20.9.2023 | 12:24
Laxness og fleira
Gæti líka verið matarræðið...
Bókin vs kvikmyndirnar.
Megnið af afrekum þessa eina höfundar.
Upplestur í roki.
Engin risaeðla.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
19.9.2023 | 22:05
Barnanauðgarar hafa stórar áhyggjur af því að fá ekki að nauðga börnum
Góðar fréttir:
"The beachgoers decided to try and pull the creature, identified as a mako shark, back into the water as it lay stranded on the sand, Fox 35 reported Sunday."
"A mother bear and her two cubs were caught red-handed as they raided a Krispy Kreme donut van as it made a delivery on an Army base."
Hvað sagði hann eiginlega?
Barátta almennings við kolefnistrúarmenn heldur áfram
"Some vans have vandalised, with social media posts showing the enforcement vehicles covered in graffiti, whilst other posts have shown the cameras being covered up by plastic bags."
Var fyrirsjáanlegt.
Barátta almennings við barnanauðgara heldur áfram:
Ég held ekki að þau viti hvað vandamálið er
"Hún sagði bakslagið nú vera hluta af innfluttu menningarstríði frá Bandaríkjunum..."
Var hennar fólk ekki að bjóða annarra manna börnum uppá klám?
Mig minnir það. Kom kananum ekki mikið við, mér vitanlega.
"Hún segir þessa herferð nú í raun ekkert öðruvísi en tilraunir á 9. og 10. áratug til þess að útmála samkynhneigt fólk sem barnaperra."
Þau gerðu það við sig sjalf, með því að líta mjög barnaperralega út. Samkynhneigð gefur engum rétt á að útdeila klámi til barna. Veruleikafyrringin er algjör.
Fólk er skiljanlega farið að fá allskonar pedófóbískar ideasjónir
Einhver til i að veðja að perrarnir mæti á þessa samkomu og verði með uppsteit?
Svona er innrætingin.
Pedóarnir munu nauðga börnunum og ríkið mun handtaka foreldrana fyrir að mótmæla því. Hafið það í huga.
Bakslag þarf að verða, og það þarf að verða sem harkalegast.
17.9.2023 | 20:33
Og nú skil ég af hverju Samtökin 78 vilja svo ólm láta bendla sig við barnanauðgara
"Skóla- og frístundasvið hefur sent tilbúið staðlað svar til allra skólastjórnenda í Reykjavík. Í póstinum er gefið fyrirmæli um að öllum þeim sem berast fyrirspurnir vegna umdeildrar kynlífsfræðslubókar ungra barna á vegum Menntamálastofnunnar, skulu svara með sama staðlaða svarinu. Í svarinu er m.a. vísað til laga, reglugerða og alþjóðasamninga."
Spurt var: "Hvaða fræðsluefni eru samtökin 78 að miðla til barnanna og get ég fengið að skoða það?"
og "Hefur þetta fræðsluefni verið yfirfarið af menntamálaráðuneytinu sem og stjórn og kennurum skólans?"
og fleiri góðar spurningar.
Svarið var: "Samkvæmt íslenskum lögum, aðalnámskrá grunnskóla, samþykktum þingsályktunum og alþjóðlegum samningum eru íslensk stjórnvöld skuldbundin því að tryggja fræðslu um kynheilbrigði, mannréttindi og kynjajafnrétti í skólakerfinu."
Fyrir peninginn, vegna skipana frá "alþjóðlegum stofnunum," vegna þess að þeir héldu að pedófílía væri komin "inn" vegna þess að ríkið lögbauð hana. (Lög um kynrænt sjálfræði nr.80 (2019)
Alltaf lærir maður eitthvað nýtt.)
Annars er frábært hjá þeim að komast að því svona að ríkið og fjölmiðlarnir representa fólkið í landinu bara ekki neitt.
Sami vandinn allstaðar.
Sömu trúðarnir á ferð, nema í öðru landi
"Erindale Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario, 'burned' roughly 50% of its library book, including Harry Potter and the Hunger Games series, as part of a new "equity-based book weeding" implemented by the Peel District School Board earlier this year, according to the CBC.
Also purged were classics like "The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank" and iconic childrens books like "The Very Hungry Caterpillar.""
Kommar eru ekkert hrifnir af fortíðinni. Hún talar alltaf svo illa um þá.
Úkraníumenn móðga Indverja & Kínverja
Hey! Það er mitt djobb!
En hvað um það: "Podolyak said in an interview days ago:
Whats the problem with China, India etc. they are not able to analyze the consequences of their actions these countries have low intellectual potential, unfortunately."
Sem Inverjar svöruðu: "thats why we are on the Moon and they are in minefield"
"On Wednesday, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo issued a threat to kill Russian propagandists and claimed that next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash even harder, and their rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favorite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes."
Bla bla bla...
""A zombie apocalypse," Zakharova wrote in response to the threat. "We will be sending this further evidence of the terrorist nature of the Kiev regime and its sponsorship by Washington to all international organizations and NGOs," she said."
Og það batnar bara: "The first deputy chairman of the Duma Defense Committee, Alexei Zhuravlev, also noted that Ukrainian terrorism is gradually degrading and taking on an "increasingly uglier face" in the form of Ashton-Cirillo, whom he called a pervert-satan."
Þetta er allt furðulegt
"The pop-up speakeasy which features lounge chairs, umbrellas and Astroturf has taken over the sidewalk at 23rd and Champa streets, which the city's growing homeless population has turned into an encampment.
"We're hearing there was an open bar, sales of alcohol, things like that," Denver Police Patrol Division Chief Aaron Sanchez told CBS Colorado while surveying the tent city saloon Monday. "We have officers looking into that"..."
Rónarnir bjarga sér þarna.
Af twitter.
15.9.2023 | 17:34
Hin Forna Róm
Samtökin 78 valda hatursorðræðu
"Í samstarfi við Reykjavíkurborg sjá samtökin 78 um hinsegin fræðslu í skólum borgarinnar, en að gefnu tilefni þykir borgarráði rétt að árétta að samtökin koma ekki að kynfræðslu.
"Við lítum hatursorðræðu alvarlegum augum og viljum að börn okkar læri umburðarlyndi og sjálfseflingu.""
Að hverju eru þau að ýja?
Argentínumaður varar við sósíalisma
"Reflecting in the slippery slope of American leftist politics, Carlson noted that Argentina has adopted many left-wing social issues.
I didnt fully appreciate the degree to which the Argentinian government had embraced fringe academic, American-style social justice, Carlson told Milei, adding that "a businessman told me at lunch today that people who identify as transgender pay lower taxes, and that in 2019 you had a Ministry of Women and Diversity created in this country for the first time. What does that ministry do?
In theory, it is supposed to deal with womens issues, Milei said.
But when you look at the results, you find there arent any. Just writing songs...
Are women happier here? Carlson asked.
No, Milei said. Because there are no real results."
Allir sem hafa upplifað sósíalsima vara við honum.
Rómaveldi var áhugavert og stóð yfir í langan tíma og hafði Cesar og Gladíatora og allskonar svoleiðis. Hver hefur ekki áhuga á fjölmörgum innrásum í Karþagó og fleiri staði í Norður Afríku? Og hamborgarar. Getur ekki haf Rómaveldi án Hamborgara.
Latína þýðist ekkert allta vel. Bara hafa það í huga.
Róna-iðnaðurinn veltir miklu fé
"A program designed to close down tent communities and get homeless people into housing has already spent $143 million dollars to house less than a thousand people."
Venjulegt ríkis apparat. Þetta er það sem fólk sækist eftir: sósíalismi.
Fólk skynjar sterka menn sem hægri-sinnaða
"The study found that men who seem fit and healthy and have some bulk are considered right-wing, while thin or svelte and weak-looking men were not assumed to lean right. The results came from a series of four experiments that sought to establish a link between political orientation and a fit physique, according to the Daily Mail."
Soyja-maðurinn er félagshyggjumanns-stereótýpa.
Kommúnistar herja á vörubílstjóra
"Freedom Convoy organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber are set to stand trial beginning on Tuesday. The pair were hit with a slew of charges related to their involvement in the protest, which saw tens of thousands of Canadians descend upon Ottawa in early 2022 and demand an end to government-mandated Covid restrictions."
Barátta þeirra er göfug.
"Upptaka úr bílamyndavél leigubíls sýnir mann aka rafhlaupahjóli ógnarhratt á göngustíg meðfram Sæbraut í Reykjavík. Leigubílstjórinn ók meðfram manninum á rúmlega níutíu kílómetra hraða á klukkustund."
Vá. Tilkomumikið. Á þessum hraða ætti hann samt að athuga að vera á veginum.
14.9.2023 | 17:02
"Student loan payments are set to resume for millions of borrowers starting next month after a three-and-a-half year pause that began in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic.
Some economists fear that having 45 million people spending hundreds of dollars a month on their debt, rather than using that money on goods and services, could cause real damage to industries that depend on people having cash to spend."
Hver man ekki eftir Fanny Mae og Freddie Mac?
Turbo Intercooler Fuel Injection!
"Doctors such as renowned pathologist Ryan Cole have been sounding the alarm on a new phenomenon known as "turbo cancer." Turbo cancer is a slang term for the recent emergence of aggressive cancers that grow very quickly.
"The idea that a new product like the [COVID] vaccines could cause cancer is not something thats going to be observable overnight," explained Dr. Risch.
"So these are long-term events," said Dr. Risch, "and if you suddenly introduce a new product like the vaccines, the first thing you might expect to see would be the blood cancers that I mentioned but not the other kinds of cancers."
Data analyst Edward Dowd shed light on yearly UK PIP clearances (payments) by body system earlier this year, using different metrics for 2020, 2021, and 2022. And what he found was hematological (blood-related) claims were up a staggering 522% above trend in 2022."
Ég hlakka svo til.
"During a report aired on Wednesdays broadcast of ABCs "America This Morning," the network stated that the Senate Judiciary Committees hearing on which books children should have access to on Tuesday turned racy at one point when Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) read explicit portions of two of the banned books during the hearing."
Sama vandam´la hefur borist okkur hingað.
Ekki rangt.
Stefnuskrá Hollenska bændaflokksins
"Firmly planting its flag on the populist right of Dutch politics, the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging, BBB) has called for a radical overhaul of the current asylum system, which it has argued has left villages throughout the Netherlands being terrorised by so-called refugees.
Elsewhere in its election manifesto, the Farmer-Citizen Movement declared that it will seek to end the suffocating nitrogen regulations inspired by the EU green agenda. Ruttes government, which fell earlier this year over a dispute on immigration policy, said that up to 30 per cent of all livestock farms may need to be shut down for good."
Og svo framvegis.
Útskýring á ástandinu
Kalífornia má ekki ritskoða sannleikann
"Their COVID medical censorship law has been so thoroughly condemned across the political spectrum and so roundly rejected by courts that the Legislature is repealing its own law a year after passage."
Ekkert Soviet kjaftæði þarna.
"On Wednesday, CNN attempted to "fact check" claims surrounding the Biden family's reported illegal foreign business dealings but inadvertantly fact-checked themselves instead.
When trying to discredit House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's claims that the Biden family and their associates have received more than $20 million from shell companies as misleading, the network confirmed the Republican Speaker's comments."
14.9.2023 | 15:24
Fjárlög 2024
Heildartekjur - 1.348.531,5
Heildargjöld - 1.394.825,6
Þarna munar smá. Hvernig getum við gert þetta hagstæðara? Það þarf ekki nema ~40.000,0. Ætti að vera læett verk. Skoðum:
Hérna: Umhverfismál: 26.601,5, fjölmiðlun, ~7.000,0 og Alþjóðleg þróunarsamvinna: ~1.2000,5.
Hendum þessu öllu út. Strax komið. þetta var of auðvelt.
Og þar sem þetta er jæum Ríkið er allt hitt stórlega of dýrt og fullt af sóun, svo þar má spara auðveldlega 30%, sem þýðir að það er alveg svigrúm til þess að lækka skattana róttækt og valda miklli efnahags-uupsveiflu í landinu, öllum til hagsbóta.
13.9.2023 | 15:22
Kata Jak útdeilir barnaklámi
Kata jak vill láta nauðga börnunum ykkar
"Katrín Jakobsdóttir forsætisráðherra segir mikilvægt að börn fái fræðslu um fjölbreytileika samfélagsins þegar komi að kynhneigð, kynvitund og kyntjáningu. Hún tekur fram að réttindi hinsegin og kynsegin fólks skerði ekki réttindi annarra."
Eru það réttindi "hinsegin" að fá að klæmast við börn annarra? Síðan hvenær?
Þýðir "kynsegin" þá barnaperri?
Áhugaverðar upplýsingar það.
Þið athugið það, fólk, að tilgangurinn með lögum um haturs-orðræðu er að gera það refsivert að kvarta undan barnanauðgurum.
"Með færslunni vísar Katrín til umræðu um að of langt sé gengið í að fræða börn um málefni se snúi að kynhneigð, kynvitund og kyntjáningu sem vakið hefur talsverða athygli undanfarna daga."
Aha... um það:
Úr kennzlubók Menntamálastofnunar fyrir 7-10 ára. Þetta versnar svo bara. Svona lagað var kallað "óprenthæft" í gamla daga.
Barnaklám er af einhverjum orsökum svo normalt í vinahóp Kötu að hún sér ekkert rangt við þetta.
""Við erum ólík en við eigum öll okkar drauma, þrár og langanir," segir Katrín loks."
Draumar Kötu eru martraðir annarra.
Þetta kom allt hraðar en ég bjóst við, ég bjóst við að svona groomer bullshit myndi bara koma smám saman, en ekki allt í einu, í allri sinni pedófólísku dýrð.
Ég býst fastlega við þvi að Ríkið láti reisa styttu af átrúnaðargoði sínu, Steingrími Njálssyni á einhverjum áberandi stað bráðlega.
Hvernig ætlar fólk svo að bregðast við þessu?
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:38 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.9.2023 | 15:23
Menn eru sitt eigið vandamál
Vandamál Þjóðverja eru Þjóðverjar
"Many Germans already struggling with inflation and a slowing economy balked at the mandate to install new expensive heating systems, with the law being rejected by the majority of the populace, according to polling. The government is also being accused of a hasty legislative process and a lack of parliamentary hearings, calling into question the democratic basis for the law in its entirety.
The law mandates that Germans with older heating systems replace them within a certain time period, although the final bill passed watered down some requirements and carved out some exceptions. Nevertheless, the final cost of the bill is still expected to be enormous, with high estimates placing it at 1 trillion and lower estimates hovering at 600 billion.
The Alternative for Germany (AfD), which saw its polling numbers soar around the same time the heating debate raged, has also said it will abolish the law should it come to power, saying it is an arduous tax on German businesses, pensioners, and those who invested in a home or apartment."
Við þekkjum þetta.
"A group of far-left activists stormed the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Monday and were seen angrily chanting in favor of the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief..."
Þeir þurfa ljóslega að fara í djeilið í áratugi.
Örugglega ekkert til að hafa áhyggjur af
"Over 40,000 troops from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be assembled next year for the biggest joint command exercise since the end of the Cold War next year to practice a mission to defend against a Russian military action against one of its 31 members."
"...all that is left is undergo a MASS mobilization of whatever population is still in the country, since hundreds of thousands of military-aged men has fled the conflict zone.
So Kiev is mobilizing the old and the infirm, the crippled, and now women."
... já. Þetta er á síðustu metrunum.
Sumar hugmyndir eru bara betri.
Putin tjáir sig um vestræna hagkerfið
"Western countries are destroying the existing framework of global economic relations that they helped to build in the first place, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, adding that many countries are opposed to this."
Kommúnistar eru til vansa allstaðar.
11.9.2023 | 18:17
Á þessum degi fyrir langa löngu
"Along for the ride was NPR reporter Camila Domonoske, and according to her account of events published yesterday by the outlet, Granholm ran into tons of problems, including the obvious hardware issues, but also a brush with law enforcement, and given what we know about the privileged attitudes of Washingtons elite, you could rightly assume where this is going.
Another layer to consider: Domonoske stated that the trip began in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the stop in question was in Grovetown, Georgia; I mapped it out, and those two cities are only 173 miles apart, or 2 hours and 41 minutes. A serious debacle mere hours into a days-long trip? How prophetic."
Það er meira. Lesið bara sjálf.
Leftistar að gera leftista hluti.
Kaninn trúir á landslög, þó ríkið geri það ekki
"Visibly armed gun owners on Sunday afternoon courageously walked around Old Town, Albuquerque proudly displaying their firearms in defiance of Governor Grishams unconstitutional gun grab.
People gathered around with their firearms while holding American flags and Gadsden flags. The gun owners spoke out against the governors order.
According to Ford Fischer, a reporter on the scene, there was no police intervention."
Fólkið fer að lögum, stjórnin ekki. Hér er eitthvað sem þarf að laga.
Kolefnistúarmenn eru í minnihluta, og þeir eru illa liðnir.
Þetta er náttúrulega eins woke og það getur orðið
"The mother alleged that school district employees secretly transitioned her daughter, who was later placed by the public defender in an all-male juvenile facility, where Sage was sexually assaulted and later kidnapped, raped, and sex-trafficked after she ran away from the facility."
Ef þú vilt þetta ekki ertu ljóslega transfóbisti og rasisti.
... það var svosem alveg varað við þessu.
Síðan í fyrra, en mjög gott efni:
"According to written testimonies from Hawaii individuals responding to the proposed legislation recorded in early March, the aggressive chickens have overtaken the community.
The Associated Press reported that in the past two months, the city and County of Honolulu set traps in five areas and have caught just 67 chickens, costing $7,000. That amounts to $104 per bird."
"All those poeple who are spying on us, have you considered their feelings?"
10.9.2023 | 20:00
Hvað er að gerast í dag?
Kaninn vill síður verða myrtur af glæpamönnum
"New Mexico State Representatives Stefani Lord (R-22) and John Block (R-51) called for the impeaching of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) after she issued a public health emergency to strip the right away for law-abiding citizens to carry firearms in public in and around Albuquerque, the state's largest city."
Ég veit að landar mínir eru alveg til í að- fórna lífi sínu og gervallrar ættar sinnar fyrir glæpamenn, en kaninn virðist ekki vera á sama máli.
Ég skil kanann.
"Scientists report they have grown the early stages of a human embryo-like entity without using sperm, an egg or a womb.
According to the BBC, chemicals were used to encourage these stem cells to develop into four unique cell types that are involved in the earliest stages of human embryo development "
Næst: kattastelpur.
Þeir eru 80% betri í að finna krabbamein núna e fyrir 30 árum
"A study published Tuesday in BMJ Oncology analyzed data from 1990 and 2019, finding a 79% surge in new cancer cases in people under 50 over the course of three decades. "
Vísindunum fleygir fram.
Maður náðaður fyrir ann glæp að mótmæla nauðgun dóttur sinnar
"In a move applauded by parents and free speech advocates, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued a pardon on Sunday for the Loudoun County father who was ejected and charged with disorderly conduct after speaking out about his daughters assault in a school bathroom during a school board meeting.
A transgender student had sexually assaulted Smiths daughter in the girls bathroom in May 2021, which the superintendent allegedly concealed. The same student was accused of two additional sexual assaults at other schools in the county."
Það er mjög Woke að vera nauðgari. Sérstaklega barnanauðgari.
"The New Irish Republican Army (NIRA) is believed to have acquired Russian military grenades that may have been stolen from Ukraine front line, police sources told the Belfast Telegraph."
Hryðjuverkamenn fær vopn, þú ekki. Vegna þess að fokk þú, þú ert einskins virði.
Og loks, tengdar fréttir:
"Jeremy Pauley, 41, a self-described Blood Artist, pleaded guilty to trafficking human remains from Harvard Medical School on Friday. He previously used Facebook to try and sell the remains which included femurs, vertebrae, clavicles, ribs, and even human teeth."
"Police investigated the unusual donation but determined that the skull was historic and not obtained through a crime.
The Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner evaluated the skull and determined it was historic."
Söguleg hauskúpa.