21 Apríl

Í bókstaflegri merkingu.

Bubbi byggir ekki lengur

"Construction is bustling along the city’s main thoroughfares as teams tackle a large backlog of projects permitted before the expiration of a key tax abatement program in January 2022. Over 26,000 units were approved in 2021, a significant increase from 2020, with the work expected to conclude within the next 18 months, the report says.

However, new housing permits have dipped significantly, with only 949 issued in January and 986 in February across the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington region, per census data.

Vince Jolly, founder and president of CVA Commercial Group, said: "it's not even anticipating a downturn. The downturn's already here.""

Kaninn er voða bjartsýnn.

Á meðan er einhver róni búinn að smíða sér einbýlishús

"The tiny house, complete with a front door, sits on the side of the 110 Freeway near Highland Park.

The house is one of several makeshift homes along the strip of highway.

“He has lights, a stove, refrigerator for food, it’s in good condition,” a man named Cesar, who also lives in the makeshift community where the tiny house is located, told ABC 7."

Menn bjarga sér.

Tilgangurinn með kolefnistrúnni

"But farmers like Mr. Machogu can’t get a combine harvester. Even if they could afford one from the meager salaries they make selling crops, Western nations’ climate policies prevent Africans from achieving what the West already has—modernization and prosperity.

In November 2023, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel use, the President of the Republic of Kenya, William Ruto, cut subsidies for fertilizer, fuel, and electricity for the 2023/2024 financial year. He did so at the behest of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a financial agency of the United Nations (U.N.)."

Þetta er ekkert óvart.

Mótmæli í Brasilíu

"But today, many people are not going to the famed Copacabana to be lazing on a Sunday morning; instead, they are gathering in yet another MASS demonstration against the socialist tyranny, in defense of democracy and in support of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Two months ago, a similar demonstration was held in the Streets of São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city and economic powerhouse. It gathered around 900,000 citizens to repudiate the socialist maneuvers to frame Bolsonaro for imaginary crimes.

Lula was furious with the success of the São Paulo demonstration and wanted to stage a counter-rally, but his absolute lack of popular support meant that he could not."

Prófum þetta: The energy system is ‘inherently racist,’ advocates say.

"Recent events, including the global pandemic and the racial reckoning in the United States since the murder of George Floyd, have forced regulators to acknowledge issues of energy affordability and equity, say experts."

Beint úr lím-sniff kjallaranum.

... já.

Rússar monta sig af nýja skriðdrekanum sínum

"The Russian military has seized a German-produced Ukrainian Leopard tank and plans to display it at a trophy exhibition outside Moscow, according to a new video circulating on social media."

Við tökum þátt í að borga fyrir þetta.

Vélin hefur veikleika.


Ruglaður maður kveikti í sér

"Azzarello claims that a totalitarian conspiracy is in play, orchestrated by the U.S. government and its allies, aiming to impose a fascist world order.

*This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery:

*We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of their allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup."

Hefur hann rangt fyrir sér?  Hér er meira um kauða, því allir hafa gaman af sérkennilegu fólki.

Því meira sem maður hugsar um það, því verra verður það.

Látinn maður finnst lifandi í Moskvu

"The billionaire former head of German retail giant who disappeared six years ago, presumed dead, has reportedly been found alive and well and living in Moscow."

Mér finnst það mjög jákvætt og skemmtilegat að dauðir menn geti bara verið hlaupandi um í Moskvu.

Rétt viðbrögð við kolefnistrúarmönnum

"We just shut down a gala honoring U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. Murkowski is a murderer. She incinerates us to enrich her cronies. As Chevron's top lobbyist gave her an award, we stepped in and stopped the ceremony. Respect us or expect us.

Murkowski received the [Bryce Harlow Foundation's] Bryce Harlow award, which is meant to honor an elected official "whose career is built on championing the principles of integrity, dedication and professionalism," according to the foundation's website."

Það er vídjó.

X tekur ekki mark á vitleysu.

Tranni tekinn með manifestó

"FOX 5 DC reported the manifesto contained writings in which Ye allegedly described how he would carry out a school shooting, making clear he considered an attack against an elementary school. But specific attention to heightened security was given to Wootton High School following Ye’s arrest.

In the manifesto, Ye also allegedly described his desire “to be famous.”

No word on when Ye’s manifesto will be released to the public. The manifesto of the 28-year-old transgender who shot and killed at Christian school on March 27, 2023, has still not been released."

Hver man ekki eftri síðasta tranna sem var með manifestó?

Frumbyggjar Nýju Gíneu segjast ekki borða hvern sem er

"Earlier this week Joe Biden accused New Guinea cannibals of likely eating his Uncle Bosey when his plane crashed on the tropical island decades ago.

Outraged Papua New Guinea academics have slammed President Joe Biden for his ‘unacceptable’ suggestion that his uncle was eaten by cannibals in the country after his plane was shot down during World War II.

Historically, cannibalism has been reported Papua New Guinea, the Pacific nation that occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, but local academics say Biden’s categorization of the act is ‘very offensive’."

Sumir eru bara ekki ætilega útlítandi.

Það er viðeigandi að þessi gaur skuli segja frá.

Glæpir og annað

Helga Dögg heldur uppi fjörinu

Hún álpaðist til þess um daginn að skrifa að karlmaður sé ekki kona, og það las einhver öfuguggi að nafni Álfur, sem varð svo bylt við að hann hringdi í lögregluna.

Þetta vekur vissulega spurningar:

1: Hver er svo mikið gerpi að hann tilkynnir orð á internetinu til lögreglu? (reyndar standard á FB, en FB er líka nexus allrar úrkynjunar.)
2: Hvers vegna tók lögreglan einu sinni mark á þessu?
3: tekur fólk almennt mark á illgjörnum pervertum?  Vonum ekki.

Svona svart/hvít góðir vs vondir mál eru sjaldséð... eða voru það.  Fylgjumst með þessu skemmtilega máli.

Talandi um perverta...

"Middle school students at Mt. Nebo School in Payson Utah held a walk out protest today against unhinged school officials that allow “furries’ to terrorize them at school.

The students report in the video below that the “furries” bite, scratch, and bark at them. The furries also chew on sticks in class and a kitty litter box was set up in the girls restroom for them to use."

... ha?

Lögreglan í London handtekur mann fyrir að segja satt

"Niyak Ghorbani, a 38-year-old man from Iran, has come to national attention for holding a sign reading “Hamas Is Terrorist” at pro-Palestinian rallies in London over the past months. For merely holding up a sign factually stating the legal position of the British and American governments, Ghorbani has been arrested multiple times at protests and has even faced assault by anti-Israel activists."

Íslenska ríkið vill líklega endurtaka niðurgang Bretlands.

Þetta er að verða algengt

"A woman brought a 68-year-old man who was dead, in a wheelchair, to a bank branch to try to take out a loan in his name. The bizarre incident occurred on Tuesday, April 16, at a bank branch in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

She conducted the conversation on behalf of the deceased man and raised suspicions among those present. Identified as Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes, she was taken to the police station, where she claimed to be the niece and caregiver of the elderly man."

Það má ekki hvíla í friði fyrir sumu fólki.

Búið að selja Úkraníu

"The Oakland Institute published a detailed report in February 2023 titled “War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land”, which exposed how foreign firms have clandestinely taken control of a significant share of Ukrainian farmland by exploiting a liberal law in collusion with local oligarchs.

It's only by raising maximum awareness of the fact that “most of the land” within Ukraine’s industrial agriculture sector “is run by big companies from Western Europe, from the USA” that Poland stands any chance of the aforesaid compromise entering into force. That’ll make the country some very powerful enemies who could then meddle in Polish domestic affairs out of vengeance, but Duda’s latest interview suggests that he’s prepared to face their wrath in order to protect Poland’s objective national interests."

Ekkert eftir.

Skoska þjóðin vs úrkynjuð yfirvöld.

Kynferðisglæpamenn hafa of mikil ítök í öllu

Lög til að vernda tilfinningar kynferðisglæpamanna reynast óvinsæl

"A new YouGov poll has found that Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf’s popularity has nosedived since the introduction of ridiculous the hate crime law that caused police to receive over 8000 reports in one week.

The Telegraph reports that Yousaf now has an approval rating of minus 32, equating to a 15-point drop for since the beginning of the year."

Skotar báðu ekki um þetta.


5 ára gamalt, en alvöru.

J.K. Rowling vs barnageldarar

"I'm astounded by this comment. One of the gender ideologues' favourite slogans is 'no debate'. Opponents have been attacked, vilified, subject to discipline at work, had their lives overturned and lost their careers, all for the crime of wanting a debate."

Illska barnageldaranna er endalaus, og ítök þeirra óskiljanleg.  Hver er það sem lætur sjá sig úti á götu um hábjartan dag eftir að hafa púkkað uppá þvílíkt hyski?

Tranni viðurkennir opinberlega að hann sé pedó.

Lymskulegar tilraunir Kínverja til að búa til hybrid-mann-dýr

"China’s latest medical scandal involves a woman who spent a fortune on cosmetic breast augmentation, only to discover her implants contained “filler” tissue from camels, bats, and chimpanzees."

Ekki fylgir sögunni hvort ofurkraftar hlutust af þessu.


"Metallica co-founder and frontman James Hetfield has shown off a new tattoo dedicated to fellow metal icon Lemmy Kilmister of Motorhead. The ink used in the design, according to Hetfield, features the actual remains of the late rockstar."

Þetta kallar á lag:

Útskýrir sitthvað

"The review, “N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?” published on Science Direct, delves into the potential implications of a vaccine ingredient—N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ)—that may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation."

Vá... þið gerðuð aldeilis mistök.

Austur-evrópumaður tjáir sig um ástandið á vesturlöndum.

Forsetaframbjóðendur, enn sem komið er. Svo framarlega sem ég veit.


Berum saman þá forsetaframbjóðendur sem eru komnir með nógu margar undirskriftir, í stafrófsröð:

Arnar Þór Jónsson

Með: hefur lesið stjórnarskrána.
Gæti tekið uppá að senda mál í þjóðaratkvæðagreiðzlu.

Á móti: ég veit ekkert um það.

Ástþór Magnússon

Með: hefur lesið stjórnarskrána.
Annálaður friðarsinni.
Gæti tekið uppá að senda mál í þjóðaratkvæðagreiðzlu.

Á móti: ég veit ekkert um það.

Baldur Þórhallsson

Með: Mér er sagt að það sé mjög Inn að vera katamíti.  Verður fyndið að sjá hann ræða við ráðamenn í Katar & Sádí Arabíu.

Á móti: RÚV frambjóðandinn.  Það boðar ekkert gott.  Skrifar möglunarlaust undir allt.

Halla Tómasdóttir

Með: Ég veit ekki hver þetta er.

Á móti:  Sama.

Jón Gnarr

Með: mun vissulega halda uppi fjörinu.

Á móti: ekki líklegur til að þyrla upp moldviðri. Skrifar líklegast möglunarlaust undir allt.

Kata Jak

Með: ...

Á móti: Stríðsæsingamaður og baráttukona gegn mannréttindum.  WEF sokkabrúða.  Skrifar möglunarlaust undir allt, ólesið.

Þannig met ég frambjóðendurna.

Evrópa sekkur dýpra í fasisma með hverjum degi

Ekkert frelsi í Brussel

"I issued an order from the Mayor to ban the "National Conservatism Conference" event to guarantee public safety.

In Etterbeek, Brussels City and Saint-Josse, the far-right is not welcome."

Ef þú ert ekki pödduæta og/eða barnageldari, þá ertu hægri-öfgamaður.  Staðreynd. 

"The more sinister implication here is not that freedom of speech is being lost, but that the right of Europeans to defend their own culture & heritage is being lost. Once you move from abstractions to particulars, one senses the true heart of the culture war—it’s a war on Europe."

Kviknar í skotfæraverksmiðju

"The US Army factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania that specializes in artillery ammunition caught fire on Monday afternoon, according to local media reports and eyewitnesses.

The Joint Munitions Command (JMC) facility is owned by the US military but operated by General Dynamics-Ordnance and Tactical Systems. It makes 155mm and 105mm artillery projectiles, 120mm mortar rounds, 203mm naval shells, as well as a variety of smoke, illumination and incendiary rounds."

Aha... en það er meira:

"Global warming has slightly slowed the Earth's rotation — and it could affect how we measure time.

For the first time in history, world timekeepers may have to consider subtracting a second from our clocks in a few years because the planet is rotating a tad faster than it used to."

Af einhverjum orsökum náði "defund the police" ekki til Íslands.

Þetta mun vera alvöru fyrirsögn:

"Wisconsin Sex Offender Who Identifies as a Transgender Vampire Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Disabled Minor, Now Charged With Homicide"

... heimurinn í dag.

Lögreglan í Flórída handtekur stuðningsmenn hryðjuverkasamtaka

"The local police were joined by state troopers and armored vehicles in the process according to the outlet. 

Bryan Griffin, the communications director for Governor Ron DeSantis, shared a clip of the Miami police taking out the trash. At the same time, other cities like Chicago and San Francisco coddled the protesters instead."

Klukkan tifar...


Matvælaráðuneytið vinnur hörðum höndum að því að eyða matvælaframleiðzlu

"„Það er aug­ljóst í mín­um huga að mat­vælaráðuneytið, und­ir for­ystu ráðherra Vinstri-grænna, skeyt­ir engu um niður­stöðu umboðsmanns Alþing­is og held­ur skipu­lega áfram í sinni veg­ferð að reyna að leggja at­vinnu­starf­sem­ina af, þótt hún bygg­ist á lög­um."

En það er meira: "Spurð hvort hún telji að bréfið sem mat­vælaráðuneytið sendi at­vinnu­vega­nefnd á mánu­dag, þar sem ráðuneytið gagn­rýndi breyt­ing­ar og vinnu­brögð nefnd­ar­inn­ar í tengsl­um við frum­varp að lög­un­um, gangi í ber­högg við stjórn­skip­un lands­ins, seg­ist hún í sjálfu sér ekki hafa skoðun á því."

Tilgangur matvælaráðuneytisisn er að hindra framleiðzlu matvæla, eða gera þau dýrari.  Á ólöglrgan hátt.

Frakkar væru mættir með haugsuguna, og væru búnir að dýfa Bjarkeyju á kaf í flórinn fyrir löngu.

... ha?

Morðingi í Ástralíu stingur alla sem hlaupa hægar en hann

Og hér er annar alveg eins á sömu slóðum.

Ef ég þekki þá rétt, þá eru þeir nú að makka um hvernig þeir ætla í framtíðinni að gera sig að jafnvel enn auðveldari fórnarlömbum.

Á meðan, í USA

"The 85-year-old mother of a disabled son committed a "justifiable homicide" in Idaho when she shot an armed burglar who snuck into her home and threatened to "kill her multiple times," a county prosecutor said."

Þeir hæfustu lifa.

Lærið af þessu.  Skjótið á móti.

Á meðan, í Georgíu

"A Georgian opposition MP has punched a senior lawmaker of the country’s ruling party as he was making the case for adopting a controversial foreign agents bill, according to a video that went viral on social media on Monday."

Palestínu aktívistar eru alveg eins og kolefnistrúarmenn

"On Monday, a small group of pro-Palestinian agitators holding a sign that read "Stop the world for Gaza" wreaked havoc on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to protest the United States' funding of the ongoing war in the Middl East.

The move was part of a coordinated campaign to disrupt the economies of major cities around the world."

Næst setja þeir sinnep á listaverk og líma sig við gangstéttina.

Kannski getum við sannfært á um að allt lagist ef þeir bara borða nógu margar pöddur?

Rússar sigra heiminn

Hið raunverulega skotmark

"It cost Israel more than $1bn to activate its defense systems that intercepted Iran's massive drone and missile attack overnight,  according to a former financial adviser to Israel's military."

Íran er í liði með Rússum, munið?  Þeir læra.

Jafnvel í víti þarf að slá grasið.

Mikilvægi þess að skilja málið

"... this illegal immigrant from Venezuela tried to rob a bank in Sandusky, Ohio, but he was unable to complete the job because he didn't speak English. He even used a translator app on his phone to get the message across to the teller."

Þessi ágæti maður útskýrir hvers vegna Rússar geta haldið landinu sem þeir eru að taka.

Á meðan tapar USA ítökum í Afríku, beitn í hendur Rússa

"In the case of Niger, this situation escalated up to the point where the Niger Junta Severed the ongoing US Military Cooperation Agreement and Ordered its troops and civilian personnel out of the Country.

Now, it arises that a crowd took to the streets of Niger’s capital today (13) to demand the departure of U.S. troops, mere days after the Junta welcomed new Russian military instructors."

Vesturlönd hamast við að eyða eigin efnahagskerfi til þess að berja sitt eigið fólk niður, og halda að þau geti á sama tíma ráðið við Afríku.

Tapið fólkinu, tapið völdunum.

Skosk yfirvöld að henda fólkinu í ruslið.

Kommar missa fylgi

"A survey conducted between April 9th and 12th by Norstat for The Sunday Times found that First Minister Yousaf’s net popularity among those who voted for his Scottish National Party (SNP) in the 2019 general election fell to negative seven per cent, a steep decline from January when the leftist leader had a positive popularity of net 14 per cent."

Kynþáttahatarinn kominn í mínus.

Ég er ekki einn um að taka eftir þessu.

Japanir hafa vit á að mótmæla vitleysu

"On April 13th, a significant demonstration took place in Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district, drawing attention to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed Pandemic Treaty.

The treaty, set for adoption at the WHO’s General Assembly in May, has sparked controversy and fear among citizens, leading to one of the largest protests in recent Japanese history, according to Aussie17, a former Big Pharma employee.

Protesters voiced strong opposition to mandatory vaccinations and the potential infringement on Japan’s sovereignty. “We strongly protest against the WHO for forcing people to be vaccinated, ignoring Japan’s sovereignty where vaccines are voluntary,” declared one of the banners leading the march."

Hér eru allir með augun lokuð og tappa í eyrunum.

Rússar taka meira af Úkraníu.





Gamalt, ekki nauðsynlega klassískt


Útlandið í dag

Ég hef efasemdir um gæði þessarar hugmyndar

"Citing six Israeli intelligence officers, the Tel Aviv-based magazine said the previously undisclosed AI system, dubbed ‘Lavender,’ has played a “central role in the unprecedented bombing” of Gaza since last October, with the military effectively treating its output “as if it were a human decision.”"

Sara Connor?

Kommúnisti vs Kínverji

Kínverji: "I am a Chinese immigrant who survived communism, and under Mao, you know, 40 million people were starving to death after he sold communism to them, and 20 million people died, murdered, during his cultural revolution. So my question to you, David, is can you guarantee me, a gun owner, tonight, our government in the U.S., in D.C., will never, never become a tyrannical government?"


Meðal Íslendingurinn myndi frekar svelta en berja frá sér.  Ég sé að sumir vilja berja frá sér til þess að svelta.  Þar þekki ég fólk.

Áframhaldandi ævintýri mannréttindafrömuðarins JK Rowling

"Rowling was responding to the release of a report by Dr Hillary Cass that found that the entire concept underlying child transgender procedures is built on “shaky foundations” with little scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The study outright rejects puberty blockers, and decries how the far-left medical community has bullied those who question transgenderism.

Rowling was furious, not because the report went against her own viewpoint, but because she has been so thoroughly excoriated by the left despite her being aligned with this report in the first place.

“These are people who’ve deemed opponents ‘far-right’ for wanting to know there are proper checks and balances in place before autistic, gay and abused kids – groups that are all overrepresented at gender clinics – are left sterilised, inorgasmic, lifelong patients,” she continued."

Rowling vs Barnageldarar... ennþá.

Það er brandari í þessu einhversstaðar.

Kommúnisti fær kommúnista í heimsókn

"A group of Berkeley law students accepted an invitation to dine at the private home of dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife, a law professor, then disrupted the event and refused to leave. Bizarrely, this student claims her conduct is protected by the 1st Amendment."

Kommúnistar hata alla.


Skolp notað í samgöngur

"British biofuel company Firefly has reached an agreement with the low-cost airline Wizz Air to build a commercial refinery that will help convert sewage into sustainable aviation fuel"

Wizz air.

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