudden health issues."

Kommśnistar handteknir fyrir aš vera vitleysingar

"Philadelphia police officers joined Penn police early on Friday morning to disband the Gaza camp at the University of Pennsylvania, arresting students and activists.

Protesters sang "we shall not be moved" as officers zip tied their hands and hauled them away to police vans. Fox News reports that the protesters, many of whom were "too old" to be on college campuses, smiled and resisted as much as they could while being led away."

Noršurljós um hįsumar

"NOAA has upgraded a geomagnetic solar storm watch from a Level 3 (“moderate”) to a Level 4 (“severe”) as several solar flares have combined. That could grace the northern tier skies with brilliant auroras but also trigger GPS problems, hamper satellite communication, and cause high-frequency radio blackouts."



Sannleikurinn hręšir illmenni

Kķna Kvefs bóluefni tekiš śr umferš vegna eiginleika

"In yet another damning development for the 'safe and effective' crowd, AstraZeneca has announced the worldwide withdrawal of its Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, branded as Vaxzevria, due to a rare but serious side effect.

...the timing of the withdrawal follows months of intense scrutiny over a rare side effect. In a recent High Court document, the company admitted that Vaxzevria could, in very rare instances, cause Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), which has been linked to at least 81 deaths in the UK. Despite these admissions, AstraZeneca maintains that the decision to pull the vaccine is unrelated to the ongoing legal challenges or its potential side effects."


Hollendingar senda jaršżtur į hryšjuverkamenn

"Police in the Netherlands arrested about 169 activists as they broke up a pro-Palestinian demonstration camp at the University of Amsterdam.

This comes after yesterday Anti-Israel students & activists armed with sticks attacked Jewish students at the University of Amsterdam.

Reaction was swift, as Police used BULLDOZERS to raze the protest camps in the University campus."


Pólitķkus dęmdur ķ fangelsi fyrir aš segja satt

"AfD Politician Convicted For Warning About Gang Rapes

For this, the politician now has to pay 100 day fines (a type of fine related to daily income of the convicted) plus a fine of €60, a total of €6,000. In Germany, you are considered to have a criminal record if you are sentenced to pay more than 90 day fines. 

The charge was based on a post that Kaiser had spread on her social media accounts in August 2021. In it, she wrote: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ acceptance; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”"

Musk spyr, ešlilega: "Are you saying the fine was for repeating accurate government statistics?"

Jį.  Sannleikurinn er illa séšur.  Žaš er marg og mikiš aš fólki nśna.

Kebab er žżzkaranum mikilvęgt

"Germany’s Left party has suggested that the state subsidize doner kebabs to the tune of almost €4 billion per year."

Uhm... ok?

Meiri ritskošun

"Key federal agencies have resumed discussions with social media companies over removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears, a stark reversal after the Biden administration for months froze communications with social platforms amid a pending First Amendment case in the Supreme Court, a top senator said Monday."

Horfiši į RśV?  Hęttiš žvķ hiš snarasta.

Limmó ķ Rśsslandi

Breska heilbrigšiskerfiš er virt.

Rśssneskur limm-framleišandi leggur undir sig Toyota-verksmišjurnar

"A St. Petersburg-based plant formerly belonging to Japanese automaker Toyota has been handed over to Russian high-end carmaker Aurus...

The brand is best known for producing limos for the Russian president."

Hvaš ętli Zuckerberg žurfi aš myrša marga til aš réttlęta žetta?

"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is known for being super concerned about climate change, but apparently that has not prevented him from sailing around in a yacht that’s bigger than most people’s houses."

Žetta brennir amk tonni af olķu į klukkustund.  Mešal bķll eyšir 5-10 lķtrum į sama tķma.  Trukkur eyšir 15-30.  Žaš gerir tonn į 2 vikum, mišaš viš stanslausa notkun ķ 8 tķma į dag, eša 12 bķlar į klukkustund.

Zuck žarf aš myrša 120 manns į dag, allt įriš sennilega, til aš kolefnisjafna žetta.

Deyjiš til aš Zuck geti siglt!

Nżr Tik-tok filter sżnir žér hvernig žś litir śt ef žś vęrir śrkynjašur

"There’s a new Filter out there that shows what you would look like as a liberal!"

... eša meira śrkynjašur.

Gaman ķ 15 sekśndur.

Kolefnistrśarmenn saga nišur tré

"Fans are flocking to the see the lone specimen that skyrocketed to fame on the internet before it's chopped down because of climate change.

The problem is that since the Tidal Basin is, literally, a tidal basin, it is subject to high and low tides. In the area where Stumpy sits, the high tides wash over onto the land thus inundating the trees' roots with water, something cherry trees in particular don't tolerate well."

Fólk.  Ekki skynsömustu skepnurnar.

Varaforseti USA tjįir sig um įstandiš į Gaza

"“Madam Vice President, Hamas says it accepted a ceasefire deal…” the reporter began.

“Shrimp and grits. Is that what you wanted to know?” Harris said."

... jį.

Śrfelli vęntanlegt

Nišurrifsseggir fjįrmagnašir af aušmönnum

"Absolutely WILD article from Politico this morning, admitting the Pro-Palestine protests are funded by Deep State mega-donors: -Gates -Soros -Rockefeller -Pritzker

Yep, the college protests were, until White Boy Summer, a civil war on the Left with both sides, the universities and the protesters, funded by Democrats.

Some disaffected Jewish libs are starting to second guess their support for the Democrats because of it.

The question is, why in the world is Politico doing this report? Why are they investigating this? Doesn't this hurt Biden?"

Meiri helvķtis fķflagangurinn, allt saman.

Rśssar dusta rykiš af atómbombunum

"Russia claims Western provocations while launching a nuclear provocation of its own, saying it will drill its nuclear missile troops, air force, and ships to “practice employing non-strategic nuclear-weapons”. Also known as tactical weapons, the lower-yield atomic bombs are intended for battlefield use to destroy opposing armies and fortifications, rather than whole cities or industries, as with long-range strategic missiles."


Sannleikurinn hentar ekki rķkinu

"Here is the full 800 page report released by the House Judiciary Committee on the Biden Administration’s Censorship Industrial Complex.

On Thursday, investigative reporter Mike Benz revealed “10 flaming examples” Facebook, YouTube and Amazon explicitly said they only passed censorship policies because they were threatened by the Biden government.

The Biden White House forced tech giants to censor these five COVID claims – that all turned out to be accurate.
Claims that COVID was:
1.) manmade,
2.) manufactured,
3.) bioengineered
4.) a bioweapon
5.) created by an individual government
6.) modified through gain of function research"

Og fólk hlżddi Vķši blindandi.

Austin veršur samastašur barnageldara

"The Austin, Texas City Council has voted to become a sanctuary city for transgender-identifying individuals, including minors, that are seeking sex change drugs and surgeries."

Snip snip.

Hvaš segir Medvedev ķ dag?

"Russia “will have to respond” to the proposed deployment of Western soldiers, “and this response will not be” in Ukraine, the Russian official warned. In that case “there will be no hiding on Capitol Hill, in the Elysee Palace or at 10 Downing Street.”

He said current Western elites were “infantile morons” who refuse to see the risk, unlike US President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who managed to walk back the escalation six decades ago."

Hver žrķtugur mašur ķ dag į minni og minni möguleik į aš lifa.

Žaš er matreišzlubók

Minnir mig į aš Jśróvisjón er aš hefjast.

Trumpo meš įętlanir um hvernig hann hyggst stilla til frišar ķ Śkranķu

"The Daily Telegraph is now reporting, citing an unnamed source who is said to be close to the former president and current GOP frontrunner going into the November election, that Trump has developed a detailed plan for achieving Ukraine peace."


Vesturlönd tapa ķtökum ķ Afrķku vegna ESG/DEI.

Japaninn hefur sķnar efasemdir.

"The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan recently warned that the Japanese government became the first in the world to approve a new type of jab called the “self replication replicon vaccine” that is being rushed to market as we speak. The goal is to have it ready by this fall or winter."

Ętliš žaš verši hlustaš į hann?

Ein leiš... kannski eina leišin.

Aušugir kommśnistar skapa vandręši

"College campus protests are being infiltrated by outside forces and supported by professional agitators.

One such alleged professional agitator is James Carlson, who was arrested inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall and has no affiliation with the University.

But who is Carlson? He is the privileged son of a millionaire with a long history of violent protests.

He was charged with burglary, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, conspiracy and criminal trespassing."

Undirbśningurinn stóš yfir lengi

"Left-wing activist organizations reportedly helped train many students for months before they began setting up Gaza Camps on college campuses across the country. 

 They even had several former Black Panthers host a "teach-in" to discuss the importance of handling internal disputes within the organization.  

One of the organizers, Sueda Polat, told the outlet, "We took notes from our elders, engaged in dialogue with them, and analyzed how the university responded to previous protests.""

Žaš žarf aš fara aš taka svona vitleysinga af lķfi.  Ekkert gott hefst af žeim.

Menn hafa mjög vondan mįlstaš, svo vondan aš žeir žurfa aš hylja andlit sķn.

Kolefnistrśarmenn skemma Versali

"In the latest stunt targeting works of art and historic sites, two activists from the Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response) collective threw orange powder throughout the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, the Baroque style gallery in the former seat of power for the French monarchy."

Ég heyrši ķ fréttum įšan aš einhver öldruš kelling labbaši 16 kķlómetra til žess aš mótmęla rafmagni.

Žaš er ekki margt aš ske milli eyrnanna į fólki.

Google bannar kosningaauglżsingu žvķ hśn er of góš

"A pro-Donald Trump ad has been censored online by Google.  

According to Arenge, a reporter for NBC News, Google removed the advertisement for the vague justification of a “policy violation.” On Friday the advertisement was live in the Google archive but has since been removed."

Sem er jafnvel betri auglżsing fyrir Trump.

40k er woke nśna.

Mannętur gefa kannski śt matreišzlubók

"Dmitry Baksheev and Natalia Baksheeva were allegedly butchering dozens of people over a period of 18 years before police finally discovered the cannibalistic lair hidden in their flat - including cut off body parts and photos of their human meat dishes.

When police searched their flat in Krasnodar, they reportedly found several chopped off body parts, pickled human remains, a dozen slices of skin and recipes as well as 'cannibal videos' outlining how to cook human flesh."

Framtķšin, žegar matvęlaverš fer óhjįkvęmilega aš hękka sökum agenda 2030 og annarrar kommśnista vitleysu.

Alltaf gott žegar dularfullir leyndardómar koma ķ ljós.

Fyrir žį sem vilja vita hvernig žaš hljómar ķ heild sinni.

Murder hobo

Hér er "Red nails" ķ allri sinni dżrš:



Ég hef lesiš eitthvaš af žessu:

Žegar hśn les upp śr žessari bók...

Pirringurinn ķ röddinni...

Žś gętir hugsaš laxa-fóbķskar hugsanir ef žś skošar žetta

Kommśnista-śtópķan Portland.

Donald Trump nęrir hungraša

"After leaving court for the day, Donald Trump was seen delivering pizza to a New York City Fire Department station on Thursday evening.

Trump was greeted with clapping and cheers of support from the firefighters as he walked through the firehouse’s doors with pizza in hand and more on a table nearby."

Trump kemur meš mat.  Žess vegna hata kommśnistar hann.  Śt af matnum.  Kommar og matur fara ekki saman.

Ķran bżšst til aš taka viš kommśnistum

"Students protesting on our campuses have been offered free scholarships at Shiraz University in Fars. So, while Northwestern has reached a settlement with protesters to give scholarships to Palestinian students and positions to Palestinian faculty, U.S. protesters can now go to Iran for their education."


... ha ...

Gervigreind stelur vinnunni af vęndiskonum

"Facebook and Instagram reportedly host thousands of explicit ads for AI-generated companions and “girlfriend” apps – and sex workers are accusing Meta of double standards when it comes to policing smut.

Some human sex workers raised concerns over Meta favoring the AI-powered sex services and letting them multiply while barring human sex work on Facebook and Instagram as “adult content,” according to Wired."


Rśssinn vill meina aš śkranķumenn hafi misst tvöfalt fleiri bara į žessu įri en eir sjįlfir frį upphafi įtaka

"Ukrainian military losses since the beginning of the year have surpassed 111,000 troops, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Friday, as he shared Moscow’s latest estimates from the conflict.  

Russia’s territorial gains this year have amounted to 547 sq km, he added."


Lofar ekki góšu

"The chair of the Council of Economic Advisers for President Biden has no idea how money printing and bonds work"


Ķslenska leišin er farin: aš rįša menn sem vita ekkert ķ sinn haus til aš sjį um fjįrmįlin.  Žaš hefur gefist illa frį upphafi, sem er įstęša žess aš žaš er ennžį gert.

Žessi meindżr eru allstašar

"French police on Friday peacefully removed dozens of students from a building at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, known as Sciences Po, who had gathered in support of Palestinians, echoing similar encampments and solidarity demonstrations across the United States."

Matur bķtur asķubśa

Menn žurfa ašeins aš slappa af.

LAPD vs Kommśnistar

"Few hundred protestors have been pushed out of the last section of the encampment as CHP gains FULL CONTROL of the area. The encampment is being completely disassembled and mass arrests made of those that chose to stay behind. The UCLA Encampment is no more.

More of the aftermath... "Planet- and DEI-loving leftists trash and vandalize UCLA in support of antisemitism. Communism is not a point of view. It is an all-out attack on our society," X user Steve Milloy wrote.

Brainwashed Marxist kids causing chaos at woke universities and spreading like cancer across the nation is terrible optics for the Biden administration and the Democrat Party. 

... and these kids are asking for us, the taxpayers, to bail out their student debts of worthless gender degrees."

Fjandans kommśnistar.

Kommarnir eru aš gera alla aš hęgri-öfgamönnum

"Democrats are reportedly in a panic over the Gaza protests because they think the images of campus takeovers are pushing Americans to the right.

They have good reasons to be panicked. Trump is already leading in almost every swing state and one of the reasons is because the country is sick and tired of the antics of the radical left."

Framtķšin veršur bara frelsi, jafnrétti & bręšralag.

Žetta er ekki grasrótar-hreyfing.

Ekkert grunsamlegt aš gerast hér

"Spirit Airlines employee speaks out against the airline and the manufacturing defects on the Boeing 737 MAX, gets pushed out the door by management in April 2023, then gives a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit in December, again alleging quality control flaws, and now, well, he's dead. He's a healthy guy, too, but just months after these events took place he died from a sudden and severe bacterial infection."


Óšur tranni reynir aš ręna börnum af leikvelli

"Galligan, who was convicted of “nonconsensual grabbing, touching, or groping another’s intimate body parts” in 2011 according to the Daily Mail, then tried to grab a potential victim, a boy, who ran away.

The alleged predator then tripped and fell over a towel before lunging at another child, Aurora Police said in an affidavit. 

Social media posts from 2011 viewed by the outlet show Galligan documenting a gender transition."


Aušvitaš žarf hann aš lķta svona śt.

Žar fór žaš fyrir lķtiš

"The HIMARS launchers were tracked to their positions in the woods, and both were targeted using high-precision munitions. The military said both launchers had been destroyed in the strikes.

The launchers were reportedly hit by projectiles of different types. One was likely targeted using an Iskander tactical ballistic missile, and the second one with a guided projectile fired by a Tornado-S."

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