Moomin daušans

Kķnverar hafa leynilega lķfefnavopnaverksmišju ķ Kalķfornķu

" reports that the discovery was made after a local code enforcement officer noticed this garden hose poking out a back wall of the building.

Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and THOUSANDS of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material.

Additionally they found 900 genetically engineered mice, engineered to catch and carry COVID-19, living in “inhumane” conditions."

Einhver bara fann žetta fyrir slysni.  Ekki CIA, heldur einhver gaur.


Ye į X

"According to the Wall Street Journal, who cited an anonymous source close to the situation, X has been assured that West’s newly restored account will not be used to distribute anti-Semitic rhetoric."



Nigel Farage berst gegn śrkynjun ķ bankakerfinu

"After successfully leading the campaign to see the United Kingdom leave the globalist EU project, Brexit’s Nigel Farage has a new target in his sights; the increasingly woke and authoritarian banking industry.

This month, Mr Farage has engaged in a very public battle with the NatWest banking group over the decision of its subsidiary Coutts to close his account for his views on issues such as Brexit, coronavirus vaccines, the radical LGBT agenda, and his friendships with figures such as President Donald Trump, and finally, the subsequent leaks to the BBC about his personal account details from the now-fired NatWest CEO."

Žaš ętti nįttśrlega aš vera hverjum manni óžolandi aš žurfa aš vera barnanaušgari til žess aš geta notaš bankana.

Sem er reyndar eina mįliš žar sem yfirvöld viršast fara fram meš fordęmi...


GP żjar aš žvķ aš Obama hafi drekkt kokkinum sķnum

"Citizen journalist Travis of Flint, Michigan wrote, “just days after his personal chef and friend died in a very mysterious paddle boarding accident, Barack Obama appears to have injured fingers and a black eye. We still don’t know who the other person was and Obama loves paddle boarding. I think we can all guess what happened at this point!”"

Žaš kemur į daginn nokkru seinn aš žetta er rétt.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Gas

"A children’s book in Canada is pushing kids aged 6-12-years-old to believe that euthanasia is OK."


Óundirbśna fréttasafn dagsins

Žetta er alltaf óundirbśiš.

Ķ Texas

"One alleged truck thief is dead, another wounded in a Texas shootout that also left the vehicle's owner wounded. The dead man's brother audaciously claims "the victim was my brother" -- a sentiment that will find few subscribers in the Lone Star State.  

A 45-year-old man exited the mall along with his female passenger, only to find his Ford truck was missing. Looking around, they spotted the truck in a nearby lot at the same mall -- with the apparent thieves sitting in it. 

The owner approached his truck and -- displaying a pistol -- ordered the 34-year-old male driver and the thief's 25-year-old female passenger to step outside and take a seat on the pavement. Two minutes after police were called, the male suspect drew a pistol from his waistband and shot the truck's owner. 

The owner returned fire, hitting and killing the shooter and critically wounding the shooter's companion. Clarifying the account at a press conference held at the mall, San Antonio police chief William McManus said, "The bad guy is the one dead, yes. The driver of the stolen vehicle is deceased, shot by the owner of the stolen vehicle.""

Sum vandamįl eru aušleyst.  En bara ķ Texas.

Amerķsk poppmenninng er eins og hśn er.

Vķsindamenn nota vķsindin til aš bśa til vandamįl

"Scientists have successfully genetically engineered invasive female fruit flies to reproduce without the need for males."

Žaš sķšasta sem viš žurfum er meindżr sem gengur betur aš fjölga sér.


Noršur Kóreisk flugskeyti notuš til žess aš skjóta eitthvaš annaš en sjóinn

"Ukrainian artillery crews are utilising missiles for the Soviet-era Grad multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) produced in the communist nation of North Korea, according to the Financial Times.

Speaking to the FT, a Ukrainian artillery commander identified as Ruslan said that his troops were not inclined to use the missiles from North Korea, which were likely produced in the 1980s and 1990s, as they are unreliable, with a high dud rate, but said: “We need every rocket we can get.”"

Hljómar gęfulega.

Žetta trans-ęši er gengiš of langt

"A Japanese man, who goes by his dog alter ego “Toco,” took his first public stroll since his $16,000 transformation into a rough collie."

... af hverju?

Žessi fyrirsögn:

"Massive Firebombing in Seattle Possibly Linked to Drug War Between Competing Homeless Camps."

Jśjś, žaš er meira: 

"Homeless camps are now waging war on each other over control of the drug trade. A man from one camp is suspected of going into another and igniting explosive materials, causing a huge fire and almost killing people in the process."



Hmm... sį sem bjó žetta til hefur žį ekki heyrt um La Guerre Estupido? (AKA War of the Triple Alliance, ef einhver hefur internet og įhuga į sögu.)

NASA ķ nįmu-starfsemi ķ geimnum

"It is an exciting mission that will confirm once and for all if an asteroid near Mars has the potential to bring down the world's economy.

Far-fetched as it may seem, scientists say the 16 Psyche space rock could be worth such an unfathomable amount of money that this outcome is not out of the realms of possibility.

That's because some believe it is packed full of precious metals with a value in excess of $10,000 quadrillion."

Einhver... hvaš kom fyrir į Spįni žegar žeir komu meš allt žetta gull frį Nżja Heiminum?

Ekki jafn mikill brandari og viš myndum vilja...

"The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable."

Segir yfir kommśnistinn.

Orkukerfi kanans er ķ vanda vegna Rķkisafskifta

"On Thursday, the largest US power grid operator PJM Interconnection LLC issued a level-one emergency over concerns they would not be able to maintain adequate power reserves as customers deal with scorching temperatures. 

This comes as Federal regulators approved new rules to speed up the process of connecting renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, to the electrical grid, the New York Times reports. It notes that the energy companies have invested billions in renewable energy due to federal incentives but they take a long time to get approval to connect to the power grid."

Yfirvofandi fjör ķ Evrópu

Auka-greišzla vegna Śkranķu

""The Pentagon has authorized additional hazard pay for U.S. troops serving in Ukraine, a defense official confirmed Thursday," according to the publication Military Times. "The bonus, known as imminent danger pay, is offered to troops who serve in areas where they could be harmed by hostile fire or mines, insurrection, civil war or terrorism.""


Stemming ķ Marseilles

"After months on end fighting protests and riots, French police may now become the new source of instability in the country.

During one incident in Marseille, a 21-year-old man named Hedi was beaten by four or five policemen, having also been hit in the head by a blast ball fired by police, and risks losing an eye.

Four policemen were charged last week over the incident, and one of them was remanded in custody ahead of the trial.

That caused the extreme outrage in the police ranks, and many officers in the Marseille region have gone on sick leave or are responding only to emergency calls.

This new crisis has left Macron’s government having to tread a fine line: assuring that policemen are not above the law, while at the same time not alienating the law enforcement agencies ahead of next year’s Olympic Games in Paris."

Žaš er boriš fram Mah-sei

Wagner kemur sér fyrir viš Pólland

"As of now, as much as 11 columns of military vehicles and equipment, most likely belonging to Wagner PMC, have entered Belarus from Russia, and moved to Tsel, near the Polish Border."

Pólverjar bregšast viš

"Poland intends to double the size of its army from three to six divisions in response to the deployment of Wagner troops in Belarus, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced on Friday.

Blaszczak said he had already signed a document increasing the number of active service members in the Polish Army from 172,000 to 300,000, and noted that the government was “consistently implementing this goal.”"

Menn taka žetta alvarlega.

Į mešan, Ķ San Fransisco

"ABC 7 reported police received a call about a “reckless driver” about 4:40 p.m.. After that call, a naked female driver allegedly exited her vehicle with a knife in hand, only to get back into her car and drive on.

She then allegedly exited her vehicle with a gun and shot at other drivers."


Mini van

Žaš vantar mannskap ķ flug

"The aviation industry is short roughly 32,000 commercial pilots, mechanics and air traffic controllers — and the gap widens every year, a CBS News analysis of data from the FAA, U.S. Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Labor shows."

Hvaš veldur?  Enginn segir.

1 af 35 fęr hjartagalla

"A new study from the European Journal of Heart Failure found that 1 in 35 people showed signs of heart damage after taking the Moderna COVID19 vaccine.

The study concluded that mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was more common than previously thought, being mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men."

Ekki reišast mér.

Hunter Biden fyrir rétti

"Details of Hunter Biden’s collapsed plea deal were released and it is much worse than what is being reported by the liars in the mainstream media.

On Wednesday Delaware Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected the shameless sweetheart plea deal for Hunter Biden.

Hunter was only charged with two misdemeanors related to tax fraud and he will avoid prison time on a felony gun charge."

Annar krimmi sleppur vegna tękni-galla

"Federal prosecutors on Thursday dropped another charge against FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

The feds dropped a campaign finance charge against the crypto scammer and Democrat donor due to a ‘procedural failing.’

Sam Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old Democrat darling, spent more than $40 million to fund the midterms with his Ponzi scheme through the crypto exchange he founded (FTX)."

Ef ég geri eitthvaš af mér ķ USA, žį veit ég aš ég žarf lögfręšinginn sem žessi gaur hefur.


Trannar alltaf viš sama heygaršshorniš

"Pro-transgender activists reportedly threatened to “dismember” a California school board president and to kill her children and pets in retaliation for a policy requiring schools to notify parents if children want to change genders."

Žegar fólk fyllist löngun til žess aš skera undan börnum, žį fylgja allir mögulegir ofbeldistendensar meš ķ žeim pakka.


Ef žś glottir eša rśllar augunum ertu gamall.


Skošum fréttir af fasista-įróšursveitunum

Efst į lista ķ dag:

"Vešurfar į Ķslandi og ķ Noršur-Evrópu gęti fariš kólnandi į nęstu įrum..."

Aha... og žaš gęti hlżnaš, og žaš gęti fariš aš rigna.

Hestamennska hefur hlišar sem sem fįir spį ķ

"Dżraverndarsamband Ķslands krefst žess aš blóštaka śr fylfullum hryssum verši stöšvuš. Sambandiš hafi upplżsingar um aš hiš minnsta fjórtįn hryssur hafi drepist viš blóštöku ķ fyrra en Matvęlastofnun hafi ašeins fengiš tilkynningar um įtta.

Sambandiš hafi einnig fengiš įbendingu um aš hryssa hafi óvart veriš stungin ķ gegnum barka af óreyndum dżralękni.

Dżraverndarsambandiš segir ķ tilkynningu į vef sķnum aš MAST hafi borist įtta tilkynningar um aš hryssur hafi drepist ķ tengslum viš blóštöku..."

Žetta vekur allskyns spurningar, sem er ekki svaraš ķ žessum stutta pistli.  Td:

1: Hvers vegna er žetta gert?
2: hver er ašferšafręšin ķ žessu?
3: žarna stendur "ķ tengzlum viš," getum viš skiliš žaš eins og "dó meš Kóvid?"

Finnst ég vita minna en įšur.

Eldgos eru dularfull og sjaldgęf

"Loftmengun getur borist af eldgosinu meš litlum fyrirvara."

Uhm... ég hélt hśn dęldist śt stanslaust.  Var žannig ķ hin skiftin.

"Mikilvęgt er aš hafa ķ huga aš gossvęšiš er hęttulegt svęši žar sem ašstęšur geta breyst skyndilega." 

Įlit vistmanna RŚV į almenningi śtskżrt meš žessu youtube vķdjói:

Ég žarf aš prófa žessa kenningu

"Algengasta įstęša eldsvoša ķ endurvinnslustöšvum er aš rafhlöšur eša raftęki eru sett ķ almennt sorp, aš sögn forstjóra."


Žaš er žekkt aš žaš kvikni ķ olķublautum tuskum, bara sķsona.  En batterķ, sem eru bara žarna, ekki tengd viš neitt?  Sżniš mér žaš.  Hringiš ķ Mythbusters, žetta er merkileg kenning.

Necrófóbķskar ideasjónir į Vķ

"Karlmašur į fimmtugsaldri hefur veriš fundinn sekur um aš hafa snert lķk hinnar sextįn įra Amber Gibson į óvišeigandi hįtt, eftir aš hann kom aš žvķ..."

Hęttulega nįlęgt žvķ aš móšga allt LGBTQ+ fólkiš eins og žaš leggur sig.  Ég tek ofan hattinn fyrir fréttamanni fyrir aš žora žessu, svona umkringdur Woke liši eins og hann er, starfandi į Vķsi.

Menn reyna aš hindra ChatGTP ķ aš vera meš necrófóbķsk ummęli

"Lįgt launašir verktakar ChatGPT segja žaš reyna verulega į sįlartetriš aš sķa višbjóšinn śr tungumįlalķkani spjallžjarkans ChatGPT."

Įgętt svosem aš vita hvar ķ launaskalanum menn eru...

En ég hélt aš ChatGTP gęfi nišurstöšu strax, en ekki eftir rękilega ritskošun einhverra manna śti ķ bę.

"Starfsfólkiš žarf ķtrekaš aš lesa lżsingar į kynferšisofbeldi, barnanķš, sjįlfsvķg og rasisma, svo eitthvaš sé nefnt." (sic.)

Beygingar eru ekki sterkasta hliš manna.  Hvašum žaš...

Menn gerast sekir um morš, naušganir, ķkveikjur, og aš hrękja į götuna.

"Žar sem fólk getur veriš misalmennilegt žarf aš sķa žaš versta sem žaš lętur frį sér į netinu śr tungumįlalķkani OpenAI, svo spjallžjarkinn hagi sér ekki ķtrekaš eins og rasisti eša annarskonar drullusokkur."


Žegar bśiš er aš sótthreinsa forritiš svona, žį fellur žaš nįttśrlega į Turing prófinu hrašar en starfsmenn ķ tollskošun póstsins.

"Ķ frétt Wall Street Journal segir aš fólkiš žurfi aš lesa og sķa śr kerfinu texta eins og lżsingar į ofbeldi, naušgunum, barnanķš, dżranķš og öšru."

Lausn: fį fólk ķ vinnu sem er ekki jafn LGBTQ+ fóbķskt.  Žaš eru alveg rendur į LGBTQ fįnanum fyrir dżrarišla, barnanaušgara og "annaš."  Ég held aš Sigurgeir hafi sķna eigin rönd.

"...fyrirtękiš Sama, sem réši fólkiš fyrir OpenAI, hafi notaš sér fįtękt fólksins og holur į lögum Kenķa. Fólkiš fékk į milli 1,46 dala og 3,74 dala į klukkustund."

Žetta segir mér ekkert.  Hver eru mešallaun ķ Kenķa?


"Jón Gušlaugsson, slökkvilišsstjóri Brunavarna Sušurnesja, segir aš bķlar, hjólhżsi og mikiš magn timburs hafi aukiš brunaįlag ķ elsvošanum."


Endum žetta žar sem viš byrjušum:

"Hug­takiš Golf­straum­ur­inn hef­ur tekiš yfir nįn­ast alla hringrįs ķ Noršur-Atlants­hafi,"

... ha?  Hefur Golfstraumurinn gert hvaš nśna?

„Ef mašur not­ar bara oršiš Golf­straum­ur fyr­ir žetta strauma­kerfi žį er hann eft­ir sem įšur klof­inn ķ nokkra žętti, žar er lį­rétti žįtt­ur­inn mik­il­vęg­ast­ur, sem eru žess­ir venju­legu haf­straum­ar sem viš žekkj­um, og svo lóšrétti žįtt­ur­inn og žaš er hann sem hef­ur stund­um veriš kallašur velti­hringrįs, eša AMOC į ensku,“ seg­ir Hall­dór.


Clear as mud.

Žetta er eitthvaš "Day after tomorrow" sci-fi bullshit.



Hvernig mun rķkiš eyšileggja žetta fyrir žér?

Žaš er augljóst aš menn skilja ekki vinstrisinna.  Meira aš segja skynsamir menn eins og hann Jón hérna eru ekki alveg meš žį menn į hreinu:

"Svokallašir vinstri flokkar, sem kenna sig viš almannahagsmuni,  hafa į nokkrum įrum skipt algerlega um įherslur."

Visntri flokkarnir eru ekki "svokallašir," žeir eru sannarlega vinstri-flokkar.  Reyndar fę ég eki betur séš en į žingi séu eingöngu vinstri flokkar.  Allt frį fasisma til kommśnisma.  Enginn miš-vinstri, eša miš-flokkur.  Hvaša Lenķn velur žś?

En hvaš um žaš, skošum nįnar:

"Barįtta meintra verkalżšsflokka, nżja vinstrisins snżst ekki um kaup og kjör heldur aš troša hęlisleitendum inn ķ landiš į kostnaš skattgreišenda."

Vinstrimenn hafa alltaf leitast viš aš draga śr framleišni, til dęmis meš verkföllum, sem žeir bera viš aš séu til žess aš nį fram hęrri launum.

Betri ašferš til žess vęri aukiš frelsi til žess aš stofna fyrirtęki, sem myndu žį valda samkeppni um starfsfólk.

Ķ staš žess eru settar į allskyns reglugeršir og skattar og gjöld, sem hindra slķkan vöxt, og višhalda fįkeppni milli atvinnurekenda.

Žaš er miklu aušveldara fyrir rķkiš og verkalżšsfélögin aš rįšskast meš 1 įlver og 1 śtgeršarfélag en 200 smį fyrirtęki.

Eins vęri mjög gott fyrir hagkerfiš aš fólk fengi meira śtborgaš, en rķkiš dregur śr žvķ meš žvķ aš taka hęrri skatt, og sóar svo öllu žvķ fé ķ eitthvašs em engum nżtist, eins og hęlisleitendur.

Ef svo hęlisleitendurnir fį žį hugmynd aš vinna, žį hentar žaš vel til žess aš lękka kaup verkalżšsins, meš žvķ aš auka samkepnu um vinnu, ķ stašinn fyir aš auka samkeppni um starfsmenn, sem myndi hękka launin.

Ef launin lękka nóg žarf fólk svo bętur, sem rķkiš er til ķ aš veita, žvķ žaš gerir fólk hįš rķkinu.

Mjög vinstri.

Svo er snišugt fyrir rķkiš aš senda peninga til śtlanda, žvķ žį nżtast žeir ekki ķ neina uppbyggingu hér heima, žvķ žaš gęti valdiš žvķ sem aukaverkun aš einhver einkaašili ótengdur rķkinu hefši eitthvaš uppśr žvķ.  En ķ śtlöndum er sko enginn einkaašili sem skiftir rķkiš neinu mįli.

Ideališ er aš rķkiš skuldi pening, žvķ žį fer allt skattfé ķ vexti, svo ekkert veršur śr žvķ, og rķkiš er žar meš oršiš kęfandi ęxli į alžżšunni.  

"Kolefnisjöfnun meš hękkun skatta og veršlags og koma ķ veg fyrir möguleika  vinnandi fólks til aš feršast."

Aftur, fullkomiš  dęmi um leftisma:



Lesiš og skiljiš.  Sķšasta setningin segir žetta best.

Innanlandsflug var smįm saman drepiš meš sköttum.  Einu sinni var flogiš ķ hvert krummaskuš.  Žį var fólk meš lęgri tekjur almennt en nś.  Žaš eina sem breyttist var skattheimtan.

"Gęluverkefni vinstra fólksins er aš banna aršskapandi atvinnu ef hśn er žeim ekki aš skapi eins og hvalveišar og strandveišar."

Öll aršskapandi atvinna er žorn ķ sķšu vinstrimanna.  Hefur alltaf veriš. Allir eiga bara aš vinna fyrir rķkiš.

Įstęša žess aš Jóhannes ķ Bónus varš rikur, er sś aš rķkiš hélt aš žaš vęri ómögulegt aš verša rķkur į smįsölu.  Žess vegna skiftu žeir sér ekki af honum.  Svo žegar hann varš aušugur į žvķ, žį var žaš of seint, hann var kominn meš ķtök ķ śtlöndum.

Sama meš CCP og Össur.  Rķkiš gerši sér ekki grein fyrir žvķ aš žetta vęri stórgróša bisness, og žegar žaš kom į daginn, žį voru žessi fyrirtęki oršin stęrri śti en hér heima, og žess vegna ómögulegt aš setja žau į hausinn.

Lögin, gjöldin og reglugerširnar eru alveg brįšnaušsynlega til žess aš drepa nišur atvinulķfiš.

"Fjöldi alžżšumanna er sviptur lķfsvišurvęri en žaš skiptir nż-vinstriš engu mįli og transhyggja hinna örfįu og kynręna sjįlfręšiš er aš žeirra mati ašalatriši įsamt žvķ aš skipta um žjóš ķ landinu."

Kynręna sjįlfręšiš žjónar žeim tilgangi aš svifta foreldra yfirrįšum yfir börnum sķnum, og skera svo undan žeim eša veita barnanaušgurum ašgang aš žeim.  Žaš žarf ekki lengur aš reiša sig į aš börn séu munašarlaus til žess aš senda žau ķ naušgunarbśšir žegar svo er komiš.  (Breišavķk... og aš žvķ er viršist öll munašarleysingjahęli ęį landinu.  Börn hafa alla tiš veriš einskins virši ķ augum sósķalsins.)

Žetta er bara hluti af algerri vanviršingu viš lķf einstaklinga sem er innbyggš ķ vinstriš, ķ sósķalismann.

Žeirra trś er aš fólk sé eign rķkisins, til aš fara meš hvernig sem hęgt er.

Žaš aš fólk eigi sig sjįlft er trśvilla ķ augum félagshyggjumanna.

Vinstriš gengur śt į völd, sem eiga aš safnast į sem fęsta, allir nema elķtan eiga bara aš vera žręlar sem vinna aš hag elķtunnar.

Bśiš ķ hylkinu og boršiš pöddurnar.



Hann hefši įtt aš nota žetta.

Allt er nś til

"Taiwanese-American influencer Fan-Pei Koung traveled from her native Houston to the front lines of the Ukraine conflict to offer her services as an emotional support stripper,"


Mér er sagt aš žeir hafi dįiš śt įriš 2012, svo vel af sér vikiš, ķsbirnir.

Žaš stendur ekki steinn yfir steini...

"Using observational methods, Arbel et al. (Dec. 23, 2021, issue)' calculated an adjusted 90% lower mortality due to Covid-19 among participants who received a first BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) booster than among those who did not receive a booster. They found 65 Covid-19-associated deaths (reported as 0.16 per 100,000 persons per day) among participants in the booster group and 137 (reported as 2.98 per 100,000 persons per day) among those in the nonbooster group - a 94.6% difference.

The mortality not related to Covid-19 was calculated as (441/65)×0.16=1.09 per 100,000 persons per day in the booster group as compared with (963/137)×2.98=20.95 per 100,000 persons per day in the nonbooster group. This corresponds to a 94.8% lower mortality not related to Covid-19 among participants in the booster group and indicates a markedly lower incidence of adverse health outcomes in the booster group."

... Fyrir žį sem nįšu žessu ekki:


Meira af svipušu:

"We were looking for data like this, and we found it in the UK Personal Independence [Payment] (PIP) system,” announced former Blackrock portfolio asset manager Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) on the Dr. Drew show. “We need the help of the medical community and the regulators to explain what’s going on because it’s alarming.

And you can see, if you look at this chart, [increased claims in] different body systems started off slowly in 2020, picked up speed in 21, and just exploded in 2022. So something is going on that is detrimental to the population of the UK..."

Viš vitum alveg hvaš žetta er.  Žaš mį bara ekki tala um žaš.

Hugsanlega tengt:

Fiskarnir eru aš drukkna

"The grandmother, who had just been arrested during a demonstration in London, said in a video put out by the group of eco-zealots that she had only joined in as a result of her grandson’s fishes dying."

Heimurinn hefur breyzt ķ Monty Python žįtt.  Ég ętla aš vona aš enginn sem les žetta hafi gefiš śr sér lifrina.


Ķ dag fann ég žetta


Skošiš žetta bara.  Snišugt, ha?

Varlega oršaš, aš vanda.

Žiš hafiš į milli ~5 og 13 įr eftir af žessari vitleysu.  Ég er aš bķša eftir gögnum um krabbamein, sem ég hef įstęšu til aš ętla aš verši vandamįl.

Sama mįl.

"Cases of myocarditis soared among U.S. service members in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, a top Pentagon official has confirmed.

There were 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021—a 151 percent spike from the annual average from 2016 to 2020, according to Gilbert Cisneros Jr., undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, who confirmed data revealed by a whistleblower earlier this year."


Į mešan var veriš aš falsa fréttirnar

"Buried in the 17th paragraph of a newsletter titled "A Positive COVID Milestone" by David Leonhardt, a former Washington bureau chief for the outlet wrote: “The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had [the] virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other CDC data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.”"


Ķ tengdum fréttum:

"Published in the journal PNAS Nexus, researchers assessed how many U.S. deaths would have been avoided each year from 1933 through 2021 if U.S. age-specific mortality rates had equaled the average of 21 comparable wealthy nations.

Using mortality data from the Human Mortality Database and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, results showed the U.S. had mortality rates lower than peer countries in the 1930s-1950s, similar mortality rates in the 1960s and 1970s, and experienced a steady rise in the number of “missing Americans” in the 1980s."

Offita og eiturlyf?


Skattborgaraflótti orsakar rekstrarvanda

"New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli (D) discussed the state’s projected $36 billion budget shortfall over three years and stated that taxpayers leaving the state is part of the issue along with the fact that the economy is slowing down."

Hvernig hyggst hann fęla fleiri ķ burtu?

Spaugari hrekkir hryšjuverkasamtök

"The divisive climate activism group held an event in London to 'step back, grieve for what will die and disappear but also to celebrate what we have achieved', offering campaign updates, stories from people 'in resistance', plant based food and music.

But the banquet was thrown off course when 'Just Stop P***ing Everyone Off' protestors crashed the event with deafening 'personal safety alarms'."

Grasrótarsamtök rįšast į Astro-Turf samtök.



"Elon Musk has announced he is rebranding Twitter effective immediately - changing the site's name to 'X' and the platform's iconic blue bird logo to the letter as well."


Allir eru aš tala um žessa kvikmynd nśna.  Skošum hvaš żmsir peyjar į youtube hafa aš segja:

Žessi bendir į aš žetta er ekkert of dżr kvikmynd.  Viršist lķša fyrir aš vera sannsöguleg.

Žessi er bara įnęgšur aš sjį eitthvaš sem er ekki ofurhetjukvikmynd, frmahald, eša frmahald af ofurhetjukvikmynd.

Žessi ręšir um hvernig žessi kvikmynd gęti veriš aš fara ķ taugarnar į Hollywood elķtunni į nokkra mismunandi vegu.

Ég veit ekki meir.


I don't want to set the world on fire...

Bara sķšasta vika fyrir Hunter Biden

"1. In 2014, Burisma Holdings hired Hunter Biden to influence his father, VP Joe Biden, in handling Ukraine's chief prosecutor investigating the company for corruption. Joe Biden successfully had the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees.

2. Burisma informed the FBI informant that the Biden bribe money had illicit intentions or was part of a criminal scheme.

3. Burisma's CEO believed he was "coerced" to hire Hunter Biden and considered it a package deal involving VP Joe Biden's assistance. The total payment required was $10 million.

"Back in 2019, I got to interview Victor Shokin. And he was completely unaware of what the FBI was saying, but here's what he told me. When President Poroshenko came to him, he said Joe Biden wants me to fire you. I don't really have a reason, but I'm going to have to do it.

He's upset that you won't stop investigating Burisma. Just think about that. That was mocked at the time, but now the FBI was being told something exactly the same and it wasn't getting it from Shokin, but it was getting it from the owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, and his top lieutenant.

This was in the Fall of 2019 before the impeachment of Donald Trump. Keep in mind Donald Trump got impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate the things that the FBI now should have investigated. It's pretty remarkable."  

4. The FBI informant confirmed that Burisma officials referred to Joe Biden as the "Big Guy," supporting claims later made by Tony Bobulinski in 2020.

5. Burisma was concerned that the corruption probe into the company by Prosecutor Shokin would jeopardize their plans to acquire a US oil and gas firm and go public in America.

6. Burisma's CEO and top official, Vadym Pozharskyi, acknowledged Hunter Biden's lack of experience in the energy sector and were not impressed by his work, saying that he "was not smart."

7. Burisma's CEO boasted that tracking the $10 million payment to the Bidens would be extremely difficult and could take up to ten years to find the records."

Ef žetta vęri einhver annar, vęri hann kominn ķ rafmagnsstólinn, ogętti aš vera žar ķ nokkur įr. 

ATF er sama um eistun į sér

"The ATF agent appears to be at an indoor range in Austin. The agent is on the wrong side of a loading table while he loads a magazine for a Nazi MP 40 submachine gun. You will notice that the sub-gun is pointed at the agent's testicles."

ATF.  Pro-trans alla leiš.

Fyrir lengra komna.

App sem hjįlpar žér til aš foršast aš fjįrmagna śrkynjuš fyrirtęki

"Veebs is a free app available in the App Store.... The app allows users to scan store items to check if the brand supports woke values or is owned or run by bleeding-heart leftists."

Spęnskir fasistar hręddir viš hęgri öfgamenn

"Spaniards will head to the polls on Sunday for a snap election that was called early by socialist Minister Pedro Sįnchez after his Socialist Workers’ Party suffered an embarrassing defeat in the local elections in May."

Sósķalķski verkamannaflokkurinn er hręddur.  Hahahaha!

"For VOX to be branded as “far-right” perhaps demonstrates how far left the Overton Window has shifted in Western society on issues of immigration, climate change, and gender. Understood through this lens it is not surprising that populist parties on the right are picking up steam across Europe, even in traditionally liberal countries such as Finland and Sweden."

Fasistar verša bara aš sętta sig viš aš žaš vilja ekki allir bśa ķ dystópiu žar sem ekkert mį, og yfirvöld vilja naušga börnunum ykkar og skera svo kynfęrin af žeim.

Žś veršur bara tala

"Alex Blania's company, Worldcoin, has the unbelievably dystopian goal of literally scanning the eyeballs of every human being on Earth in order to create some "Worldcoin ecosystem" involving a global crypto economy. And he's got big backing."

Ekki fara aš skoša Tal Megiddo žennan įratug.

Žegar gervigeindin umgengst venjulegt fólk of lengi...

Ted Nugent hafši rétt fyrir sér žį lķka

"The opportunity to speak to the people that went ahead and got the jab. I speak their language. I would speak to them vastly. ‘Meeeh, Meeeh, Meeeh, Meeeh.’ They understand that."

Ted Nugent talar tungumįl normķsanna

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