7.2.2024 | 17:32
Liam og Noel selja upp į almannafęri
Gaurinn ķ śtvarpinu tilkynnti mér žaš ķ gęr aš įgętir menn aš nafni Liam og Noel hefšu veriš aš selja upp į almannafęri.
Atgangurinn var mikill, sagši hann: "Žeir Seldu Upp! Žeir Seldu Upp!" sagši hann meš mikilli įherzlu, og vķsaši į grein ķ Vķsi mįli sķnu til stušnings, žar sem frekar var fjallaš um uppsölur žessara įgętu manna.
Ég sį fyrir mér žį tvo standandi įgötuhorni, žį Liam og Noel, gubbandi af miklu krafti į allt og alla, svo CNN og Reuters sįu sér leik į borši aš męta og segja frį. Ljóslega epķskur atburšur ži alla staši.
Ekki fylgdi sögunni hvaš žeir eiginlega boršušu įšur en žessar miklu uppsölur hófust.
En... Vonbrigši.
Žeir félagar voru vķst ekki aš selja upp į götuhorni ķ London, heldur höfšu žeir bara veriš aš selja einhverjar plötur sem žeir įttu į lager.
Śtvarpsmenn vita ekkert naušsynlega hvaš orš žżša. Žetta var samt aš fyndnasat sem eg hef heyrt ķ žessari viku.
Herra Baun er kennt um żmislegt
"The UK-based environmental charity Green Alliance has accused actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson of being a high-profile obstacle to the governments efforts to phase out fossil fuel vehicles by 2035."
Glóbalistar hafa horn ķ sķšu Tuckers
"Rabidly pro-Ukraine shills and globalists are furious that Carlson is once again pushing back against the required narratives and letting people make up their own minds.
Now, anti-free speech globalists at the European Union are said to be considering a travel ban for Carlson over the interview, which will air on Thursday night."
Ljóslega mikilvęgt vištal.
Žaš er fyndin saga į bakviš žetta, er ég viss um.
Menn eitthvaš aš spökulera ķ yfirstandandi efnahagshruni Kķna
"Hayman Capital founder Kyle Bass has warned that President Xi's overreliance on real estate has sent its economy tumbling toward 2008-era financial conditions.
Speaking on CNBC, he said: "This is just like the US financial crisis on steroids.
"They have three and a half times more banking leverage than we did going into the crisis. And they've only been at this banking thing for a couple of decades.""
Žaš er sama hvaš félagsmįlarįšherra segir, Hvķti Mašurinn ręšur ekki viš žetta. White Power nęr bara svo langt.
6.2.2024 | 16:53
Hinn mįttugi Hvķti Mašur (TM) ber įbyrgš į óęšri manngeršum, segir Félagsmįlarįšherra. (Og fleiri, reyndar.).
Félagsmįlarįšherra vill taka upp byrši hvķta mannssins, Bjarni Ben hikar viš žaš
"Félagsmįlarįšherra [...] segist trśa į mennskuna ķ rķkisstjórninni og vonar aš Palestķnumönnum verši komiš til landsins sem allra fyrst."
Ķslendingar seinast, segir Félagsmįlarįšgherra.
Félagsmįlarįšherra er ašeins of White Power megin ķ lķfinu.
"The Seattle City Council passed a law requiring minimum compensation for gig workers (Doordash drivers and the like), and now the delivery apps have introduced new fees to cover the cost, which is causing customers not to use the apps, so now the drivers are actually making less money because they have less work."
Sósķalismi! Yay!
Einhver ętti aš gera žetta. Hljómar brilljant.
Allt er glępur ķ Bretlandi, viršist vera
"A man was arrested in Liverpool over the weekend for flying the Union Jack flag in the middle of the pro-Palestine mob."
Menn leyfa sér aš spyrja stóru spurninganna.
"the Chilean PDI was a pioneer in promoting women's participation in the UAE SWAT Challenge. They introduced their first female participant in 2020 within the Chilean men's team, paving the way for a more substantial involvement in subsequent years and forming the current all-women's team."
Horfši nś endilega į vķdjóiš. Žaš er... minna en traustvekjandi.
Mig langar aš vita hvaš palestķnu-aröbum finnst um vestręna stušnigsmenn sķna
"An American porn actor who has advocated for Palestinians online during Israels war on Hamas traveled to Iran and visited the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
Wright filmed herself throughout Tehran despite her work in pornography exposing her in theory to criminal charges that carry the death penalty."
Klįm-leikarar, kynįtta-hyggjumenn, kommśnistar...
Allt Haram.
Glóbalistar vs Indverjar
5.2.2024 | 16:42
Allt ykkur aš kenna fyrir aš fylgjast ekki meš
mRNA eitriš veldur žessu, og žiš vitiš žaš.
"The predictive data, published on Thursday by the WHOs International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), cites the use of tobacco and alcohol, as well as obesity and poor air quality, as the primary factors driving the expected increase in cases by 2050."
Batnandi loftgęši og minni reykingar eru ekki krabbameinsvaldandi.
Žessir apakettir žykjast ętla ķ strķš
"In the case of a war between the United Kingdom and a similarly-sized opponent, the British Armed Forces would exhaust their capabilities after the first couple of months of the engagement, said General Sir Nick Carter, the former Chief of the Defence Staff, a House of Commons defence committee report revealed."
Og enginn kęrir sig um aš ganga ķ herinn lengur.
Kókaķn flóšhestar rįfa um og angra fólk
"In Colombia, the animals spread from the drug Lord zoo into nearby rivers where they reproduced fast, since they have no natural predators in Colombia.
The hippos have been declared an invasive species which threaten the ecosystem.
They live freely in rivers and breed without control, leading Colombias Ministry of Environment to start sterilizing them in November."
Żmislegt er til.
Fólk handtekiš fyrir aš vilja ekki gelda börnin sķn
"The Montana parents who lost custody of their teen daughter to the state after refusing to go along with her "gender transition" have been told they may be arrested for speaking out about the ordeal.
The couple, who are currently caring for a relative out of state, were warned by their lawyer that they could be detained as soon as they return home to Montana."
Žeir vilja ólmir skera undan börnunum žarna ķ Montana. Uppiskroppa meš naut til aš gelda kannski?
"This abomination of a bill legalizes the invasion of 2 million illegals every year, pays for their lawyers, and gives Ukraine another $60 billion.
Your government hates you and wants to replace you, but until that happens, its going to steal every last dime from you it can."
Stutt og laggóš greining, žetta.
"For those keeping track at home, that's almost 400 percent more tax money for foreign countries than for our own country"
Viš žekkjum žetta vel héšan.
4.2.2024 | 15:31
Orkydrykkir ofl...
Orkudrykkir gętu veriš aš skemma krakkana į óvęntan hįtt
"Those who consumed energy drinks were shown to have a higher risk of mental health problems such as depression, suicidal thoughts, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anxiety, according to a study from Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health at Teesside University, and Newcastle University in the UK. It was published in the Public Health journal last month."
Kannski drekka sękóar frekar orkudrykki...
BBC er samansafn af kynžįttahöturum
"A senior BBC employee described white people as a barbaric bloodthirsty rapacious murderous genocidal thieving parasitical deviant breed, while also calling the UK a bigoted country."
Einn ętti aš lķta sér nęr.
"House Speaker Mike Johnson just handed out some serious ammunition to those who have been saying for years, in some cases that Joe Biden isnt actually running the country as president.
Im not sure Joe Biden is actually making these decisions, the Louisiana Republican said of Bidens immigration policies during an interview Friday on Fox Business."
"The moon, Earth's closest celestial neighbor, has undergone significant changes over the last few hundred million years, and is currently shrinking in size.
A recent study reveals that the moon has shrunk by more than 150 feet in circumference, a phenomenon akin to a grape wrinkling into a raisin."
Žaš er svo kalt.
Sumir vilja halda įfram aš dęla pening ķ hryšjuverkasamtök
"Sigmar Gušmundsson žingmašur Višreisnar, Orri Pįll Jóhannsson žingmašur Vinstri gręnna og Hafdķs Hrönn Hafsteinsdóttir žingmašur Framsóknar eru sammįla um žaš aš ķslenska rķkiš eigi ekki aš fresta įframhaldandi greišslum til UNRWA..."
Višreisn, VG & Framsókn, allir ķ hryšjuverkunum.
Ekki žaš aš viš ęttum aš styrkja UN almennt.
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:35 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
3.2.2024 | 16:59
Hvernig gengur ķ Śkranķu.
"Companies based in Taiwan have sold Russia more than $20 million in advanced equipment that can be used for weapons production, the Washington Post has claimed, noting that Moscows defense sector has ramped up purchases in recent months.
The Taiwan-made machines accounted for virtually all of the Russian companys imports in the first seven months of last year, according to the records, and the companys sales during that period were overwhelmingly to the Russian defense industry, the newspaper added, although it did not specify how the CNC machines were to be used.
Former US arms control official Kevin Wolf told the Post that such transfers likely violated sanctions imposed by both Washington and Taipei in response to the conflict in Ukraine."
Žaš gengur mjög illa ķ USA nśna
"After landing a spacecraft on the moon, India is on a roll, putting the pedal to the metal to solidify its position as one of the locomotives driving the growth of the so-called Global South.
It now arises that the worlds most populous country wants to attain up to 8% annual GDP growth for several years.
New Delhi is focused on boosting its manufacturing capabilities, as the country offers a kinder face for Western investments, in contrast with its Chinese counterparts."
Į mešan er Evrópa aš eitra fyrir sér į fullu.
"The detained man, a Malian national, went on a stabbing spree at around 8:00 am (0700 GMT) at the station, which operates domestic trains as well as those heading to Switzerland and Italy.
One person suffered serious injuries to the abdomen while two others were lightly wounded, police said."
Sumir eru meira osom en ašrir.
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:19 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
2.2.2024 | 16:54
Žaš žarf aš setja mykju į fleiri pólitķkusa
Sumir viršast hafa einhverjar efasemdur um žetta Neuralink.
"Gavin Newsom says he was visiting a Target and got blamed for a shoplifting incident to his face by a worker who didnt recognize him.
During a Zoom call, Newsom said he was at a checkout line when someone left the store without paying.
Newsom asked the worker why nobody stopped the shoplifter.
"She goes, oh, the governor.' Swear to God, true story on my mom's grave."
"The governor lowered the threshold, there's no accountability," the worker said."
"The movement, triggered by concerns over low wages, heavy regulation and cheap imports, has involved farmers from Spain, Italy, Germany, Romania and Greece calling for action."
Nś eru Ķrar ķ žessu lķka.
Barįtta góšs og ills tekur į sig žessa mynd.
Žaš vęri óskandi aš rįšamenn tękju sönsum įn žess aš žaš žyrfti aš dęla mykju į žį, en viš bara žvķ mišur bśum ekki svo vel.
Vissulega vaxandi vandamįl.
Flórķda sendir liš til aš verjast innrįs
"Roughly 1,000 soldiers will be sent to Texas, DeSantis office said in a statement on Thursday. They will be joined by members of the Florida State Guard, and around 90 members of various Florida law enforcement agencies already at the border."
Vélmenni verša betri en feministar į 3 mismunandi vegu.
"The Metropolitan Police have released new images of the London chemical attack suspect, Abdul Ezedi.
A 31-year-old mother, believed to be known to Ezedi, was attacked with a corrosive alkaline substance and remains very poorly and sedated in hospital, with her injuries thought to be life-changing."
Žetta er vķst einhver vel žekktur bófi frį Afganistan.
1.2.2024 | 16:30
Allt nišur į viš
"UK HAS A PROBLEM: Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds.
Notably, this trend didnt start until the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.
2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected
What changed? The magic juice was introduced to kids in 2021!"
Breska lögreglan er algerlega glötuš
"New footage has revealed that five police officers told the gospel busker to stop singing to passers-by on Oxford Street.
Harmonie London was told off by volunteer officer Maya Hadzhipetkova for performing Christian songs on a public street, in an incident that went viral earlier this week.
now, new footage has emerged, which shows that five other constables were present during the incident.
In the clip, an officer is approached by Londons videographer, who scolds him for sounding very silly, to which he responds: Hello YouTube, Im apparently sounding very silly."
"Speaking from the EU's Brussels headquarters, Von der Leyen said a proposal 'to work on reducing these administrative burdens' would be presented at an upcoming meeting of EU ministers.
Outside, furious farmers threw manure and flaming missiles at riot cops, as shops in Belgium admitted they may soon have empty shelves due to the protests."
Rķkiš hlusta bara ef mašur kastar ķ žaš saur.
"Rubber bullets and water cannons were deployed against hundreds of European farmers protesting outside the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday. The farmers threw eggs, set off fireworks, and started fires near the building while demanding that European leaders stop punishing them with more taxes and rising costs imposed to finance a so-called 'green agenda.'"
Žetta var hįpunkturinn, eftir žetta var allt nišur į viš.
"A mob of migrants in the sanctuary city of New York City, New York, mercilessly attacked New York Police Department (NYPD) officers on Tuesday. After the migrants were arrested, they were released from jail without having to pay a dime in bail."
Žaš sem rķkiš vill, mun rķkiš fį.
Mašur kęršur fyrir aš hata Satan
"A man who has admitted to damaging a controversial Satanic Temple holiday display in the Iowa Capitol is now facing a serious hate crime charge."
Žessi hljómsveit er enn til.
31.1.2024 | 19:36
Ritgerš um ost, ofl.
Byrjum į Laxness
Ég hef efasemdir um žetta allt.
Arthur Machen
Žetta er naušsynlegasta ritverk sem skrifaš hefur veriš.
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
30.1.2024 | 17:11
Lausnir į vandamįlum
Leggiš bara nišur umhverfisrįšuneytiš:
"Žjóšarsjóšur, sem hefur žaš hlutverk aš bregšast viš ófyrirséšum įföllum ķ žjóšarbśinu, er į žingmįlaskrį Žórdķsar Kolbrśnar Reykfjörš Gylfadóttur, fjįrmįlarįšherra. Hśn segir žó aš ekki verši greitt inn į slķkan sjóš fyrr en skuldahlutfall hefur veriš greitt nišur."
Leggiš nišur umhverfisrįšuneytiš, og ekki bara sparast 17 milljaršar strax, heldur helypur mikil gróska ķ hagkerfiš žegar öll vandamįl sem fylgja umhverfisrįšuneytinu hętta skyndilega aš vera til.
Svo mį hętta öllu brušli sem heitir "śtlendingamįl," og žį sparast strax 13 milljaršar. Og naušgunum fękkar i leišinni.
Hugsum okkur svo ef viš myndum bara hętta aš borga fyrir RŚV. Žaš fyrirbęri yrši bara selt, og allir fengju bara aš halda žessum 18.000 kr. Hvaš fęr mašur fyir žaš?
Jś: 10 Kebab. Eša mat ķ 20 daga, ef mašur er sparsamur.
Rķkiš er aš hirša 20 daga virši af mat af venjulegu fólki, og notar RŚV sem afsökun. Seljum žaš, hęttum aš rukka 18K.
Bara lausnir, engin vandamįl.
"Bjarni Benediktsson segir žörf į skżringum og višbrögšum frį Palestķnuflóttamannahjįlpinni (UNRWA) viš žungum įsökunum ķ garš stofnunarinnar. Hann segir engar upplżsingar vera fyrir hendi um žaš aš ķslenskir skattgreišendur hafi óbeint fjįrmagnaš hryšjuverkastarfsemi ķ Palestķnu."
Enda fjįrmögnušum viš Hamas beint. Ķ 10 įr.
"We found the number of myocarditis reports in VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 was 223 times higher than the average of all vaccines combined for the past 30 years. This represented a 2500% increase in the absolute number of reports in the first year of the campaign when comparing historical values prior to 2021. Demographic data revealed that myocarditis occurred most in youths (50%) and males (69%). A total of 76% of cases resulted in emergency care and hospitalization. Of the total myocarditis reports, 92 individuals died (3%). Myocarditis was more likely after dose 2 (p < 0.00001) and individuals less than 30 years of age were more likely than individuals older than 30 to acquire myocarditis (p < 0.00001)."
Enginn er hrifinn af vķsindunum lengur.
Žiš voruš vöruš viš.
Flestir oršnir eitthvaš leišir į Biden...
"Joy Reid gets caught on a hot mic as a clip of Biden is playing in which she says starting another fucking war."
Ekkert óskiljanlegt.
"In a post on X, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, Starlink, and Neuralink, revealed the first human patient has received a Neuralink brain implant.
The startups PRIME Study is a trial for its wireless brain-computer interface to evaluate the safety of the implant and surgical robot.
The study will assess the functionality of the interface which enables people with quadriplegia, or paralysis of all four limbs, to control devices with their thoughts, according to the companys website."
Framtķšin er nśna.
Žaš er alltaf til lag:
Svartsżni ķ manninum.
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:12 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
29.1.2024 | 17:00
Tķminn lķšur til aukinnar heimsku
Hvaš varš um manninn sem talaši um kartöflu? Gleymdist hann alveg? Um hvaš er hann aš tala ķ dag? Er hann enn aš tala um kartöflu, eša er hann farinn aš ręša um eitthvaš annaš mešlęti, t.d. Iceberg eša sveppi?
Bara spyr...
"In the US, a convoy of truckers, calling themselves "God's Army," is preparing to embark on a journey from several locations across the Lower 48 to the southern border as tensions soar between Texas and the Biden administration. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, farmers are bearing down on Europe's capitals - from Bucharest to Warsaw to Brussels - venting frustrations about climate policies. These social instabilities are breaking out ahead of key European and US elections this year.
The convoy plans to "send a message" to government officials at all levels about the need to secure the board amid the multi-year invasion of millions of illegals. Chambers believes Americans are "besieged on all sides" by evil "dark forces.""
Fólk mį alveg rķsa upp h+er į landi. Rķkiš er aš stela öllum peningunum og hefur veriš aš hafa ķ frammi allskyns skuggalega hegšun.
Allir reyna aš maka krókinn į Śkranķustrķšinu
"Security officials say that the current investigation dates back to August 2022, when officials signed a contract for artillery shells worth 1.5 billion hryvnias ($39.6 million) with arms firm Lviv Arsenal.
After receiving payment, company employees were supposed to transfer the funds to a business registered abroad, which would then deliver the ammunition to Ukraine.
However, the goods were never delivered and the money was instead sent to various accounts in Ukraine and the Balkans, investigators said."
Tilgangurinn meš strķšinu er aš stela pening.
"The progressive billionaire who has poured a fortune into electing prosecutors who have destroyed criminal justice systems across the United States is turning his attention to Texas, according to a Fox News report."
Heimurinn veršur ekkertvitręnni eftir žvķ sem tķminn lķšur.
Franskir bęndur umkringja Parķs
"The widespread farmers protests happening all over Europe are having in France one of its most dramatic chapter, as tractors and cars are set to block all highways around Paris, and the security forces are on alert.
Macrons government is a succession of never ending crises and mass protests, from Yellow Vests to Tyrannical Pension Reform to immigrant riots and Islamist rage over Gaza so they decided to cave, and drop plans to reduce state subsidies on agricultural diesel.
Too little, too late, responded the farmers, not incloined to stop now. So Frances interior ministry Darmanin ordered a large deployment of security forces around Paris."
Bara efst į lista youtube... leitiš endilega sjįlf. Žetta er snišugt.
Hįlfvitar sem hafa stöšugar įhyggjur af vešrinu tapa fljótt gešheilsunni
"A new study published in Nature on Jan. 15 by Harvard researchers and scientists from the University of Chicago, Oxford University, and Yale University claims that slower-moving climate change factors have a negative impact on mental health.
The paper notes that worrying, grief, and frustration are emotions that are elicited when asked by researchers about chronic climate change."
Įrstķširnar herja į gešheilsu vitleysinga allt įriš.