Ekki photoshop

NATO að æfa sig

"Germany is playing host to what NATO is touting as the largest air drills in the alliance's history, which has been four years in preparation. "

Á meðan, í Úkraníu

"During the first few days of the offensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 16 American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles

This is 15% of all such vehicles transferred by Washington to Kyiv, CNN reports, citing Yakub, an expert at the Dutch military analytics website Oryx."

Algert söksess.

Rússinn stelur hlébörðum

"Putin's forces have captured several German-made Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles on the frontlines in Ukraine, Russia's defence ministry claimed today.

The ministry released a short clip on its official Telegram channel which appeared to show Russian troops surveying the seized equipment supplied to Ukraine by Western countries."

Egyptar hætta að nota dollar

"According to Moselhy, Egypt is seeking to use local currencies to pay for its imports from India, China, and Russia – key members of the BRICS group, which also includes Brazil and South Africa."


Trump vinnur á.

Dádýr eru rándýr

"While herbivorous animals, deer have been known to eat a variety of food items, including insects, small birds, and even small mammals. In some cases, deer may encounter snakes while foraging and consume them as a source of protein."


UK núna.

Mikil flensa í Japan

"According to Nikkei Asia on Saturday, Japan usually has a vigorous spring flu season, but this year has seen a much higher number of serious infections ¯ especially when compared to the flat flu years of the coronavirus pandemic:

“Immunity against the virus has declined because of the lack of influenza outbreaks and decreased vaccinations due to infection control measures during [the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic],” postulated Kurahara Yu of the National Hospital Organization’s Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center."

Ekki photoshop.

Ofsóknir yfirvalda




"Empty office buildings have set New York on an "urban doom loop" that will destroy the quality of life in the city and drive residents out.

At this point "the contractual occupancy rate in Manhattan is at a 30-year low of 77.8% in the fourth quarter of 2022." Of course, the plummeting rates mean less tax revenue for the city. That means fewer services, higher taxes, less law enforcement, more crime, more drugs, more decay."

Þeir kölluðu þetta yfir sjálfa sig.

Lúðalegur en hættulegur hryðjuverkahópur

"The portmanteau of ‘trans’ and ‘ANTIFA’ is exactly what you’d expect — far-left transgender activists willing to intimidate, harass, and even use violence to advance their radical new ideas about gender.

Much like ANTIFA, they’re not a formal group of card-carrying members, with the term ‘Trantifa’ coined on social media to highlight the strong transgender presence within the anarchist outfit.

“Trans activists gravitate towards these very far-left groups because they share their anarcho-communist type ideology,” Rosas said."

Kommúnistar.  Aldrei til friðs.

Hollenska ríkið er á móti mat

"Following years of political wrangling, the government of The Netherlands has launched its programme for buying out farms that do not comply with the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme supposedly meant to protect environmentally sensitive areas. The buyout programme will initially impact approximately 3,000 privately-owned farms which are deemed to emit too much nitrogen."

Heimska í dag, hungur á morgun.

Vísir að reyna að sverta mannorð tveggja gutta

"Héraðssaksóknari lagði fram nýja ákæru á hendur þeim Sindra Snæ Birgissyni og Ísidóri Nathanssyni í dag. Landsréttur staðfesti frávísun Héraðsdóms Reykjavíkur á hryðjuverkahluta upphaflegu ákærunnar í mars. Annmarkar á ákærunni voru taldir slíkir að erfitt væri að halda uppi vörnum í málinu."

Órar yfirvalda í þessu máli eru með eindæmum.  Svona hefur ekki sést síðan í Geirfinnsmálinu.

"Þeir töluðu einnig um „hreinsanir“ á útlendingum á Íslandi, að myrða alla í gleðigöngunni og að drepa stjórnmálamenn eins og Björn Leví Gunnarsson, Smára McCarthy, Helga Hrafn Gunnarsson og Gunnar Smára Egilsson."

Svo eru mennirnir með einhverjar and-fasískar ídeasjónir.  Ekki skrítið að vísi & ríkinu standi stuggur af þeim

Því lengur sem maður horfir á þetta, því verra verður það.

Overton glugginn er á hreyfingu


Biden og Co vilja sýna börnum klám

"In April of this year, Officials in Llano County, Texas, declined to vote on closing libraries after dozens of books containing sexual and racial content that were previously banned were returned to shelves by order of a federal judge."



Samtök samkynhneigðra og perverta óttast breytingu

"There’s been a noticeable vibe shift to begin this year’s “Pride Month”—the holiest of times in the secular Left’s liturgical calendar.

It’s clear that many Americans have become fed up with the insanity. They are fed up with the Rainbow Mafia dominating our society, and most of all, they are fed up with the extreme demands of the LGBTQ+ movement attempting to bend every institution to its will."

Tengt mál.

Það er svona bullshit sem samtökin 22 eru að reyna að berjast gegn.

RIP Unabomber

"Ted Kaczynski, who was better known as the Unabomber, was serving a life sentence after sending by mail a series of homemade bombs around the country."

Gaurinn hafði ekki rangt fyrir sér.  Hlustið bara.  Þarna segir hann hvers vegna hann var að reyna að sprengja þetta fólk í loft upp.


Þessu tengt.


Tillögur að stærra Idaho hafa byr undir vængjum

"Voters in Crook County, Oregon, will participate in advisory balloting next May, joining a dozen other counties in the state which have already approved starting the steps to attach eastern Oregon to Idaho.

The Greater Idaho website lists a half dozen reasons to join Idaho, including Oregon’s 1) violation of Amercan values by the state’s western majority; 2) lack of law and order plus infringement on the right to self-defense; 3) high taxes; 4) mismanagement of forests; 5) higher regulation, unemployment, and cost of living, and 6) lack of rural representation."

Gaman að fylgjast með þessu.


Þýzkur hagfræðingur segir að andstaða við flökkufólk gæti fækkað flökkufólki

"Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), warned that a “strengthening” of the populist right in Germany would hinder the massive waves of immigration into the country."

Hún ætti að bæta í, og vara fólk við hættunni sem skapast af því að glæpum gæti fækkað í kjölfarið.  Eða því að fólk gæti átt á hættu að hækka í launum, eða borga lægri skatta.

Allt miklar ógnir.


Fleiri en 10K kínverjar náðust á landamærum USA síðan í Október

"Nearly 13,000 Chinese nationals have been apprehended trying to cross the United States' southern border illegally since October 1, 2022, A nearly 1,000 percent increase from last year's total. 

According to Breitbart, approximately 84% of those apprehended are single adults who are eventually released to pursue asylum in the US. The apprehensions grew steadily over the last year. In March 2022, 74 Chinese nationals were apprehended, 146 in April, and more than 1,000 a month by January 2023."

Hve margir komust yfir?


Heimskupör Íslenskra ráðmanna eru dýrkeypt

"Iceland has announced that it’s suspending operations at its Moscow embassy, arguing that maintaining a diplomatic presence in Russia makes no sense given the current state of bilateral relations.

Reykjavik has requested that Moscow, too, limit the operations of its embassy in Iceland and lower the level of diplomatic representation.

Russia has, in turn, put Iceland on its list of unfriendly nations."

Ágætt að taka slæmt ástand og gera það verra.


Og að lokum þetta klassíska verk.

Margt á seiði

Tucker á Twitter


Call of Duty eru á annarlegri vegferð

"Call of Duty removes popular content creator for tweeting "leave little children alone""


Væstræn siðmenning er að hrynja fyrir augum okkar.

Nútíminn er lélegri en spáð var.

NASA vara við því að gera allt stafrænt

"A groundbreaking mission by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has successfully ventured through solar wind for the first time aiming to prevent people on earth being unable to get on the internet.

Scientists have issued warnings about the potential impact of a solar storm, commonly referred to as an “internet apocalypse,” which could strike within the next decade."

Carrington event.


"A Las Vegas, Nevada family says they saw very large “non-human beings” in their backyard just moments after an unidentified object crashed into their backyard.

Police were quick to respond — arriving to the scene just 30 minutes after their own observations of the unidentified phenomena."

Jákvætt og skemmtilegt.


"Fourteen suspects were busted Thursday following an undercover child sex predator sting in Las Vegas, Nevada, according to police.

In a social media post, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said the group was arrested for allegedly luring a minor with a computer to engage in sex during the operation authorities performed on June 1 and 2"

Pólverjar næla sér í ammó

"Western-provided ammunition destined for Ukraine fell prey to train thieves in Poland on Sunday. Local media reported that the now detained criminals had not targeted the military cargo intentionally, but rather chosen the crates by chance."

Fjandans geimverur

Flóttabarn á leikvelli

"A migrant from Syria was arrested by police for a mass stabbing attack targeting children in a park Thursday morning in Annecy, France, a town located in the French Alps. Various reports have stated the injured number as high as eight, however the latest report states four children and two adults were wounded in the attack with two of the children and one of the adults hospitalized with life-threatening injuries."


Tengt efni

"Karine Jean-Pierre says busing illegal immigrants from the border to other cities is "dangerous and unacceptable because you're actually putting a lot of pressure on these states and local areas.""

Uhm... ha?

Menn reyna að halda uppi fjörinu með ET

"The crash retrieval program - so secret even the Pentagon’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) task force has been refused access - has for decades been involved in “retrieving non-human-origin technical vehicles,” Grusch explained. He added that some are distinguishable from human-made craft by their morphology and the types of materials, with “unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures.”"

Meira ET efni

"Star systems are clustered tightly together near the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy — and they might hold a pulsating beacon used by alien civilizations to announce important events.

That's the general theory animating a new project from scientists with the SETI Institute..."

Allt eru menn að hugsa um.  Ef menn hugsa, svona almennt.

Á meðan, í Kanada

"Based on already available state-level figures, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition assessed MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying) cases rose from just over 10,000 in 2021 to around 13,500 in the next year, a 34 percent increase nationwide.

That number is forecast to rise again before this year is out with euthanasia already the 3rd leading cause of death in Quebec — seven percent of all deaths."

Ef þú værir geimvera, myndir þú lenda innanum svona fólk?

Pedóar, kolefnistrúarmenn og Antifa. Allt eins.

Á Instagram

"Instagram “helps connect and promote” a vast pedophile network that facilitates the commission and purchases of underage child sex and abuse content, The Wall Street Journal has revealed.

WSJ and researchers at Stanford University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst conducted a sweeping investigation of the top social media site’s algorithm and found that not only does Instagram host this content, it specifically promotes and recommends content sellers to pedophile users."


Loftslags-Gollum spáir heimsendi... aftur

"A reminder from United Nations climate envoy @GretaThunberg that the world will end in seventeen days due to the burning of fossil fuels.

I’m trying to decide how to handle it if it goes badly for Greta’s side – you know. Like, we’re all still here?

I’d use “The Great Disappointment,” but The Millerites already stole that one. At least I have a couple weeks to think of something snappy."



Írska ríkið vs matur

"Last week, the Irish Independent reported on a government document describing plans for a potential cull of up to 65,000 dairy cows per year for the next three years. The paper reportedly obtained the documents from Ireland’s Department of Agriculture through a freedom of information request. In all, killing off 200,000 cows would wipe out about 10 percent of Ireland’s dairy cow population."

Aftur, kolefnistrúarmenn.  Skaðlegasta költ á jörðinni núna.


Kolefnistrúarmenn vita ekki hvernig neitt virkar

"Crazy climate activist goes on and on berating a guy for "sitting in the car with the engine running, polluting the atmosphere" ... He's in a Tesla"

Þvílíkur vitleysingur.  Það eru margir svona.

Úrkynjunarleiði er útbreiddur.

Armenar lemja vinstri-öfgamenn

"Armenian men beat the crap out of Antifa thugs and far-left protestors outside of a school board meeting in Glendale, California Tuesday evening.

Glendale has a large Armenian-Christian population and they are fed up with the LGBTQ/pride events taking place in elementary schools."



Bækur um köngulær og krabba


Þetta er klassískasta verk sem skrifað hefur verið.

Hún er bara sátt við þetta, sýnist mér.

Einhver ákvað að búa til wad byggt á "House of Leaves."  Það var nú ágætt.


Þetta er meira normalt.


Þessi bók er til.  Hljómar ekki illa.

Fréttir dagsins

Portland er leiðinlegur staður

"Portland, Oregon has suffered massive population loss since 2020. According to Census data, the city lost the sixth-most number of people of any city in the US last year, losing 8,308 people from July 1, 2021, to July 1, 2022. 

Portland is among the top cities that have seen record crime rates since the "defund the police" movement that followed the 2020 BLM Riots."

Þeir gerðu þetta við sjálfa sig.

Kommar eru ofbeldishneigðír

"As one antifa member explained, free speech is a "nonargument…you have the right to speak but you also have the right to be shut up."

When people criticized antifa for its violent philosophy, MSNBC’s Joy Reid responded to the critics that "you might be the fascist.""

Annað hvort hefur þú málfrelsi eða þú hefur ofbeldi.  Veldu.


Ísland er að komast á stig 4, ef það er ekki þegar komið þangað.

Tveir ágætir menn eru sammála mér

"Famed Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson pointed out on Twitter that the "phrase "gender affirming" care is a criminally evil lie."

Elon Musk replied that "gender-affirming care for minors is pure evil."

Musk further replied to an account speaking against the euphemism of "gender affirming" care, saying that "It means castration.""

Systur míonar eru ekki sammála mér.


Kommúnistar berjast í Leipzig

"Far-left protesters clashed with the German police in the eastern city of Leipzig over the weekend in unrest provoked by a recent court ruling that sent a woman known for anti-Nazi activism and her three accomplices to prison.

...over acts of violence against suspected neo-Nazis."

Öfga-leftistar berja aðra öfga-leftista.  What else is new?


Á sjómannadaginn er fátt sjómannatengt að finna...

Hvalir ráðast á báta

"You may know by now that Orcas have begun attacking boats off the coast of Europe in orchestrated attacks and have successfully sunk a few vessels."

Tengd frétt

"Embætti rík­is­lög­reglu­stjóra keypti skot­vopn og skot­færi vegna leiðtoga­fund­ar Evr­ópuráðsins fyr­ir um 185 millj­ón­ir króna. Jafn­framt keypti lög­regl­an ann­an búnað fyr­ir sam­tals 151 millj­ón krón­ur fyr­ir fund­inn.

Þetta kem­ur fram í til­kynn­ingu frá rík­is­lög­reglu­stjóra sem birt­ist í dag.

Þar kem­ur fram að end­an­legt fjár­hags­legt upp­gjör á fund­in­um af hálfu lög­reglu muni liggja fyr­ir í lok júlí. Skot­vopn­in sem voru keypt voru helst glock-skamm­byss­ur og hálf­sjálf­virk­ar MP5-byss­ur, þá er ít­rekað að ekki sé um að ræða hríðskota­byss­ur."

Hverja þarf lögreglan svona mikið að skjóta?


"The CEI measures how well a company’s policies adhere to a set of criteria concerning "LGBTQ equality" in the workplace. Businesses with the highest possible 100 CEI points are given the title “Best Place To Work For LGBTQ Equality.” More than 800 American businesses met all the criteria to earn a percent rating and the designation last year, according to the Campaign’s latest report.

In response to the loss of a perfect CEI score—and in spite of the customer backlash, Anheuser-Busch pledged last week to donate $200,000 to support "LGBTQ+ business owners of color."

The fact that a company would rather further upset customers than get a lower social credit rating, Lindsay said, shows "how this extortion racket works and how serious the extortion racket is.""

Kolefnis-költið virkar eins.

Þetta er að gerast líka.

Breska ríkið ritskoððai fólk sem vildi ekki láta eitra fyrir öllum

"Officials within the UK government reportedly worked clandestinely with social media companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter as well as A.I. firms to monitor critics of the lockdown regime, as well as to identify and ultimately censor speech criticising the draconian government policy."

Í framtíðinni verður eitrað fyrir þér með leynd.

Ekki nema 6...

"Authorities are investigating the deaths of six women, all under age 40, that have been found within 100 of each other in forested or rural areas around Portland according to KGW8 News.

The tragic discoveries have led to speculation that a serial killer is on the loose."

Ljóslega einka-aðili.  Ríkið væri bíð að myrða 6 milljón.

Sum leiðindi eru í eðli sínu fallegri en önnur.

Bretar eru á einhverri leið

"According to a report from The Sun on Sunday, radical green activists may be forced to live up to their beliefs about the climate and be prevented from driving should they engage in protests that intentionally block off traffic."




Allt er svo ritskoðað nú þegar að það er fátt að marka lengur

Fullt af gögnum á netinu

"Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop were uploaded to a new website - BidenLaptopMedia.com, which has been intermittently unavailable since launch due to overwhelming traffic.

The site includes;

Pictures (with location metadata)


Suspicious Activity Reports

Influence peddling

Ashley Biden's diary"

Mjög furðulegt klám, ekki allra.

Því meira sem þetta er rannsakað, því verra verður það

"A groundbreaking study conducted by the renowned Cleveland Clinic, ranked as the second-best hospital in the world, has found that a higher number of COVID-19 vaccine doses received increases the risk of infection with COVID-19."

Lesið þetta bara sjálf.

Fólk fær það sem það bað um og fer í fýlu

"As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, the city of Chicago has approved $51 million in spending on illegal immigrants.

This has many in Chicago’s black community outraged, as they think that sort of funding should go to citizens, not illegal border crossers."

Paródía eða alvöru, ekki hægt að greina muninn.

Þegar menn móðga 90% til að þóknast 5%...

"Major brands such as Bud Light and Target, among others, are facing immense backlash from supporting LGBTQ causes, with the market capitalization of the firms crashing by double digits in recent weeks.

Target shares were trading at $130.93 as of 06:07 EDT, June 1, down 13.71 percent year to date and at a fresh 52-week low. It is the stock’s longest losing streak since November 2018. Shares of Anheuser-Busch Inbev SA were trading at €49.97, down 12.18 percent for the year.

In addition to Target and Bud Light, several other companies, including PetSmart, Chick-fil-A, and Walmart, are also now facing boycott calls due to their endorsement of the LGBTQ agenda."

... já.

Evrópusambandið ritskoðar Twitter

"It is not enough to (symbolically) withdraw from the Code of Practice to defy the EU. Defying the EU would require Twitter to withdraw from the EU altogether."

VPN er hlutur sem er til.


Ferðin að miðju jarðar

"Chinese scientists broke ground Tuesday on a planned 10,000-meter (32,808) foot hole into the Earth's crust - the country's deepest ever borehole according to Bloomberg, citing the Xinhua state-run news agency.

The effort could be used to identify mineral resources as well as help assess environmental risks such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions."

... jæja.

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