Upphaf árs

Biden herjar á kanann

"In a significant regulatory shift that took place quietly the day after Christmas, the Biden administration finalized new climate rules targeting natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters. The Department of Energy (DOE), which traditionally issues a press release for such regulations, chose not to announce these changes publicly, raising eyebrows across various sectors."


Efnhagurinn er svo slæmur að...

"...a halal food cart worker was filmed capturing a pigeon with his bare hands and placing it into a plastic bag before returning to the cart.

A commuter waiting for a bus, identified as Oriana Winchester Biersack, witnessed the worker feeding pigeons before attempting to grab one from the flock, according to the New York Post.

After a failed attempt, the worker succeeded in capturing a pigeon, which he then placed into a plastic bag and took back to the food cart."


Elon Musk vill koma Tommy Robinson á þing

"Nigel Farage has broken his silence after Elon Musk made a surprise demand, calling for the Reform UK leader to be replaced.

In a furious spat on Twitter, Musk claimed the Clacton MP “doesn't have what it takes” after ruling out allowing Tommy Robinson to join his party."

Það væri vissulega memetískt.

Nýr söngvari Soundgarden stekkur af sviðinu

"At the recent Seattle reunion concert for Soundgarden, the new vocalist tried crowd surfing but landed on the floor instead. Shaina Shepherd replaces the late Chris Cornell."


Aðsókn á Hollywood-kvikmyndir dalar talsvert

"The domestic box office for 2024 was three percent lower than last year’s already terrible total, $8.7 billion compared to $9.04 billion, respectively.

Compared to five years ago, the domestic box office is down an incredible 23.5 percent, or this year’s $8.7 billion compared to 2019’s $11.3 billion."

Það er tvennt sem þarf að athuga: Það er sannarlega kreppa. Hún er um öll vesturlönd.

Hitt er að fólki leiðist heilaþvotturinn. Fólk vill skemtun, ekki heilaþvott.

Tölvuleikjaheimurinn er að fara miklu verr út úr þessu, með meiriháttar gjaldþrotum yfirvofandi.

Öllum er sama þó tölvuleikir séu Kínverskir, Kóreiskir eða Rússneskir, og með alveg hörmulegri grafík:

Að spila þetta er eitt, að horfa á þetta er Tarkovský-leg reynzla.  Þetta er það sem Rússar eru víst á kafi í.

Gamlir skandalar lifa enn

Þessi skandall gleymist ekki á þessari öld

"The officials in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford and elsewhere did not have a high-minded concern for social cohesion — they had a selfish and small-minded desire not to rock the boat. 

In defence of Holland, the author and lecturer Adrian Hilton wrote:

He isn’t speaking about individual motives, but social virtue, and he is absolutely right: the King’s peace—pax regis—is a noble pursuit. You can cavil with his hierarchy of nobleness, but public order is indeed a noble pursuit. And so is child safeguarding.

Obviously, when a concern for “public order” is enabling mass child rape, “public order” is not the virtue that it might have been. If my concern with litter in the park is causing me to hurl abandoned puppies into the bin, that “social virtue” has warped into something perverse."

Brezka ríkið lét nauðga þegnum sínum.  Viljandi.

Elon Musk hefur samband við konung Englands

"Musk reposted Tommy’s Documentary “Silenced,” which was banned in Britain and first screened in the United States with the collaboration of O’Keefe Media and The Gateway Pundit.

“The people of Britain do not want this government at all. New elections.” Musk posted, calling for King Charles to step in and dissolve Parliament."

Áhugaverðir tímar.


Forseti Hondúras vill ekki sjá flóttamenn frá Hondúras aftur

"Honduran President Xiomara Castro has threatened to terminate military cooperation with the United States if President-elect Donald Trump proceeds with his plan for mass deportations of illegal immigrants, including those from Honduras."

Þetta hljóta að vera sérlega ömurlegir menn.

Þessi fyrirsögn....

"Ukrainian neo-Nazi officer upset over Russia’s e-scooter soldiers."

... já.  Ég sé það fyrir mér.

Þetta lítur ekkert of vel út:

"President Biden is giving out the customary end-of-tenure Presidential Medals of Freedom now and he (well, someone in the White House) has selected 18 recipients including Hillary Clinton and George Soros."

... jæja:

Það sem fólkið vill og það sem ríkið veitir er tvennt ólíkt.

Stjórnin bað um athugasemdir, og mun nú sjá hlutisem hún hvorki vildi né bjóst við að sjá.

Af fasista áróðursveitunni: Þetta er gjöf sem mun halda áfram að gefa lengi

"Tillögum bókstaflega snjóar inn á samráðsgáttina eftir að Kristrún auglýsti, í nafni samráðs við þjóðina, eftir sparnaðarráðum. Þegar þetta er ritað eru tillögurnar komnar vel yfir tólf hundruð."

Margir hafa góðar tillögur:

"Meðal þess sem helst er nefnt er að leggja niður RÚV, loka sendiráðum og þá virðast styrkveitingar til stjórnmálaflokkanna sjálfra vera mörgum þyrnir í augum."

Svo eru fáeinir sem vilja fara út í verðbólguhvetjandi aðgerðir:

"Sigurður Þengilsson sé tækifæri í þessu einnig: „Hækka álögur og skatta á óþarfa hluti og óhollustu. Vín, tóbak, sykur og lúxus bifreiðar,“ ...

Danfríður Kristín Árnadóttir er þessu sammála: Ég legg til að Sykurskattur verði tekinn til skoðunar. Lýðheilsa og heilbrigði í fyrirrúmi.“"

Já.  Sumir vaða í peningum.  En ekki ég, ég hef enn húsnæðislán að borga af.  Mig vantar ekki að það hækki vegna einhverra skatta á matvæli eða aðrar lúxusvörur.  Ég skil ekki svona fólk.

Allir skilja að Pakistönsku barnanauðgaragengin eru slæm nema brezk yfirvöld

"The UK's Labour party is under fire for its refusal to back a public inquiry into historic sexual abuse by grooming gangs in Oldham, with critics accusing the party of prioritizing political optics over justice for victims.

At the center of the controversy is Labour’s safeguarding minister Jess Phillips, who insisted that the decision to launch an investigation was "for Oldham Council alone."

Musk, a vocal critic of Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour government, took to X  to accuse Phillips of shielding Starmer from scrutiny. Musk pointed to Starmer’s tenure as head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) from 2008 to 2013, during which he argued "rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice." He claimed Phillips’ refusal to investigate Oldham’s abuse cases was an attempt to protect Starmer, suggesting the trail of accountability would lead back to his time at the CPS."

Breska ríkið  orsakaði vandann, brezka ríkið elur á vandanum.

Einungis leftistar styðja barnanauðgaragengi.  Af ástæðum sem ég hef farið  yfir áður.

Á meðan, í El Salvador

"The year of our Lord of 2024 witnessed yet another victorious period for El Salvador and its re-elected President Nayib Bukele.

The reduction of the violence continues, and the country that had 6,656 homicides in 2015 now has reduced this alarming rate to 214 homicides in 2023, and now in 2024 to a record low 114 murders."


Sækadelían kemur til Colorado

"Colorado has become the second state to legalize the use of psychedelic drugs, specifically the chemical compound psilocybin which is found in magic mushrooms."

... já.  Þeir draga VW Rúgbrauðin úr bílskúrunum og sópa köngulóarvefunum af.

Poppmenningin er fyrst, svo pólitíkin

Þetta er ágætis hugmynd

"Rík­is­stjórn­in biður nú al­menn­ingi að senda inn til­lög­ur um hagræðingu, ein­föld­un stjórn­sýslu og sam­ein­ingu stofn­ana inn á sam­ráðsgátt."

Takið þátt.  Segið þeim að leggja eitthvað niður.

Miðað við hvað margir fela umsagnir sínar, hef ég grun um að voða margir vilji ekki fleiri hælisleitendur.

Það er málið, er það ekki?

Hvernig ætli sé að vera últra-úrkynjaður einstaklingur, necró-pedó alla leið, og þurfa að fara yfir þetta?  Bláa hárið verður grátt með það sama.

Svíar taka ekki lengur þátt í einhverju logistical support fyrir Hamas

"Sweden has decided to cease its funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) starting in 2024, replacing its support with funds directed to other humanitarian organizations operating in Gaza."

Sameinuðu þjóðirnar eru skaðræðisgripur.

Poppmenningin fyrir ykkur.

Tveir tölvuliekir, sá til vinstri framleiddur af einhverju vestrænu mega-corp fyrir milljónir diollara.  Sá til hægri gerður af tveimur rússum niðri í einhverjum kjallara fyrir 15 krónur.
Annar er að raka saman pening, hinn ekki.

Gamlárspartý í Þýzkalandi eru hard-core

"Germany’s New Year’s Eve celebrations were overshadowed by violence and tragic incidents involving fireworks, resulting in five fatalities, dozens of injuries, and hundreds of arrests."

Það eru ekkert allir með mér í að lágmarka intifada

"Hundreds of anti-Israel protestors marched through New York City streets on New Year’s Day waving Palestinian flags and calling for an "intifada revolution." This came just hours after a terrorist carried out a deadly attack in New Orleans.

The action was organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the People’s Forum, according to The New York Post."

Það síðasta sem mig vantar.

Shia LeBöf vs 4Chan.

Músliminn byrjar árið á sinn hátt


Fyrsta frétt ársins: "NOLA reports the suspected terrorist is 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar. 

The source said Jabbar was carrying an ISIS flag in the truck, and authorities have said he was dressed in military gear. -NOA "

Alltaf skulu það vera múslimar.

Stríð á liðnu ári.

Elon Musk hyggur á heimsyfirráð... eða eitthvað

"Musk tore into President Steinmeier (a largely ceremonial function more akin to the Vice President in the US), calling him an “anti-democratic tyrant! Shame on him!” Dec. 31. Musk also changed his username to “Kekius Maximus” and changed his icon to Pepe the Frog.

Now, the spokesman for AfD chair Alice Weidel has confirmed Weidel will join a spaces conversation with Musk Jan. 10 in New York City, effectively guaranteeing millions of listeners and breaking down the “Cordon Santiaire” legacy media have maintained around “platforming” AfD politicans.

Why are rapists given suspended sentences in the UK, but this guy gets 18 months in solitary confinement, despite doing nothing violent?

Tommy Robinson was the first to expose mass Muslim rape gangs in the UK years before mainstream media were forced to acknowledge it."

Já... Eigum við að ræða það eitthvað?

"The short version: Thousands of British girls have been raped by gangs of foreign Muslims who threaten to kill them unless they comply, and British police have gone so far to cover it up that they've actually arrested fathers who were in the process of trying to rescue their daughters.

This week, the court transcript of a 2013 case involving Pakistani child rapes between 2002 and 2005 was either made public or recirculated, and it is spreading like fire across social media."

Það sem ríkið vill ykkur.

Meira af árinu sem leið, og kemur vonandi aldrei aftur.

Spaugari í góðum gír

"“The 2024 election fried our brains. The Democrats couldn’t hold a primary because they were too busy holding a body upright,” Cummings quipped, alluding to concerns about President Joe Biden’s age and health.

“Kamala was forced on us so hard, you’d think she was patented by Pfizer or Moderna—whichever one’s… Oh, God. Andy just gave me a very scary look.” Cummings said.

“I thought being a mom would mean that fewer people would want to come see me. I’m now playing 3,000-seat theaters, which is about the viewership of CNN these days. Not this show, though,” she said."


Danski herinn er með þetta.

Bill Gates reynir að myrða alla með moskítóflugum

"The Blaze reports that in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists have demonstrated the effectiveness of using mosquitoes as “flying syringes” to vaccinate humans against malaria. The research, conducted at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represents a new and potentially worrying advancement in vaccine technology."

Þetta virðist á yfirborðinu vera afar slæm hugmynd, en versnar bara eftir því sem maður hugsar dýpra.


Á meðan hafa mexíkanar það bara fínt

"Mexico is grappling with an overproduction of tequila, with more than 500 million liters in inventory, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, citing the Tequila Regulatory Council.

The surplus has been attributed to a slowdown in demand in the neighboring US, Mexico’s biggest trading partner and tequila consumer, and the possibility of tariffs on exports under President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration. 

Around two-thirds of all tequila produced in Mexico was exported in 2023, with 80% shipped to the US, while other two largest export markets, Spain and Germany, each made up just 2%. However, in the first seven months of 2024, tequila consumption in the US declined by 1.1%, a stark contrast to the 17% increase observed in 2021 during the peak of the tequila surge. Industry analysts point to a combination of factors leading to this situation, including a post-pandemic restructuring and a rise in prices that have prompted consumers to cut back on consumption."

Argentínumenn eiga nóg af pening núna.  ... en minni ástæðu til þess að drekka.

Sama, sama.

Svejk og fleira

Smá brot.

Dune, eða ekki. Hve langt er vitrænt að ganga.

Þessi er í einhverju allt öðru.

Líka annað sjónarhorn.


Meira Svejk

Rússneski Top Gear prófar buggy

Rússneski Top Gear á drónaveiðum.

Musk vs Þýzka ríkið

"Welt editor-in-chief Jan Philipp Burgard  is careful to remind readers (multiple times) that:

"The AfD is in parts xenophobic and anti-Semitic. That is why it is a danger to Germany."

Musk makes short work of the farcical "far-right extremist" accusation:

“The portrayal of the AfD as rightwing extremist is clearly false, considering that Alice Weidel, the party’s leader, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka! Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!”"

... og það heldur áfram svona.

Ný uppspretta lífdíesel hefur uippgötvast

"Meanwhile, another study examined how the consumption of seed oils, such as sunflower and soybean oils, could increase levels of carcinogenic compounds in the body. These compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are known to play a role in tumor development. The findings have sparked further investigation into the safety of these oils and their processing methods, especially when exposed to high heat during cooking."

Sólblóma og soyja-olía er krabbameinsvaldandi... svo, setjum það bara á bílana og keyrum.

Það er smá stillingaratriði, en hey...

Evrópska bírókratían hefur tapað stríðinu við Rússa afskaplega harkalega, og mun halda því áfram löngu eftir að stríðinu líkur.

JK Rowling heldur áfram að siga sjálfri sér á barnageldara

"JK Rowling has sparked fresh controversy after declaring there are "no trans kids" and that no child is "born in the wrong body" in her latest post on X, formerly Twitter."

Það styttist í að tranni ráðist á hana og reyni að kveikja í henni, spái ég.

Skoðum nýjustu myndirnar af hinni ósýnilegu flugvél kínverja

"In something of a stunning development, China appears to already be flying a stealthy, high-performance sixth-generation crewed combat aircraft, imagery of which began to emerge today. At this early stage, we have very little idea about the precise identity of the new aircraft, but many elements of its design are very much in line with what we already knew about Chinese sixth-generation airpower aspirations."



Svía vantar grafreiti

"Burial associations in Sweden are looking to acquire enough land for something they hope they’ll never have to do: bury thousands of people in the event of war."

Ég hef einfalda, en afar framsækna lausn: sleppið því bara að fara í stríð.

Hámarks Goff.

Eld-menn brenna fólk neðanjarðar

Eld-menn herja á New York

"A man was found with burns on his body at Penn Station in New York on Friday evening and was transported to a hospital, where he was in stable condition, fire and police officials said.

This is the second time this week a person was found on fire in the New York City transit system. Sunday morning, a woman was set on fire and killed on a subway train by an alleged illegal alien from Guatemala."

Ástæða þess að það eru engin slökkvitæki þarna

"A video of an irate individual wielding a fire extinguisher on a subway car made the rounds on social media this week, screaming and cursing at fellow passengers while brandishing the device."

Hmm... Sósíalista-paradís, augljóslega.

Á meðan, í Flórída

"Breitbart News reported that a homeowner in Bradenton, Florida, shot an alleged intruder around 9:00 p.m. Thursday night. The intruder died Friday morning.

Manatee County Sheriff Wells addressed the incident and was quoted by Fox News as saying, “[The homeowner] knew something bad was about to happen and he didn’t stall. He grabbed his firearm [and] told his wife to get into a safe spot.”

Wells added, “This is the state of Florida. If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”"

Úrkynjun er úthýst í Flórída.

Hreinlæti er mikið atriði við eldun hundamats

"A dog meat restaurant owner from Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam, died last week after a days-long struggle with rabies. The man had handled and butchered cats and dogs on the regular at his restaurant, which is thought to be how he caught the disease."


8 ára vændiskonur eru ekki ókeypis.

Þjóðverjar kenna okkur hvernig á að leggja hagkerfi í rúst

"Europe’s economic implosion is self-induced. Its ruling elites over-tax and over-regulate the private sector and obsess with promoting unreliable renewable energy to replace fossil and nuclear fuels in its crusade to ‘save the planet’ from an alleged impending climate apocalypse. Its attempt to blame Russia’s President Putin for high energy prices is hollow and self-serving."

Kommúnistar vilja meina að matur sé ónauðsynlegt prjál...

Á meðan, í Kína.

Vofa kommúnisma herjar á heimsbyggðina

Áframhaldandi ævintýr kommúnista

"For the better part of a century, Cuba has been under the control of communists and their ideologies, and the previously inconceivable has finally happened - they’ve run out of sugar.

The Cuban government acknowledged that it is ‘shameful’ for the island, traditionally one of the leading sugar producers in Latin America, to be forced to import this product.

Despite efforts to revive the sugar industry, the sector continues to face serious challenges, including failures in the last harvest."

Ekki hlæja of mikið, kommúnistar stjórna Íslandi líka.


Kolefnistrúðarnir hafa alltaf rang fyrir sér

"This year's minimum Arctic sea ice extent was 26% larger than 2012. @BBCNews said the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013."

Ekki hlæja of mikið, kolefnistrúðarnir eru við völd á Íslandi.

Sjálflýsandi vegur í Flórída

"The Biden-led Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a Florida project to use radioactive waste in road construction.

The EPA approved a project by Mosaic Fertilizer to construct a road using different mixtures of phosphogypsum, a radioactive waste.

Phosphogypsum is a radioactive byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production, and because of its radioactivity, it is usually stored in protective stacks."

Uppskera þrálátra lyga

"These networks told their faithful viewers that there was no way Trump could win, right up until they were forced to admit on election night that Trump had not only won, but that he had won big.

Their viewers felt betrayed, and a massive number of them simply walked away and have not returned.

MSNBC is down more than 50 percent. CNN is down 45 percent. FOX News is the only cable news network that has gained viewers in the same period."

2024 kemur aldrei aftur.


2024 í hnotskurn.

Trump heldur uppi fjörinu

"As Breitbart reports, President Trump’s annual Christmas message on his website Truth Social wished a “Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in ‘repair’ money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about ‘anything.’”

Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World,” President Trump continued.

Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will.”"

Maðurinn kann þetta.


Bara góð hugmynd

"President-elect Donald Trump is poised to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) immediately upon taking office, according to reports from his transition team.

This decision aligns with his longstanding criticism of the organization, which he has previously labeled as overly influenced by globalist agendas and insufficiently accountable."

Hann sýnir gott fordæmi.

Það er ekki fólkið, það er klíkan.

Umhverfissinnar valda tjóni

"Repairs to the historic wharf in Santa Cruz, which collapsed in heavy swell on Monday, were reportedly delayed after an environmental and preservationist group’s lawsuit delayed changes to the 110-year-old structure by several years."

Kolefnistrúarmenn leggja allt í eyði.


Pedóar settir í dejilið í 100 ár, og það er leyndó

"A Georgia couple was sentenced to 100 years in prison without parole after adopting two boys and sexually abusing them.

William and Zachary Zulock will each spend the rest of their lives behind bars, after pleading guilty to aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, incest, and sexual exploitation of children. Each were sentenced on Dec. 19.

The story that these prominent gay activists ran an indescribable child sex network using their own adopted children, who they also regularly raped, and built a custom house where they could film that rape and send it for other people to watch — is apparently not worth coverage from virtually any major news network besides Fox, People, and the Independent:"

CNN segir okkur ekkert.

Þeir mættu gera svona yfirferð á Íslandi

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has unveiled his annual "Festivus" list of wasteful government spending. The list tallied over $1 trillion in wasteful spending from the federal government, including funds for ice-skating drag queens, securing Paraguay's border, and testing cocaine for mood disordered rats, and more, per the report."

Okkar liði er nefnilega ekkert frekar treystandi, kannski síður.

Elskan, þú ert namm

"Just scraping into the list, with searches increasing by 26 per cent, vore is described in a case report in the National Library of Medicine as 'an infrequently presenting paraphilia, characterised by the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature,' this is generally by being swallowed whole.

'Due to its unconventional nature, vore is most definitely considered controversial, as let’s be honest eating another human or being eaten by someone is definitely considered taboo and not your usual everyday activity,' she explained."



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