9.9.2023 | 16:39
Hamborgarar og laptop-tölvur
1995 AD kostuðu laptop tölvur ca 150.000 kr.
Þá var hægt að fá hamborgara-tilboð, semsagt, hamborgari, franskar og gos á ~500 kall.
Nú kostar laptop tölva enn ca 150.000, en hamborgar tilboðið er að kosta nálægt 2000 krónum,
Um aldamót kostaði bjór á krana 500 kall, og hamborgari var að fara á 1000 kall, svona ca.
Nú kostar bjórinn 1000-1500.
Þar fáum við að verð á matvöru virðist tvöfaldast á 10 árum eða svo, á meðan verð á laptop-tölvu stendur í stað.
Eða, laptop tölvan verður sífellt ódýrari, ef menn vilja hugsa það þannig.
Eftir 10 ár, eða 2033, þá getum við þannig gert ráð fyrir að bjór muni kosta okkur 2000-3000, og hamborgarinn muni kosta sama, jafnvel meira. Segjum bara 2500-3000.
En laptop-tölva mun enn bara kosta 150.000.
Með þessu áframhaldi, mun hamborgartilboð kosta okkur það sama og laptop-tölva árið 2090. Og það væri jafnvel spurning að láta laptop-tölvu fylgja með hverjum keyptum hamborgara eftir árið 2110 AD.
Ef svo fer fram sem horfir.
Eða keyptu kippu af bjór og tölva fylgir með. Svona eins og Sódóma Reykjavik VHS spólurnar með kók-kippunum í denn.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:40 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
8.9.2023 | 17:14
Hvernig á að víkka út sjóndeildarhringinn á skemmtilegan hátt
Klassískt verk
"Gay melodrama Jeffrey Dahmer."
Veit ekki, en thumbnailið er fyndið.
Hér er maður að sýna okkur alveg brilljant hugmynd, um hvernig maður getur víkkað út sjóndeildarhringinn. Vegna þess að þess þarf stundum.
Talandu um að víkka sjóndeildarhringinn...
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
7.9.2023 | 20:41
Borgarastyrrjöldin í Bandaríkjunum
"Nói Síríus vill súkkulaðistjóraumsóknir á ensku"
"Carr alleges that dozens of mostly out-of-state suspectsand at least three known foreign suspectsare members of the Defend the Atlanta Forest group, a network of anarchist, anti-police, and anti-business violent extremists who have organized acts of violence, intimidation and property destruction in Georgia and other states since 2020 to stop the construction of a future first responder training facility.
Through an occupation of a forested public area south of Atlanta lasting nearly two years, members of the group cut the safety rope of an arborist, torched millions of dollars of construction equipment, held a civilian at gunpoint, set up potentially deadly booby traps, hurled firebombs at responding police and engaged in other acts of violence.
In January this year, Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, of Tallahassee, Fla. shot and severely injured a Georgia State Patrol trooper at the group's so-called autonomous zone occupation south of Atlanta before being killed by police. As revenge for Terans death, who was instantly hailed a martyr by the groups supporters, a series of escalating attacks occurred in the following months, including an organized Night of Rage'' riot in downtown Atlanta, solidarity attacks in multiple other states and militants traveling to the home of an officer accused of shooting Teran.
Another RICO defendant named in the indictment is Francis Carroll, who is also charged with domestic terrorism and felony first-degree attempted arson. He is the son of a yacht-sailing, multimillionaire family and is from the wealthy Maine city of Kennebunkport, also the location of a summer home belonging to former President George W. Bush."
Afkvæmi auðmanna eru að fremja hryðjuverk í þágu kommúnisma. Fólk er ekki vel upp alið þar á bæjum.
Passið ykkur bara, heimskupör kanans berast hingað eftir 5 ár. Jafnvel fyrr.
En ekkert af góðu hugmyndunum sem þeir fá. Svo heppin erum við ekki.
Hmm... þeir hugsa þetta eins og ég
"Ég vil meina að þið öll þurfið einn svona AR riffil. Í M-16 útfærzlunni, þið vitið: safe-semi & Fuck You. 16 tommu hlaup, hljóðdeyfi & red-dot, alveg eins og US mil. vill hafa þetta. NATO standard, allt saman."
Munurinn er að ég vil vopna alla. Mig grunar að plan breta sé að nota þessa hólka til þess að plaffa á aðra breta. Þið vitið: fremja þjóðarmorð á sjálfum sér.
Ég er hinsvegar ekki á þeirri línu. En ég er náttúrlega hvorki barnanauðgari né náriðill...
Hinn heimsfrægi dýrariðill Tedros varar við fleiri meinlausum sjúkdómum
"WHO's Tedros says: "The increase in hospitalizations and deaths shows that COVID is here to stay and that we will continue to need tools to fight it.""
Óttist! Setjið upp grímu! Kúkið á klukkutíma fresti!
Sjálfskaðahegðun Reyjavíkurborgar
"Vegagerðin hefur ákveðið að loka einni akrein af þremur til suðurs á Kringlumýrarbraut í Fossvogi."
Fólk kýs þetta...
Vísindin eru 80% betri í að greina krabbamein núna en fyrir 30 árum
"Einstaklingum sem greinast með krabbamein áður en þeir verða 50 ára fjölgaði um 79 prósent á árunum 1990 til 2019. Dauðsföllum af völdum krabbameins fjölgaði um 27 prósent í umræddum aldurshóp."
Já. Vissum það ekki fyrr, en við vitum það núna.
6.9.2023 | 21:04
Ég vissi ekki að þetta væri ólöglegt
"U.S. Coast Guard arrested Reza Baluchi, 44, for attempting to cross the Atlantic Ocean 70 miles off the coast of Florida in a human-powered hamster wheel."
Þetta setur sumarfrísplanið í smá uppnám. Ekkert má.
Prófið þetta.
"Harvard University has been named 2023s worst school for free speech by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE). The organization recently released its annual college free speech rankings, in which it dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school abysmal. Harvards rating of zero out of 100 is a full 11 points lower than its closest woke rival.
"What's more, granting Harvard a score of 0.00 is generous," the organization added. "Its actual score is -10.69, more than six standard deviations below the average and more than two standard deviations below the second-to-last school in the rankings..."
Hugsun er lítils metin í Harvard.
Hristu grindverk: 17 ára fangelsi
"Biggs, who had ripped down a fence on the Capitol grounds that day, was charged with seditious conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to prevent an officer from discharging any duties, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder, destruction of government property and aiding and abetting, according to court documents.
"They want to send a message to Americans that if you go to these events if you are part of a political group, they're going to throw you in prison for a long time. They want you scared," he told Jones."
Myrtu 30+ manns og brenndu nokkrar borgir til grunna: fáðu verðlaun
"Major cities across the country saw over $2 billion in damages in the wake of 2020s Antifa and BLM George Floyd riots. Property was damaged, officers attacked, and at least 30 people lost their lives. In the years since, these same cities have paid out millions of dollars to the same people that participated in this unrest."
Fólk lærir af þessu, er ég viss um.
Kaninn veit þetta alveg.
Ævintýri tranna eru jafn fyndin og þau eru ofbeldisfull
"A sex offender who identifies as a woman and is being held in a men's jail has admitted groping two prison officers while being served food in a cell.
Katana Paris, 27, who was part way through a three-year sentence at the time for attacking a nurse, assaulted the male and female staff members at HMP Forest Bank in Manchester last year.
Paris, who has convictions for 87 offences, was handed a 37-month sentence after pulling a nurse towards her genitals while in hospital, the court heard."
Hver man ekki eftir Steingrími Njáls, sem fékk að vaða um nauðgandi alla sína tíð vegna þess að hann var með sambönd á réttum stöðum?
Hinn enskumælandi heimur er á leið eitthvert annað.
5.9.2023 | 16:22
Þær voru fullar af skít
Þær hafa þurft að komast á klósettið.
Það hefði verið fyndið ef þeir hefðu bara siglt á miðin með þær þarna. Minnst fyrirhöfn.
"Elon Musk on Labor Day tweeted out that he will consider releasing communications by the Anti-Defamation League, a hard-core anti-First Amendment organization...
To clear our platforms name on the matter of anti-Semitism, it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League oh the irony!"
Ég veit ekki af hverju þeir nenna að mæla þetta lengur, en hérna:
"The White House announced in August 2022 that Jill Biden had been twice vaccinated and twice boosted when she caught her first case of COVID.
The White House announced Monday evening that Jill Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 while on vacation in Delaware..."
ADE. Þú færð ekki kóvid nema hafa fengið sprautuna.
Gögnin styðja þetta.
Hin endalausa barátta góðs og ills.
"London, England: An anti-ULEZ vigilante group known as the "Blade Runners" has committed itself to removing or disabling every last ULEZ camera in London. 90% of the cameras in South East London have already been "retired". Within London's 'Ultra Low Emission Zone', people are charged a daily fee of up to £17.50 for driving cars that don't meet arbitrary "minimum emissions standards", essentially making driving an unaffordable luxury for people who are already struggling to make ends meet as a result of runaway inflation, extortionate energy bills and a cost of lockdowns crisis."
Kolefnistræúarmenn gera allt til þess að féfletta alþýðuna til dauða. Fólk skal svelta og frjása, sama hvað.
En menn berjast greinilega á móti, sem er jákvætt, gefur von.
"... what exactly are the positions of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party? Why is it steadily gaining in public opinion polls, and why is the German establishment so afraid of them?
We oppose the idea to transform the European Union into a centralised federal state. We are in favour of returning the European Union to an economic union based on shared interests, and consisting of sovereign, but loosely connected nation states.
European politics are characterised by a creeping loss of democracy. The EU has become an undemocratic entity, whose policies are determined by bureaucrats who have no democratic accountability."
We call for an end to the Euro experiment and its orderly dissolution. [...]The introduction of this currency has led to resentment and confrontation amongst countries in Europe. Countries incurring economic difficulties within the single currency area are forced to restore their competitiveness by such measures as internal devaluation and associated budgetary constraints (austerity policies), rather than exploiting the tool of currency adjustments.
Islam does not belong to Germany. Its expansion and the ever-increasing number of Muslims in the country are viewed by the AfD as a danger to our state, our society, and our values. An Islam which neither respects nor refrains from being in conflict with our legal system, or that even lays claim to power as the only true religion, is incompatible with our legal system and our culture."
Og svo framvegis.
... hvað.
4.9.2023 | 20:44
Spurning dagsins:
Þær eru búnar að vera þarna síðan fyrir 9:00, eða lengur en 10 tíma. Í tunnu. Sem þýðir að þær eru báðar annaðhvort í miklum spreng, eða búnar að míga í sig.
Nú er bara spurning hve langt er í að þær verði inndrita þarna uppi.
Lögreglan gæti alveg flýtt fyrir þvi með því að gefa þeim kaffi eða annað með smá laxerandi. Það væri bara skemmtilegt.
Hvað sem því líður þá mun þurfa að þrífa tunnuna.
4.9.2023 | 18:16
Svarti Hitler ofl.
Grímudólgur Nr. 1 mætir í viðtal
"Anthony Fauci refused to back away from the recommendation of face masks Saturday as CNN (of all networks) confronted him with a study showing that they have no effect on preventing the spread of COVID."
Fyrirboði heimsendis.
Annar græimudólgur að reyna að orma sig út úr þessu
"New Zealand PM Says the Government Didnt Force Anyone to Take the Vaccine In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices."
Staðreyndin er hinsvegar:
"Workers at businesses where vaccine passports are required will have four weeks to get the jab - or risk losing their jobs.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Tuesday announced a sweeping vaccine mandate in businesses in the hospitality sector, and others including gyms, barbers, and hairdressers where customers are expected to have vaccine certificates.
Ardern and Workplace Relations Minister Michael Wood set out more details on when vaccine mandates can apply, following the announcement of the Government's new "traffic-light" system once the country has reached a double vaccination rate of 90 per cent. The system relies heavily on vaccination certificates."
Hvað hafa margir dáið þarna úr mRNA eitrun? Mörgþúsund, ef við getum yfirfært íslensk gögn.
Frá Hagstofunni.
Svona er þetta bara. Gósentíð útfararstjóra.
Svarti maðurinn er núna hvítur
"here is possibly the dumbest member of Congress Jamaal Bowman attacking GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on the grounds that he is something called a 'White Supremacist'."
... aha.
Þeir vita alveg að þeir eru að gera eitthvað af sér
"According to CBS, Jefferson County administrators directed staff to refrain from conducting these surveys for the time being as several lawsuits regarding the matter are pending trial across the country. This, however, did not stop the JCEA, which clearly values indoctrination over education and even the rule of law. The defiant teachers union sent an email to its teachers encouraging them to continue and, if they had to keep records, make them untraceable just in case the courts come sniffing around with subpoenas."
Það er alltaf skuggalegt þegar fólk í opinberri þjónustu er að eyða gögnum.
"According to comments reported by the Daily Mail, Vomero Santos claimed in the discussion that the use of words such as bat, beetle, black, and night could be seen as examples of racialised language in the play that examines the corrupting nature of power.
The professor was backed up by playwright Migdalia Cruz, who said of the use of words such as Jew, Moor, and Turk within the play: A lot of people cut those things and I thought, I am not going to make him not a racist, he is a racist but a racist of his time. Everyone in his time were racists."
Fólk sem veit ekki hvað orð þýða er að tjá sig um orð núna.
4.9.2023 | 17:15
Bob Moran ofl.
Fleiri bókabúðir á netinu, sem eru ekki Amazon:
Þessi virðist ekkert of hrifin.
Hér er viðtal við höfundinn:
Þið vitið ekkert hver þetta er. Frekar en ég.
Besta cover ever.
Fyrir mína tíð.
Sjónvarpsþáttur byggður á Bob Moran. Vegna þess að það er til.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
3.9.2023 | 17:32
Geislavirk villisvín
Gott val. Mjög Woke.
Djöfullinn býr til vinnu fyrir iðjuleysingja
"Unfortunately, the pandemic only exacerbated matters. During a crucial stretch of their early careers, young adults were locked out of entry-level jobs, destroying their ability to pick up work experience and potentially impacting their long-term earnings.
Now, nearly three years after COVID-19 first hit, young adults from some countries, like China, are struggling to find jobs.
High rates of youth unemployment also correlate to brain drain within a country, as young adults move elsewhere to find better jobs.
Finally, large increases in unemployed youth have historically led to the potential of civil unrest, which makes it a politically-charged metric to identify and monitor for governments."
Tranni gerir það sem trannar gera
"A Portland transgender social media activist with a violent criminal history has been charged for allegedly smashing up a teen girl's car and defecating inside. The suspect allegedly told police the teen was "transphobic." "
Trannar... alltaf eitthvað ofbeldisfullt. Ef ekki morð, þá skemmdarverk.
Geislavirk villisvín í Þýzkalandi eru ljúffeng
"The wild boars (Sus scrofa) that snuffle through the [Bavaria's] forests are so radioactive that the country has ruled them unsafe to eat but why these animals are so contaminated has proved a puzzle."
Kryddað af Chernobyl.
Tengdar pælingar:
2.9.2023 | 18:02
Rússar koma sprengjuvörpunni sinni fyrir.
"The nuclear-capable Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile system was previously touted by President Putin as being capable hitting "any target on Earth" - and is widely believed to be by far the longest-range missile in Russia's arsenal (or in the world for that matter)"
99 luftballoons...
"Shell, Europe's largest oil company, has quietly shelved the world's largest corporate plan to develop carbon offsets, after CEO Wael Sawan laid out an updated strategy for the company that included cutting costs and doubling down on profit centers (oil and gas) - which notably omitted any mention of the company's prior commitment to spend up to $100 million per year to build a 'pipeline' of carbon credits as part of the firm's promise to achieve 'net zero' emissions by 2050, Bloomberg reports."
Þeir sem vilja fleiri ólöglega innflytjendur kvarta mest undan fleiri ólöglegum innflytjendum
"Los Angeles is supposedly a sanctuary city but they dont want anyone to take them up on that policy.
Texas has sent less than 500 illegal border crossers to L.A. and the city council there is so angry that they are considering pursuing legal and even criminal actions against Texas and Governor Greg Abbott."
LA þarf fleiri ólöglega innflytjendur.
Elon Musk fúll út í skóla fyrir að hafa breytt dóttur hans í samkynhneigðan kommúnista
"Elon Musk is on the warpath against an elite Los Angeles school, the Crossroads School for the Arts & Sciences, which he accuses of brainwashing his child, who is now transgender and a self-declared communist."
Ég bý þetta efni ekki til, svona er þetta bara.