10.7.2023 | 22:36
Starship Troopers.
Þetta minnir mig á svolítið: Starship Troopers.
Þessi rauðhærða dama þarna er komin á sama mál og Heinlein, sem hann útskýrir vel í þeirri bók. Það er akkúrat þetta sem hann var að segja: þú verður að vera til í að lifa með ákvörðunum þínum, þú getur ekki ætlast til þess að aðrir geri það, en þú ekki. Þú verður að geta borið ábyrgð, og vilja það.
Kvikmyndin er nokkuð öðruvísi:
Ég mæli með bókinni, hún er góð, en mjög öðruvísi en kvikmyndin.
Bókin og kvikmyndin borin saman, af manni sem veit ekki hvað orðið "fasisti" þýðir. Verhoeven veit það svosem ekki heldur.
Ég er ekki viss um að það sé eitthvað brilljant hugmynd að gera kvikmynd uppúr þessari bók sem er mjög trú innihaldinu. Pólitíkin er mjög þétt í henni.
En hvað um það: hún gerist í heimi sem er mjög langt frá því að vera fasískur, menn eiga eignir, og fá að vera í friði með þær, og menn geta gengið í herinn ef þeir kæra sig um það.
Málið er að til þess að fá kosningarétt verða menn að sýna frammá að þeir séu tilbúnir til þess að deyja fyrir það sem þeir kjösa yfir sig. Nokkuð sem ég efast mjög um að hinn almenni kjósandi á vesturlöndum kæri sig um.
Allir vilja fá að stjórna, en enginn vill bera ábyrgð. Og það sem verra er: fólk sem getur ekki einu sinni borið ábyrgð fer með völd.
Sem veldur því að samanborið við Starship Troopers er veruleikinn dystópísk trúðaveröld.
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9.7.2023 | 18:58
Fréttir líðandi stundar
"The pedo-loving propagandists at the once-great Rolling Stone are at it again, this time seemingly defending child traffickers with a scathing review of Jim Caviezel's anti-child-trafficking film, Sound of Freedom - which they described as a "QAnon-tinged thriller about child-trafficking" which is "designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy-addled boomer.""
Maður spyr sig...
"The riots that recently swept across France were a result of failures of migration policy according to six in ten in the country, despite attempts by the political establishment to gloss over the role of mass migration in the social breakdown in France."
Hluti sem þau mega ekki hugsa, skilst mér. Því það er byggt á veruleikanum, sem er tabú núna.
""Why do millions of Muslims immigrate to France if it's racist?"
"They colonized us for 132 years, and now it's our turn to come here ... They colonized us for 132 years and now we will colonize them for life, until death, until the end of time.""
"The Decree Against Communism was a 1949 Catholic Church document issued by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, and approved by Pope Pius XII, which declared Catholics who professed communist doctrine to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith."
Það er bara hægt að aðhyllast ein trúarbrögð í einu.
Pólverjar passa sig á Hvít-Rússum
"Poland will deploy hundreds of soldiers and vehicles to the border with Belarus, its military has said, stressing the need to prevent attempts to destabilize the region. Minsk has levied similar allegations against Warsaw, claiming Belarusian coup-plotters are being trained on Polish soil."
En að öðru:
7.7.2023 | 22:25
Flónskan dælist yfir okkur að ofan
Sennilega best smíðaði hluturinn líka.
"Dr. Gal Luft, the Israeli whistleblower who has been on the run since April, detailed his bribery allegations against the Biden family in an extraordinary new video obtained by the New York Post.
Luft said he was forced to skip bail in Cyprus while awaiting extradition "because I did not have faith I would receive a fair trial in a New York court.""
"The parent company for the left-wing colonialists known as Ben & Jerrys has lost $2 billion in market cap after the colonialists hypocritically smeared America on the Fourth of July.
Well, this $2 billion with a B loss just might have something to do with Ben & Jerrys publishing an anti-American tweet on July 4 demanding America return all its land to the Indians. Ben & Jerrys demanded we start with the immediate return of Mount Rushmore to the Sioux."
Öðlist úrkynjun, verðið gjaldþrota.
Margir bretar vilja geta fylgst með eigin eyðzlu
"The GB News Don't Kill Cash petition has now reached 150,000 signatures following its launch on Monday, as the Peoples Channel fights to protect vulnerable Britons who rely on cash.
The general secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers said: "It becomes more and more difficult for those on low budgets, for instance, who use cash as a means of controlling their weekly and monthly spend."
Satan tekur ekki reiðufé. Flettið því upp ef þið trúið mér ekki.
Plágur herja á NY
en að allt öðru:
6.7.2023 | 22:16
Ríkinu er best treystandi til þess að myrða þig
Lögregan tilbúin að skjóta skyrsölumann
"Þórgnýr Thoroddsen, fyrrum borgarfulltrúi Pírata, er einn þeirra sem er ósáttur við vígbúnaðinn. Hann birti neðangreinda mynd á Facebook-síðu sinni nú fyrir stundu, þar sjá má vopnaðan lögreglumann kaupa sér nesti, og spyr hvort að ekki sé hægt að sammælast um það að laganna verðir séu ekki með byssur á sér við slík erindi."
Lögreglan þarf á hverri stundu að vera við því búin að myrða alla í Nettó.
Þórgnýr er ekki einn um að efast um vitið í því að siga vopnaðri lögreglu á óvopnaðan almenning.
Fólk er heimskt og gleymið.
"Lögreglan á Suðurnesjum var kölluð út í Reykjanesbæ í kvöld þegar grunur lék á því að vopnaður maður væri á ferð í bænum."
Sami maður?
Hvað eru yfirvöld að makka?
Talandi um ríkisstarfsmenn að myrða fólk...
"President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and members of the first family arrived back at a White House mired in controversy on Tuesday after cocaine found by Secret Service agents sparked an evacuation and Hazmat situation."
Auðvitað á Hunter þetta.
Annar óður tranni að myrða fólk
"Gunman arrested for Philadelphia mass shooting that left 5 dead is BLM activist who wore women's clothes: sources https://nypost.com/2023/07/04/kimbrady-carriker-ided-as-philadelphia-gunman-accused-of-killing-5/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nypost_sitebuttons via @nypost"
4.7.2023 | 23:17
Gamalt og nýtt
Góð? Það veit ég ekki. Lesið sjálf.
Þessi les fyrir ykkur.
Þetta er klassískt listaverk:
Annar hluti.
Twin Clones of Hitler!
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
4.7.2023 | 00:05
Búinn að skoða heiminn, nú er að soða fyrirsagnir:
Macron vill ekki að fólk sjái neinar fréttir
"French President Emmanuel Macron appears to have figured it all out its social media and video games that are to blame for the ongoing riots in France!
One cannot help but raise an eyebrow as President Macron pleads with social media giants to erase the most sensitive content pertaining to the rioting."
Ævintýri kommúnista eru fleiri
"In the video, an armless Trudeau hovers in front of a green screen as he goes over a number of benefits and rebates offered by the federal government this month to "make life more affordable" for Canadians suffering under the Liberal Party's policies."
Alltaf jákvætt þegar mönnum gengur vel.
Bretar hafa búið til vandamál handa sér
"The study from the Tony Blair Institute found the policing model was 'broken' amid shifting demands on under-performing forces and a poor charge rate of just 6 per cent.
It found 44 per cent of women who witnessed or had been a victim of crime did not report it. The main reason was because they did not see the point or felt the police would not take it seriously."
"According to the sources, Indias biggest buyer of Russian crude, Indian Oil Corp, became the first state refiner to pay for some Russian purchases in yuan last month. At least two of Indias three private refiners are also paying for some Russian imports in yuan, two other sources claimed."
Þessi lifir enn
16.6.2023 | 13:58
Ekki fara uppí bíl með neinum frá Selfossi
Þegar menn þurfa að nota apabólu-sprauturnar:
"This move came after allegations surfaced that he was caught on a trail camera engaging in sexual acts with his dog in a parking lot near Rothrock State Forest in Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
Themis Matsoukas was charged Monday with open lewdness, indecent exposure, sexual intercourse with an animal, cruelty to animals, and disorderly conduct, according to a report by Fox 43."
Normal á flugkaffi. Og á Belgíska þinginu. Og í WHO.
Þessu tengt: þessu gaur í útvarpinu er alltaf að halda því fram að til þess að hafa loðna teninga hangandi í baksýnisspeglinum, þá þurfir þú fyrst að eðla þig í bílnum.
Ég held að þetta sé bull, bara einhver sér-Selfyssk vitleysa, jafnvel bara bundið við vinahóp þessa ágæta útvarpsmanns.
Ég byggi það á því að annars hefðu hinir klámfengnu dýrariðlar á flugkaffi stanslaust tönnlast á þessu, milli erótískra spuna-sagna sinna um fótboltamenn og nagdýr.
Hvað segja Selfyssku perrarnir þá um þessi jólatré sem sumir hengja í baksýnisspegilinn? Hvaða annarlegu merkingu hefur það skraut? Í hans vinahóp þá? Allt þetta drasl hlýtur að hafa sína merkingu.
Þarf að spurja að þessu ef ég hitti kauða.
"...Fox News, is encourging employees to celebrate Pride month and all things LGBTQIA+, by giving money to groups that encourage sex changes for minors, reading books by trans activists including books about children changing gender, gay erotica, and sharing children books about gender transition with their children, and to attend activist Pride events."
Það þurfti alltaf að passa að Sigurgeir og rafvirkjarnir tækju ekki train á kaffivélina. Þeim fannst hún svo sexý.
Unabomber hafði rétt fyrir sér
"Amazon Brazenly Locks Man Out of His Smart Home After False Allegation in Latest Big Brother Tech Move
Jacksons story has gone somewhat viral, with news outlets as far away as the U.K.s Daily Mail writing about it. Repair guru Louis Rossmann featured the story on his YouTube channel, which has 1.8 million subscribers, and it garnered more than 827,000 views within two days.
Regardless of their race, religion, beliefs, if you paid for it you should OWN it."
Eins og Unabomber skrifaði: "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries."
Tranni fer í djeilið fyrir að myrða lesbíur
"On Wednesday, convicted murderer and transgender activist Dana Rivers, 68, was sentenced to multiple terms of "25 years to life" in prison for the 2016 murder of a lesbian couple and their teenage son after his motion for a retrial was denied.
Rivers was convicted last year of shooting the victims in their Oakland home and stabbing one of them 47 times before setting fire to their garage on his way out."
Svo smár hluti af þýðinu, svo margri morðingjar í hópnum.
Nýsjálendingar njóta góðs af eigin heimsku
"The final numbers for the first quarter were a considerable disappointment, as the New Zealand Reserve Bank had anticipated 0.3 percent growth, not a 0.1 percent contraction, and the Treasury Department predicted a recession would be avoided altogether.
Kiwibank chief economist Jarrod Kerr told RNZ the outlook for the rest of 2023 remains awkward, to put it politely, with further contractions possible all the way into early 2024.
Kerr and other economists pointed to inflation and rising interest rates as the major long-term threats, as consumers reduce spending and businesses pull back on investment."
Leiðtogar hins vestræna heims hafa verið að sniffa lím í æsku.
"By failing internally, Western elites have actively fed the weeds that have taken root in the soil of 70 years of prosperity, satiation and peace. These comprise of anti-human ideologies: the denial of family, homeland, history, love between men and women, faith, service to higher ideals, everything that is human. Their philosophy is to weed out those who resist. The aim is to neuter people in order to reduce their ability to resist modern globalist capitalism, which is becoming more and more obviously unjust and harmful to man and humanity."
Verið að channela Unabomber þarna.
Stóru spurningarnar.
"Russia is set to create a new psychiatric institute dedicated to studying, among other things, the behavior of LGBTQ people..."
Rússar með allar fóbísku ídeasjónirnar.
15.6.2023 | 22:08
Hinn uggvænlegi matur
15.6.2023 | 17:34
Engu tengt
Merkileg japönsk matreiðzlubók.
Langloka. Maður veit alltaf að bókin er alveg ferleg ef þeir tala lengi um hana. Það er fátt hægt að segja um góð verk, virðist vera.
30ies Sci-fi, fyrir þá sem hafa áhuga.
Undarlegt verk, þetta.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.6.2023 | 16:27
Kommúnistar hindra framgang kommúnisma
Kommúnistar þvælast fyrir kommúnisma
"Katrín Jakobsdóttir forsætisráðherra segir það hafa legið fyrir að Vinstri græn teldu að auknar valdheimildir og breytt hlutverk lögreglu kölluðu á aukið eftirlit.
Þá væru vonbrigði að frumvarp um breytingar á lögreglulögum fær ekki í gegn á vorþingi.
Píratar á Alþingi sem líta á þetta með öðrum augum en mörg okkar hinna, segir Jón."
Píratar bjarga okkur frá einni vitleysu.
Munirinn á stefnu pírata og Jóns Komma, er í grunninn þessi:
Jón vill að lögreglan saki þig um hryðjuverk og skjóti þig í hausinn, og setji svo börnin þín í fóstur, þar sem þeim verður óhjákvæmilega nauðgað af þartilgerðum embættismönnum.
Píratar vilja að íslamskir öfgamenn nauðgi börnunum þínum og skeri þig á háls, ekki nauðsynlega í þeirri röð.
Sumir myndu segja að munurinn þar á sé einungis útlitslegur, en Jón, Kata og Píratar munu halda öðru fram út í rauðan dauðann.
Eitthvað bakslag að hlaupa í forréttindabaráttu samkynhneigðra
"Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in the Boston suburb town Burlington, Massachusetts revolted against the schools Pride month spirit day indoctrination on Friday June 2, glaring at teachers, tearing down posters and chanting U.S.A. are my pronouns! while wearing red, white and blue clothing and face paint. The protest was reported to be in part a response to the school ignoring Memorial Day two weeks ago while going all in on LGBTQI+ indoctrination."
"Biden has spoken at length about "trans kids." He talks about how important it is to provide "gender affirming care" for kids, obfuscating that what that really means is giving kids drugs to stunt their growth, giving teens cross-sex hormones, giving teen girls double mastectomies, and bringing teens to the brink of adulthood where the primary options for continued care result in sterilization and the loss of sexual function.
"You are the government," Musk responded. "They are NOT your kids.""
"Maryland Dem grovels after saying Muslim kids against LGBTQ+ lessons aligned with White supremacists"
"A trans Antifa group has announced plans to target a protest in Washington state on Saturday. The protest is in response to a recent Seattle court ruling that forced a Christian, Korean, female-only spa to allow men access to the facility and to be permitted to bathe nude with women whether those women like it or not.
Twitter user @ri0tdad posted information about the counterprotest, directing Antifa comrades to mask up, come equipped with umbrellas, and to carry out acts of violence and intimidation against the female group standing up for women's rights."
Tengt? Líklega.
Kommúnistar plotta uppreisn í Ísrael
"On Sunday night, conservative Channel 14 correspondent Motti Kastel revealed messages from a secret WhatsApp group whose members are the founders of the anarchist groups Crime Minister, and the violent protests against the Israeli governemnt. The closed group includes senior officials, former chiefs of staff, and former heads of government, who are all looking for ways to revive the dwindling protests and are planning, among other things, to block Ben Gurion International Airport. The goal is the same as always: overthrow the Right-wing government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jewish Press reports."