Elon Musks war against diversity hiring threatens to once again land him in hot water with advertisers."
Niggara forrétindi eru ekki gefin, žau eru tekin. Eins og reišhjól.
18.1.2024 | 16:56
Trans dżr fjarlęgš af žartilgeršum embęttismönnum
"Students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities. The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick the student up from the school, or animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student."
Inn į milli eru snillingar, og ég kann aš meta žaš.
Kynskift Nazista BDS hóra handtekin/n af FBI fyrir hótanir
"The FBI last week arrested a trans person referred to as a Nazi Dominatrix from Hell after discovering he posted about going out in a blaze of glory while making threatening comments about multiple ethnic groups and those who objected to his lifestyle."
Žessir kommśnistar...
Žetta er mikiš spilaš ķ śtvarpinu nśna. Cover śtgįfan, ž.e.a.s. Tjękovskż, ofarlega į vinsęldarlistanum, AD 2024. Bara af žvi.
Forseti Argentķnu įvarpar samkomu fasista
"Milei, a libertarian economist, explained in a roughly 20-minute speech how socialism ultimately leads to poverty, how the state is not the solution, but rather the problem itself, and how leftism has co-opted Western government institutions to further its agendas.
Milei urged world leaders to embrace capitalism as an alternative.
The Argentine president lamented that world leaders have abandoned the ideas of freedom, embracing instead several versions of leftism which he categorized as being versions of the same ideology of collectivism."
Fasistarnir eru ekkert aš fara aš hlusta į hann.
"A recent study has revealed significant skepticism among young audiences regarding climate alarmism, a development that poses a challenge to advocates of urgent climate action but is likely to be welcomed by those who see stoking fear about the supposed ills of global warming as exaggerated.
Researchers also found that roughly one-third of teenagers (the predominant YouTube audience) hold views such as climate policies cause more harm than good or consider climate change a hoax to control and oppress people.
The findingswhich the CCDH calls alarming and startlingsuggest that theres a growing rejection of climate narratives that emphasize imminent global catastrophe."
Góšar fréttir. Viš žurfum žęr.
Stašreyndir tala sķnu mįli.
17.1.2024 | 17:07
Stutt skopsaga um kappįt
Eitthvaš allt annaš.
Hef eki tekiš eftir neinu af žessu. En ég hef veriš aš lesa ašra, eldri hluti.
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
17.1.2024 | 16:21
"A juicy tidbit has already emerged, with Harvard Professor of the History of Science Naomi Oreskes and President of swiss universities Luciana Vaccaro whining about how dangerousproblematic X is.
Oreskes declared For a long time, I was on Twitter, And now its become such a toxic place that Ive concluded its not a worthwhile place to spend time. And as you said, it is exhausting.
She continued, So you do have to pick and choose, and you have to think about where the place is, where you can get your message across. But I am trying to figure out, I mean, I have given up on X. What a scary name that even is, right? And I dont know what the alternative is right now.
Vaccaro charged that it is the policy of the owner that is problematic, presumably referring to Musks dedication to free speech on the platform."
Žessir glóbalistar...
"A veritable peasants revolt appears to be budding across the continent as overregulation, inflation and the green agenda are taking their toll on the ability of farmers to earn a living in and consequently feed the people of modern Europe. The latest protests to crop up in France came over the low payout from supermarket chains to food producers."
Žetta minnkar ekki.
Glóbalistar eru hręddir viš Trump
"BlackRock vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand issued his caution from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.
In doing so he added his voice to the swelling chorus from Europe that fears a Trump return to the world stage.
Hildebrand, a member of the firms Global Executive Committee, was responding to recent comments by Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), who said Trump posed a clear threat to Europe because his divergent views set him apart from the European mainstream, the report sets out.
Lagarde last week warned history showed Trumps manner in which he carried out the first four years of his mandate is clearly a threat."
Ó nei. Frišur og hagsęld. En skelfilegt.
Glóbalistar eru smįm saman aš įtta sig į hve illa lišnir žeir eru
"People no longer trust their governments to tackle climate change, war, and inequality, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said.
Public trust in government has fallen across the Western world since the turn of the millennium. A Pew Research survey found that only 16% of Americans currently trust their leaders and institutions, down from 44% in the year 2000. A survey taken by the EU in 2022 found that the average citizen of the bloc gave their government a trust score of 3.6 out of 10, down from 4.7 in 2020.
...there is a disconnect between the issues highlighted by Guterres and the issues that the public in the US and EU actually consider important. While the UN chief made climate change and AI the focus of his speech, Americans by and large do not consider these to be pressing concerns. According to a Gallup poll conducted last year, Americans rated the economy, poor leadership, inflation, and immigration as their top concerns, with only 3% of respondents naming climate change as their most important issue, and less than 0.5% identifying AI or foreign conflicts as their top priority."
Žeir eru gjörsamlega fyrrtir.
Sameiginlegt vandamįl okkar allra.
"U.S.-based Uranium Energy Corp said on Tuesday it would restart uranium production at its fully permitted site in Wyoming as the resurgence in nuclear power has led to a new bull market in uranium."
Kolefnistrśamenninrnir verša bara aš fį hvellskitu.
"What is expected is this: a scientific paper that will provide firm evidence of alien life on an exoplanet (a planet outside our solar system).
The discovery would use biosignatures gases and chemicals highly likely to have emanated from organic creatures."
16.1.2024 | 19:56
Žetta fer sennilega undir hraun ķ nęsta mįnuši.
"Žaš į ekki aš vefjast neitt fyrir rķkisstjórn Ķslands aš borga okkur öll śt, ef žaš er žaš sem viš viljum, meš forgangsrétti aftur ef viš viljum koma inn."
Segir mašurinn. Og žvķ ekki?
Hann er meira aš segja meš einhverja śtreikninga:
"Ég verš stundum svo svekktur žegar ég pęli ķ žvķ, eins og Žórdķs Kolbrśn sagši įšan, aš žaš kosti um 115 milljarša aš borga okkur śt. 115 milljarša, sagši Pįll Valur."
115 milljaršar. Ętti ekki aš vera vandi. Rķkkiš sóaši jś nęstum 40 milljöršum į sķšasta įri ķ śtlendinga og kokteilpartż.
Leggjum nišur Umhverfis, orku og loftslagsrįšuneytiš, og allt sem žvķ tengist. Samkvęmt fjįrlögum žį sparar žaš strax 17 milljarša, sem dekkar žetta į innan viš 10 įrum.
Žegar öll gjöld og reglugeršir sem žessu rįšuneyti fylgja verša felld śr gildi veršur lķka hagsveifla uppį örugglega 100 milljarša strax fyrsta įriš, sem dekkar žetta alveg.
Mįlefni innflytjenda og flóttamanna eru svo nęstum 2 milljaršar ķ višbót, og "Śtlendingamįl" eru af einhverjum orsökum nęstum 8 milljaršar, og svo aftur ķ dómsmįlarįšuneyti uppį 2.5 milljarša. Aušveldur sparnašur, žaš.
Svo er žróunarsamvinna uppį 3 milljarša. Ekki okkar vandamįl.
"Fjölmišlun" kostar rķkiš 6 milljarša. Ķ hvaša fasistarķki er žaš į könnu rķkisins? Spörum okkur žaš.
Strax bśinn aš spara nęstum 40 milljarša, og gręša miklu meira. Mįliš leyst į vel innan viš 3 įrum.
Žaš er lķka hęgt aš fara ķ smįatriši og spara miklu meira, en lįtum žetta duga ķ bili. Bara til žess aš sżna hversu létt verk žetta er.
Žaš eina sem vantar er viljinn.
Hann er ekkert fyrir hendi.
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:57 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
16.1.2024 | 17:05
Sérsveitin hindrar bónda ķ aš nį ķ rollurnar sķnar
"Grétar fékk aš flytja kindur sķnar śr Grindavķk ķ gęrkvöld en žaš gekk ekki įtakalaust fyrir sig. Žegar hann mętti sérsveitarmönnunum lį viš aš upp śr syši."
Og fólk segir aš Amerķkanar séu fķfl.
"Alžjóšaheilbrigšisstofnunin (WHO) segir bóluefni viš kórónuveirunni hafi bjargaš aš minnsta kosti 1,4 milljónum mannslķfa ķ Evrópu."
Žetta sull viršist fljótt į litiš hafa aukiš dįnarlķkur allra sem žaš tóku um meira en 50%, svo tala lįtinna eftir žessa mRNA eitrun er oršin ansi hį.
"As TMZ reported, All My Children actor Alec Musser died suddenly Friday night at his home in Del Mar, CA. He was just 50 years old.
Mussers fiancé Paige Press revealed that he was suffering from a severe case of COVID despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, as Fox News noted"
Bara stikk-prufa. Eitt dęmi af milljónum.
Žżzkir bęndur vilja losna viš glóbalistana
"Culminating a week of nationwide demonstrations in which thousands of farmers took to their tractors to shut down typically busy highways and the thoroughfares of major cities, an estimated 5,000 tractors, trucks and over 10,000 people crowded into the centre of Berlin on Monday.
The protests were sparked by the left-wing coalition governments decision to solve a budget crisis with cuts to agricultural subsidies and eliminating tax exemptions for farmers on diesel, a measure that has been in place for over 70 years.
Meanwhile, the government not only refused to cut any aid to Ukraine, it doubled down on propping up the proxy war effort against Russia, vowing to double payments to Kyiv this year to eight billion euros."
Žjóšverjar hafa yfir sér sömu śrkynjušu gerpin og viš.
"Ukraines much-touted counteroffensive has now completely failed and its very statehood could soon suffer an irreparable blow, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the Small Motherland the Strength of Russia forum in Moscow on Tuesday."
Hvaš er mikiš eftir af žessu strķši?
Allar hórur uppteknar vegna fyrirmenna
"The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum begins today in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. The invitation-only meeting brings nearly 2,800 leaders from 120 countries together to discuss the world's most pressing topics, such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and virus pandemics.
What's on the menu this year? Well, The New York Post described: "Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners."
In a separate report, the French newspaper "20 minutes" sheds even more light into this years' hooker-fest' at Davos:
Aside from unspoken dark Davos nights, WEF is trying to rebuild trust. This comes after populist movements swept across the Western world following political and corporate elites who mismanaged the Covid crisis and pushed failed social and economic policies that have sparked outrage amongst the majority. A symptom of this failure is President Biden's imploding polling data.
We doubt WEF will be close to rebuilding trust as the majority are catching on to these virtue-signaling elites who roll up in private jets and petrol-guzzling motorcades to discuss climate change."
Ég er mest hissa į aš žeir vilji lögrįša hórur. Og lifandi.
Annars hef ég oft spurt, en aldrei fengiš nein svör viš spurningunni, hvert er śrkynjaša oršiš fyrir nįrišil?
Ég meina, nś vęri kjöriš aš vera meš uppstoppaša mongólķta į leigu fyrir aušuga nįrišla, en žaš er lķka ljóst aš žeir eru aš minnsta kosti jafn śrkynjašir og Gķsli Marteinn, žó žeir žręti fyrir žaš, og śrkynjaš fólk notar ekki orš eins og "nįrišill," "barnanaušgari," eša "mongólķti."
Žannig žekkiršu žaš. Ég sem ekki reglurnar. Og hvernig į ég aš leigja nįrišlum nįi ef žeir nota ekki oršiš nįrišill, og móšgast hreinlega ef žaš er notaš?
Žaš er mjög erfittt fyrir śrkynjaš fólk aš tjį sig, og jafnvel erfišara aš skilja žaš.
Musk tekur sér Niggara-forréttindi
"Elon Musk throws more fuel on the racial fire burning down his X advertising revenue by weighing in on diversity debate about Black peoples intelligence
Elon Musks war against diversity hiring threatens to once again land him in hot water with advertisers."
Niggara forrétindi eru ekki gefin, žau eru tekin. Eins og reišhjól.
15.1.2024 | 16:41
"FAA's "diversity push" includes focus on hiring people with "severe intellectual" and "psychiatric" disabilities
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively recruiting workers who suffer "severe intellectual" disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency's website."
Hver žarf ekki flogaveika flugemnn og gešveika flugumferšarstjóra?
Ķ Rśmenķu
Žaš er til "Djśprķki" og žaš óttast Trump
"In a detailed report, NBC News inadvertently admitted the existence of a Deep State, allegedly working to facilitate a military coup against former President Trump if he is freely and fairly elected by Americans.
The NBC article paints a portrait of a left-wing plot to disrupt military allegiance to civilian control."
Allar samsęriskenninbarnar eru sannar, hver ein og einasta.
Kolefnistrśarmenn eru engu betri en flatjaršarsinnar.
Mašur gengur berserksgang į gröfu
"Officers said he was behind the controls of a skid loader when he damaged multiple vehicles and businesses. Police were initially alerted to the situation around 2:30 p.m. when callers said the skid loader was vandalizing vehicles at a local convenience store."
"In what constitutes a clear trampling of parental rights, British Columbia recently authorized the provision of safer supply fentanyl to youth across the province, regardless if parents are informed of, or agree to, this measure."
Oh, Kanada.
Og žetta er Winner dagsins, vikunnar ef ekki įrsins:
"Fire trucks and ambulances swarmed the White House after a caller told 911 dispatchers the building was on fire and someone was trapped inside in what appears to be a 'swatting' incident."
... jį.
14.1.2024 | 19:21
Tökum okkur korter til aš skoša eitthvaš annaš en endalok Grindavķkur.
Demókratar vilja aš fólk afvopnist og lįti myrša sig frišsamlega
"Democrat lawmakers are advancing legislation intended to prevent privately organized paramilitary and militia group activities within the United States.
Their bills defines a private paramilitary organization as any group of 3 or more persons associating under a command structure for the purpose of functioning in public or training to function in public as a combat, combat support, law enforcement, or security services unit."
Fyrst hleypa žeir glępamönnum inn, svo fękka žeir lögreglunni, svo afvopna žeir fólkiš...
Pólsk stjórnmįl eru ekki eins og okkar
"Poland is still reeling from the monster demonstrations for the release of the (already pardoned) political prisoners that were illegally arrested INSIDE THE PRESIDENTIAL PALACE, but the new Prime Minister Donald Tusk has already moved ahead relentlessly in his vendetta against prominent officials from the former government.
Worse, Tusk now makes it even clearer that he isnt about to be constrained by judicial decisions that may be contrary to his liking."
"The German government only twice checked where the weapons it had sent abroad in 2023 ended up, Der Spiegel reported on Friday, citing officials. Meanwhile, Berlins massive military assistance to Kiev was also left unsupervised, with German policymakers relying on assurances from Ukrainian officials.
Russia, which has repeatedly condemned Western arms deliveries to Ukraine, has also warned that these weapons could end up in the black market, reaching criminals and terrorists around the world."
Kannski finn ég į morgun skrišdreka į Bland.
Hamas stušningsmenn gera įrįs į Hvķta hśsiš
"According to The Guardian, thousands of protesters swarmed Washington DC on Saturday to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and to protest US aid to Israel.
The protesters were seen shaking the fence as they yelled, Fuck Joe Biden. Secret Service agents dressed in riot gear were seen behind the fence
In another instance, protesters climbed the Rochambeau Statue in Lafayette Square to wave Palestinian flags."
Žetta er ekkert meira uppörvandi en įšur.
12.1.2024 | 17:03
Į Spįni hafa menn veriš aš djamma mikiš og djśsa
"The achievement catapults Galcerįn to the top of the ranks of the handful of people with Downs syndrome who have crashed through barriers to enter the world of politics. In 2020, Éléonore Laloux became the first person with the genetic disorder in France to be elected to public office, as a city council member in the northern town of Arras, while Irelands Fintan Bray was hailed for making history after he was elected to a political position in the country in 2022.
In Spain, Galcerįns path into politics was blazed by Įngela Bachiller, who in 2013 became Spains first city councillor with Downs syndrome in the northern city of Valladolid.
Galcerįn may be the first in Europe, however, to join a regional or national parliament, according to Spains Downs syndrome federation."
Žaš var og.
Ég legg til aš viš ķslendingar tökum nś slaginn, og kjósum fyrsta forsetann meš Downs. Allir virtust mjög hrifnir af Gušna TH, sem er mjög Downs-legur, svo žvķ ekki aš ganga alla leiš?
Ég er viss um aš RŚV į einn ķ startholunum.
Į sama tķma vęri flott aš bjóša fram tranna. Žvķlķk kosningabarįtta! Ef žś kżst ekki trannann ertu transfóbisti, ef žś kżst ekki mongóann ertu meš kryppildafóbķu, og ef žś vilt hvorugan ertu rasisti.
Hver sem veršur kosinn, žį veršur įramóta-įvarpiš alveg magnaš ķ hvert skifti.
Best vęri nįttśrlega aš vera meš trans-downsara. Hann gęti žį klętt sig upp eins og Frank N Further ķ Rocky Horror og tekiš lagiš į 17 jśnķ į mešan hann dansar svona eggjandi dans.
ESG skoriš okkar veršur svo hįtt aš viš getum öll frjįlslega leyst vind įn žess aš borga Al Gore.
"In Boeing's 2023 DEI/GEDI report they are proud that more than 50% of their interns are from "underrepresented backgrounds." Were hiring based on merit or based on skin color and identity? DEI was never about proportionate representation; it's about destroying objective merit."
Bķšišp bara eftri trans-downs flugmönnunum!
Rśssar eru aš hlęja aš okkur. Žeir hęttu allri svona vitleysu žegar CCCP hrundi.
"Authorities have arrested 29-year-old Arthur Hector Fernandez, a kiosk worker at the Galleria Mall in Houston, for the alleged sexual abuse of two toddlers.
The victims, a 2- and 3-year-old toddler, were allegedly left in Fernandezs care by their parents, who were his acquaintances and fellow mall employees."
Stórlega of woke fyrir mig.
Sögulega rétt
WHO ręšur barnageldara til žess aš gera uppeldisreglur
"One of the supposed experts displays a Be Gay, Do Crimes tattoo.
One of them is reportedly a controversial Canadian trans activist who has a strong influence on the Chinese app TikTok and says puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children...
Another of the W.H.O.s committee members says that transitioning causes no health problems and claims the only actual side effects of getting a sex change are a significantly improved quality of life and trans joy.
The rest of the panel members are a mixture of activists, social justice advocates, human rights lawyers, STD researchers, and policy advisers, Daily Mail reports."
Viš žurfum aš taka upp nornabrennur aftur.
"A second London bus has burst into flames just one day after flames caused a critical incident.
The hybrid vehicle caught fire in North Woolwich, East London, just 24 hours after an electric bus burst into flames in Wimbledon."
*Breskt* rafkerfi.
Žegar žeir eru ekki aš fjalla um sįpu-geitur og traktora, žį spila žeir įgętis tónlist į X-inu.
Hvaš er sįpui-geit? Nś, geit sem hefur veriš bitin af geislavirkri sįpu. Hśn berst viš glępi.
11.1.2024 | 11:22
Ég veit ekki hvort žetta į aš vera fyndiš, en žetta er žaš.
Ekki viljandi skop, en vitandi aš umfjöllunarefniš er spaugilegt.
Fįir fķla Laxness, en fįir žora aš segja žaš.
Enginn fķlar žessa, en allir lesa hana.
Kvikmynd byggš į smįsögu eftir Stebba Kóng.
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
10.1.2024 | 17:17
"This is a 2,400-word essay, an interview with a "QAnon debunker," trying to explain why conservatives care about sex trafficking more than liberals and why that's a bad thing.
Asked why the obsession around Epstein, the convicted child trafficker who procured young girls as sex slaves for rich elites, here is how "expert" Mike Rothschild answered:
*I think it really ties back to this industry of conspiracy theories about the Clintons. I think they really feel like this will be the thing that brings down Bill and Hillary Clinton. They're still obsessed with the Clintons. And so anything that can serve as the final nail in their coffin, they're going to rally around, even if, of course, Trump and a lot of the people around Trump are also implicated in all of these documents."
... hvaš?
"A group of armed hooded men stormed the premises of TC Television, a new network headquartered in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on Tuesday, kidnapping all the personnel present in the building.
Ecuadorian newspaper El Universo reported that dozens of journalists and cameramen were requesting help via chat messaging, stressing, They want to kill us all, help us.
Shortly after the attack on TC Television, President Noboa announced that he had signed an executive decree declaring the situation an internal armed conflict and authorizing the Ecuadorian Armed Forces to execute military operations against the countrys main gangs."
Mótmęli ķ Žżzkalandi fęrast ķ aukana
"The establishment constantly lectures about the need for unity. Apparently these officials wouldnt know authentic unity if it literally rolled up to the Brandenburg Gate. Truckers have already joined up with the farmers cause. There are nearly as many average Germans who support the farmers 68%, according to a new INSA/Bild poll as there are who want Scholz to go.
Polls suggest that the farmers are now the very incarnation of unity among Germans. If theres one thing about which most Germans seem to agree, its how much those in charge truly suck."
"In a rousing speech that took note of his country's hotly anticipated accession to NATO this year and ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine, Carl-Oskar Bohlin called on ordinary citizens to ask themselves 'who are you if war comes?'."
Ętli žaš fari fyrir žessum Bohlin eins og Gśstav 3?
Gustavus Adolfus fór ekkert vel heldur.
Mest pirrandi frasar undanfarinna įra
Listinn er langur.