Fréttir, sko



Ríkið brenndi fólk lifandi

"According to APLahaina residents who disobeyed government road barricades survived the fires, while many who heeded orders to turn around died in their cars and homes with no way out. Now, officials are facing public outrage over why the emergency sirens weren't set off and why they prevented people from fleeing to safety."

Lærið af þessu: óhlýðnist ríkinu.

Eða deyið.  Ykkar er valið. 


Stytta af hauskúpuþjóf tekin niður

"An Australian city has approved the removal of a monument honoring the colonial-era doctor and statesman who once stole the skull of an aboriginal Tasmanian man."

Hann þurfti þessa hauskúpu.


Narco gengin fíla Lönu Del Rey

"Mexican drug cartels appear to be using customised guns with music superstar Lana Del Rey's face on them, to the chagrin of her fans, according to a viral video online.

A user on X shared a clip, now viewed more than 21 million times, of a man showing off his machine guns and handguns, all of which were loaded with magazines with the Video Games singer's face adorning them."


Indverjar á tunglinu

"The black-and-white image, stamped with the ISRO watermark, shows “a portion of Chandrayaan-3’s landing site,” one of the legs of the Vikram lander, and the shadow it cast on the lunar surface, according to the Indian space agency."

Það ættu að vera indverjar á tunglinu


Tucker Carlson spjallar við Trump

Hlustið á þetta.  Fréttir, sko.

Bókmenntir & skáldskapur

Magn, kannski gæði.

Þessi er alltaf að fjalla um eitthvað utan alfaraleiðar, ef svo má segja.

Við erum öll að missa af einhverju, að hafa ekki upplifað upplestur með þessum gaur.

Við getum huggað okkur við að þetta er til.

Útvarpsleikritið "Salem's Lot."

Allt á sömu bókina lært hjá þeim


Sósíalistar að segja og gera sósíalista hluti

Það eru enn til kóvitleysingar.

Anti-intellectualisminn er yfirþyrmandi meðal leftista.

Og þessir fávitar sem halda þvi blákalt fram að hvalir framleiði súrefni eru klassík

Amerísk pólitík, rímar við íslenska

Kaninn hefur ekki lengur efni á að kaupa hús

"On Wednesday, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that US mortgage rates rose to the highest level since late 2000 last week, sending a key measure of demand down to the lowest in nearly three decades.

Applications for home purchase mortgages dropped to their lowest level since April 1995, as homebuyers withdrew from the market due to the elevated rate environment and the erosion of purchasing power..."

Gangi þér vel með það...

Indverjar lenda á tunglinu

"A rover, named Pragyan, or wisdom, is set to analyze the chemical makeup of the moon’s surface and search for water over the course of one lunar day, which is equivalent to 14 days on Earth.

The timing of the successful landing - in the middle of the BRICS Summit, and just days after Russia's epic fail - is not lost of most as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said: This is an unprecedented moment."

Næst þurfa þeir að senda gaur með spegla-sólgleraugu þangað.


Hvað er verið að fela þarna?

"There is a trend among “woke” journalists and progressive activists in and out of government to censor the news out of “respect” for cultures and communities and to protect progressive interests. The efforts to censor the news in Maui have not been completely successful, but the effort to control the news coming out of Maui has been largely successful.

The images are also featured in an AP article on the fires still online."



Pútín tjáír sig

"Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of “senselessly turning its own soldiers into cannon fodder,” Russia Today reports. “They are throwing (their soldiers) on our minefields, under our artillery fire, acting as if they are not their own citizens at all."

Þetta eru heldur ekkert Úkrainumenn lengur.  Þeir eru uppiskroppa með þá, allir flúnir, eða dauðir.

Bara Pólverjar og Frakkar núna.


Og að lokum, fyrirsögn dagsins:

Canada World Peace Soccer Tournament dissolves into violence

"The soccer players, who represented Brazil, Somaliland, Congo, Ethiopia, Namibia, Eritrea, India, and Senegal (not sure where Canada fit in but there ya go) started actually beating each other with sticks.

Eighty police officers, including a tactical unit, had to be called into quell the violence."


Holræsa túrismi ofl...

Það er ekki málfrelsi í Þýzkalandi

"American playwright and humorist C.J. Hopkins, profiled in this space on numerous occasions, has been sent a “punishment order” by a German judge, offering him a Sophie’s Choice of 60 days in jail or 3,600 euros.

His crime?

Essentially, insulting the German health minister in a tweet, and using a scarcely-visible image of a Swastika on a mask in a book critical of the global pandemic response, The Rise of the New Normal Reich."

Ekkert málfrelsi, og sennilega ekkert lýðræði heldur.



Þetta er fyrirsögn dagsins:

"Eight bodies recovered after deadly Moscow sewers tour"

Er þetta óplægður akur fyrir íslenska ferðaþjónustu?  Að fara með túrista að skoða skólpdælur og rotþrær?


Jafnvel Hitler var ekki á móti mjólk

"14 prominent American cities are part of a far-left climate organization headed by billionaire globalist “Mini” Mike Bloomberg that aims to abolish private vehicle ownership and wean their constituents off meat and dairy by 2030.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams back in April announced the Big Apple would place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, including prisons and schools. The United Kingdom which is ostensibly headed by a “Conservative” government has banned all gas-powered vehicles past 2030."

Ef nazistar eru betri en þú, þarftu að hugsa þinn gang.


Douglas MacGregor

""US Is On The Brink of Catastrophic War That Could Easily Destroy Us" - Col. Douglas MacGregor Tells Tucker Carlson..."



Fyrirtæki sem styður glæpi verður fyrir búsifjum vegna glæpa

"Dick's Sporting Goods reported a 23% drop in profits and slashed its earnings guidance for the year after it saw an uptick in retail theft and slow sales in its outdoor category, the company announced Tuesday.

They [...] posted heavily about support for BLM and "equity" (conflating it with equality like most wokies)."


Pop song review

Kolefnistrúarmenn halda að hvalir séu gróður

Kolefnistrúarmenn gera hvalina útdauða.

Hve miklir fávitar eru kolefnistrúarmenn?

"Stórir hvalir kolefnisjafna eins og skógur alla ævina"

Þau falla í líffræði að eilífu.

Þeir eru alveg vissir um að æðri máttarvöld hafi haft eitthvað með þetta að gera

"The Los Angeles Dodgers had their latest game against the Miami Marlins canceled after Hurricane Hilary caused Dodgers Stadium to flood.

The flooding at Dodger Stadium occurs just a couple of months after the Dodgers decided to host the satanic trans nun group ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ on Dodgers pride night."

Það var annaðhvort flóð eða engisprettur.

Forseti Serbíu segir allskonar hluti

""One of the points he made is that the war in Ukraine, the war against Russia led by NATO, has crushed the European economy," Carlson explained. "The destruction of Nordstream by the Biden administration ... is killing the German economy … the largest economy in Europe by far … and so the downstream effects of that, one NATO country effectively attacking another NATO country are felt throughout Europe."

"It's really about a massive shift in power away from the United States and the West to the East," Carlson proclaimed in conclusion. "And it’s all happening right now, but very few people in our country seem aware of it.""

Allt fjörið er á Twitter... eða hvað sem það á að heita núna

JW: "Thank you. If @elonmusk removes the ability to block concerted harassment by trolls or organized political entities, how will “X” be any different from Jack Dorsey’s horrid Twitter?"

EM: "Then delete your account"

"And shortly afterwards, blocked Woods himself, which Woods pointed out is exactly the point of the block button, Musk does not have to see Woods criticism if he chooses not to:.."

Menn eru greinilega ekki á sömu bylgjulengd þarna.


Dominos pizza í Rússlandi gjaldþrota

"Moscow has adopted a wide range of regulations, making the exit of foreign firms or their potential return more complicated. Since December, the authorities have obliged foreign companies to sell their assets to Russian buyers at a 50% discount and have charged them an exit fee of at least 10% of the transaction value."

Þetta kemur ekki aftur.

Fréttirnar eru vitleysa að vanda

Utanríkisráðherra Kanada óttast að ástandið gæti batnað í USA

"Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly said last week that the country is considering a "game plan" on how to respond if the United States "takes a far-right, authoritarian shift" (read: elects a Republican) in 2024."

far-right, authoritarian.  Það er það sem þeir þarna úti vilja kalla: "Contradiction in terms."

En svona er þetta. Þessir kommúnistar skilja ekki orð.


Maður sem slátraði heilli kynslóð af fasistum kærir Norska ríkið

"Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik has sued the state for violating his human rights by keeping him in “extreme” isolation, his lawyer, Oeystein Storrvik, told Reuters on Friday."

Antifa kemst ekki með tærnar þar sem þessi gaur var með hælana fyrir 10 árum.  Reyndar hef ég enn ekki séð Antifa svo mikið sem snerta einn einasta fasista, nokkurntíma.



Zhirinovsky lífgaður við með hjálp gervigreindar

"The idea of a Zhirinovsky chatbot was announced in April, on the anniversary of the politician’s death, and its first version was presented to visitors at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June."

Kannski betri en ChatTP.  Og þetta My AI í drauga-appinu er meira en lítið úrkynjað.


Rogan um kolefnistrúarmenn

"Even if the United States went to zero carbon output, you're not going to put a dent in what's happening to the world because most of it is coming from China and India. So all this sh*t about 'don't eat meat because we're going to save the world.' You're not saving jack sh*t!"

Hann hefur ekki rangt fyrir sér.  Sama hve vel kolefnistrúarmenn ná að líma sig við veginn, eða skemma málverk, eða eyðileggja lífskjör fólks almennt, þá munu þeir alltaf hafa rangt fyrir sér.


Borgarstjóri Lundúna hatar fátæka

"The expansion of ULEZ at the end of the month has been Mr Khan's single most controversial transport policy - with even Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer blaming it for his party's recent by-election loss in Uxbridge. 

The scheme will cover all London boroughs from August 29 and force drivers of non-compliant vehicles to shell out £12.50 a day - on top of any other charges like the £15 Congestion Charge."

Fuck fátækir!

Ég verð ekkert hissa ef elítan í Evrópu byrjar að slátra fólki.


Vandamálið felur í sér lausnina

Mmm... já.

Allt ríkinu að kenna

"The grasslands that the wildfire blew through did not dry overnight. The area where the wildfires occurred has been in moderate to severe drought. Drought conditions are a significant risk factor for out-of-control wildfires.

So the Maui government had actual knowledge of drought conditions and constructive knowledge that arson was a possibility. Yet no warning was issued to the public or emergency plans made for the possibility of wildfire until it was too late on August 9."

Eins og venjulega.

Þess vegna vill fólk að ríkið stjórni öllu.  Til þess að ekkert virki.

Biden og co vilja hefja aðra kóvitleysu

"The Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars first to report.

This source corroborated the directives, confirming that similar measures were being planned for Border Patrol personnel."

Það var tilgangslaust þá, í auglýstum tilgangi amk... 

Þetta er Íslenska ríkið að styðja

"On the weekend of Aug. 5-6, Ukraine lost 2,040 men, Russia claimed. Since then, losses have been 8,570, including 4,215 in the last five days alone, according to Russian claims: 845 on Aug. 14, 735 on Aug. 15, 890 on Aug. 16, 810 on Aug. 17 and 935 yesterday.

That would put total Ukrainian losses, which observers like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. estimated at 350,000 before the start of the much-vaunted “Spring Offensive,” at over 400,000."

Fólk vill alltaf allt aðra hluti en ég.

Skattmann myrðir skattmann

"An agent with the US Internal Revenue Service accidentally shot and killed a colleague during a training exercise at a federal gun range in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday, local media reported."

Stundum vinnur vandamálið að lausninni á sjálfu sér.


Brekkukots annáll og fleira

"Plan 9" bókmenntanna.

Hef lesið þessa.  Mæli með.

Kannast eitthvað við þetta líka.

Þetta er alveg voðalegt.  Skemmtilegt, svona eins og að horfa á öskubíl brenna.

Og þetta er Brekkukots annáll, ef menn hafa áhuga á svoleiðis.

Fyrirsjáanlegir atburðir

Lögreglan hefur áhyggjur af öfgahyggju

"Run­ólf­ur Þór­halls­son, aðstoðar­yf­ir­lög­regluþjónn hjá grein­inga­deild rík­is­lög­reglu­stjóra seg­ir lög­reglu vera á varðbergi gagn­vart vax­andi hættu á öfga­hyggju líkri þeim sem við höf­um mátt þekkja frá lönd­un­um í kring­um okk­ur."

Öfagmenn fundnir

"Samtökin 78 hafa einnig alfarið hafnað rökræðum við Samtökin 22 um málefnið og kosið þess í stað að beita slaufunarúrræðum og hópeinelti gegn litlum samtökum sem hafa ekki sömu nálgun á málunum og kosið að brjóta á málfrelsi þeirra með öllum ráðum. Aðgerðirnar einkennast af mikilli heift, hatri og rógburði í garð Elds Ísidórs Deville, talsmanns Samtakanna 22."


Ég fótóshoppaði þetta ekki. Þau líta svona út í alvöru.

Allt mögulega ofbeldshneigt fólk, banvænt, ef hægt er að yfirfæra reynzlu útlendinga.

Kannski ætla yfirvöld að bíða þar til einn af þessum fer í skóla og myrðir nokkur börn, og notar að þá sem afsökun til að skerða réttindi fólks meira.

Fólk sem stuðlar að ritskoðun er ekki gott fólk

Að allt öðru:

Springsteen kominn með sprautuverki... kannski

"Due to Bruce Springsteen having been taken ill, his concerts with The E Street Band at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia on August 16 and 18 have been postponed..."


En hann er líka gamall.

Það sem kemur fyrir ef þú ferð inn í þinghúsið utan opinbers opnunartíma

"January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.

During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021."

Veit Amnesty af þessu?

Framtíð Íslands

"man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a stabbing at a hotel being used to house Afghan refugees.

Surrey Police said the double stabbing began at a hotel overlooking the River Thames in Long Ditton with a second victim knifed by a nearby BMW garage on Sunday afternoon."

Kaupið haglabyssu, púkar birtast fljótlega.

Gervigreindin veit sínu viti

"New Zealand's PakÅ„Save grocery stores has introduced a new recipe making Chatbot named Savey The Meal-bot that will take all your leftovers and create a recipe out of them that you can make for dinner.

It's a lot like the Food Network's hit show Chopped, except homicidal."





Hrói Höttur nútímans er öðruvísi en miðalda Hrói Höttur

"Dressed in a balaclava to protect his identity, the father in his mid-forties revealed he had stolen 34 ULEZ cameras himself, but his group and others like them have taken down hundreds."


"The document was dated Aug. 14 and named Trump, citing the case as "open," but is no longer available on the court's website. Reuters was not immediately able to determine why the item was posted or removed."The Reuters report that those charges were filed is inaccurate. Beyond that we cannot comment," a spokesperson for the District Attorney's office said.

So they already know what they'll charge him with before this lady and her peers decided whether to kick off Civil War 2 by indicting a massively popular president of the United States, the primary rival of the current president as well, with yet another trial."

En, það versnar:

Já já já, Tim er dramatískur.

Kaninn kann að skemmta sér

"A museum in Minneapolis called the Walker Art Center held a ‘family friendly’ event to summon a demon.

The Walker Art Center held a pagan ritual geared toward families last weekend, with a performance called “Lilit the Empathic Demon.”"

... hvað ef þetta hefði virkað?

Hérna, just in case... hey, virkar í tölvuleiknum!

Vitleysingar fá raflost

"Two of the individuals were reportedly shocked once they made contact with the third rail at the Ridgeland Green Line stop in Oak Park, the New York Post reported Monday."



Ef dímonar birtast...

Tim Pool, jákvæður að vanda.

Hljómar ekkert ósennilega.

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