Engin menni fyrir lengur

Fyrirmennin eru farin af landinu, einhvert žangaš sem žau eru ekki fyrir, vonum viš öll.
Lögreglan er hętt aš ógna vegfarendum borgarinnar meš vélbyssum.
En žessir bķlar eru eftir... žessir bķlar sem voru fluttir inn meš ęrnum tilkostnaši og śtblęstri fyrir kolefnisköltista til žess aš žeir geti fussaš og sveiaš yfir bķlum og innflutningi.
Bķlarnir hafa selst.
Hmm... var löggan aš miša byssum į menn, og segja žeim aš kaupa žessi ökutęki, eša hafa verra af?
Góš samsęriskenning.

Kjarnorkuśrgangs-frömušur Bidens handtekinn

"the career arc of Biden's colorful (literally) "nuclear waste guru", Sam Brinton, has come to an end after the the bisexual, suitcase stealing they/them was arrested Wednesday night for reportedly being a "fugitive from justice," according to law enforcement officials."

Kolefnistrśarmašur vill rķfa hśs til žess aš laga vešriš

"Angelini revealed the shocking response, remarking in an interview with Politico: "They told me: If you allow us to tear down all our historical buildings and build energy efficient ones, then we can do it.""

Žetta podcast er of sexy fyrir sjįlft sig

Sumum gengur betur

ZH um haturs-išnašinn

"This is agenda-driven hype. The agenda, perfectly expressed by author Michael Shellenberger in a Substack post last week, is to “manufacture a fake ‘hate’ crisis as [a] pretext for mass spying, blacklists, and censorship.” The hype, also exposed by Shellenberger in his recent article, is underscored by the fact that over the past 10 years, hate crime convictions, as opposed to “criminal complaints of hate crimes,” have not increased at all. In a state with 40 million people, hate crime convictions were a minuscule 109 in 2021, and a negligible increase from 107 in 2012.

The hate industry is a vast agglomeration of lucrative hustles, now institutionalized and expanded into multiple and overlapping sectors. There is the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) sector; the equity, social, and governance (ESG) sector; the activist sector comprising countless groups, including Black Lives Matter and Antifa; the corporate, academic, and government sectors; the media sector; the politicians; and the pundits. All of these sectors have spawned scores of thousands of well-paying jobs."

Žaš eru peningar ķ hatri.

BDSM nazistarnir śtskżra žetta.

Žaš er bannaš aš gelda börn ķ Flórķda nśna

"DeSantis signed another batch of legislation, including S.B. 254, which will permanently “outlaw the mutilation of minors,” the governor explained.

"It will outlaw the surgical procedures and experimental puberty blockers for minors. It will also require any adults receiving the surgeries to be informed about the irreversible nature and about the dangers of the procedures," he said."

Flórķda, vondur stašur fyrir kommśnista.

Ęvintżri tranna eru öll af svipušum meiši

"A transgender butcher has pleaded guilty to kidnapping a schoolgirl while dressed as a woman, before holding her hostage and sexually abusing her while telling her she was his new family."

Annaš... vegna žess aš žetta gerist oft į dag

"A 22-year-old suspect named Zion William Teasley has been arrested for allegedly murdering Lauren Heike, a young woman who was living in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

... new details stemming from a police investigation have revealed that upon seeing a picture of the now-deceased woman, Teasley indicated that he wanted to look like her,"


Norman Bates var ekkert undarlegur tranni.

Framtķšin er lķka björt ķ Argentķnu

"Milei's La Libertad Avanza coalition issued its formal request to join the presidential race as the nation’s ruling leftist Frente de Todos coalition flounders in disarray, lacking a presidential candidate after incumbent President Alberto Fernįndez announced in April that he would not run for reelection.

Liberty Advances will present Milei, a 52-year-old economist who built a right-wing coalition through online lectures and fiery cable news appearances, as its presidential candidate, alongside vice presidential running mate Victoria Villarruel.

Milei has presented himself as a fierce anti-communist, often denouncing the ideology as a “murderous system” that has taken the lives of 150 million human beings and describing its offshoot, socialism, as a disease of the soul."


Svķar vilja bęta Svķžjóš

"Sweden must fully prepare to leave the European Union in order to maximize its negotiating position with the bloc, stated Jimmie Åkesson, leader of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats party."

Žaš sem fólk vill ekki heyra.

Menn ķ einkennisbśningum

Moršóšasta fólkiš:

Žaš hefur sķna kosti aš vera rķkur

"Elon Musk on Tuesday said that if his inflammatory tweets scare away advertisers from Twitter, he will accept that. “I’ll say what I want, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."

Musk defended what Faber said was the spreading of "conspiracy theories" by countering that pointing out that so many of these "conspiracy theories have turned out to be true", and pointed to the Hunter Biden laptop suppression story, which was an example of "election interference."

Remarkably, despite widespread calls that the end of Twitter is nigh as there is no way the company can survive with 80% of its workers fired, so far Twitter is leaner and faster than before, a testament to the epic employee bloat in Silicon Valley over the past decade."

Endatakmark kolefnistrśarinnar

"...let's talk about South Africa, who against all odds managed to reach their Paris Agreement climate goals.

The nation has already slashed enough emissions to have reduced output between 350 and 420 megatons of carbon dioxide by 2030, meeting their goal of between 398 and 614 megatons.

Power rationing is being conducted to keep the national grid from collapsing, leaving people without power for 10 hours or more per day.

Most of the people of South Africa have lost access to refrigeration, education, communication services, medical services, and work. Over two-thirds of businesses have laid off employees or closed because of the power outages.

Now, South Africa is on the verge of national collapse. That's not hyperbole. What was once a developed nation is about to crash backwards into the Dark Ages. They are facing mass starvation, their businesses are failing, and they have little access to healthcare, which is a recipe for disease and death."

Flóttamenn fara beint ķ djeiliš

"New York has been trying to close down prisons because of a supposed "over-incarceration" problem (something the Jordan Neely case disproved), and last year they shut down the infamous Riker's Island because they apparently don't think as many criminals should go to jail.

The compassionate sanctuary city of New York loves immigrants SO MUCH that they're going to... put them in jail."

Kata Jak hittir ašra fasista. Og lķka forsętisrįšherra Ķtaliu.

"Katrķn Jakobsdóttir, forsętisrįšherra, er haršlega gagnrżnd į samfélagsmišlum fyrir móttöku sķna į Girogiu Meloni, forsętisrįšherra Ķtalķu. Vel fór į meš žeim į móttöku Leištogafundarins ķ Hörpu ķ gęr og hefur Katrķn veriš sökuš um aš vingast viš fasista."

Burtséš frį öllum pólitķskum samherjum Kötu, hvernig leist henni į Meloni?

Mikiš af fasistum žarna aš fįrast yfir hinni įgętu Meloni, sem er sennilega eini pólitķkusinn žarna sem er ekki fasisti.

Hśn er popślisti.  Sem er dįldiš annaš.

En, žaš er mķn reynzla aš fólk skilur ekki orš.


Aš lokum: rķkisstarfsmenn meš byssur:


Menn eru svo flottir ķ jśnķformi


Einungis rķkisstarfsmönnum er treystandi fyrir byssum, ekki satt?


Žessir hafa örugglega trassaš aš gelda börnin sķn, eša įtt fleiri beljur en einhvr annar.


Ešlilegar dįnarorsakir ķ sósķalista śtópķunni.

Trśšarnir koma


Menn eru ķ góšum holdum.

Kringlótt er form.


"Ķ til­kynn­ingu į vef CERT-IS kem­ur fram aš ógn­ar­hóp­ur­inn NoNa­me057 hef­ur lżst yfir įbyrgš į įrįs­un­um. Hóp­ur­inn er rśss­nesk­ur og leit fyrst dags­ins ljós ķ mars įriš 2022."

Aušvitaš.  Rśssar.  Nei, žetta er allt jafn trśveršugt og Patriot Front.

Vona aš žeir séu meš flottara sęopp fyrir okkur į morgun.  Žetta var bęši feik og gei.

Trśšarnir eru aš renna ķ hlaš.  Skopiš byrjar fyrir alvöru į morgun.

Sokkabrśšur sem skifta engu, eru bara frontar fyrir stórfyrirtęki sem gera žaš.  Hvaš er veriš aš pśkka uppį žį?


Sśmmerar žetta upp.


Rśssarnir gętu gert flott sęopp:

Žei myndu bara fljśga flugvél yfir Reykjavķk, og blįsa svörtum reik aftur śr henni į mešan žeir kalla nišur meš hįtalara: "Kolefni!  Kolefni!  Kóvid kolefni!"

Og allt lišiš į jöršinni sem er enn aš nį sér eftir kóvitleysuna, enn meš įhyggjur af loftslaginu, žaš fęr kóvitleysu flassbakk.  Og žau grįna öll, og fara heim, og stimpla inn leyni-nśmer į leyni-öryggis-skįpinn sinn, og taka śt neyšar-töskuna, opna talnalįsinn į henni og ljśka henni upp.

Ķ neyšar töskunni er svampur, žar sem er skoriš śt fyrir 3 hlutum: spritti, blįrri lęknagrķmu, og klósettpappķrsrśllu.

Žau setja öll į sig grķmuna, spritta į sér hendurnar, og fela sig svo undir rśmi og kśra žar meš klósettrślluna sér til halds og trausts.

Góšar fréttir frį Finnlandi

"The commencement of regular output from a much-delayed Finnish nuclear reactor in April saw electricity prices in the country decrease by more than 75 percent."



Žaš er ķ gangi samsęri til žess aš reyna aš fį kanann til žess aš drekka góšan bjór

"Miller Lite’s ad featuring an unattractive feminist comedian was making the rounds on Monday."

... jį.

Barįttan er endalaus

Go woke, get fired.

Hver man ekki eftir moršóša trannanum sem myrti alla žessa krakka fyrir skömmu?

... einn af nokkrum.  Eftir aš žetta fylki bannaši kynfęralimlestingar į börnum žį fylltist žessi barnageldari bręši, og myrti nokkur börn og kennara žeirra.  Budweiser bendlušu sjįlfa sig viš žetta mįl, eftir krókaleišum, og er aš sśpa seišiš af žvķ.

Barnageldarar eru moršóšasti hópur i heimi nśna, meš fleiri en fimm fjöldamorš į samvizkunni į innan viš įri.  Bara ķ USA.  Gott fyrir hóp sem er ekk einu sinni heilt prósent af žżšinu.  Į sama tķma hafa Islamskir öfgamenn ekki myrt neinn žar, og svertingjar bara fįeina tugi - ekkert mišaš viš höfšatölu.  

En hvaš um žaš: moršóši barnageldarinn skrifaši manifesto, sem yfirvöld hafa undir höndum, en vilja ekki gera opinbert: "Nashville Police told FOX News in late April that they will finally release the manifesto of the trans shooter that they recovered from her car following the attack on March 27, 2023.

28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a transgender former student murdered three 9-year-olds and three adults last month in a mass shooting at the school. Hale fired off 152 rounds during the targeted attack on the Christian School. 

The local authorities and FBI refused to release the manifesto to the public following the mass shooting by Hale in March.

The release of the manifesto has been hotly debated since it was found at the home of Audrey Hale, 28, who killed three children and three school workers at Covenant Christian Academy before being shot dead by police.

The manifesto was among other ‘writings’ that were submitted to the Davidson County Chancellor’s chambers on Friday, including a map in which Hale detailed how the incident would take place."

Mśslimar aš gera įrįs į samkundu samkynhneigšra

"Students from a high school in Ghent, Belgium, were forced to flee after Muslim teenagers spit on their LGBT stall and flag while shouting “Allahu Akbar,” meaning “God is the greatest.”

A group of young Muslim students from The Atlas College in Genk, Belgium, attacked a school “LGBTQIA+” event on Thursday, RAIR Foundation reported."


Hér er Biden aš halda ręšu viš śtför KKK mešlims, vinar sķns.

Į mešan, ķ Kanada

"For every Amir Farsoud, there's a Sophia who doesn't get saved. Sophia couldn't afford better housing to help with her condition, and rather than pay for the housing, the state paid for euthanasia.

Another woman opted for MAID because her medical debt was too high, which is a crazy thought in a country with socialized medicine.

Roger Foley, another man who said his hospital wanted to off him, testified before the Canadian Parliament. During that testimony, he said it doesn't seem like medical care is free is if MAID is a cheaper option for the government. He claims the doctors said they would charge him $1,800 per day if he didn't agree to MAID."


Drengur meš allskonar and-sósķalķskar ķdeasjónir bjargar systur sinni

"On Thursday, the suspect allegedly emerged from the woods behind the girl’s backyard. He grabbed her and covered her mouth, and intended to take her back into the woods. She was alone in the backyard, but her brother noticed what was happening through a window inside the house. 

“He was able to grab his slingshot and was able to slingshot something that hit the suspect right in the head. And that caused him to let go. The girl was able to struggle and get away and he shot another one, hit the suspect in the chest and then fled the scene,” the Alpena Post Commander, Lt. John Grimshaw told 9and10news."

Ég veit aš necro-pedoarnir verša fślir viš mig fyrir aš segja žetta, en gott hjį honum.

Barįttan heldur įfram.

"Jordan Neely, the mentally ill New York City man who died while having an erratic outburst, was on the city’s “top 50” list of at-risk homeless people who stood out for the severity of their troubles and resistance to help, the New York Times reported."


Jśróvisjón var vķst um helgina.  Nennti ekki aš horfa į žaš, en mér er sagt aš Svķžjóš hafi unniš.

Meš svona glęsilegt lag er ekki aš undra.  Hmm... KNU 114... jęja.

Hér er finnska lagiš:

eša nógu nįlęgt.

Allt sem hefur komiš frį Žżzkalandi undanfarin 20 įr hljómar eins og žetta, svo viš vonum bara žaš besta.

Žetta er augljóslega franskt.

Og žetta er Grķska lagiš.  Eša grķskt lag, amk.

Ég veit ekki, en mig grunar aš nojarinn hafi ekki gerst svo kręfur aš senda Burzum ķ žessa blessušu keppni.  Hann yrši samt fķnn žar, er ég viss um.

Bara dularfullt ef žś hefur ekkert fylgst meš


Žeir fengu žaš sem žeir kusu...  HAHAHAHA!

Mjög tżpķsk Chicago frétt.

Fólk kżs žetta, aftur og aftur.

NY er ekkert betri

"The New York Post reports that nearly two dozen homeless veterans “have been booted from the upstate hotels to make room for migrants.” One of the hotels told a 24-year-old Afghanistan war veteran their temporary housing was being pulled out from under them and they would have to move somewhere else.

Sharon Toney-Finch, CEO of the Yerik Israel Toney Foundation, told the New York Post, "Our veterans have been placed in another hotel due to what’s going on with the immigrants.""

Rśssar hugsa sér gott til glóšarinnar

"Construction of an “American village” for 200 families of conservative immigrants will start in Moscow Region in 2024.

"Basically, they are Orthodox Christians, Americans and Canadians who, for ideological reasons, want to move to Russia," he said.

The reasons are known, it's the imposition of radical left-liberal values in the West, which basically have no limits. Today they have 70 genders, tomorrow who knows what,"

Aš hugsa Cher.

Belja žefar uppi glępamenn

"As officers began to search the area they received some unexpected, but welcomed assistance from some local cows. Apparently cows do not want suspected criminals loitering in their pasture and quickly assisted our officers by leading them directly to where the suspect was hiding. The cows communicated with the officers as best they could and finally just had the officers follow them to the suspect’s location."

Passiš ykkur į belju réttlętis.

Allt er voša dularfullt...

"Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren’t quite sure why that is.

From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid.

This then brings up another problem, in that a lot of Brits are dying, but not necessarily of a specific cause.

So whilst a heavily ageing population may be throwing up yet another problem, it doesn’t quite explain why over 30,000 more people than usual died from May to December last year.

For March and February of this year, symptoms, signs and ill-defined is the leading cause of excess deaths, before that in January it was influenza and pneumonia."

Duló duló.

Malthus vs Elon Musk et al.

Veriš aš safna fyri manni sem yfirbugaši ofbeldismann ķ lest

"On Saturday, the GiveSendGo fundraising website set up to support former Marine Daniel Penny's legal defense briefly crashed as it was swamped by visitors eager to give money, which has now surpassed $1 million,  following Penny being charged with second degree manslaughter by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over the death of 30-year-old Jordan Neely."

Fólkiš vill ekki ofbeldismenn.  Rķkiš vill ofbeldismenn.  Hver mun sigra?


Menn eru aš rifja upp einhvrja atburši...

Žiš hafiš veriš vöruš viš




WHO vs Apabóla

"W.H.O. declared a PHEIC in July 2022 after convening an emergency panel to study the unprecedented spike in European and American infections. Monkeypox, an unpleasant and sometimes disfiguring but rarely fatal disease, was previously almost unknown outside of Africa, where it is indeed spread by contact between monkeys and humans.

The Biden administration followed suit in August 2022 by declaring a public health emergency, a move that made more funding and personnel available to combat monkeypox."

Brśna lķnan er fyrir zoo-fķla.

Allt er tómt

"Glaeser and Ratti note that in 1980, futurist Alvin Toffler argued that information technology would render urban office environments more or less obsolete, as workers would instead use residential "electronic cottages."

This sudden shift was a body blow to New York. Many offices remain empty, and the city lost more than 300,000 inhabitants from 2020 to 2021. No other American city experienced such a large numerical decline. Over the same period, Houston lost only 12,000 people, although the global commercial real estate services company JLL reports that Houston’s office vacancy rates are now even higher than New York’s. -NYT

In San Francisco, the downtown area is experiencing its worst office vacancy crisis on record - with 31% of space available for lease or sublease, the SF Chronicle reports.

In the heart of the city, an astounding 18.4 million square feet of real estate is available — enough space to house 92,000 employees and the equivalent of 13 Salesforce Towers."


Innihaldslausar hótanir

""We love you, queens! We're in your corner, and we've got you," Theron said during the telethon aimed at mobilizing support to overturn laws preventing kids from viewing drag performances.

"And I will f*** anybody up who is, like, trying to f*** with anything with you guys," the Mad Max star continued.

On Friday Megyn Kelly fired back at Charlize Theron, challenging the far left actress, "Why doesn’t Charlize Theron come and f*** me up?"

Bardagi tilkynntur seinna.  Pay-per-view.


Žeir ķ Baltimore hugsa skrķtnar hugsanir

"The city of Baltimore has sued car makers Hyundai and Kia, arguing that the Korean auto giants encourage theft by making their cars too easy to steal."

Žegar žeir vilja ekki handtaka glępamenn fyrir glępi...


Žį vitiši hvaš žiš žurfiš aš gera til aš vinna nóbelinn.  Nota Dķnamķt.

Žiš hafiš veriš vöruš viš.

Vištal viš Trump er skoplegt

CNN tók vištal viš Trump

"CNN’s Wednesday townhall with President Trump was a total victory for him in every facet.

He shut down host Kaitlin Collins’ feeble attempts to bully him on subjects ranging from J6, Ukraine, his legal matters, abortion, and more.

The domination was so thorough that the failing “news” network had to cut the townhall short by 20 minutes to stop the rout."

Not the bee hefur vķdjó.

Vķdjóin eru skemmtileg.


śtigangsmašur handtekinn fyrir aš ganga örna sinna į trśartįkn

"Fred Innocent, 45, walked into Buceo 95, a tapas bar on W. 95th St. and Broadway on the Upper West Side, on April 15 at about 10 a.m. as the day crew was setting up and grabbed two rainbow flags off of a table, cops said. He relieved himself on one of the banners, according to police, then cleaned himself with another.

This is the first time I've ever heard a lib complain about homeless people pooping literally wherever they want."

Hróšur Ķslendinga berst vķša.  Loksins eitthvaš til aš vera stoltur af.

Yfirvöld bśa til afsökun til aš njósna um borgarana

"The public’s hatred of racial, sexual, and religious minorities is so out of control that it imperils our democracy. At least, that’s what influential leaders from Joe Biden and Barack Obama to former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden and California Governor Gavin Newsom want us to believe.

...it may be that Californian prosecutors simply labeled more crimes as “hate” crimes because they were primed to do so by the media’s 700% - 1,000% increased focus on racism between 2011 and 2020.

Germany is leading the West into a totalitarian future. Currently, the government is investigating 8,500 cases of wrongspeech and, according to the New York Times, “more than 1,000 people have been charged or punished since 2018."

Fólk lętur žetta allt koma sér į óvart.

Mašur dęmdur ķ langt fangelsi fyrir aš skjóta hryšjuverkamann ķ sjįlfsvörn

"In the summer of 2020, police confirmed that two people fired shots during an fight in Austin between a motorist and a Black Lives Matter-Antifa protester. The protester was shot and killed during the altercation.

Police say that the man who was killed, Garrett Foster, was armed and confronted the vehicle — but was not the other person who fired shots (meaning Perry)."


Žetta stóš ekki lengi, og gekk ekkert vel.

Demókratar višurkenna aš žeir žrį žręlahald

"Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) said on Wednesday during a Judicial Committee hearing that illegal immigrants are a necessary force for the United States economy as they fill low-wage labor jobs."

Tim Pool įttar sig į žvķ aš sumt fólk vill bara vera lamiš.

Žaš var žį.

Bśiš aš sanna glępi į Biden.

Žessir Pakistanar viršast hafa smķšaš vélmenni.  Žaš er allt ķ vinnzlu.

Talandi um mikilvęga tękni:

"With the advent of smart phones, people do a lot while they're using the toilet these days.

What if we could make use of all the time people spent sitting on the toilet and do something health-conscience while they're there anyway?

Heart Seat currently includes a ballistocardiogram (which measures the mechanical activity of the heart), an electrocardiogram (which measures the electrical activity of the heart), and the difficult-to-read "photoplethysmogram" (which detects blood volume changes)."


Viš vissum žaš svosem.

"House Republicans announced they now have reviewed 170 suspicious activity reports linked to the Biden Crime Family.

Comer identified the NINE Bidens implicated in corruption.

James Comer said the Biden family received over $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden was Vice President.

Bank records show the Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies," Comer added. "Some of that money came from a Chinese company and went to Hunter Biden’s company…this is not how lawful businesses operate."


"Republicans are digging in on over $10 million received by Biden family members from foreign actors, including previously undisclosed $1 million in Romanian-linked payments, and a 'web' of 20 companies created while President Joe Biden was vice president and pushing anti-corruption efforts abroad.

It details the efforts by the family to hide, conceal and confuse sources of money - including more China money, according to a committee aide."

Alvöru skandall.

Žaš veršur lķtiš śr žessu.

Žetta er merkilegt.

Hverjir eru aš ritskoša internetiš?

"Anti-disinformation groups talk endlessly about building “resilience” to disinformation (which in practice means making sure the public hears approved narratives so often that anything else seems frightening or repellent), and audiences are trained to question not only the need for checks and balances, but competition."

Žetta virkar allt mjög vel vegna žess aš fólk er lķka mjög hrętt viš aš hugsa.

Ef žiš treystiš ekki screen-cappinu.

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