Hin botnlausa illska kommúnista

Framrásin er stöðug.

Indjánar setja sig upp á móti hryðjuverkasamtökum

"Native Americans came out in force to challenge the pro-Hamas, America-hating Marxists who set up camp on UCLA campus."

Kaninn hefur fundið sinn sameiginlega óvin.

En það er einmitt sameiginlegur óvinur okkar allra.


Þessi slagsmál hafa borist út á götu

"They have erected barriers and placed guards, creating makeshift checkpoints which require a special wrist band in order to gain passage.

In other words, if you aren't an "ally" then you don't get to attend classes, or, if you're lucky you are allowed to take a longer route around the barricades.  Keep in mind, this is not a protected form of protest or free speech, which explains why many college campuses have chosen to have protesters removed by police.

Various groups are now engaging protesters and have triggered what can only be described as an all out brawl.  The use of weapons has been common and firecrackers have even been fired at activist tents.  Whether or not the fighting is between pro-Gaza and pro-Israel groups is not yet clear, and the conflict may simply be a matter of students enraged by the general blockade."



Ekki eru allir hrifnir af kommunum

"As the New York Post reported, the New York Police Department ripped down the ghastly Palestinian banner atop the CCNY’s flag pole and replaced it with the one flag all patriotic Americans pledge allegiance to"


Kínverjar eru að hlægja að okkur.

Þú þekkir kommana á því hve ljótir þeir eru

"Square-jawed citizens are more likely to vote for conservative candidates, while those with a slender, impish face lean to the Left, according to a new study... Left-wingers tend to have smaller, lower faces, with lips and noses that are oriented further downward towards their chins when compared to conservatives, the research found."


Hvaða lið er þetta þá?

"On Tuesday night, Columbia University released a statement after calling the New York Police Department to arrest pro-Hamas activists who “occupied, vandalized and blockaded” one of the buildings on campus, which revealed that "the group that broke into and occupied the building is led by individuals who are not affiliated with the University.""

Einfalt: setjið bara þessa bjána í rafmagnsstólinn í svona 5-6 mínútur, svo í gasklefann í 10 mín, og þá verður ekkert meira vesen.

Vísindamenn hafa uppgötvað stóra holu

"Scientists have identified what could potentially be the "deepest known blue hole" in the world, extending so far down that the bottom has not yet been reached."

Hola sem er stærri en svo að hægt sé að fylla hana með Albert Hall.

Hinir banvænu anti-Hamas bananar

Hamas óttast banana

"There was a protestor in the liberated zone at UCLA with a potentially fatal banana allergy. Counterprotestors invaded the encampment and saw all the no bananas warnings. The next day they came back waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns & smeared bananas everywhere."


Þetta er ekki gæfulegt

"“’The Russians will capture Donbass by October, then the conflict will freeze, and we will have to negotiate with Putin’, predicts Sergei, an officer of the brigade located in Chasov Yar.”

Ukrainian service personnel complain that they are completely outgunned. Russian warplanes able to operate freely close to the frontline. Ukraine has fewer tanks and armored vehicles."

Stutt eftir, þá.

Hryðjuverka-stuðninsmenn brjótast inn í hús

"Anti-Israel demonstrators have stormed and seized an academic building at Columbia University in New York, in the latest escalation of the protest movement against Israel’s war in Gaza...

The protesters have since barricaded the entrances to the hall and unfurled a Palestinian flag out of one of its windows, as well as banner renaming the building ‘Hind’s Hall,’"

Kommar munu komma.

Þetta er bara í eðli sínu skoplegt

"A Chicago man was out on parole for carrying out a $46,000 heist at a Prada store when he took part in a nearly quarter-million dollar raid of a nearby Louis Vuitton store..."

og að lokum: Góðar Fréttir!

"Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir matvælaráðherra segir þingflokk Vinstri grænna hafa áhyggjur af fylgistapi flokksins í nýjasta Þjóðarpúlsi Gallup sem birtur var í gær. Þar kom fram að flokkurinn mælist með 4,4 prósenta fylgi og næði samkvæmt því ekki inn á þing."

Höldum í vonina.  Við gætum losnað við þessa leiðu og ljótu glóbalista.

Talandi um glóbalisma:

Pödduleitarappið er mikið þarfaþing.

Peningar og grafir

Æðsti fasisti Skotlands segir af sér embætti

"Scotland's leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Mondayquitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after scrapping a coalition agreement with Scotland's Greens.

Yousaf, born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, built an infamous reputation as a woke activist politician going into the 2023 elections.  His rabid pro-immigration stance and consistent arguments in favor of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) should have been a red flag to the Scottish public; however, with an increasingly progressive voting population Yousaf narrowly scored a victory."

Við höfum úrval af svona hyski.

Þetta er alltaf nokkuð skoplegt

"Even leftist members of the gay community seem to be all in for the destruction of Israel, and the love of the Palestinians. Their support stems from not only ignorance of what Sharia Law means for gays in Muslim areas, but an effort by the main stream media to cover up the sexual preference genocide going on inside Gaza."

Kommarnir lemja menn fyrir að spyrja út í þetta.

"Blaze Media host and comedian Alex Stein was assaulted and robbed during a pro-Gaza event at the University of Texas at Austin on Sunday, which was hosted by an LGBTQ group.

The incident occurred after Stein confronted the group and asked them to explain their support for Palestinian territory despite Hamas having a history of executing LGBTQ people."

Ef þú átt börn ertu hægri öfgamaður

"For Politico, however, advocating for human reproduction is nothing more than a far-right plot. 

Politico reporter Gaby Del Valle headed out to cover the first Natal Conference in Austin at the end of last year as part of her beat writing about "immigration, surveillance, and the far right." What she discerned from that experience is that natalism, or the belief that humans should reproduce, has a more nefarious, "ultimate goal," which is "a total social overhaul, a culture in which child-rearing is paramount." 

Conservatives, of course, are averse to broad, chaotic social change and believe that traditional values have greater moral weight than the ever-shifting values of contemporary culture that lean into self-fulfillment above all else. Del Valle seems surprised that the conservatives at NatalCon advocated for nuclear families as the foundational building blocks of society."

Þessir hægri-öfgamenn og þeirra börn og fjölskyldur...


Tillaga að nýjum %1 pening fyrir Kaliforníu.

Allt fyrir ástina

"Man claims he was ‘over medicated’ when he buried wife alive — leaving her to fight for 12 hours until she dug herself out."

Blóð fyrir regnguðinn.

Sá þessa fyrirsögn og hélt að þeir hefðu böstað Adda í Sólstöfum

.. en nei.  Bara einhverjir Rússar.

Þetta verður bara fyndara með hverri sekúndu.

Lögreglan handtekur kommúnista

"St. Louis Police wasted no time on Saturday night in quashing an anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian protest at Washington University in St. Louis."


Þeim verður fljótt sleppt aftur samt, svo þeir geti haldið áfram að angra almenning.

Rússar monta sig af skriðdrekum sem þeir fundu á víðavangi.

Meðlimir í nauðgunargengi dæmdir í tukthúsið

"Dozens of men who sexually abused young girls in Kirklees have been jailed for a combined 346 years following a major police investigation.

Asif Ali (53) from Batley, Mohammed Tausif Hanif (39) from Dewsbury, Ali Shah (38) from Dewsbury, Moshin Nadat (38) from Heckmondwike, Sarfraz Miraf (38) from Dewsbury, Mohammed Nazam Nasser (38) from Batley and Amir Ali Hussain (45) from Batley were all sentenced for multiple offences."

Þetta er það sem Tommy Robinson var alltaf handtekinn fyrir að tala um.

Efnahagur USA núna, efnahagur íslands bráðlega.

Hollenskur pólitíkus spyr hvers vegna það á að útrýma hvíta kynstofninum

"So, I don’t have to be pointed at as the root of all evil, as the Neo-Marxist critical race theory does. I don’t have to become a minority in my own country, as Joe Biden said would be “a good thing,” would be “our strength.” No, why actually? Who was the racist here? Explain to me why we don’t have the right to exist, why we’re not allowed to be a majority in the continent, in the countries that we have been a majority in since forever? Explain it to me. Turn the question around."

Kannski Kata jak geti útskýrt fyrir henni hvers vegna hennar ættstofn á að deyja út.


Þjófur stelur líkamspörtum

"According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), during her tenure, Scott “stole human body parts and fetal remains” and later sold them to a Pennsylvania resident she met on Facebook, Jeremy Pauley. According to a report by AP which cited court documents, she sold a total of 24 boxes of stolen body parts to Pauley for nearly $11,000."

Fólk reynir að bjarga sér á ýmsa vegu.


Mexíkanska þingið er skemmtilegt

"During the ritual, a man held the chicken’s head down while a woman wearing indigenous garb used a knife to cut off its head. The decapitated chicken bled out while a third man danced around waiving a vase with smoking embers and spices. It remains unclear how the group managed to get the knife past security."

Blóð fyrir Regn-Guðinn!

Hagfræði spádómar.

Það má ekki lappa uppá styttur

Menn eru að taka eftir.

Atvinnu-mótmælendur handteknir

"Nearly half of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested earlier this week at The University of Texas at Austin were not affiliated with the university.

Of those arrested, 26 were neither students nor faculty of the university, according to officials at UT-Austin."

Þetta er heldur ekki grasrótar hreyfing.

Þetta er grasrótar-hreyfing:


Mexíkanar taka ekki þátt í neinni vitleysu

"Mexico’s Senate on Thursday approved a bill that would ban so-called conversion therapy in the country."

Þetta er eitthvað sem gerðist

"As Breitbart News reported this week, a social justice warrior named Crackhead Barney cornered Alec Baldwin in a coffee shop where she repeatedly asked him to say “Free Palestine” while heckling him for his role in the tragic shooting of Halyna Hutchins.

During her appearance on Piers Morgan in which she satirically wore a neckbrace while wielding some crutches, Crackhead Barney said that Alec Baldwin “maimed” her."

Auðvitað eru vídjó.

Gæða dýr

Af hverju má þetta ekki vera svona?

"Egill Helgason, fjölmiðlamaður og íbúi í miðborg Reykjavíkur, er á meðal þeirra sem fussar og sveiar yfir óvæntri og óútskýrðri gullhúðun á styttunni Útlagar við Melatorg í Reykjavík."

Ég fæ ekki betur séð en að þetta sé kærkomin tilbreyting.

Þetta er ekki búið

"In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, there was significant deficit mortality for all causes (< 99% lower PI) and no excess mortality for all cancers.

However, in 2021, there was significant excess mortality of 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 1.1% (>95% upper PI) for all cancers. 

In 2022, the excesses increased to 9.6% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all cancers.

In 2022, the number of excess deaths was 115,799 (95%CI: 106,018, 125,501) for all causes and 7,162 (95%CI: 4,786, 9,522) for all cancers."

9.6%  að hefði verið betri hugmynd að byrja að reykja.

Viðtöl geta verið skemmtileg.

Vængjaði ormurinn


Ríkur kall norðan við Richmond borgar fyrir mótmæli

"George Soros and his far-left movement is paying student agitators to co-opt and amplify anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country, the NY Post reports.

Q: Something odd about those campus tent encampments. Almost all the tents are identical - same design, same size, same fresh-out-of-the-box appearance. Which suggests that rather than an organic process, whereby students would bring a variety of individual tents, someone or some organization has supplied them and organized the event. I think it would be instructive if we can determine who that someone is. Because rather than spontaneous demonstrations, these are choreographed events by hidden actors - and the students, sincere though they may be, are merely manipulated props.

The group has three "fellows" who have helped propel the protests into a nationwide phenomenon, which you can read more about here...

We&#39;re sure if the protests get violent, prosecutors will take appropriate action, yes?"

Hann gæti verið að nota peningana í eitthvað uppbyggilegt, en nei...


Ekkert nema góðar fréttir frá Argentínu núna

"It was just a couple of days ago when President Javier Milei told Argentines in a televised address the good and rare news: his government is successfully taming reckless public spending, which resulted in a rare – and welcome – first quarter budget surplus.

Now, a mere four months into office, Argentine President Javier Milei has also pulled off another critical - almost miraculous - feat in an economy plagued by systemic inflation: he stabilized the peso."

Góðir hlutir gerast þegar enn eru ekki undir stjórn kommúnista.


Gott scheme.

Ég hef mínar efasemdir um leyniþjónustuna

"As previously reported, an armed Secret Service agent assigned to Kamala Harris got into a physical fight with other agents at Joint Base Andrews on Monday morning.

According to reports, the problem agent, identified as Michelle Herczeg, began acting aggressively, speaking gibberish and shouting incoherently at other agents while they were near the lounge at JBA.


Herczeg reportedly threw menstrual pads at another agent before getting into a brawl a JBA."

Það var nú ágætt.

Páfinn gerist sekur um trúvillu

""Some people are stupid (necios), and stupid even if you show them research, they don’t believe it," the pontiff told CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell when asked what he would say to the deniers of climate change."

Kolefnistrú er ekki kristni, svo þetta er villutrú.


Dópdíler fer í göngutúr með framliðið gæludýr

"Russian police have apprehended a 40-year-old drug trafficking suspect, after he was spotted on CCTV casually carrying what was described as a “dead dolphin” around the Black Sea resort of Sochi."


Hérna, það er Föstudagur, horfið á þessa kvikmynd:

Heimskan er allstaðar


Mótmælendurnir vita ekki hverju þeir mótmæla

"A REAL interview we had at NYU:

QUESTION: "Why are you protesting?"

PROTESTER #1: "I don&#39;t know. I&#39;m pretty sure there&#39;s something about Israel [turns to other person] Why are we protesting?"

PROTESTER #2: "I wish I was more educated."

PROTESTER #1: "I&#39;m not either.""

Auðvitað náðist þetta á vídjó.


Ástæða þess að mikilvægir hlutir eiga ekki að vera nettengdir

"A hack that caused a small Texas town&#39;s water system to overflow in January has been linked to a shadowy Russian hacktivist group, the latest case of a U.S. public utility becoming a target of foreign cyberattacks."

Allt sem er nettengt er útsett fyrir svona.


Skólarnir eru heilaþvottastöðvar

"What we’re seeing across America’s “elite” academic institutions is something the Western world has not seen since 1930s Germany: an open, naked, toxic, violent, seething, and uncompromising hatred of the Jews.

“Many fear that it’s like the 1930s … when age-old ignorance and hatred resurfaced, a precursor to the murder of six million Jews,” writes Martin Fletcher in the Times of Israel. “It isn’t. It’s worse.”"

Kristnir eru ekkert í uppáhaldi hjá þeim heldur.  Eða hvítir karlmenn.


Svo margir hafa aldrei lesið sögu.

... já.

Fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga á þessu.

Framtíðin er núna

Treystir þú Kínverska flugbílnum?

"XPeng AeroHT, an affiliate of the electric vehicle startup, plans to market a dual-mode eVTOL vehicle capable of both driving on roads and flying. The Civil Aviation Administration of China is currently reviewing the aircraft for commercial certification.

Nikkei reports that pre-orders in China are set to start in October, with mass production anticipated next year, targeting tourism companies and outdoor enthusiasts. Initially priced around 1 million yuan ($138,000), XPeng AeroHT aims to reduce costs in the future and is also planning to expand internationally."

Væntanlegt í garðinn hjá þér fljótlega.

Life Hack

Óvinsæll og veit af því

"“Social media platforms have a responsibility to make sure that misinformation isn’t got out there,” Albanese told reporters on Wednesday. “I noticed today, for example, on the way up here, they’ve removed various sites that were up containing fake images of myself superimposed on other people,” the PM stated."

Óvinsældir hans vaxa við hvert hans verk.

BBC þarf að svara fyrir lygar

"In its original April 2 story, BBC Scotland reported that police declined to arrest Rowling for describing some transgender “women” as men. Apparently unhappy with the decision, the outlet erroneously claimed that the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 “makes it a criminal offence to make derogatory comments based on disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex.”

The original, uncorrected story can be read here.

This represents the third time the BBC has apologized for its coverage of Rowling and her views on transgenders, according to a Deadline report."

BBC og sannleikurinn eiga enga samleið.

Barnageldarar herja á lækni fyrir að benda á staðreyndir

"Pediatrician and consultant Dr. Hilary Cass conducted a comprehensive and lengthy review of international research into gender medicine for children for NHS England.

Dr. Cass concludes that a lack of research and evidence on transgender medical interventions, such as puberty blockers and body-altering surgeries, is failing children.

In an interview with The Times, Dr. Cass shared the disturbing backlash she is facing for simply sharing her well-researched report and discussed her concern about disinformation spreading in the aftermath.

She revealed that she has been sent vile abusive emails, has been given security advice, and has been told not to travel on public transport."

Barnaperrarnir eru allstaðar eins.

Kommúnistar þekkjast á sínu ljóta smetti

""Perhaps most crucially, our findings suggest that widespread biometric surveillance technologies are more threatening than previously thought," the study warned. "Previous research showed that naturalistic facial images convey information about political orientation and other intimate traits. But it was unclear whether the predictions were enabled by self-presentation, stable facial features, or both. Our results, suggesting that stable facial features convey a substantial amount of the signal, imply that individuals have less control over their privacy.""


Bókmenntatengt efni

Þessi segist ekki lesa Kindle í sturtu.  Ég hélt að allar þessar booktube dömur færu í þurrhreinsun.

Einu sinni voru varúlfar töff, og fóru á stjá þegar tunglið var fullt og bitu fólk, og fólk breyttist í svona yfirnáttúrulegar verur og bitu fólk og svo framvegis.

Svo þurftu menn að vera með spes töfragripi til að verjast varúlfum, eða breyta sér i varúlfa, og það þurfti að skjóta þá með spes silfurkúlum.

Gæti ekki verið meira osom.

Og hvað höfum við nú, AD 2024?

Jú.  Furries.

Furry eru bara ekkert yfirnáttúrulegir, og ef einn slíkur bítur þig þá færðu í mesta lagi lifrarbólgu.

Ekki töff.

Á hinn bóginn er hægt að losna við furry með venjulegri haglabyssu...

Hvað um það:



Klassískt verk.


Klappaðu nautgrip

Í Ameríku getur þú klappað kú á meðan þú kaupir riffil

"The owner of A&G Shooting in Fairfield, Adam Hendsbee, hired an ‘udderly&#39; cute shop cow last Tuesday.

"He&#39;s the ambassador of good will, I guess," Hendsbee said. "I didn&#39;t plan on having a cow, but now we have a cow- so what do you do with a cow? You treat it like a dog and you bring it to work.""

Kannski Vesturröst ætti að skoða þetta?

Þessu tengt: AK gaurinn á leið á þing

"My failure of a Congressman @TonyGonzales4TX went on CNN this morning calling @mattgaetz and @RepBobGood Klansmen, and me a “known neo-Nazi.” This is the death spiral ladies and gentlemen. He has to cry to his liberal friends about me, because Republicans won’t listen anymore."

Daily Mail kann fyrirsagnir.

Listi yfir rasísk matvæli

... þetta er til.

&#39;Nam aftur

"The US is considering increasing its small military presence in Ukraine by sending up to 60 additional military advisers, POLITICO reported on Saturday, the same day the House approved $61 billion in spending for the proxy war."

1,2,3 what are we fighting for?

Þetta verður annaðhvort mjög fyndið eða glatað á allan hátt

"“Rapinoe and her partner Sue Bird’s production company, A Touch More, will create the series,” the Examiner said. Meryl Wilsner, the author of Cleat Cute, “writes happily ever afters for queer folks who love women,” according to the Amazon website."

Einhver taki að sér að horfa á þetta og dæma hvort er.


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