Rónar framtíðarinnar

Í framtíðinni munu útúrdópaðir rónar líka eiga byssur

"Form 4473 is required for gun purchases like the one of Hunter in 2018. It asks:

Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?

Hunter reportedly lied and said no.

President Biden has demanded “red flag” enforcement that would also appear to target the conduct of his own son.

Now, Hunter Biden could be arguing against some of these laws as unconstitutional under a more expansive view of the Second Amendment."

Gott show.

Space Odyssey hafði rétt fyrir sér

"An AI-enabled drone turned on and “killed” its human operator during a simulated U.S. Air Force (USAF) test so that it could complete its mission...

We were training it in simulation to identify and target a SAM threat. And then the operator would say ‘yes, kill that threat,’ Hamilton said.

The system started realizing that while they did identify the threat, at times, the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat.

So what did it do? It killed the operator, he continued.

It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective."

Can't do that, Dave.

Kardínáli í Newark hefur ekki lesið Nýja Testamentið

""Unrestrained gun ownership is a serious threat to the weak in our communities," Tobin contends in concluding his letter."

Jésú sagði: ef þú átt ekki sverð, seldu þá skyrtuna þína til þess að kaupa eitt.

Hann myndi segja eitthvað annað núna.  Eins og: keyptu byssu.  Sverð eru eitthvað svo 33 AD.

Kanarnir og hundarnir þeirra...

"Either people are getting stupider, or the bots are trying to start a war..."

Hinn uggvænlegi friðarsinni Victor Orban

"Western leaders have bought into the idea that “Ukraine can win the war with Western money and weapons”, Orbán said: “It will be very difficult to get off this war path.”

Hungary’s pro-peace stance means “we are on the right moral and political path”, Orbán said. People will sooner or later replace “pro-war governments” in Western counties, Orbán said, as “the vast majority of people are not in favor of the war”."


"South Korea says it will increase customs inspections targeting capsules containing powdered human flesh.

The Korea Customs Service said it had found almost 17,500 of the capsules being smuggled into the country from China since August 2011."

Ég þurfti að athuga þetta betur:

"South Korea has seized thousands of smuggled drug capsules filled with powdered flesh from dead babies, which some people believe can cure disease."

Þetta var fyrir 10 árum.  Hvað ætli þeir séu að gera núna?

Necrofóbískar ídeasjónir

Þetta er eðlilegt á Facebook

"David Fuller, 68, murdered Wendy Knell, 25, and Caroline Pierce, 20, in 1987, before going on to sexually abuse 101 corpses at his workplaces from at least 2007. 

The father-of-four was not linked to the murders until 2020, which led investigators to search his home and uncover almost 900,000 files of him abusing corpses of females aged between nine and 100."

Ljóslega gróf aðför að LGBTQ+ samfélaginu.

Ég móðgaði einu sinni necrófíl á fesibúkk.  Hann hélt því fram að ég hefði kallað hann kínverskan örbylgjuofn, sem er víst það versta sem þú getur kallað necrófíl.

Ekki svo.  Ég spurði bara hvort það væri meira woke að vera necro eða pedó.

Necrófílar... ekki með fulle fem.

Reyndar er fólk á fesbúkk að öllu jöfnu svo vitlaust að það gerir sér ekki grein fyrir því að það er með aðgang að internetinu.

Þetta er líka normalt

"An Oklahoma parent filed a lawsuit against Edmond Public Schools, alleging that her 15-year-old daughter was “attacked and severely beaten” in the girls’ bathroom by a 17-year-old male student who identifies as transgender, Fox25 reported on Wednesday."


Frekari ævintýri vitleysinga

"This is Oakland, California. The person crying sounds like a man and I wouldn't doubt it, because this is one of the most "progressive" enclaves in the nation.

As it turns out, the depravity of human nature wins against the liberal message of tolerance and equity every time. In the name of kindness, these people invited literal hell on earth into their neighborhoods."

Radiohead útskýrir þetta vel.

Skam inní öðru skami, eins og einhver matrúsku-dúkka.

"Four months after The Guardian and other European media outlets revealed the world's leading carbon credit certifier sold worthless offsets to major corporations, the head of Washington-based Verra has stepped down."

Já, þið lesið rétt.  Það er svind inní svindlinu.  Maðurinn seldi svikin svik.  Svona gervi-svindl.

3 morð á klukkutíma

"Crime continues to spiral out of control in the Rainbow Nation, according to the latest crime statistics. 6 289 murders were reported in the first quarter of 2023, in comparison to 6 083 last year. 27 066 people were murdered in the year 2022, 2 256 per month or 76 every day. That means three murders every hour in South Africa."

72 á sólahring.

Kunningi minn sagði mér um daginn á í Washington DC einni, þá væru framin 7X fleiri morð en í Bandaríkjunum, að Washington DC meðtalinni.

Sem er vissulega magnað, en ég persónulega vil draga þær tölur í efa.  Kunningi minn er ekki slíkur efasemdamaður.

Tónlist, engu tengd.



"Go Fuck yourself"... eða eitthvað.

"The women interviewed 2described the act as a symbolic expression of self-love and an affirmation of a deep meaningful relationship with one’s self."

Á meðan, í Kína

"At the one featured in the video, kids learn to bayonet Japanese soldiers, fire mortars, shoulder bazookas, and shoot guns at a range."

Kínverjinn með framtíðarplön.


Bud heldur áfram að tapa

"The greatest beneficiary of Bud Light’s misfortune has been Modelo Especial, a Mexican beer import. Its sales surged over 9% for the week ending May 20 according to Bump Williams Consulting and NielsonIQ data. Modelo Especial is now poised to supplant Bud Light as the world’s number one beer.

Yuengling can also be considered Trump friendly. Yuengling was boycotted by far-left LGBTQ groups in 2016 after its CEO endorsed then-candidate Donald Trump’s run for president."

Modelo er ekki góður.  Drekkið frekar Tecate, þegar það býðst.


Geimverur mættar, segir prófessor

"Dr. Garry Nolan, a professor at Stanford University’s medical school [...] has stated that extraterrestrial life not only exists, but walks among us."

Enginn vill kaupa neitt í Target

"The retail giant's losses over the past couple of weeks have swelled to over $12.4 billion as backlash grows over its decision to sell Pride merchandise to children."

Pútin fjallar um tölvuspil

"Russian President Vladimir Putin told domestic video game developers on Tuesday that he will take up their cause at the upcoming BRICS summit in South Africa. 

The global mega-hit ‘World of Tanks’ was actually developed in neighboring Belarus, with a Russian developer helping – and spinning off a domestic title after Wargaming Group relocated to Cyprus last year due to Western sanctions."


Hvað ef Michael Jordan er bara mjög hávaxinn dvergur?

Sósíalismi tengdur siðblindu

"Left-wing extremism is linked to toxic, psychopathic tendencies and narcissism, according to a new study published to the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology.

"According to this principle, individuals with dark personalities — such as high narcissistic and psychopathic traits — are attracted to certain forms of political and social activism which they can use as a vehicle to satisfy their own ego-focused needs instead of actually aiming at social justice and equality," they told PsyPost."

Beyond using any means necessary, people of privileged backgrounds who are aligned with LWA often use their narcissism to make activism solely about themselves instead of achieving social equality for struggling groups."

Vissum það svosem.

Tengd frétt.


"Laun æðstu ráðamanna munu hækka um 6 til 6,3 prósent þann 1. júlí næstkomandi. Laun forsætisráðherra hækka um 156 þúsund krónur."

Haldiði í alvöru að þetta fólk sé að vinna fyrir okkur?

Ef svo er, af hverju haldiði það?

Fact Check á Twitter eru betri núna.

Atombombur fyrir alla

"Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has issued a terrifying proposition to any nation that joins Russia and Belarus.  Like an Oprah Christmas Special:  Nukes for everyone."

Hver er eiginlega að lána þennan pening?

"Global debt levels soared by $8.3 trillion in the first quarter of 2023, climbing to $305 trillion, nearly the record high set in the first quarter of 2022, according to the Institute of International Finance. This means almost 335% of GDP.

There is no such thing as public debt. We pay it, always. With higher taxes, higher inflation, or larger budget cuts, maybe all at the same time."

Hafiði séð hvíta hvalinn?

Serbar vs NATO

"...what started as clashes between ethnic Serbs and Kosovo police has spiraled into violence as NATO troops have struggled to crackdown on raging protests."

Slagsmál sem berast út á götu, jafnvel víðar.


Ég hef litla trú á Ameríska hernum núna.

"Recently, NOVA Campaigns discovered a gay furry couple was posting their own photos in costume and military gear."

Ehm... why?

NY skilja ekki þetta "Barnaefni"

"The new, live-action The Little Mermaid is everything nobody should want in a movie: dutiful and defensive, yet desperate for approval. It reeks of obligation and noble intentions. Joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink — they’re missing,

The reviewer complained that there was not enough carnality, which of course, is defined as feeling morbid sexual desire or a propensity to lewdness."

Kink & Carnality.  Fyrir börn.

Og að lokum, úr umferðinni

"Video shared to social media the other day shows body cam footage of a vehicle driving up the ramp of a flatbed tow truck, going airborne and flipping in the air. The occupants reportedly survived."

Botninum náð. Vona ég.

Þjóðverjar að verða leiðir á kolefnistrú

"Last week it was President Macron who was rowing back on green measures. In a speech he asserted that Europe has, for now, gone far enough – if it introduces any more regulations without the rest of the world following suit then it will put investment at risk and harm the economy. This week, the European People’s Party – a centre right grouping which includes the German Christian Democrats, the party of Commission President Ursula von der Leyen – seems to be joining in.

Germany now seems to be taking over from France as the seedbed of opposition towards zero carbon policies, not least because it has more severe policies – and because its self-imposed, earlier target of reaching net zero by 2045 is increasingly looking out of kilter with reality."

Þeir þurftu bara að leggja hagkerfið í svo mikla rúst að íbúarnir frjósa.

San Fransisco er full af skít

"For starters, feces were found far more often in commercial sectors, covering "approximately 50% of street segments in Key Commercial Areas and 30% in the Citywide survey," second only to broken glass as can be seen in the 'illegal dumping' section."

Reykjavík er rekin með svipaðri hugmyndafræði, og Íslendingar eru alltaf 5 árum á eftri kananum.

Bara að segja...

Insane in the brain.

Maður böstar cap í rassinn á vini sínum fyrir að éta matinn frá sér

"Sixty-four-year-old Kentuckian Clifton Williams is being charged with second-degree assault after allegedly shooting his roommate in the buttocks for eating the last Hot Pocket."

Þetta hlýtur að vera afar gómsætur matur.

Sumt er gott.

Kóvitleysan gerði illt verra

"A new study published in The Lancet, a medical journal, has revealed that Covid-19 mandates such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and business closures, had no effect on the total number of deaths experienced as a result of the pandemic."

Í besta falli ekkert.

Hryðjuverkasamtökin BLM verða gjaldþrota.

Ekkert nema fíflagangur

Brezka lögreglan kemst ekki viku án þess að gera sig að fífli

"Just Stop Oil, a lawless climate change activist and terror group in the UK, was blocking traffic on a major road and one citizen had enough of it and did his civic duty to try to get traffic moving again.

He got arrested for his trouble."


Á meðan í Þýzkalandi

"Authorities raided 15 properties across Germany on Wednesday and seized assets in an investigation into the financing of protests by the Last Generation climate activist group, prosecutors said.

Munich prosecutors said they were investigating seven people, ranging in age from 22 to 38, on suspicion of forming or supporting a criminal organization."


Kalifornia er undarlegur staður

"The California State Assembly has passed a bill that would ban Skittles and other delicious candy treats over chemicals contained that are linked to health issues. This is the same state that passed a bill last year making the state a sanctuary for minors seeking sex changes."

Menn eru hressir þarna úti

"The Hunter College (part of the City University of New York) art adjunct who earlier this month trashed a student group’s pro-life table has now threatened a journalist by putting a machete to his neck."

Fuglar á eiturlyfjum

"Seagulls love synthetic cannabinoids, particularly a brand called Spice, which is popular in England - Incidents of the birds swooping down to nick users' stashes of the drug have apparently been reported in Hastings, East Sussex, Margate and Kent, as well as cities including London - A seagull and spice is not a good combo. It turns them into psycho gulls."

Þar höfum við það.

Menn horfa til himins

"A giant ‘black triangular shape’ UFO hovering over a California military base was caught on six videos and witnessed by 50 US Marines in 2021."


Hvað myndi Skeletor gera?


Drekar.  Klassík.

Þessi dama fer yfir sögu YA dystópíu.  Með töflu og strengjum og lími.

Það er ástæða fyrir því að þeir gera þetta rangt, og það er örugglega gert rangt viljandi, sýnist mér.  Samkvæmt þessu.

Aldrei heyrt um þessa.  Hef á tilfinningunni að honum hafi ekki líkað þessi.


Katamítar undir lögaldri ofl.

En að allt öðru:

Afhommun katamíta undir lögaldri

"hvaða skilaboð er Akureyrarkirkja að senda sóknarbörnum sínum hérna - Námskeið fyrir „hinsegin börn“?"

Svo spyr Eldur Ísidór.

Ljóslega er hér verið að draga krakkana í afhommun áður en þeir vaxa úr grasi og kaupa sér Ford Raptor og fara að drekka Bud Light.

Þetta er kirkjan.  Kirkjan er varla að ýta undir það sem á kirkjulegu máli er kallað "Sódómska," er það?


Pre-gay Ford.

Þeir í Evrópu með allskyns áhyggjur

"French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has asked the U.S. government for greater intelligence sharing and warned of a resurgence in Islamic terrorist threats in Europe ahead of France hosting global sporting events in the coming year."

Vandamál sem Frakkar bjuggu sjálfir til handa sér.  Svo: gott á þá.

Annars grunar mig að þetta sér í stóra samhenginu eitt af þeirra minni vandamálum.


Afar vandræðalegt dómsmál

"Social media morons threatened a 6-month pregnant nurse after an out-of-context video of the woman in a heated exchange with a mob surrounding her at a bike docking station went viral last week.

The woman was also ‘placed on leave’ from Bellevue Hospital and is now in hiding!

Leftists reportedly doxxed and threatened the pregnant woman.

On Friday, Justin Marino, the attorney for the pregnant nurse told FOX News they were planning on suing the mainstream media outlets who lied about the woman and the incident."

Hún verður rík.

Kolefnistrúarmenn skemma gosbrunn

"Seven unhinged young climate activists staged another protest by pouring diluted charcoal into the iconic Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, turning its pristine waters black."

Þegar menn horfa of mikið á RÚV skemmist heilinn í þeim og þeir fara að hafa allskyns annarlegar ideasjónir.

Menn eru lítið knúnir til varna hér


... allir vilja vera gei.


"Ukraine has also been involved in weapons training for children and these efforts have only increased in recent months as the city of Bakhmut, an epicenter of the fighting for many months, has reportedly fallen to Russia's Wagner Group.  CNBC has briefly reported on the “Defense of Ukraine” program at the military-patriotic center for schoolchildren in Lviv."

Ríkið ætti í raun að vera að þessu hér... en það strandar all-hressilega á því að hér hefur enginn áhuga á að berjast fyrir ríkið.

Því Íslenska ríkið er óvinur Íslendinga.  Og við vitum það alveg.

Þeir eta prófað að senda öllum M-16, en ég held að það endi bara á að fólk fari *kannski* að skjóta dósir.  Flestir munu rykfalla undir rúmi.

Kínverjar myndu berjast fyrir Kína

"British private schools in China are teaching children to march with guns in military uniform with Chinese flags and to 'protect the motherland', footage shows.

It comes after China's regulations recently forced British-branded private schools to abandon their curricula to uphold the 'leadership of the Communist Party of China' and 'adhere to the socialist direction of running schools'."

Þeir gera hlutina öðruvísi þarna úti.


Barnageldari ræðst á löggu

"The anger was directed at lawmakers who passed a ban on most abortions after a baby is 12 weeks old, as well as new restrictions on transgender procedures for anyone under the age of 19, according to the New York Post.

During the session, protesters threw what appeared to be bloody tampons from the gallery, leading to the galley to be cleared.

Troopers arrested six people at the Nebraska State Capitol building today for various offenses, including this incident caught on a security camera in which a person punched a Trooper."

Háhyrningar eru ekki hrifnir af bátum

"The killer whale boat attacks started in May 2020 and are becoming more and more frequent. There have been a bunch of them outside of just the 3 that ended in sunken boats — like, hundreds.

The killer whales are teaching their offspring how to charge and ram boats and try to sink them!"

New York er að sökkva

"The city is sinking between a rate of one millimetre to two millimetres a year.

The authors of the study point to the density and weight of the city’s buildings as a key factor into its sinking. There are more than one million buildings in the city with a collective weight of 1.7 trillion ton."

Um centimetra á áratug.  Ekki eitthvað sem þarf að hafa miklar áhyggjur af, sýnist mér.


Í Sovíet Rússlandi

Njósnir aukast á Íslandi

"Myndavélar sem keyptar voru í tilefni leiðtogafundar Evrópuráðsins verða ekki fjarlægðar. 24 nýjar vélar voru keyptar að sögn upplýsingafulltrúa lögreglunnar á höfuðborgarsvæðinu."

Og þessi lína fær íróníu-verðlaunin:

"Borgarfulltrúi Sósíalistaflokksins hefur miklar áhyggjur af auknu eftirliti."


Tengdar fréttir?

Maður spyr sig... hvenær verður krabbinn svo mikil plága að það verður ekki hægt að líta framhjá honum?

Af sama meiði

"UK authorities are investigating an “unusual” surge in severe myocarditis which has hit 15 babies in Wales and England and has killed at least one, the World Health Organisation has announced.

Consultant pathologist and HART member Dr. Clare Craig told The Epoch Times that there’s “a massive question about whether or not these babies or the mums are vaccinated.”

HART is an organisation that was set up to share concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic."

Kaninn týnir 30 tonnum af spreniefni

"A railcar loaded with some 60,000 pounds of the chemical left Cheyenne, Wyoming on April 12, only to be found empty two weeks later at a rail stop in the Mojave Desert, according to a short incident report from the firm which shipped the ammonium, KQED reports."

Kannski er einhver að rækta mikið af hveiti?

Athugið að þetta eru gaurarnir sem halda að það þurfi að bólusetja alla við apabólu

"The World Health Organisation has been urged to withdraw disturbing guidance to schools about sexuality education for young children. 

Children under four should ask questions about sexuality and explore gender identities, according to a detailed WHO report aimed at policy makers across Europe."

Sumir mannbótasinnar hugsa rökrétt

""Although there are no national statistics on whether more women have opted for sterilization because of legal cases limiting abortion rights, some doctors say they've recently seen an increase in requests for such procedures," the left-leaning outlet reported

Dr. Leah Tatum, a spokesperson for the pro-abortion American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), who practices in Austin, Texas, told the outlet that being concerned about access to abortion care has definitely driven up the request for sterilizations."

Til hevrs að fara í fullt af fóstureyðingum ef hægt er að fara í bara eina einfalda aðgerð strax, og fyrirbyggja allt vesen?

Rétt hugsun.

Í Sovíet Rússlandi:

Sagan, eins og hún er

"Yagoda also supervised construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal with Naftaly Frenkel, using penal labor from the gulag system, during which 12,000–25,000 laborers died.

Yagoda then worked closely with Andrei Vyshinsky in organizing the first Moscow Show Trial, which resulted in prosecution and subsequent execution of Zinoviev and Kamenev in August 1936, beginning the Great Purge. The Red Army high command was not spared and its ranks were thinned by Yagoda, as a precursor to the later and more extensive purge in the Soviet military. More than a quarter of a million people were arrested during the 1934–1935 period; the GULAG system was vastly expanded under his stewardship, and penal labor became a major developmental resource in the Soviet economy."

Meira um þennan mann:

"From 1934-36 Yagoda was the chief of NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs). After Kirov’s murder Stalin unleashed an unprecedented terror campaign against his possible opponents. These were the years of the Great Terror.

Over 250,000 were arrested during 1934-35 only. Many were killed as a preventive measurement. Concentration camps were filled with people, most of whom were convicted groundlessly ."

Besti vinur aðal:

"Yezhov was a newcomer in the NKVD circles. Therefore he proved very suitable for Stalin to execute Great Terror. Stalin entrusted him the task of persecuting potential opponents starting with Yagoda himself.

Yezhov was rude and merciless. He launched an unlimited terror campaign. Within just two years, over 1.3 million people were arrested. Nearly 700,000 were shot for “crimes against the state”. The number of people kept in Gulags trippled.

He personally tortured Tuchachevsky and Yagoda. He had Yagoda severely beaten and stripped naked before the execution. The same was done to himself by Beria two years later.

He was tried for spying and bisexuality (probably true) and was secretly shot in 1940 in a Lublanka cellar room that he himself had once planned. His face was erased from every photograph and forgotten."

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