1.9.2023 | 17:08
Það er föstudagur, horfum á kvikmyndir
Byrjum á einni B-mynd:
Hálfgert Terminator rip-off. Gerð fyrir sjónvarp (sem skýrior 4:3 ratioið). Léleg, en stundum skopleg. Besti partur: velmenni sem lagar sig með straujárni.
Aðeins barn-vænni kvikmynd um gaur sem breytist í draug og hjálpar einhverjum gaur.
Merkilega góður spaghetti vestri, fullur af allskonar súrrealísku rugli. Það arf. Mæli með þessari.
I Am Legend.
Skárri en Will Smith útgáfan, en ekki jafn töff og Charlton Heston útgáfan.
31.8.2023 | 19:02
Kommúnistar vilja eyða matvælafyrirtækjum
Persónuleg atlaga Svandísar Svavars að almenningi
"Reglugerð um veiðar á langreyðum hefur verið birt í stjórnartíðindum og snertir á fjölmörgum þáttum er snúa að framkvæmd veiða, svo sem veðurskilyrðum, þekkingu áhafnar, atvikaskráningu og framkvæmd skota. Vísbendingar eru um að ekki takist að uppfylla þau skilyrði sem sett hafa verið í reglugerðina um námskeið sem starfsmenn Hvals hf. þurfa að hafa setið áður en veiðitímabilinu lýkur."
Vegn aþess að í Hval HF krystallast tvennt sem kommúnistar hata hvað mest: einkaframtak og matvæli.
Fyrst Hvalur HF. Svo þið.
Hvað ætli landeldið haldi um þetta? Þeir vita alveg að þeir eru næst.
Tengd frétti: IRS ætlar að fara að myrða Amish fólkið
"The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also purchased of hundreds of .40-caliber submachine guns, presumably for making raids on independent food producers. They have a special hatred for the Amish (See Food Supply Attack: U.S. Government Raided and Shut Down Golden Valley Farms, an Independent Meat Producer)
The USDA raided the Fisher familys farm in Farmville, Virginia, and seized their livestock and meat-processing facility as the state condemned and seized his property. They are Amish."
Lofar ekki góðu.
Kolefnistrúarmenn klæddir sem risaeðlur líma sig við hluti
"Pissed off drivers are seen screaming at protestors, I want to go to work, and I have kids to feed! as they rip the climate hoaxers flags and signs out of their hands."
Eins og þessi ágæti maður bendir á, berjast kolefnistrúarmenn alltaf gegn almenningi, fyrir Ríkið.
Í þágu hins illa, semsagt.
Baráttan gegn hinu illa lítur öðruvísi út en við öll bjuggumst við. Hverjum hefði dottið í hug að það hefði verið málið að keyra bara yfir útsendara Satans?
Það er ekkert skrítið að þeim sé illa við bíla.
Kynþáttahatrarar stjórna því hvað telst vera "hatursglæpur"
"Since its early days as a civil rights group the ADL, under the leadership of Jonathan Greenblatt, has morphed into a toxic far-left mouthpiece that maliciously targets and labels any person or entity that sits on the right side of Karl Marx."
"Hatursglæpur" er afsökun fyrir árás á málfrelsið.
Skóli í Kalíforníu þarf að borga móður skaðabætur fyrir að skera kynfærin af dóttur hennar
"A school district in the transgender sanctuary state of California settled for $100,000 with a mother who said her daughter was socially transitioned to a boy without her knowledge or consent.
When Konen found out that the school was allegedly treating her daughter like a boy without parental knowledge or consent, she sued the district. Alicia has since decided to re-identify as a girl, and the California single mother vowed to keep fighting for parental rights after the settlement in which she was represented by the Center for American Liberty, according to the report."
Ríkið vill svelta þig og skera kynfærin af börnunum þínum.
Um allan hinn vestræna heim berst ríkið hatrammlega gegn almenningi.
30.8.2023 | 20:07
Heimsfréttirnar eru líka áhugaverðar
"CNN jumped at a chance to show just how evil the Christian government in Uganda is after they charged two separate people with their new laws against "aggravated homosexuality" which CNN calls "controversial" and "anti-gay."
One man is accused of having a sexual relation with a disabled man, the other of a sexual act with 12 year-old child. Both are charged with "aggravated homosexuality," defined as same-sex relations with someone who is HIV-positive, a child, an elderly person or disabled."
Þeir í Úganda vita sínu viti.
Viðtal við Victor Orban
Borgir reknar af demókrötum finna fyrir "hatursglæpum"
"The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism found that hate crimes are exploding in Democrat-run cities, reports the far-left Axios.
In Democrat-run Chicago, hate crimes are upthis is not a typo84.6 percent over last year.
Chicago has been run by Democrats since 1931."
Nú er ég ekki að segja að ég sé Elvis Prelsy, en getur ekki verið að þetta sé vegna þess að Repúblikana borgir eru reknar af geðheilbrigðu fólki, sem er ekki að banna tilfinningar?
"Anthony Stevens, a British conservative politician out of Northampton, was arrested for hate speech for retweeting a video of police confiscating the Bible of a street preacher."
Þetta má víst ekki sjá.
"In the name of the Gabonese people we have decided to defend the peace by putting an end to the current regime," one military office said. He said, "We call on the population for calm and serenity."
"The Gateway Pundit reported in a now-viral video that the Vanguard School in Colorado Springs told 12-year-old Jaiden (last name withheld) that he had to remove the flag because it has origins with slavery and was disruptive to the classroom environment. When he refused, the child was dismissed.
The reason that they do not want the flag reason we do not want the flag is due to its origins with the revolution, slavery, and slave trade, the school administrator told Jaidens mom, Eden Rodriguez.
It has nothing to do with slavery, thats like the Revolutionary War patch that was enslaved when they were fighting the British, Ms. Rodriguez refuted."
Eitthvað allt annað
30.8.2023 | 17:40
Heimsbókmenntirnar eru áhugaverðar
Þú getur fengið bækur á fleiri stöðum á netinu en bara Amazon:
Til að nefna nokkra.
Fólkið sem les svona rugl lítur svona út.
Annar listi.
Einbeittari umsögn um eitthvað allt annað.
Taladi um "allt annað" - þetta er til.
Þetta er nauðsynlegt.
Þessi bók er til í alvöru.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
29.8.2023 | 18:38
Sagan endurtekur sig
Sami spöngurinn...
Allir verða mjög ánægðir að heyra þetta
"a paper presented by Barry Eichengreen and Serkan Arslanap broke the bad news that public debts will not decline significantly for the foreseeable future, primary surpluses of... 3 to 5 percent of GDP are very much exceptions to the rule and that inflation is not a sustainable route to reducing high public debts. That all makes for sobering reading for already beleaguered millennials and Gen Zs, who will be the can carriers for Eichengreen and Arslanaps prognosis that given ageing populations, governments will have to find additional finance for healthcare and pensions."
Fleiri samkynhneigðir lamdir í Berlín
"Berlin has seen a spike in the number of attacks on LGBTQ persons at the hands of migrants recently, the owner of a gay club has claimed..."
Nú já?
"Pahlau expressed concern for the safety of her clubs patrons should the city go ahead with its plan to establish a shelter across the street from her club for up to 650 migrants from Türkiye, Syria and Afghanistan."
Maður tekur viðtal við vélmenni
Hinir úrkynjuðu grímudólgar eru mannýgir
"Protesters gathered in front of Health Minister Adrian Dixs MLA office in Vancouver Friday, calling for mask mandates to be brought back.
In Vancouver, Canada, protesters demanding mandatory masks physically attack a man over his sign"
Arftakar Hróa Hattar berjast fyrir hagsmunum almennings. Á sama tíma eru borgaryfirvöld þar á fullu í að gefa öllum krabbamein til þess að bæta heilsuna.
Bretar eru fucked.
Biden stjórnin reyndi að nota Kínverska njósnaforritið njósna fyrir sig líka
"The Biden admin tried to reach an agreement with ByteDance, the company that pretends to own TikTok (the actual owner is the Chinese Communist Party), to allow the Biden admin authoritarian control over the app in the United States."
Suður Afríka vinnur hörðum höndum að hungursneið
"A farming couple from Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, were severely assaulted on their farm while their attackers allegedly shouted: Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer, civil defense group AfriForum reports. Four attackers forced their way into Tim and Amanda Platts farmhouse, during the early hours of 17 August 2023. The attackers gained entry to the house by breaking down the front door and security gate, as well as a window and burglar bars.
"The two-day Afro-Caribbean Notting Hill Carnival, which has been a staple of the summer in the Central London district since the 1960s, saw 275 people arrested and eight men stabbed this year, including a 29-year-old who was left critically injured after being attacked Monday evening on Warfield Road."
Auðvitað á maður að gera grín að þessu,
Brennuvargur í Flórída kveikir í sér
"The fire department was called because of a fire at Power Outreach Ministries, a church, in Oakland Park in the middle of the night, and after firefighters responded the Oakland Park City Fire Marshal determined the fire to be arson.
When security video was reviewed, they discovered that more than the building had been set on fire that night"
Þegar menn verða eitt með áhugamálinu.
Sovéskir hertrukkar eru töff.
28.8.2023 | 19:10
Illska kommúnista er endalaus
Evergrande fer á hausinn. Meira.
"The stock of the embattled real estate developer - which trade in Hong Kong under what was supposed to be the "lucky" ticker 3333 - opened 87% lower and ended the day at 0.35 Hong Kong dollars. Trading had been halted since March 21, 2022..."
Í eðlilegi, Laizess Faire hagkerfi hefði þetta aldrei náð að verða svona stórt, því þá hefðu ekki verið skilyrði til þess.
Viðvörun frá Venezuela.
Kommúnistar berjast gegn hagsmunum almennings
"Cops had their hands full at the New York City mayor's mansion on Sunday when black-clad antifa counterprotestors showed up at a demonstration against Mayor Eric Adams' handling of the 2023 migrant crisis.
Protesters held signs with slogans like "STOP REWARDING, START DEPORTING" and "AMERICANS OVER MIGRANTS." The New York Post quotes a Trump supporter as shouting "No migrants on Long Island! We pay a lot of property taxes!"
Counterprotestors held signs reading "NO ONE CHOOSES TO BE A REFUGEE" and "HUMANITY HAS NO BORDERS." Some yelled "F**k white supremacist NYPD!""
Enginn berst jafn hatrammlega gegn hagsmunum almennings og kommúnistar.
Kommar að brjálast. Ekkert nýtt:
"Von Storch was attacked on Friday in a hall in the town of Daun in the western state of Rhineland-Palatinate. A man claiming to want a selfie with her then smeared von Storch with animal feces. The man was overpowered by police and is now under investigation."
Enginn nema kommi myndi ganga um með skít í vasanum.
Lögreglan í Nevada kann að eiga við kolefnistrúarmenn.
Menn hafa verið að hnupla úr Brezka safninu
"Around 2,000 historical artifacts, thought to be worth tens of millions of pounds, have been stolen from the British Museums vault..."
Hver gæti hafa gert þetta? Hmm...
Kommúnisti hefur myrt einhvern. Eins og kommúnistar gera.
27.8.2023 | 20:31
Í dag skilst mér að sé sunnudagur
Brezka ríkið krypplar eigin iðnað viljandi
"Ithaca Energy, one of the largest oil and gas producers in the UK, has reduced investments and is deferring some projects this year and next, due to the burden of the windfall tax Britain has levied on the industry.
After the UK raised the windfall tax to 35% at the end of last year, Harbour Energy, the biggest oil and gas producer in the UK North Sea, backed out of the latest licensing round aimed at awarding more than 100 new licenses. Shell has said it would be re-evaluating each project comprising its $30.5 billion (25 billion pounds) planned investment in the UK energy system, and TotalEnergies has said it would slash its investment in the UK by 25%."
BRICS er færður heimurinn á silfurfati.
íslenska ríkið áformar að leggja fiskeldi í rúst
"Meginviðfangsefnin eru styrking á rannsóknum, vöktun og eftirliti, eins er fjallað um skipulag leyfa og gjaldtöku með umhverfishvötum."
Svona fer það. Það er ekki einu sinni búið að byggja aðstöðuna, og þeir eru þegar komnir með áform um að gera hana óarðbæra.
"Fehlinger, whose profile describes him as Chair of European Committee for NATO Enlargement for Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia, Austria, Moldova, Ireland, Georgia, couched his demands in an appeal to the people of Brazil, insisting they could only be free by dismantling the Socialist Genocidal BRICS Ally of Russia and that they had been misled by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva."
Ég hef litla trú á þessu,
Hópur loftslagsbreytinga tekinn fastur
"Greek authorities have arrested dozens of people on arson-related charges as deadly wildfires the largest ever recorded in the European Union rage across the country.
Greek police have made 79 arson related arrests, Greek government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis told public broadcaster EPT Friday."
"The cops executed a traffic stop on the tiny toy car and found this 51-year-old bloke behind the wheel and meth'd out of his brain. He was taken to jail on a felony charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a prior conviction."
Power wheels.
SpaceX kærðir fyrir að fara að lögum
"The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musks company, SpaceX, claiming their hiring policies discriminate against refugees and asylees.
According to Alex Tabarrok, a professor at George Mason University, its common for industries that work closely with the military or deal with dual-use technologies to restrict jobs to U.S. citizens. This includes companies like SpaceX."
Það er vandlifað í trúðaheimi.
New York búar amast við ólöglegum innflytjendum
"When open borders activists showed up to counter-protest, the residents started chanting, Pasty white liberals!
The New Yorkers are protesting the resettlement of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens in their neighborhoods. Most notably, Staten Island residents are outraged by Adams insistence to house migrants at the former St. John Villa Academy which sits directly in a tight-knit neighborhood."
26.8.2023 | 21:45
Fólk þráir að vera myrt
Við erum uppi á áhugaverðum tímum.
Kaninn vill ekki aðra kóvitleysu
"Americans are raising their voices against mask mandates reintroduced by some institutions amid reports of rising COVID-19 caseswith some people calling recent infections an "election variant."
A Pew Research survey from November 2020 showed that Democrats benefited greatly from mail-in ballots. While 32 percent of Trump supporters voted through absentee or mail-in ballots, this was much higher in the case of Joe Biden, as 58 percent of his supporters used mail-in ballots.
Meanwhile, some Hollywood celebs have started promoting mask-wearing."
Kaninn er ekki alvitlaus.
Vert að hafa í huga.
FBI myrðir fólk af handahófi núna
"A family is desperately seeking answers after FBI agents busted down the door and killed their relative in a pre-dawn raid last week.
The FBI is refusing to tell a grieving mother why they showed up in armored vehicles at 6 am last Wednesday and fatally shot her son."
Smá NKVD keimur af þessu.
Ef þú vilt ekki sjá skít... SF ekki fyrir þig.
Carlos Santana þarf að díla við hina úrkynjuðu barnageldara
"Rock & Roll Hall of Fame guitarist Carlos Santana is facing criticism from liberals after making a bold statement about transgender ideology during a concert in New Jersey.
The comments prompted outrage from many in the LGBTQ community and their allies/liberals, labeling Santana as anti-trans and calling for his cancellation."
Já. Systir mín tilkynnti mér um daginn að henni fyndist að ég yrði aðeignast börn gagngert til þess að skera af þeim kynfærin.
Enda er hún mjög rugluð.
Þetta er geðvekt, ofbeldisfullt fólk.
Fjandinn hirði barnageldarana.
Barnageldarar eru líka fúlir út í Alice Cooper
"Legendary heavy metal rocker Alice Cooper has come out publicly in opposition to child sex changes, saying he's "afraid that it's also a fad." He sided with Paul Stanley and Dee Snider, two other gender-bending rock and rollers who are against medical sex changes for minors."
Múslimar eru næstum því jafn morðóðir og trannar
"Hotspots of Islamic terrorist activity include the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), northern Mozambique, and northern and Middle Belt Nigeria, the Christian aid and persecution watchdog group asserts, and the perpetrators are not just rebels or militants, but jihadists."
Hey, fólk vill þetta.
Hvað fær ykkur til þess að halda að fólk almennt þrái ekki annað meir en að vera myrt af einhverjum ferlegum krimmum? Fólk rær að því ölum árum.
Sumir vilja vera myrtir af ríkisstarfsm0nnum. NKVD, þið vitið... formlegt. Það verða pyntingar fyrst.
Fólk vill láta skera undan börnunum sínum, nauðga þeim svo, og svo þráir það að islamistar nauðgi því og myrði það.
Ég skil ekki fólk.
Gaurarnir sem komu alltaf uppá kaffistofu á flugvellinum vildu riðlast á dýrum og fótboltamönnum. Ég skildi þá menn aldrei heldur. Helmingurinn af þeim eru örugglega náriðlar.
""Ég var að labba yfir brú þegar það var allt í einu skotið í mig stálkúlu úr teygjubyssu. Ég kom þá auga á nokkra unglingsstráka og einn þeirra hélt á teygjubyssunni."
Daníel segist gera ráð fyrir að piltanir hafi verið í kringum 14 eða 15 ára og voru þeir dökkir á hörund."
Skjóttu á móti eða þú vilt þetta. "En það er ólöglegt!" segir þú, vegna þess að þú vilt þetta. Þú vilt verða myrtur af negrum með teygjubyssu. Þú þráir ekkert heitar en að lifa í ótta. Þú vilt búa í kerfi sem vill að þú verðir myrtur af negrum, og mun refsa þér harkalega fyrir að deyja ekki.
Hættu að kvarta og deyðu.
Fólk þusar um það allan daginn að það vilji lifa í lögregluríki. Það þýðir bara að það vill vera myrt af lögreglunni líka.
Voða fáir vila lifa. g eru litlir hornauga fyrir vikið, kallaðir hægri öfgamenn og svona.
Líka ef menn vilja kvorki limlesta börn né nauðga þeim. Það er víst einkenni hægri-öfgamanna.
Toto Cutugo er víst fallinn frá. Var áttræður.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:24 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.8.2023 | 20:17
Fáið ykkur meira eitur
Hagstofan, ekki ég.
Algerlega ekki Hagstofan.
"A New York City police sergeant has been suspended without pay after throwing a picnic cooler filled with sodas and water at a motorcyclist fleeing a drug bust on Wednesday, causing a crash that killed the suspect.
A 30-year-old Bronx resident, Duprey has been arrested at least twice before. One was a drug charge. In an eerie parallel to the strange circumstances of his death, he's also the subject of an open felony assault case for allegedly throwing a two-liter soda bottle through the driver-side window of vehicle, sources told the New York Post."
Ef þið eruð að fylgjast með... annars ekki.
Guðlast verður aftur bannað í Danmörku
"The Danish government is preparing a law that would make it illegal to publicly mistreat or destroy items of religious importance, Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard has announced."
Styttist í nornabrennur hjá baunanum.
Hvað ætlar þú að gera í næstu kóvitleysu?
Pappírs rör eru full af áhugaverðum efnum
"Paper straws contain potentially toxic chemicals which could pose a risk to people, wildlife and the environment, a study has found.
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are long-lasting and potentially destructive to human health over time, were discovered in the majority of paper and bamboo straws tested."
Hver vill ekki eitur?
"Researchers on the study examined 39 brands of straws in Belgium from supermarkets, toy stores, fast-food chains, drug stores, and e-commerce stores. The straws were either made of paper, bamboo, glass, stainless steel, or plastic, and the researchers tested each brand for concentrations of PFAS. Sixty-nine percent of the brands contained PFAS, with paper straws more likely to contain the chemicals. The researchers found 90% of paper straws had PFAS, compared to 80% of bamboo straws, 75% of plastic straws, and 40% of glass straws. Further, a paper straw brand was the brand with the highest PFAS concentration."
Umhverfisverndarsinnar segja að eitur sé gott fyrir þig.
Shit happens
Þessi gaur útskýrir hvernig sósíalismi virkar. Þið viljið sósíalisma, en af hverju? Er það vegna þess að þá getiði látið lögregluna ná í nágranna ykkar, og látið þá hverfa? Allt í lagi, gott og vel, en hvað ef þeir verða á undan? Og hvað þegar þið verðið næst?
Hugsið þetta alla leið.
Þið ykkar sem getið hugsað.
24.8.2023 | 19:54
Fréttir, sko
"According to AP, Lahaina residents who disobeyed government road barricades survived the fires, while many who heeded orders to turn around died in their cars and homes with no way out. Now, officials are facing public outrage over why the emergency sirens weren't set off and why they prevented people from fleeing to safety."
Lærið af þessu: óhlýðnist ríkinu.
Eða deyið. Ykkar er valið.
Stytta af hauskúpuþjóf tekin niður
"An Australian city has approved the removal of a monument honoring the colonial-era doctor and statesman who once stole the skull of an aboriginal Tasmanian man."
Hann þurfti þessa hauskúpu.
Narco gengin fíla Lönu Del Rey
"Mexican drug cartels appear to be using customised guns with music superstar Lana Del Rey's face on them, to the chagrin of her fans, according to a viral video online.
A user on X shared a clip, now viewed more than 21 million times, of a man showing off his machine guns and handguns, all of which were loaded with magazines with the Video Games singer's face adorning them."
"The black-and-white image, stamped with the ISRO watermark, shows a portion of Chandrayaan-3s landing site, one of the legs of the Vikram lander, and the shadow it cast on the lunar surface, according to the Indian space agency."
Það ættu að vera indverjar á tunglinu
Tucker Carlson spjallar við Trump
Hlustið á þetta. Fréttir, sko.