15.8.2023 | 16:27
Hvašan kemur öfgahyggja Ķslenskra stjórnvalda?
Viš vitum öll, af fenginni reynzlu aš Ķslensk yfirvöld eru ekki sjįlfstętt hugsandi, og geta veriš teymd af hvaša sauš sem er hvert sem er, bara meš žvķ aš veifa boši ķ kampavķnspartż fyrir framan žau.
Žau eru lint, sišblint og žjófótt fólk, sem hefur lęrt vitleysu.
Og žessi vitleysa kemur aš utan:
Sky news fer yfir afleišingar af öfgahyggju rķkisins ķ nokkrum löndum.
Žżzkaland stefnir hrašbyri į aš vera ekki lengur lżšręšisrķki. Fasisminn virkaši nefnilega svo vel žar, fyrir mišri sķšustu öld. Įhugavert aš sjį žį rifja upp fyrri takta.
Žetta er gróft.
Ķ Bretlandi hefur lögreglan breyzt ķ hryšjuverkasamtök. Žetta vill fólk vķst hafa hér į landi lķka. Veit ekki af hverju.
Fólk kaus žennan gaur.
Og žaš sem gerist śti, žaš kemur hingaš, nema ķ tilfelli kanans, žį er žaš öfugt. Žeir eru nś aš finna fyrir okkar stjórnkerfi.
15.8.2023 | 16:08
Stórhęttuleg öfgahyggja ķslenska rķkisins
"Ęvar Pįlmi Pįlmason, ašstošaryfirlögreglužjónn hjį lögreglunni į höfušborgarsvęšinu, segir aš greining lögreglunnar bendi til žess stķgandi sé ķ öfgahyggju ķ samfélaginu."
Ķ samfélaginu? Nei, mešal yfirvalda? Algerlega. Skošum:
1: "Rannsókn į žremur mönnum um tvķtugt sem handteknir voru grunašir um aš setja upp lķmmišar og skilaboš meš hatursfullum skilabošum ķ Hafnarfirši gętu įtt yfir höfši sér allt aš tveggja įra fangelsisvist." (sic)
Žaš er oršiš refsivert aš lķma upp miša.
2: "Mįliš er rannsakaš śr frį 233 grein a ķ hegningarlögum sem tekur į hvers konar mismunun..."
Žeir segja aš žaš sé mismunun aš lķma upp miša.
Ljóslega öfgar og ofbeldi yfirvalda. Fasismi, ķ einu orši.
En, žaš er meira: Žetta beri aš hafa ķ huga hér į landi žar sem nęr helmingur bankakerfisins sé ķ eigu rķkisins og drjśgur hluti ķ eigu lķfeyrissjóšanna.
Atvinnulķfiš er aš millęu leiti ķ krumlunum į rķkinu, og erfitt aš nį žvķ žašan.
"Hśn bendir į aš ķslenskir bankar séu ķ įkafri samkeppni, ekki bara sķn į milli heldur einnig viš erlenda banka."
Įgętt, žaš. Rķkiš žykist ķ samkeppni viš sjįlft sig, og ašra banka sem lķoka eru gegnsżršir af rķkisafskiftum.
Svo viš notum nś oršiš rétt, aftur: fasismi.
Žeir geta ekki einusinni hirt sorp
"Višmęlandinn hefur žurft aš fara meš plast og pappķr ķ grenndargįma sķšastlišin mįnuš, enda nżja tunnan hafši ekki veriš tęmd sķšan ķ lok jśnķ. Hann segir žó gengiš mjög illa um grenndargįma ķ Įrbę og įstandiš žvķ ekki gott."
Žetta er ekki žjónusta fyrir fólk, heldur störf fyrir gęšinga.
Kommśnistar senda skattfé Ķslendinga til Slóvakķu
"Ķslensk stjórnvöld hafa handsalaš samning viš Slóvakķu um kaup į milljónum tonna losunarheimilda til žess aš Ķsland standist skuldbindingar sķnar gagnvart Kżótó-bókuninni. Kostnašurinn nemur 350 milljónum króna."
Svo gerir Gušlaugur Žór Žóršarson, loftslagsrįšherra.
Žaš vildi ég aš Gušlaugur Žór reiddi žessa fjįrmuni af hendi śr eigin vasa. Žennan pening sjįum viš ekki aftur.
Uppgangur kolefnisöfgamanna er genginn of langt.
Svo sóa žessir asnar tķma og fjįmunum ķ śtlenda glępamenn
""Kannski var žetta markmišiš meš žvķ aš henda fólki į götuna alveg frį upphafi. Žetta var til žess aš undirbśa jaršveginn til aš kynna til leiks flóttamannabśšir. Fangabśšir fyrir flóttamenn."
Žetta segir Žórhildur Sunna Ęvarsdóttir, žingmašur Pķrata..."
Pķratar fara fremstķr ķ flokkiš meš sitt kommśnista bullshit, aš vanda. Žeir munu kosta okkur allt, og meira til. Žeir leita allra leiša til žess aš nišurlęgja landsmenn. Hér, meš žvķ aš flytja inn einhvern forréttindahóp frį śtlöndum, og geyma žį hér į framfęrzlu landsmanna.
Skošum hvernig er fariš meš Ķslenska róna:
"Sumariš er aš verša bśiš og žaš er ekkert dagrżmi fyrir karlmenn enn žó aš žvķ sé bśiš aš lofa. Žeir eru enn settir inn į bókasöfn, inn um börnin. Žaš er algerlega śt śr kś, segir Marķanna en konur geta fariš į daginn ķ Skjóliš."
Endilega. Flytjum inn róna frį śtlöndum til žess aš hafa žį ķ hlżju rżmi, meš mat og klęši, į mešan viš sendum okkar eigin róna inn į nęsta bókasafn, į mešan žaš er opiš.
Žeir borgšušu Slóvökum 350 milljónir fyrir aflįtsbréf. Bara aš halda žvķ til haga.
Og žaš er veriš aš fįrast yfir einhverjum mönnum meš lķmmiša?
Rķkiš er aš klśšra öllu sem žaš tekur sér fyrir hendur, systematķskt, og žeir segja aš einhverjir peyjar meš lķmmiša séu eitthvaš vandamįl?
Hljóta aš vera ansi magnašir lķmmišar, žetta.
Nęst hljóta žeir aš fara aš herja į taggara.
14.8.2023 | 09:47
Andśš blašamanna į mannréttindum
"The Canadian province of Quebec is telling its doctors to refrain from killing patients that have asked to die by lethal injection through the country's controversial medically assisted suicide program.
Nearly 5,000 patients died by MAiD within the last year, amounting to roughly 8 percent of all deaths in the province, the outlet reports.
This comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Canada encouraged doctors to discuss medically assisted deaths with patients."
Ég er farinn aš verša hissa į aš žeir bśi ekki bara til pylsur śr öllu žessu fólki sem žeir eru aš myrša žarna.
Blašamašur ķ Kansas ofsóttur af lögreglu fyrir aš flytja fréttir, og deyrr
"The co-owner of a Kansas newspaper died on Saturday after law enforcement officers conducted an unprecedented raid on the paper on Friday, seizing computers, cellphones, and documents from the office and its reporters in what the publisher called an attack on the first amendment.
Meyer reported last week that Kari Newell had reportedly kicked out Marion County Record reporters from a public forum that featured Republican US congressman Jake LaTurner.
Meyer said a confidential source contacted the newspaper and offered information that Newell had been convicted of drunk driving and continued to drive without a license. Her criminal background may affect her attempts to secure a liquor license for her catering company. The source is allegedly Newells husband that had recently filed for divorce, according to Kansas Reflector.
Meyer decided not to publish an article about the information they had received, and instead alerted police about Newells alleged criminal violation."
Žetta var frétt sem fólk žurfti aš heyra.
Į mešan, į fasista-įróšursveitunni MBL:
"Mišar sem vara viš kynblendun og hafa veriš į dreifingu ķ Noršurbę Hafnarjaršar hafa ekki rataš į borš lögreglu."
Hér er blašamašur aš furša sig į aš mišar, žar sem skošun er tjįš, skuli ekki rannsakašir af lögreglu. Og aš eru ritvillur lķka, the horror.
Veit blašamašur ekki aš tjįning er lögleg? Žaš er ekki einhver ein rķkis-skošun, žó blašamašur vilji žaš kannski.
Hvaš hefur blašamašur MBL svona į móti grundvallar-mannréttindum?
Fólk žarf ašeins aš gį aš žvķ hvaš žaš bišur um.
Pólverjar kjósa um ólöglega innflytjendur
""Do you support the admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa under the forced relocation mechanism imposed by the European bureaucracy?" Morawiecki asked in a Sunday social media video. The brief clip also featured scenes of burning cars and other forms of violence in Western Europe."
Viltu glępamenn? Jį eša nei?
Silfur Egils, nema meš minni fasisma.
And-fasķskur hópur herjar į fasista
"Citizens of London are furious over the citys Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) rules that renders a large section of the city practically inaccessible by car [...] citizens were instantly barred from driving to the grocery store, their schools, their church, or their jobs unless they want to pay an additional $16 a day fine.
A group calling themselves the ULEZ blade runners is striking back and has engaged in a massive act of civil disobedience by vandalizing, disabling, or blocking the Big Brother surveillance system with which Mayor Khan has burdened them."
Alvöru and-fasķskar ašgeršir.
Žetta getur Antifa ekki drullast til žess aš gera, enda stendur sį hópur ekkert undir nafni.
Bretland fyrir ykkur.
"Jenny Watson was accused of "transphobia" and her event was investigated after she said only "adult human females" could turn up to a same-sex speed dating event.
She told the Mail on Sunday: Last year, a person turned up sporting a purple latex outfit and an erection."
Betra aš fį gos žarna en į Völlunum
"Dregiš hefur śr skjįlftahrinunni nęrri Geirfugladrangi į Reykjaneshrygg sem hófst klukkan 19:30 ķ gęrkvöldi."
Langt ķ žaš samt, ef af veršur - 5 įr, kannski. Stefnan viršist vera į Keili, (į nęsta įri) svo vellina, jafnvel įlveriš. En fyrst: keilir.
Eša gos veršur śti fyrir Reykjanesi ķ stašinn. Efir svona 4-6 mįnuši. Grynnkar ašeins į svęšinu.
Bara jįkvętt.
14.8.2023 | 07:26
Bókmenntir śr żmsum įttum
Dragon's lexicon triumvirate
Ljóslega žaš sem koma skal
Veit ekki meir, aldrei heyrt um žessa
Ekki Morgan Kane
Bękur | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
13.8.2023 | 18:58
Let's go Brandon... Herrera
Žessi įgęti mašur hyggst komast į žing ķ Texas.
Óvęnt. Snišugt slagorš samt.
Frakkar fį aš borga meira fyrir mat
"Prices for food and beverages sold in French supermarkets soared 13.1% in July on an annualized basis, according to the latest data published by the national statistics bureau INSEE.
The spending cut comes on top of an urgent need to reduce the sovereign debt, which reached 111.6% of the nations GDP. The austerity measures are expected to ensure the reduction of public debt to 108.3% of the economy by 2027."
Svona gerist žegar fólk leyfir rķkinu aš sjį um fjįrmįlin. Viš vitum žaš vel.
Brezkir pólitķkusar reyna aš stemma stigum viš eigin óvinsęldum
"Following steep public backlash and a disastrous by-election result attributed to anger over leftist London Mayor Sadiq Khans widely despised plan to expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) car tax scheme to all of London, the Labour Party has reportedly scrapped plans to campaign on bringing the Great Reset-style scheme to the rest of the country."
Žetta var of augljóst plan til žess aš eyšileggja lķf venjulegs fólks.
Söngvari Lostprophets veršur fyrr aškasti pedófóbķskra manna
"The 46-year-old singer was reportedly grabbed by three fellow inmates and held hostage before being stabbed and left to die in a cell, according to the Mirror."
Og svo framvegis...
Hlusta ekki į Lostprophets...
Og hér eru trannar aš rįšast į kvenfólk... aftur
"Radical trans activists descended upon the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas on Saturday to protest a free speech event called #LetWomenSpeak.
Far-left activists referred to the women as "fascists" and pledged to make them know "they ain't welcome."
Meghan Murphy spoke about the trans movement teaching kids that their bodies are wrong, and how professionals are pushing children to multilate their bodies and undergo child sex changes."
Barnageldararnir gera sig óvinsęlli meš hverjum degi sem lķšur. Eins og žess hafi žurft...
"Here's the craziest part: The light took "12.9 billion years to reach Earth," but the star itself is estimated to be even more insanely distant from our planet "over 28 billion light years."
That's because the universe is constantly expanding, and the expansion goes faster at even greater distances. We don't notice the expanding cosmos between us and, say, Mars it's too small to measure. But put a star 12.9 billion light years away and the expansion gets real fast, real fast."
Önnur kenning segir aš heimurinn sé ekkert aš ženjast śt, eins og kirkjunnar menn halda fram, og red-shift sé bara vegna fjarlęgšarinnar sem slķkrar.
En žaš er auka-atriši.
Vķsindi og fręši | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:05 | Slóš | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.8.2023 | 18:16
Hvernig mašur ferš aš žvķ aš komast upp meš morš og ašra glępi
Rįšamenn eru ekki į sömu plįnetu op viš hin
"Segir Žórdķs rįšuneyti mjög fįlišuš ķ jślķ..."
Žau eru alltaf ofmönnuš. Einu rįšuneytin sem eru passlega mönnuš eru žau sem hafa enn ekki veriš stofnuš.
En žaš er ekkert hęgt aš śtskżra žaš fyrir kommśnistum.
Talandi um kommśinista:
Aušvelt: žetta er allt spurning um aš vera nógu hįttsettur eša nógu rķkur.
Spyrjiš bara Alec Baldwin & Clinton hjónin.
Easy peasy.
Raunsęar glępasögur yršu svolķtiš nišurdrepandi til lengdar.
Meira aš segja Johnny Rotten heldur aš heimurinn sé kominn of lang til vinstri
"The forefather of punk slammed liberals for advocating mass immigration and destroying working-class values in favor of "fashionable elitism"...
They invite black people to dinner because they are black and because it is trendy, but its mostly condescending, Lydon said.
They advocate massive immigration for which there should no longer be any rules because such rules are equated with racism. They quarter the refugees in working-class neighborhoods where the people are already very poor, which in turn leads to more unemployment and more crime.
Lydon points out that if you say something against it, you will be labeled as a racist. But Im not a racist and never will be."
"Politics is destroying working-class values ā€‹ā€‹based on empathy, love, and respect, not stealing from each other and helping each other when you need it. These are all values ā€‹ā€‹that are now being pushed aside in favor of fashionable elitism, he added."
"A transgender man who confessed to molesting autistic children at a therapy center where they were employed has been found dead in their jail cell.
At least one of the victims was still in diapers.
The deceased predator, Leomeir Kennedy, 31, was identified in court documents as a transgender man meaning they were likely born female. Neutral pronouns are being used in this report because the biological sex is unclear."
Trans og pedo. Er "Q" ķ LGBTQ fyrir pedo, eša er P žarna einhversstašar ķ sśpunni?
Žrjįr hnattręnar hlżnanir handteknar
"As a wildfire that has killed at least 55 and left thousands without shelter continues to wreak havoc on Maui, a story from 2022 has resurfaced of a group arrested on the Hawaiian island after setting a series of suspicious brush fires."
Vandinn viš veruleikann, er hve óraunsęr hann er.
Hérna, smį upplyfting:
11.8.2023 | 17:53
Rķkiš vill fólkiš feigt
Viš fylgjumst öll meš žessu, er žaš ekki?
"The fight will be managed by my and Zucks foundations (not UFC). Livestream will be on this platform and Meta. Everything in camera frame will be ancient Rome, so nothing modern at all. I spoke to the PM of Italy and Minister of Culture. They have agreed on an epic location."
Žetta viršist aušveldara fyrir Rśssana, einhvernvegin
"Russian analyst Boris Rozhin wrote in his channel
The situation in this direction for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is rapidly becoming more complicated. [ ] Kupyansk, to which the Russian army is only 7 km away, as well as the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine around it, is located in the zone of destruction of Russian artillery.
Simultaneous Russian advances towards Kamenka and Dvurechnaya in the north-east of the Kharkiv region forced the Ukrainians to stretch their forces and decompress the defense in these directions."
"So far this year there has been 101 bombings in Sweden. In just 7 months, we have had over 100 bombing attacks.
We now have some 61 no-go zones in Sweden, areas where police are losing control and parallell societies are forming"
Sósķalista paradķsin.
"Ukraine has designated spirits company Bacardi Limited as an international war sponsor over its continued operations in Russia. Data from Russias federal tax agency recently indicated that the companys profits in the country more than tripled last year."
Romm. Yum.
"The suicide rate rose steadily in the US between 2000 and 2018, at which point it went down. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, however, the number of people making the decision has increased."
Fyrir - Eftir
FBI meš eitthvaš į móti Kathólikkum
"Remember the FBI Richmond Field Office memo targeting Catholics as terrorists? Director Wray testified that it was only a single field office, doing so. Well, a newly subpoenaed document shows otherwise. It looks like FBI Portland & FBI Los Angeles were also involved."
FBI er ekki ķ stuši meš Guši.
Lakkrķs drepur kannski krabbamein
"A study on mice found the flavonoid isoliquiritigenin (ISL), which is in licorice root, an herb widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, could kill pancreatic cancer cells."
Ekkert krabbamein, en mjög hįr blóšžrżstingur. Win some, lose some.
10.8.2023 | 18:46
Hitler syngur fyrir žig
"The UK has a number of Orwellian hate speech laws.
The mother of the girl, who filmed the ordeal, insisted that the girl was just making an observation, as her grandmother is also a lesbian."
Žaš er hatursoršręša aš eiga lesbķska ömmu.
Ķ tengdum fréttum.
Žetta lķtur śt eins og žetta lķtur śt:
"The Russian Defense Ministry has announced that its front line assault units have "improved their forward positions while conducting offensive actions" in an area bordering Russias Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics, in the northeast.
These successes were announced of the Kupyansk area in the Kharkiv Oblast, and further the military claimed to have repelled seven Ukrainian counter-attacks over the prior 24 hours."
Strķšiš ķ Śkranķu viršist spilast śt eins og tölvuleikurinn Dune 2. Sama taktķk virkar į Śkranķumenn og į tölvu-andstęšinginn.
"Former college tennis star Lilly Kimbell died of a heart attack at 31 after she suddenly collapsed at home and was rushed to the hospital."
7-15 įr eftir.
Meš smį frönskum hreim lķka.
"Musk is in luck after proposing a mixed martial arts cage fight against Zuckerberg on Sunday. However, on Monday, Musk found a way to potentially postpone the fight that would've been live-streamed on "X," formerly known as Twitter, by saying: "Exact date is still in flux. I'm getting an MRI of my neck & upper back tomorrow. May require surgery before the fight can happen. Will know this week.""
Mestur vindurinn er aš fara śr žessu.
And-kommśnķskur frambjóšandi skotinn til bana
"Villavicencio was walking out of a campaign event in Quito on Wednesday evening when a flurry of gunfire, caught on video, ended his life.
The Ecuadorian presidential race was already heavily contested; most recent polls show no clear winner. A recent poll by the firm Click Research found that more than 40 percent of Ecuadorians were undecided on their candidates and no candidate surpassed 25 percent support. Voting is mandatory for all Ecuadorian citizens over the age of 18.
Prior to his candidacy, Villavicencio had worked as a journalist, exposing socialist former President Rafael Correas corruption and accusing him of engaging in shady oil deals with China that hurt the Ecuadorian economy. Correa sentenced Villavicencio to 18 months in prison for insulting him in 2014, which Villavicencio avoided by living with an indigenous Amazonian tribe."
9.8.2023 | 23:43
Mįlm Bśdda
Žessi berst fyrir žvķ sem hśn trśir į. Hatrammlega.
Hśn fékk žaš sem hśn baršist fyrir, og er vanžakklįt. Vanžakklįt!
"A cross-national analysis recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry has found that if current trends persist, over half the world's population will develop a mental illness by the age of 75."
USA fjįrmagnar Talibana... af einhverjum įstęšum
"A report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that was released a week ago found that since the American military left Kabul with 13 U.S. service members killed and with billions of dollars in equipment left behind, money has continued to flow in.
SIGAR released its findings in a report dated July 30 and noted that a significant amount of taxpayers funds had been given to the country since late 2021."
Góšur dķll žetta. Fyrir Talibanana.
Śrkynjun leišir til gjaldžrots.
Brons lķkneski af Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
"Rolling Stones legends Mick Jagger and Keith Richards have been honoured with bronze statues in their home town.
The statues, commissioned by Dartford borough council, show Jagger with a microphone in hand while Richards has his head bent over his 'Micawber' Telecaster guitar."
Žaš er gott aš vera krimmi ķ USA nśna
"Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday revealed over $20 million in payments they claim foreign actors from places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan sent the Biden family and their associates while Joe Biden was vice president.
In one instance, Kazakh oil oligarch Kenes Rakishev wired $142,000 to Hunter Biden's shell corporation to buy a new Porsche (which Hunter bought the next day), before a dinner was set up between the oligarch and Joe Biden, bank records show.
And on March 25, 2014, there were two separate transfers for $2.2 million and $200,000 respectively into the Rosemont Seneca Bohai account, which Hunter and Devon Archer used to receive other personal payments such as those from Burisma. The committee says Hunter then transferred the money into another Rosemont Seneca Bohai account that he and Archer were able to access."
It ain't me, I'm no senator's son.
Žetta er eitthvaš allt annaš.
31.7.2023 | 15:35
Doom Loop
Žaš sem Brazilķu vantar: glępir
"The socialist President of Brazil, Luiz Inįcio Lula da Silva, has overturned all the policies of former President Jair Bolsonaro that eased access to firearms in Brazil and led to a reduction in crime in the country.
Recently, data from the Brazilian Public Security Forum indicated a 2.4% reduction in the number of violent deaths in the country, dropping from 48.4 thousand victims to 47.5 thousand victims."
1000 grafir sem aldrei voru teknar...
"A group of soldiers, reportedly with the backing of the Nigerien presidential guard, appeared on national television in the country on Thursday announcing that they had overthrown democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum and were holding him captive, but unharmed, in his residence. The group identified itself as the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland.
Al Jazeera, reporting from the ECOWAS summit on Sunday, described leaders as actively discussing organizing a military coalition to invade Niger and remove Tchianis conspirators."
Ķ Japan.
"Loops like the one Musk describes happens when businesses and workers no longer occupy a city to the degree they once did. Remote work contributes to this by keeping people away from office. Restaurants and other local businesses close, real estate demand drops, and tax revenues decline. One negative outcome leads to another in a "spiral" fashion to hollow out the city.
This makes it harder for local governments to fund public services and law enforcement. The decline of San Francisco in particular has made it a "case study" of this trend, according to Fox Business."