11.4.2024 | 15:58
Það sem fólki stafar mest ógn af
Kveikið á þessu:
Þann 14 ágúst árið 2023 barst Lögreglunni á höfuðborgarsvæðinu tilkynning um grunnsamlegan mann með ryksugu í miðbænum, og hegðaði sér á þrifalegan hátt.
Hann hljóp í burtu þegar hann var eitað, og hefur ekki til hans sést síðan.
Þann 17 Júlí árið 2023 bárust lögreglunni tilkynningar um hávaða frá ryksugu í fjölbýlishúsi um miðja nótt.
Það er með dularfyllstu málum sem ratað hafa á borð lögreglu frá upphafi.
Aðfararnótt hins 24 Febrúar árið 2024 fékk Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu tilkynningu um einstakling vopnaðan ryksugu, og er hann sagður hafa verið að gera helgarþrifin á bílnum sínum.
Í byrjun september árið 2019 sást hinn ógnvænlegi dómstjóri í Héraðsdómi Reykjavíkur, sem stundum er kallaður Símon grimmi, á ferðinni með ryksugu.
Símon kallar ryksuguna sína Snata, og fer oft með hana út að labba.
10.4.2024 | 16:18
Illur fyrirboði
Skoðum aðeins orð eins mesta illmennis sem heimurinn hefur alið af sér:
(að vitna í The Zemsky Sobor and Our Tactics.) "The government is completely isolated and lacks public sympathy. For this reason it is very easy to destroy it."
Kunnuglegt ástand.
Einhver WEF sokkabrúða tekur við ráðuneyti
Þessi lítur út eins og hún viti hvort á að sódómera barn með vegkantstaur áður en það en gelt eða á eftir.
Sjáið þetta barm-merki. Þetta er nýja illsku-táknið. Þetta mun taka við af hakakrossinum þegar lengra líður.
Þetta stendur fyrir "The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)." Þið munið eiga ekkert, fara ekkert, gera ekkert. Borðið pöddurnar, fáið krabbamein af því og deyið. Það er það sem þetta þýðir.
Kolefnistrúarmenn segja að matur, kynding og rafmagn séu mannréttindabrot
"In a highly-anticipated judgment, the Strasbourg court on Tuesday sided with a group of Swiss pensioners who brought a claim against their national government for its perceived failure to act sufficiently in reducing carbon emissions, claiming that existing climate policy was violating their human rights."
Yngsta kynslóðin þarf að deyja úr hungri og kulda til að sú eldri geti haft það gott í gröfinni.
Menn hafa enga trú á sjóhernum
Skiljanlega, þetta er voðalegt.
Niðurgangur siðmenningarinnar.
Musk hefur í hótunum við kommúnista
"Musk has made it clear that the judicial orders by tyrannical Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes are the most draconian demands of any country on Earth.
Many foreigners are also joining the good fight, from the American General Flynn to the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin.
Coming shortly, 𝕏 will publish everything demanded by @Alexandre and how those requests violate Brazilian law. This judge has brazenly and repeatedly betrayed the constitution and people of Brazil. He should resign or be impeached."
Musk er varla vel liðinn á RÚV núna.
Kolefnistrúarmenn hafa líklega ekki húmor fyrir þessu. Eða húmor, svona almennt.
"Non-German foreigners make up a disproportionate number of suspected criminals and nearly 60 per cent of violent crime suspects, despite making up just 14.6 per cent of the population, statistics released by the Federal Criminal Police Office on Tuesday revealed."
En, ég skynja það að innsta þrá svo argra er að verða myrtur á hrottalegan hátt af útlendum villimanni.
Ég skil ekki fólk, og ekki batnar skilninguronn eftir því sem ég kynnist því meir.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:19 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
9.4.2024 | 17:03
Barnageldarar eru ógn við mannréttindi
Skoska lögreglan á fullu við að taka við kvörtunum barnageldara
"David Threadgold, chairman of the Scottish Police Federation (SPF), says Police Scotland's vow to investigate every report of hate crime has created a 'simply unmanageable' situation with around 8,000 filed in the first week.
Analysis of more than a decade of crime statistics has suggested fewer thefts, assaults and shoplifting cases are being 'solved' by officers - meaning that a perpetrator is identified and the case considered for prosecution."
Barnageldarar eru sérréttindahópur í Skotlandi.
Kolefnistrúarmenn fá allar sínar veðurfarsupplýsingar frá kynskiptum hórum
"Indonesian transgender streetwalkers (who refuse to use Tinder for some reason) cant solicit sex on the street of Jakarta during rainy season even though they could just wear a raincoat and suck it up (metaphorically) and this is Climate Changes fault for being racist and transphobic."
Fólk er líka vitlaust.
"Social media platform X has announced that it will be initiating legal action against the Australian government after a contentious demand from the country's E-Safety Commissioner to remove a post from its platform.
The dispute arose when Chris Elston, also known as "Billboard Chris," received a notice from Australia's eSafety Commissioner requesting the removal of a post. Elston, a Canadian resident, had made comments referring to a transgender-identifying Australian activist by their biological pronouns, along with other critics."
Fólk geldir sig, og þykist bara eiga heiminn.
Musk vs Kommúnistar í Brazilíu
"If you missed it, the top justice of Brazil's supreme court has Elon Musk and X/Twitter in his sights after the tech company refused to ban or hand over the private messages and information of Brazilians who are guilty of "misinformation," including wrongthink about the very-free-and-fair 2022 presidential election there.
De Moraes is fining X $20,000 per day "for every banned person Musk allows to speak."
The New York Times notes that De Moraes "has jailed people without trial for posting threats on social media; helped sentence a sitting congressman to nearly nine years in prison for threatening the court; ordered raids on businessmen with little evidence of wrongdoing; suspended an elected governor from his job; and unilaterally blocked dozens of accounts and thousands of posts on social media, with virtually no transparency or room for appeal.""
Bolsanaro hegðaði sér aldrei svona.
Þeir fengu hugmyndina hjá serial morðingja
"Arizona has become the latest state in the nation to allow terramation, also known as human composting, as an alternative to traditional burial methods and cremation."
Já... mistök eru gerð stundum.
8.4.2024 | 16:43
Hvað er Erlendur að gera?
Antifa berst gegn hagsmunum Íra
"This is a follow-up to our reporting yesterday. More details have emerged which many believe points towards a dangerous plan by the far-left, mainstream media, and possibly elements in the Gardaí to cause an incident.
- Leftists accompanied by journalists showed up at a protest against plans to install an asylum centre in Coolock, North Dublin. They had been filming a documentary on immigration in Ireland at the time.
- They were confronted by protestors, and while fleeing, reportedly dropped phones which were subsequently examined by the protestors
- The Garda Public Order Unit (police riot squad) showed up remarkably quickly. Locals claim they had been lying in wait just metres away.
- Information from the phone that was subsequently posted online reportedly shows close coordination between some of the biggest media organisations in Ireland and the UK (including state broadcasters), hardcore antifa activists, left-wing politicians, NGOs, and Islamic clerics and left-wing politicians
- The information posted online appears to indicate that attending leftists and media were accompanied by Muslim and/or Asian security from the U.K.
- Also allegedly discovered was the fact that the journalists had been closely colluding with Antifa, including buying materials (flags and disguises) to be used by Antifa with footage emerging of one high-profile Irish media personality apparently helping to make banners.
- The leaks also appear to show how journalists helped Antifa strategise on how to confront the protestors
- Antifa appeared to have been daring anti-immigration activists to show up to confront them. This is a suspicious difference from the norm, wherein they avoid street interaction due to being overwhelmingly outnumbered by nationalists
- A similar situation occurred a few years ago, where media interviewing a nationalist leaked details that resulted in him being attacked on-camera"
Antifa = ofbeldisarmur Ríkisins. Allstaðar.
Menn að reyna að búa til veður-vél
"A secretive project conducted from the deck of an aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay will shoot trillions of aerosol particles into the sky to increase cloud cover in the name of preventing global warming, and details have been held back to avoid (a) public backlash.
The report notes that there is little data on the potential negative effects of such geoengineering projects and that they could also harm communities and ecosystems in unexpected ways.
Shuchi Talati, the executive director of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering, remarked how the test had been kept under wraps with little public engagement whatsoever.
The chemtrail conspiracy theory, which has been around since the early 90s at least, is based around claims that contrails released from the jet engines of aircraft linger around in the sky for hours and produce de facto cloud cover to block out the sun."
Þetta var nú með því seinasta sem ég bjóst við að reyndist satt.
Jafnvel Sigurgeir getur ekki toppað þetta
"A local nurse and her husband, a former US Navy sailor, have been arrested on multiple charges relating to sex crimes, including child pornography and bestiality.
The couple was charged after law enforcement found dozens of disturbing photos and videos on William Keens phone, which included at least one video of Joely Keen engaged in multiple sex acts with their Great Dane."
Fólk er komið í hundana.
"The report declined to provide details on what was said at the gathering, only citing significant evidence of Kievs involvement and repeating information that was already publicly available."
Ef þið hafið tíma, skoðið hvað Rússarnir gerðu eftir Beslan.
Bara að segja...
Kolefnistrúarmenn eru tískuslys
"Climate scientists have now informed people that wearing denim jeans is bad for the environment.
One notable aspect highlighted in the study is the significant contribution of activities such as washing, drying, and ironing to the carbon footprint of traditional jeans. These post-purchase activities account for almost half of the total carbon footprint of traditional jeans. But for fast fashion jeans, most of the carbon footprint came from production and transportation."
Kolefnistrúarmenn eru ekki fyrir föt.
7.4.2024 | 18:07
Kommúnstar allstaðar
Þetta gæti verið sér-amerískt vandamál. Hve margir Íslenskir textar eru bara orðasúpa? Stjórnin gerði reyndar marga svoleiðis. Og Mínus. Flestir Íslenskir popparar vriðast geta hnoðað saman texta sem þó virðist þýða eitthvað.
Þetta hlýtur að hafa verið pirrandi.
"In a move intended to restrict mass migration, Switzerland will hold a referendum to restrict their population to 10 million until 2050.
The vote would also likely mean Switzerland would be forced to end its bilateral agreement with the European Union on free movement and pull out of the U.N. Global Compact for Migration."
Kvenfólk berst fyrir málfrelsi
"Speaking to the crowd, Keen-Minshull described transitioning children as profound abuse and called Scotlands hate crime laws preposterous."
Á meðan tekur hernaðararmur barnageldara nokkrar þeirra fastar:
"While angry, masked men with loudspeakers, sirens, & abusive signs hung over the barriers to intimidate, antagonise and silence women, @policescotland put hands on women to physically move them at the demand of trans activists."
Starbucks býðst til að skera undan starfsmönnum sínum
"Starbucks is advertising a free sex change surgery for any of their employees!
As a matter of fact, this has been Starbucks' policy since 2013, more than a decade ago."
Ehm... nei.
Elon Musk vill ekki ritskoða fyrir Brassana
"X Corp. has been forced by court decisions to block certain popular accounts in Brazil. We have informed those accounts that we have taken this action.
We do not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued.
We do not know which posts are alleged to violate the law.
We are prohibited from saying which court or judge issued the order, or on what grounds.
We are prohibited from saying which accounts are impacted.
We are threatened with daily fines if we fail to comply.
We believe that such orders are not in accordance with the Marco Civil da Internet or the Brazilian Federal Constitution, and we challenge the orders legally where possible.
The people of Brazil, regardless of their political beliefs, are entitled to freedom of speech, due process, and transparency from their own authorities.
Elon then threatened to publish every illicit request by Moraes and to explain how those requests break Brazilian law."
Elon vs Kommúnistar.
Alltaf gaman að sprengja kjarnorkuver
"Multiple Ukrainian explosive-laden drones targeted the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant on Sunday. Several locations across the facility were hit, with at least three employees injured in the attack, Russias nuclear energy agency Rosatom said in a statement on Sunday."
Stemming þarna.
5.4.2024 | 16:34
Stofnanavæðing miðlægra greiningadeilda
RÚV er í mjög vondri stöðu núa. Búnir að draga þennan homma sinn úr kjallarnaum, sjæna hann allan til og auglýsa hann upp, og þá mætir bara aðal-trúður 101 svæðisins, miklu vinsælli og þekktari maður, og býður sig fram.
Og svo í beinu framhaldi kemur helsti andstæðingur mannréttinda á landinu og býður sig fram líka. Vel þekkt fyrir baráttu sína fyrir fjöldamorðum í útlöndum og limlestingum barna. Fólk er mjög hrifið af öllu svoleiðis.
Sjáum hvernig gengur.
"The former bodyguard of Sean Diddy Combs claims the music mogul had blackmail tapes of politicians, princes and other prominent individuals who were involved in his sex parties.
I dont think its only celebrities gonna be shook. He had politicians in there, he had princes in there. He also had a couple of preachers in there, said Deal.
Can you imagine, he had every room bugged, he added."
Það að íslenskir pólitíkusar eru ekki á svona listum segir okkur allt sem segja þarf um þá. Böns of nóboddís.
Barnageldarar amast enn út af Rowling
"I don't know what's more embarrassing here:
A Baptist university professor who is white-knighting for transgenderism and DEI ... or a Baptist university that has a class on Harry Potter."
Góð spurning: "I dont care about the class, why does a Christian university like @Baylor retain faculty who promote an ideology completely opposed to Scripture?"
... það er ekkert kristilegt við a skera undan börnum.
Frakkar búast við byltingu vegna úrkynjunar
"A former advisor to President Emmanuel Macron has warned that if France continues down the same path with the green agenda, the country will likely face a social revolt far greater than the Yellow Vest movement or the recent bout of farmer protests.
Populist uprisings have been a defining feature of the government of Macron, a former Rothschild banker who has been branded as the president of the rich."
Þeim mátti vera ljóst að þetta var slúbbert þegar þeir kusu hann, en þeir kusu hann samt.
"The video starts with two police officers giving her a final warning while she sobs. She snaps when one officer attempts to grab her out of the seat.
When one officer calmly tells her she is under arrest, she retorts: Thats fine. Ive f**king been there before, while looking around the plane like a possessed, bug-eyed demon."
Alltaf missi ég af öllu svona.
Það er illa komið fyrir heiminum þegar Hamas má ekki einu sinni stunda hótanir
"Amazon has been hit with a wave of fury after listing a book written by Hamas boss Yahya Al-Sinwar.
Al-Sinwar, who is heading up Hamas' regime in the Gaza Strip, penned The Thorn and The Carnation in 2023.
Amazon users left a mixed set of reviews about Al-Sinwars book.
One said: This book is incitement to violence and antisemitism."
Ekkert má...
Texas ryður úrkynjun úr vegi.
4.4.2024 | 16:36
Uggvænleg nef-væðing andlita
J.K Rowling er núna aðal frelsis-hetja Skotlands
"J.K. Rowling, until recently doyenne of the British left but now brutally cast aside as her solidly feminist perspectives are left behind by the sudden capture of the movement by transgender policy activists, has been all but leading the action against the move to suppress freedom of expression, daring the police to arrest her for calling transgender women men."
Ætli hana hefði grunað fyrir 20 árum að hún yrði aðal mannréttinda-aktivistinn í Evrópu?
Ætli nokkrum hefði grunað fyrir 20 árum að það þyrfti að berjast fyrir mannréttindum í Evrópu?
Þessir leftistar...
"If you want to be part of the Queer Fat Club, you really have to be fat. Its a requirement."
Mmm. Ekki núna, AD 2024.
Boeing í smá kröggum vegna úrkynjunar
"Production of Boeings 737 MAX jetliner has declined sharply in recent weeks due to a series of regulatory checks and safety audits, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed industry sources."
DEI & ESG...
Rúmeni reynir að útskýra kommúníska fagurfræði.
Tranni með... áhgaverðar pælingar
"A court in Canada is set to rule on a case as to whether the state must pay for a vaginoplasty on a man who also wants to keep his penis intact.
According to the National Post, the legal battle could lead to more requests for individually customized and unorthodox gender-affirming surgeries while reflecting a small but growing demand for niche surgeries for people who identify as non-binary, meaning neither exclusively female nor exclusively male."
Neil Young & fleiri vitleysingar mótmæla löggjöf sem er ekki til, og stendur ekki til að setja á
"Led by lesbian pop music duo Tegan and Sara Quin last week, more than 400 Canadian musicians and artists signed an open letter denouncing "anti-trans legislation in Canada." Signees included Alanis Morissette, Neil Young, Sarah McLachlan, k.d. lang, and Elliot (formerly Ellen) Page. The duo credits transgender identified male, Fae Johnstoneknown best for harassing and vilifying women who don't share his political viewsfor helping to write their statement.
The letter was released on Transgender Day of Visibility, which, as it happens, fell on Easter Sunday and led to many vivid arguments over the sanctity of the Christian holiday versus the solipsism of the "trans community." (But that's an entirely different story.) In their letter, the Quin sisters call out Alberta premier Danielle Smith, who recently tabled legislation that seeks to place evidence-based limits on the medical transition of children, as well as changes in the provinces of New Brunswick and Saskatchewan that do not allow public schools to socially transition minors without parental knowledge or consent."
Það stendur ekki til að hætta að geklda börn, bara draga aðeins úr því.
3.4.2024 | 17:23
JK Rowling er hægri-öfgamaður núna
Hægri öfgamaðurinn JK Rowling vs Skoska ríkið
"Rowling invited Police Scotland to "arrest her" for her views on transgender women, however the police force confirmed that her remarks are "not criminal".
Brunskell-Evans revealed she was also once reported to the police for a "non crime hate incident", following a talk on young transgender children.*"
*fórnarlömb barnageldara.
Fasískur kynþáttahatari bl+otar hægri-öfgamönnum
"Firing back at the mounting criticism of the legislation he spearheaded during his time as Nicola Sturgeons justice secretary, First Minister Humza Yousaf attempted to discount the opposition including from longtime liberals like Rogan and Rowling as merely a right-wing attack.
They are right-wing actors of course and I think its very clear, from particularly someone like Joe Rogan, that theres never going to be sympathy for the fact we are bringing in legislation that is clamping down on hatred. So Im not surprised by his criticisms necessarily. What I would say is the threshold of criminality in terms of the new offences is very, very high indeed. Your behaviour has to be threatening or abusive and intended to stir up hatred, Yousaf said in comments reported by the Scottish Daily Express."
Mesta illmenni sem býr í Skotlandi hefur talað.
Mörgþúsund manns hafa þegar tilkynnt hatursfulla orðræðu hans til lögreglu... sem lögreglan hefur reyndar ekkert viljað bregðast við.
Lausnir á vandamálum sem eru ekki til leiða til frekari vandamála.
Botswana með alvarlegar hótanir
"Botswanas President Mokgweetsi Masisi has threatened to send 20,000 elephants to Germany in a diplomatic spat sparked by Berlins proposed crackdown on imports of hunting trophies from Africa."
Hann ætti að gera þetta. Þetta yrði magnað.
"When she's dead, a euthanasia review committee will evaluate her death to ensure the doctor adhered to "due care criteria," and the Dutch government will (almost certainly) declare that the life of Zoraya ter Beek was lawfully ended."
Ég tók ekki átt í þessu heldur.
"A world-leading virologist has issued a shocking warning to the American public that a massive tsunami of death will soon destroy the global COVID-19 vaccinated population.
Dr. Bossche is certified in both Virology and Microbiology and is the inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines. He has also authored over 30 publications and currently works as an independent research consultant.
What I am predicting is a massive, massive tsunami of illness and death among highly vaccinated populations with compromised immune systems, Bossche said. You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming week is more and more cases of more serious long Covid.
They will start to replace the surge of the cancers, he continued. It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave."
2.4.2024 | 16:04
Yfirvöld eru ekkert hrifin af mannréttindum
Rowling móðgar tranna... meira.
"The Scottish government's new hAte sPeeCh law went into effect on Monday, outlawing "stirring up hatred."
Scotland's Hate Crime Act comes into effect today. Women gain no additional protections, of course, but well-known trans activist Beth Douglas, darling of prominent Scottish politicians, falls within a protected category.
In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls."
Mikið fjör framundan.
Pólverjar pæla í að gera það refsivert að skopast að barnanauðgurum
"Poland, once a bastion of conservatism, is radically shifting gears under the new left-liberal government with a new hate speech law that could see offenders imprisoned for up to three years for offensive content against LGBT people.
Opposition parties in Poland were already warning against proposals to change hate speech laws in January of this year when the new government first came to power. They argued that such changes would effectively end free speech in Poland and represent a grave threat to religious freedom, with Catholicism in particular critical of many aspects of LGBT."
Vill Tusk segja okkur eitthvað?
Talandi um LGBTQ+...
Menn hafa verið að reikna út hvar pedóarnir eru
"Data from nearly 200 mobile devices reveal the exact path taken by visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's notorious 'pedo island,' which was tracked to 80 cities around the world spanning 26 states or territories.
The tracking data, which dates back as early as July 2016, also includes routes taken inside Epstein's 'waterfront temple' to toe beaches, pools and cabanas located on the 71-acre island. The surveillance data ends on July 6, 2019 - the day Epstein was arrested (for the second time).
Of course, the report excludes "any precise location data that could be used to identify properties or individuals, to protect the privacy of anyone uninvolved in Epsteins crimes," however Wired suggests they document "the numerous trips of wealthy and influential individuals seemingly undeterred by Epsteins status as a convicted sex offender.""
Ef það er ekki Q eða T, þá er það einhver háttsettur embættismaður eða ríkur kall.
Líffæragjafar framtíðarinnar sýna sig á almannafæri
"Journalists, human rights activists, and eyewitnesses including one doctor who claims to have extracted the organs out of a live and healthy political prisoner have long accused the Communist Party of killing political prisoners on demand to sell their organs to individuals willing to pay for the ability to schedule transplants rapidly. Chinese officials reportedly target Falun Gong practitioners, known to abstain from drugs and alcohol, and Uyghur Muslims, whose organs can be sold to wealthy Muslims in the Middle East, most often, potentially killing thousands of people each year."
Kínverjar að gera Kínverja hluti.
"A United Airlines flight was forced to return to a German airport on Friday after contents from a lavatory flowed into the cabin."
DIE & ESG.... boðar ekkert gott.
1.4.2024 | 17:38
Úrval allskyns tíðinda utan úr heimi
Þetta er út um allt Internet af engri góðri ástæðu. Man ekki eftir að nokkur tölvuleikur hafi fengið jafn mikla ókeypis auglýsingu og þessi. 90 mínútur af þessu...
Poppmenningin maður...
JK Rowling á leiðinni í djeilið
"Author JK Rowling could be prosecuted for misgendering trans people under Scotlands odious new hate crime law that comes into force today, an SNP minister has admitted.
Rowling has vowed to continue calling biological males men and says she will now be targeted for telling the truth.
During their training program on enforcing the new law, police officers were taught that even the content of plays and comedy gigs should be considered as potential hate crimes."
Skotland verður að athlægi.
Leftistar að tapa sér.
Á tunglinu gengur allt sinn vanagang
"The moon sniper survived its second freezing lunar night, as mission team members announced the news on X, in a post that also featured a photo newly snapped by the landers navigation camera."
Annar tölveuleikur sem ekki þurfti að auglýsa. Virðist sem pöddu-misþyrmingar séu inn núna.
Vopnaframleiðzla vefst fyrir þjóðverjum
"The production lines for the Taurus are still available, so MBDA could ramp up deliveries of the missiles at any time, the executive said. To do this, however, we would need a new order for these weapons, he added.
The company cannot make reserves of the missiles because it is prohibited under German law, he explained."
Lélegasta herveldi ever.
Rúnt sim. Í grunninn GTA með engu óþarfa BS.
Nasa fer að leita að sæskrímslum í stað geimvera
"Timothy Gallaudet, the former head of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has launched a probe into unidentified submersible objects (USOs) after a strange anomaly was discovered on the seabed off the coast of California."
Hlustum á kántrí:
Gott stöff.