
Á meðan, í Rússlandi

"Men should “sneak up” on their wives and impregnate them this very evening, the mayor of the city of Nevinnomyssk in Stavropol Region in southern Russia has insisted.

The mayor, who has three children, acknowledged that his comments “might sound naive and funny.” But he insisted that developing society through bringing more children into this world is “the main program of development of our city, our region, and Russia as a whole.”"

Fauci, einn af aðal skúrkum Kóvitlesyunnar, útskýrir þetta:

"newly resurfaced audio of Anthony Fauci sheds a bit of light on why we were nudged so hard to get the vaccine.

Fauci: "It's been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated.""

Þetta snerist aldrei um heilsu hvorki eins eða neins.

Það er ekkert að marka Snopes

"Misinformation hall-monitor website Snopes was forced to reverse a fact-check on Saturday after making the false claim the Joe Biden did not wear a hard hat backwards during a recent photo-op with construction workers.

After backlash from comments on the social media platform, the Snopes editors wrote on the reversed fact-check, with a three-paragraph correction, saying, "The prevailing counter-argument is that if the suspension of the hat has been purposely configured by its owner such that the bill and tightening knob are worn to the back (as was the case of the hat Biden wore), to wear that hat with the bill facing forward is, practically speaking, to wear it backwards. Therefore, it's argued, it's actually true that, in the photo op discussed below, Biden was wearing it backwards. The strap and tightening knob, which should have been behind Biden's head, were on his forehead.""

Ja hérna...

Api laus í Skotlandi

"The Japanese macaque is on the loose after it found a way out of its enclosure at the Highland Wildlife Park in Kingussie.

The monkey was reportedly sighted in the nearby village of Kincraig, hanging onto garden fences and taking nuts from a bird feeder."

Apinn virðist hafa það gott.

Þetta endar friðsamlega, held ég.  Það er ekki góð pólitík að starta stríði *þarna.*

Ríkið vill láta nauðga börnunum þínum og myrða þig

Almenningur að mótmæla barnanauðgurum sem Breska ríkið hefur sent þeim.

Breska ríkið hættir loksins að dæla pening í hryðjuverkasamtök

"The UK will halt funding to the UN's relief agency in Gaza following allegations some members were involved in Hamas' October 7 attack.

On Friday, "several" employees were sacked after Israel claimed that 12 employees were involved in the offensive last year, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)."

Íslenska ríkið arf þá að bæta í.  Kannski fer Kata Jak með Semu til Ísrael til þess að setja nokkra júða inn í ofn?

Vörubílstjórar taka þátt í andófi gegn heimskupörum Bandaríks a alríkisins.

Uppreisnin heldur áfram að breiða úr sér

"In defiance of the Biden Administration’s wishes, senior figures within Customs and Border Protection have stated that there are no plans to have Border Patrol agents remove razor wire barriers erected along sections of the border by the Texas National Guard.

The Border Patrol Union also issued a statement outlining that agents will not interfere with Texas National Guard members carrying out “lawful” operations."

Svo fáir vilja stunda landráð...

Franskir bændur amast við yfirgangi glóbalista, sem vilja svelta alla í heiminum í þágu umhverfisverndar.

Mönnum farið að þykja trannarnir óvenju ofbeldirhneigðir

"Since 2018, five people who identified as transgender or were gender-confused have gone on killing sprees at schools and businesses. Authorities have been increasingly slow to confirm so-called gender identities and motives in cases such as these.

But the numbers show a concerning pattern.

Brain-altering hormone treatments used in attempts to alter gender may be what’s leading to trantifa (a combination of “trans” and “Antifa”) social media posts that seem to encourage violence toward “transphobes.”"

Sem betur fer eru náriðlar ekki jafn ofbeldishneigðir.

4Chan... 3 brandarar í einu.

Hrói Höttur vs Hryðjuverkalögreglan

"A team of counter-terrorism and anti-mafia police officers are working to track down the people destroying speed cameras in several Italian areas, with cameras sawn down, shot out, and even exploded. The elite police squad finally got their first hit this week, reports Il Giornale, which reports security cameras at the scene of one strike against the traffic cameras caught a man in the act, allowing him to be identified and later arrested.

Calling themselves ‘Fleximan’, a play on words on the Italian name for a popular brand of battery-powered angle-grinder, this particular individual was caught after two months but police understand there were more perpetrators on the loose, all using the same name."

Alþýðuhetjur.  Hvers vegna eru engir svons snillingar á Íslandi?

... og nú er Ben Shapiro söluhæsti rapparinn.  2024!

Vinsælt nammi er svo óvinsælt að það selst ekki

Nammið sem var svo vinsælt að enginn keypti það

"Vinsælt nammi tekið af íslenskum markaði

... vörumerkja­stjóri hjá Danól sem flyt­ur inn sæl­gæti frá Hari­bo, seg­ir Piratos hafa verið tekið úr sölu vegna dræmr­ar sölu."

Já.  Einmitt.

Kóvitleysan, eins og hún var.

Verið að safna í lið vegna yfirvofandi borgarastyrrjaldar

"A coalition of red states has rallied around Texas, after Governor Greg Abbott invoked the state's constitutional right to self-defense due to the migrant crisis, which he deemed an 'invasion.'

Here is the joint letter with 25 governors supporting the Texas Border Resistance against our rogue federal government.

Republican Governors Association link: https://t.co/CPfSLrzGEA pic.twitter.com/w2PDWYjpZd

And of course, the optics couldn't be worse for the Biden administration - which is now faced with the prospect of going to war with Texas, during an election year, to keep the border open."

Erum við alveg viss um að Biden sé ekki íslendingur?  Svona heimsku hef ég ekki séð síðan Kata Jak opnaði munninn seinast.


Franskir bændur fúlir út í glóbalistana

"The French government is scrambling to get a whole lot of tractors off the nation’s major highways. Good luck with that when 89% of French citizens back the protesting farmers, according to a new Odoxa poll.

 Farmers in Poland, Romania, Germany, and the Netherlands have now been joined by their counterparts from the country virtually synonymous with revolution."

Það dregur ekkert úr þessu.

Meira bænda-tengt

"The establishment of the 100% Redress Party, rooted in the mica protest movement, has added further momentum to the sense that new entrants might be able to mop up anti-Government sentiment, outflanking even Sinn Féin..."

Plottið þykknar

"To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay. Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

Twelves workers from UNRWA currently face accusations they willingly participated in the deadly Hamas terror attack."

Sameinuðu þjóðirnar, maður...

Grikkir öðlast Niggara-forréttindi.

Missouri vill leifa einvígi

"Missouri Senator Nick Schroer, a member of the Freedom Caucus, has laid another option on the table; something more civilized than bullying.

He has submitted a proposed rule change to the Missouri Senate that would bring back the ancient practice of defending one's honor civilly, in a gentleman's or gentlewoman's (or even gentlethey/them/theirs) duel to the death."

Hljómar skemmtilega.

Þetta er hægt að gera í Kringlunni líka, með nokkurnvegin sömu niðurstöðu.

Vindur um borð

Texas vs Alríkið

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott just drew a hard line in the sand, putting the Biden administration on notice that he's declared the migrant crisis an "invasion" and invoked Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.

The situation in Texas has come to a boiling point at Eagle Pass, where the Texas National Guard have taken control of a local park which illegal immigrants use as a landing zone after crossing the Rio Grande. The state has placed razor wire along miles of the river to block entry to the US - which the Supreme Court just allowed the Biden administration to remove while a legal battle plays out in a lower court."

Alríkið vill dæla ólöglegum innflytjendum inn í landið, en Texas ekki.

Maður leysir vind í flugvél, aðrir farþegar hljóta skaða af

"According to a Reddit post by user Glamgalatx on the Austin Subreddit, the flight was disrupted by a man who not only passed gas but also vocally drew attention to his actions in a manner that disturbed fellow passengers."

Kommúnistar abbast uppá pínaóleikara

"In an event that has now become an international debate and diplomatic snafu, a popular YouTube piano player by the name of Brendan Kavanagh was filming a live stream at a public piano at London St Pancras station when Chinese citizens, some of them known to work for CCP groups in the UK, confronted him.

The man who escalates the argument into threats and accuses the piano player of “racism” for calling the Chinese flag “communist” is Newton Leng.  He works as a consultant for Financial Times and is a member of the IOE Confucius Institute, a well known front organization for the CCP operating in numerous western countries."


Almenningur í Bretlandi vill ekki ganga í herinn

Auðvitað ekki... "The UK’s Chief of the General Staff, Patrick Sanders, has said that civilians should be “trained and equipped” for a potential call-up to fight Russia. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, however, insisted that there are no plans to introduce conscription and rebuked the general for his comments."

1: Rússar eru ekkert að fara að gera neina innrás í bretland.

2: Bretar ættu bara samt að vopnast, eins og kaninn.  Þeir hljóma eins og vangefningar alltaf þegar þeir eru að nöldra út af einhverjum hnífa-árásum.

Talandi um glæpi í Bretlandi:

"A DJ has been jailed after urinating on a cancer patient at a social club and posting the video online.

It was while Barton was telling Brookfield that he was going undergoing treatment for prostate cancer that the DJ turned and urinated on his back."

Leggið niður Umhverfisráðuneytið

Ríkið leitar að afsökunum til þess að selja íslandsbanka

"Ef ég stæði frammi fyr­ir því að fara í ein­hvern sárs­auka­full­an niður­skurð myndi ég ekki byrja á heil­brigðis­kerfi, mennta­kerfi eða hjá lög­reglu.

Við erum með 164 stofn­an­ir í þessu landi og erum tæp­lega 400 þúsund. Ætlum við að halda því fram að 164 stofn­an­ir séu al­gjör­lega nauðsyn­leg­ar í okk­ar sam­fé­lagi? Ég held ekki. Við erum með marg­ar mjög fá­menn­ar stofn­an­ir."

Byrjið á að leggja niður umhverfisráðuneytið og allt sem því tengist.  Því fyrr, því betra.

Umhverfisráðuneytið sem slíkt er vandamál, og lausnin er að leggja það niður.  Við það leysast svo fleiri vandamál.  Fleiri en þið gerið ykkur grein fyrir.

Stemming í Kína

"The RRR, which determines the amount of cash banks have to keep in reserve, will be lowered by 0.5% on Feb. 5 to provide 1 trillion yuan ($139 billion) in long-term liquidity to the market, the People’s Bank of China’s Governor Pan Gongsheng told reporters at a briefing.

Along with the reserve ratio, Pan also said the central bank would from Thursday lower interest rates on relending funds provided to banks that incentivize loans to the agricultural sector and small firms."

Þetta virkar ekkert.

Yfirvöld í Kína eru engir fjármálasnillingar.

Menn benda á hver annan að vanda

"Kiev's forces knowingly downed a Russian plane carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war that crashed on Wednesday, killing all on board, in order to pin the attack on Moscow, the Defense Ministry has said..."


Bændur í Skotlandi eitthvað að æsa sig núna.  Af sömu ástæðum og allir hinir.

Gaur böstaður við að reyna að múta pólitíkus

"An audio recording obtained by DailyMail.com reveals the extraordinary moment when what appears to be Arizona's top Republican official tried to bribe populist firebrand Kari Lake not to run in the state's Senate race.

Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, can be heard asking Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years."


Nazistar eru lítt hrifnir af Biden

"Just as the President began to speak, however, he was interrupted by anti-Israel agitators who verbally attacked him over his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

Biden tried to continue with his planned remarks, but the agitators in the crowd made it impossible with their shouting."

Það er fokið í flest skjól hjá kallinum.

Ég get alveg reddað 50-60.000 manna her á íslandi.  Ekkert mál.  retar geta vel notað sama trix.

Vélarnar virka ekki

Sniðugir hlutir koma fyrir 7 milljarða manna á hverjum degi.


Hvaða Tim Pool ert þú í dag?

Eitthvað vesen á Kínverjunum

"Earlier today, we lamented the latest implosion in Chinese markets, which we discussed in "China Stocks Crash Through 'Snowball Derivatives' Trigger Levels Overnight", in which we pointed out the unprecedented failure of the centrally-planned market to halt its collapse be it through short selling bans, or even the latest impotent intervention by the "National Team", China's Plunge Protection Team, which today failed to spark even a modest rebound in the relentless selling which had triggered key liquidation levels.

...China now has two options: pretend that the failed policies it has been doing (or pretending to do) so far has been successful, which it likely will until there is just too much blood on the streets, or it will finally capitulate and unleash the biggest fiscal stimulus ever seen in China: we are talking multiple trillions here, and in dollars not yuan, consequences be damned, because we are nearing the point of peak panic where Beijing will do anything at all to buy social order and stability for just a few more months."


Næst tekur DF Austurvöll.  Mér skilst að það sé eitthvað í gangi þar sem ber að athuga.

Franskir bændur mótmæla kolefnistrú & Glóbalisma

"Principally, the farmers are calling for their way of life to be respected by elites in Paris and Brussels. However, in terms of concrete measures, they have called for a reduction in onerous green regulations from the EU and from their government, which recently raised taxes on agricultural fuel."

Kolefnistrúin er banvæn.

Nánasta framtíð Reykjavíkur

Flugfélagið er rekið af klæðskiftingum og svertingjum, auðvitað gengur illa að halda vélunum við

"British traveler Phil Hardy, 41, was onboard Flight VS127 at Manchester Airport in the UK on Jan. 15 when he noticed the four missing fasteners during a safety briefing for passengers and decided to alert the cabin crew.

Virgin Atlantic, however, seems more worried about making sure their flights are as gay and black as possible and not as safe as possible."


Ameríski fasistaflokkurinn gjaldþrota

"The Democratic Socialists of America, one of AOC’s favorite political organizations, is facing a serious financial crunch and may have to lay people off.

Who knew that socialists would have such a hard time managing funds? It looks like they finally ran out of other people’s money."

Fasistar kunna ekkert með pening að fara.  Sjáið bara íslenska ríkið.

Vélarnar eru ekkert að fara að leggja hvorki eitt eða neitt undir sig

"Two robots were spotted during an awkward standoff after coming face-to-face with each other in a city centre street.

The Co-op delivery machines appeared "to get confused about whether to go right or left to leave room" on a road in Cambridge."

Einhver úrkynjaður fáviti er aftur að spyrja UFC út í hluti sem koma UFC ekkert við.

Fyrir þá sem muna ekki:

Skítur skeður


"A street cleaner identified as John Cashvan told the Post about his recent experience, stating, “There was a cup of what I thought was somebody’s discarded hot chocolate that turned out to be not hot chocolate.” He added that when the temperatures are warm, the area smells like a toilet.

Neighbors and volunteers claimed they have seen cups of urine near the park entrance and “human-sized” feces at the foot of trees and between cars parked in the area. One man claimed the migrants have been leaving cups filled with urine on doorsteps because they did not want to relieve themselves on the ground.

The arrival of over 160,000 border crossers and illegal aliens has spurred “the erosion of the quality of life” for New York residents, Mayor Eric Adams (D) said in December.

Social media users were quick to comment on the Post‘s report, one individual writing, “Those sanctuary cities sure are vibrant.”"

Slæmt er að búa í saurbæ.


Hindúar byggja msteri, og fara í taugarnar á MSM

"After he elevated India to a relevant geopolitical player in the BRICS group and beyond, and presided over a Space Program that took the first Indian craft to soft land on the moon, Modi now will inaugurate the new, monumental Ram temple that is being called the ‘Hindu Vatican’.

The temple was built at an estimated cost of $217 million, funded solely by donations by Indian nationals."



Musk vill komast að hverjir eru í Patriot Front

"On Sunday, X owner Elon Musk called for members of the Patriot Front organization to be unmasked and questioned "Why doesn't the media or government care about their identities?" He asked.

The comment came in response to X user Wall Street Silver, who theorized, "The fact that the legacy media shows zero curiosity about unmasking these guys, tells us 100% that these are federal agents or paid stooges of one of the agencies.""

Flestir eru á því að þetta séu bara FBI

WHO vill aðra kóvitleysu

"On Wednesday at the World Economic From annual event in Davos, World Health Organization (WHO) director General Tedros Ghebreyesus called for global leaders to sign a treaty to prepare a response to a hypothetical "Disease X" that they say could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19."

Kóvitleysan var samfellt hryðjuverk, og ekki mun það batna undir stjórn þessara sömu manna, vilji þeir endurtaka það. 

Okkar heilbrigðisráðherra var áberandi verri en þessir.

Ofur-rottur og heimins öflugasta kattaleikfang

Lögreglan í London handtók fjölmarga ræningja

"British police had secured 21 convictions to date on a group of 31 men who have been charged with a spree of muggings and theft in the capital city, London.

All of the men are first- or second-generation immigrants."


Ég sagði ekkert.

Rafhjól brenna í NY

"In total, e-bikes caused 267 fires, causing 18 deaths and 150 injuries in the city, the New York Fire Department (FDNY) told Fox News, which notes that the figures represent the highest levels of each statistic - with deaths jumping 200% and fires increasing 21% over last year."

Hvernig er eiginlega frágangurinn á þessu?

Krabbamein er vinsælt núna

"A recent report published by the American Cancer Society predicted that new cancer cases are expected to reach a new high in 2024. Over 2 million new cases of cancer are expected.

The Wall Street Journal reports that doctors are baffled by the sudden rise in cancer among young people."

Hey, þið voruð vöruð við.

Íþróttafréttamaður deyr úr "skyndilega"

"Mike Dickson, an esteemed sportswriter with the Daily Mail, has collapsed and died in Melbourne while covering the Australian Open, his family have announced..."



Of algengt til að vera tilviljun.

Bretar þróa nýtt kattaleikfang

"The laser-directed energy weapon (LDEW) is claimed to have the ability to hit a precision target the size of a coin from a kilometre away. Although the exact range of the weapon is classified, the ministry said that it can engage with any visible target.

The MoD said that the average cost of firing the laser is around £10 per shot, meaning that the weapon has the “potential to be a long-term low-cost alternative to certain tasks missiles currently carry out.”"

Við getum pantað svona á Ali eftir 1-2 ár.

Þetta kemur málinu ekkert við

Brezku ofur-rotturnar

"The term "super-rats" refers to rats that have gained immunity to traditional poison baits used across the UK."

Allir eru á eiturlyfjum

Það gengur eitthvað illa hjá þeim í Davos

"During a discussion titled “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration,” Roberts let rip on the elitists.

“I will be candid,” Roberts began, adding “the agenda that every single person member of the [future Republican] administration needs to have, is to compile a list of everything that’s ever been proposed at the [WEF], and object all of them wholesale.”

He further urged that “anyone not prepared to do that, and take away this power of the unelected bureaucrats and give it back to the American people, is unprepared to be a part of the next conservative administration.”

When the discussion turned to Donald Trump, Roberts told the host of the panel, Sir Robin Niblett, ‘Distinguished Fellow’ of Chatham House, that “It’s laughable that you or anyone would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy,” adding “It’s equally laughable to use the word ‘dictatorship’ at Davos and aim that at President Trump… I think that’s absurd.”

He continued, “The very reason I’m here at Davos, is to explain to many people in this room and who are watching, with all due respect – nothing personal – that you are part of the problem.”"

Hann lýgur ekki.

Í Flórída eru önnur vandamál.

""*FALLING IGUANAS* possible this weekend in Southwest Florida as the coldest air of the season moves in Sunday morning," WINKNews meteorologist Matt Devitt posted on social media platform X. 

Devitt pointed out, "We have a pretty sizable iguana population from Sanibel to Cape Coral to Naples. Locally, lows will dip into the 40s, wind chills in the 30s by sunrise.""

Talibanar segja Írönum og Pakistönum að slappa af

"The Taliban terrorist organization that rules Afghanistan urged its neighbors in Iran and Pakistan to show “restraint” after the two nations bombed each other, allegedly to diminish the threat of ethnic Baloch separatist groups to their respective governments."

Prófið þetta á Alþingi

"In its Wednesday piece, the widely read newspaper said that its reporter conducted swab tests of seven bathrooms inside Stockholm’s Riksdag with ‘cocaine wipes,’ which can detect trace amounts of the substance from surfaces that have come into contact with the narcotic.

The daily claimed that the swab tests revealed the presence of cocaine in four bathrooms inside the national legislature.

Sweden has for several years held a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to drug prevention as part of a broader plan aimed at reducing both the supply and demand of illegal narcotics within its borders."

Mig grunar samt að aðal fnið á þinginu hér heima sé lím.  Hugsanlega þynnir.


Pokarottu-eyrnalokkarnir eru alvöru

Og nú: íþrótta-umfjöllun:

50 metrar með frjálsri aðferð.  Framkvæmanlegt.

Svíar gera góða hluti

Góðar fréttir: Svíar ganga af kolefnistrúnni

"In the new year, Sweden REMOVED climate taxes on fuel, causing diesel prices to collapse by over 4 SEK per litre.

After the right-wing government removed climate taxes, prices in the new year reached almost as low as 17 SEK per litre. That is around 39% lower diesel prices."

Bara gleði í Svíþjóð.  Betri tíð framundan þar.

Á meðan, á Fróni

"Fimm sam­tök telja frum­varp Svandís­ar Svavars­dótt­ur mat­vælaráðherra um ný heild­ar­lög um sjáv­ar­út­veg veita ráðherra aukn­ar óljós­ar vald­heim­ild­ir, vega að rekstr­ar­grund­velli sjáv­ar­út­vegs­ins og ógni þannig lífs­kjör­um lands­manna allra."

Tómur niðurgangur hér á landi, í boði ríkisins.

Allskyns fíflagangur í Davos

"Organizers have been so worried about pampered Davos attendees and their delicate sensibilities that on Thursday guests were treated to ballet dancers performing in the snow, accompanied by a cellist, all set against an icy backdrop designed to “spark hope” and melt their cares away.

Their showpiece, titled “Performing Hope”, aimed to raise the spirits of guests worried about “the impacts of climate change and encourage them to keep taking action in their own small ways,” organisers said."

Rússar sprengja franska málaliða

"According to the Russian military, the strike conducted earlier this week killed more than 60 foreign mercenaries, predominantly French nationals.

Officials told the envoy that Paris itself was to blame for the mass casualties among the French nationals, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Friday."


Rafbílarnir eru ekki mjög gróðavænlegir

"Ford Motor's electric vehicle sales are running out of juice as the company plans to slash production of its all-electric F-150 Lightning in April "to achieve the optimal balance of production, sales growth and profitability." 

Beginning on April 1, approximately 1,400 employees will be impacted at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford wrote in a statement on Friday."

Sjáið þessi göng sem við fjármögnuðum.

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