Glæpir og "glæpir"

Þætti eðlilegt hér á landi

"Truly incredible that Joe Biden pardoned Hunter starting in 2014 — the year he was appointed a board member of Burisma.

Neat that Joe Biden knows exactly when his son's criminal activity began.

The Biden-Ukraine arc of American history is coming to a close. It started with Joe Biden pressuring Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma after his son joined the energy company's board."

Ekki almenn vitneskja, en ætti að vera það.

Man eftir að rússar findu voða margar sýklavopnaverksmiðjur á vegum USA þar.

Fastistar í Ástralíu reyna að ritskoða internetið

"When Australian plans to crack down on ‘misinformation’ [a.k.a. free-speech] online surfaced, Musk called the government ‘fascists.’

Now, Musk again addressed the country’s legislation, criticizing proposed legislation to ban social media for children under 16.

Seems like a backdoor way to control access to the Internet by all Australians’, Musk, a self-proclaimed free speech advocate, said Thursday."

Gömlu góðu "Hugsið um börnin" rökin.  Það voru annaðhvort þau eða "fyrir þína eigin heilsu," sem hafa oft gefist vel.

Sekur sem syndin sjálf.

VW í kröggum

"The work stoppages included the company’s base plant at Wolfsburg, where workers rallied against a cost-cutting drive by the automaker´s management in which they face the threat of the company’s first plant closures in its home country.

The company is demanding a 10% pay cut for 120,000 German workers and has said it can’t avoid shedding factory capacity that is no longer needed. Employee representatives say the company has proposed closing three of its German plants."

Það er víst kreppa.

Fólk hlustar ekki.  Þannig sigrar Darwin.

Þessi svikamilla heldur áfram fram á síðasta dag.

"The Biden-Harris administration is preparing to send an additional $725 million in military assistance to Ukraine that will include counter-drone systems and more of the controversial anti-personnel landmines that most countries around the world have outlawed as a weapon of war."


Fólk vill fasisma, en ekki eins mikið woke.

Bestu fréttir dagsins:

"Vinstri græn fengu 2,3 prósent atkvæða í kosningunum í gær. Í lögum um starfsemi stjórnmálasamtaka kemur fram að stjórnmálasamtök sem hafa fengið að minnsta kosti einn mann kjörinn á þing eða náð að lágmarki 2,5 prósent atkvæða eigi rétt til árlegra framlaga úr ríkissjóði. Þannig er ljóst að flokkurinn á ekki rétt til slíkra framlaga miðað við núgildandi lög."

Gæti það verið vegna þess að þeir settu sig á móti Hvalveiðum, orku-framleiðzlu, atvinnulífinu svona almennt, og orsökuðu mikla líkamlega þjáningu með því að búa til biðlista í heilbrigðiskerfinu?

Nei, hvernig læt ég.  Þannig hugsa bara hægri-menn.  Við erum að tala um leftista hérna, sem líta á þjáningu og fátækt sem plús.  Þetta er vegna þess að þeir störfuðu með XD.

Verstu frétturnar eru hinsvegar þær að nú erum við með úrval glóbalista, og sama gengið og hefur verið að rústa fjárhag Reykjavíkur.

Og þó við höfum losnað við tvo mest woke flokkana, þá er Viðreisn enn nógu woke til þess að vera necropedo.

Ekki veit ég hvernig þetta lið raðar sér saman, en hitt má vera víst að ekkert af þessu fólki er menn til þess að bregðast við komandi heimskreppu. Ég meina, sumt af þessu liði heldur að það sé framtíð í evrópusambandinu.

Darwin lagar þetta

"New Report Says Liberal Women Are Sterilizing Themselves in Response to Trump’s Election

Trump does not support a national abortion ban, writing on Truth Social last month that he would veto such an effort."

Hehe.  Fólk.


Þjóðsagan segir að Hitler hafi átt þátt í að hanna VW Bjölluna.

Glóbalistar eru að kveikja í Georgíu

"Pro-EU protests continued on Sunday in Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, where activists clashed with riot police outside the former Soviet country’s parliament building."

Matur í Georgíu er merkilega ljúffengur.

Ellen umflotin vatni

"Ellen DeGeneres and her partner, Portia de Rossi, have encountered an unwelcome surprise at their newly purchased farmhouse in the United Kingdom, as flooding has completely covered the 43-acre property. The unfortunate circumstances come as DeGeneres made the decision to permanently move out of the US following the election of President-elect Donald Trump."

Deus vult.

Talibanar taka kolefnistrú

"The Taliban, which has imposed an austere version of sharia Islamic law since taking power, also says it will seek to be part of the $100 billion per year in climate finance through 2025 that was agreed at the summit in order to help save the world from “climate change.”"

Kolefnistrú gefur vel af sér, svo lengi sem þú ert ekki almennur skattborgari.

Hvernig voru undanfarin 4 ár?

FÍB segir okkur hvers vegna við eigum ekki að kjósa Sjálfstæðisflokkinn:

"Verð á bensíni og dísilolíu er hvergi í Evrópu hærra en hér á landi og frekari verðhækkanir eru boðaðar á næsta ári. Bensín- og olíugjöld hækka um 2,5 prósent um áramótin og kolefnisgjald um 55 prósent. Það þýðir að skattar á bensín hækka samanlagt um tæplega níu prósent en rúmlega tíu á dísilolíu"

Eins og ég segi: Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn er kommúnistaflokkur.  Og því fleiri sem átta sig á þessu, því meira minnkar fylgið.

Ég meina, kolefnisgjald?  Kom on!

Nokkur ríki þ.á.m. Texas kæra Blackrock ofl. fyrir kolefnistrú

"The ultra-woke financier collective, the pushers of ESG and DEI in corporate America, are being accused of working together to drive up energy costs in the name of the climate-change agenda.

Texas will not tolerate the illegal weaponization of the financial industry in service of a destructive, politicized ‘environmental' agenda.

BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street formed a cartel to rig the coal market, artificially reduce the energy supply, and raise prices.

Their conspiracy has harmed American energy production and hurt consumers. This is a stunning violation of State and federal law."

Texas er til fyrirmyndar, ísland er víti til að varast.  Og verður sennilega um ókomna tíð.

S&W kemur á X hefir að hafa verið hent út af náriðlasíðunni

"Smith & Wesson’s account posted on X: “Despite our extensive efforts and resources spent on trying to adhere to Facebook’s ever-changing community guidelines on firearms, our account was suspended indefinitely on Friday, November 22nd, 15 years after its original creation.”"

Engar byssur, bara barnaklám.


Leftistar fara niður í fjöru til þess að öskra

"In the wake of Trump’s Election Day victory, a group of liberals gathered on the shores of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin to let out a "primal scream," saying it was to "release our pain and frustration" over Vice President Kamala Harris’ loss."

Allt dettur fólki í hug.


Fasistar hafa endanlega misst vitið

"Argentina's feminists are now dance-screaming to try and stop Javier Milei, Donald Trump, and Elon Musk"

Fasistar eru illskiljanlegir.

Alvöru?  Feik?  Nenni ekki að tékka.

Milljarðamæringur útskýrir afstöðu sína

"They’ve uncovered a new way to destroy companies: 30 tech founders were secretly debanked. No warning. No explanation. No appeals. Pure, silent government power.

Our national security is hanging by a thread: • 90% of US military drones are Chinese-made. • FAA regulations wiped out American manufacturers. Each drone has the potential to be a weapon—or a spy platform."

Já.  Hvernig stóð á því að hann hætti ekki að styðja demókratana fyrr skil ég ekki.  Kannski voru þeir bara að gefa í skyn að röðin væri að koma að honum?


Gagnslausar tölur þannig, því við vitum alveg hverjir eru að sigra þetta án þeirra

" The Economist noted that according to US officials, Kiev’s total casualty figure currently stands at more than 308,000 soldiers. According to the outlet’s analysis of other sources, the figure could be closer to half a million troops, of which “at least” 60,000-100,000 are believed to have been killed."

Leftistar eru samir við sig

"“Last night and this morning, several of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees and Administration appointees were targeted in violent, unAmerican threats to their lives and those who live with them. These attacks ranged from bomb threats to ‘swatting.’ In response, law enforcement and other authorities acted quickly to ensure the safety of those who were targeted. President and the entire Transition team are grateful for their swift action,” Trump spox Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday morning."

Þeir taka sér bara pásu frá barnaníðinu til þess að senda út morðhótanir.

Ritskoðaða samskiptafyrirbærið BluesSky lofar að ritskoða meira

"Bloomberg reports that in the wake of the European Union’s accusation that Bluesky has failed to comply with its digital regulations, the rapidly growing social media platform has announced its commitment to rectify the situation.

Breitbart News previously reported that the influx of leftists fleeing X have brought with them a tendency to complain, demand others are censored, and even posting child pornography, leaving the fledgling company to be flooded with flagged posts."

Ritskoðun gerir tjáningu erfiða, og skoðanaskifti torveld, vegna þess að flest fólk er mjög vitlaust.  Það skilur jafnvel ekki bókstakflegar meiningar, hvað þá íróniu.

Rússneski AR-10 riffillinn ofl.

Úrkynjunarþjálfun leiðir til illsku

"Those exposed to the DEI materials were far more likely to perceive racism in the admissions process, despite no evidence to support such a conclusion.

Those exposed to the DEI materials were also more likely to advocate punitive measures, such as suspending the admissions officer or mandating additional DEI training."

Hverjum hefði dottið í hug að það að þjalfa fólk í að vera siðblind illmenni gerði fólk að siðblindum illmennum? 

Walmart hættir með úrkynjunarþjálfun

"Walmart said it would remove sexual and transgender products that were reportedly marketed toward children and will review grants to LGBTQI+ events to avoid funding sexualized content targeting children. Walmart said it plans to continue supporting Pride parades."

Það er alveg nóg barnaníð í heiminum án þess að Walmart bæti þar við.

Rússneski herinn fær nýjan riffil

"Named Titan, the rifle is reportedly "already engaged in the zone of the Ukrainian operation," according to a media outlet citing the Russian arms company SWC.

"Semiautomatic Titan rifle of .308 caliber has been designed for Russian special task units. It can be used as a sniper or assault rifle. Experts say the new universal rifle has good characteristics and is in demand among scouts and commandos," SWC stated."

.308 NATO.  Írónískt.

... og overkill.


Á meðan, í Berlín

"A transgender police officer accused of sexually assaulting two colleagues has been elected a representative for women on the force in the German capital.

The three police officers apparently met at Berlin’s KitKat club, an establishment known for sex parties. Believing Judy was a biological woman, they accepted the invitation to their colleague’s apartment for a threesome. Once there, however, they claim to have been drugged and physically abused.

The two officers, who were not identified, reported “serious injuries” to their genitals and other body parts due to Judy’s alleged use of a penis pump and “other things.”"

Smá Weimar fílingur í þessu.

Ekkert má

"Wannabe Ariana Grandes are singing along during movie screenings of “Wicked” — sparking outrage from filmgoers who say they should hit the Yellow Brick Road.

“I love that people are excited about it, but everybody’s an indoor cat now,” said Zoppi, a Newark speakeasy singer whose love of music doesn’t extend to obnoxious public singing at the movies. “They don’t know how to be in public places.”

AMC Theaters imposed a ban on belting out show tunes during screenings — in response to a trend that has unleashed the flying monkeys of debate over movie-watching etiquette."


WW3 nálgast, eftir þrálátar óskir yfirvalda

Yfirmaður NIH viðurkennir að öll kóvitleysan var uppspuni

"“I probably shouldn’t be saying this out loud. They might have funded a lab in Wuhan, China and Pfizer and Moderna are getting a bunch of money from all of these vaccine mandates,” Raja Cholan said to the OMG undercover journalist.

“I don’t even know if these vaccines stop you from getting COVID. They don’t,” Raja Cholan said, adding, “We’re all going to learn [about the dangers of the Covid vaccine] when it’s too late.”"

Allir jörmuðu bara með og tóku þátt.  Og nú er krabbamein að verða algengara.

Bretum lýst eitthvað illa á brezka ríkið

"The online petition calling for a General Election is on course to hitting 2.5 million signatures overnight in yet another blow for Sir Keir Starmer's months-old Government.

The poll was launched by pub owner Michael Westwood, who said that Sir Keir Starmer has "gone back on his promises" - and now, Elon Musk has added his backing to the campaign."

En hann er að hækka skattana, leggja niður landbæunaðinn, starta þriðju heimtyrrjöldinni, fylla landið af sandniggurum og bjóða svo fólkinu uppá sjálfseyðingu.

Allt það sem flestir stjórnmálaflokkar á Íslandi bjóða uppá.

Fólk hlýtur að vilja þetta.  Ég meina, Samfylkingin mælist með 20% fylgi.  XD með 12%.  Einhver vill þetta allt.


Það e eiithvað bjagað við þetta

"The scale of spending needed to keep the peace in Europe is such that ordinary people would feel the pinch in the pocketbook, Admiral Bauer said, calling on politicians to provide strong leadership to make the case this is necessary to voters. He said: “if you ramp up your deterrence and if you ramp up support to Ukraine, there will be less money to spend on other things. It will take away some of our luxuries, it will require sacrifice.”"

Evrópa á ekkert eftir, hafandi sóað öllum sínum auðæfum í Kóvitleysuna og "grænt" kjaftæði af öllum gerðum.

Það er ekkert eftir fyrir eitthvað tilgangslaust stríð sem enginn vill heldur.

Múslimar allstaðar til vandræða

"Tensions in Sambhal began to rise last week when the first site survey was attempted on November 21, just hours after it was ordered by a local court. The application for the survey was submitted by a local temple priest who claimed that a Hindu temple had existed at the site of the mosque before it was allegedly demolished by Muslim rulers to build the Shahi Jama Masjid in 1526, according to the Indian Express."

Fjölmenning = endalaust ofbeldi

Þjóðverjar búa sig undir WW3

"Germany is exploring methods of keeping their civilian population safe in the event of a conflict. 

This would involve reopening Germany's 579 World War Two and Cold War bunkers and repurposing underground car parks and metro stations as shelters."

Menn fara kannski að átta sig á að það va ekkert súper gáfulegt að starta stríði við Rússa.

Þetta er mjög vont


Það má aldrei gera neitt skemmtilegt vegna nöldurs í leiðinlegu fólki

"The Seppuku contest has been canceled. The promoters (a toy company) originally billed it as a flea market, but the event went viral and the promoters got overwhelmed with comments:"

Hljómaði eins og brilljant hugmynd.



"In 2023, nearly 25 percent of all job additions were government jobs. And over the last 12 months, government jobs increased by an average of 43,000 per month. In addition, according to the latest GDP figure, government spending accounted for 30 percent of the annualized growth.

Should Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy make good on their intentions to hit the delete button on numerous federal agencies and eliminate $2 trillion in government spending, two notable things will happen. GDP will topple over and the unemployment rate will skyrocket."

Fólki mun ekki líka þetta, en þetta þarf að gearst, og sem fyrst.

Eina vitið

"Chairwoman of House DOGE committee says NPR, PBS could be on the chopping block because they 'spread nothing but Democrat propaganda'"

Þetta gildir um RÚV, en Íslenska ríkið vil hafa sitt áróðurstæki.

Þarf að heilaþvo fólkið.

Ameríks vandamál, alveg eins og íslensk.

Brezka ríkið rústar Bretlandi.

"The head of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned that tax rises announced in the Autumn Budget are undermining investment and growth in the economy among UK companies."

Engir bændur, engin fyrirtæki, bara Islamskir öfgamenn með sveðjur.


Það er erfitt líf fyrir stjórnmálamenn þegar allt sem þeir standa fyrir er hatað af kjósendum


Kannsi átta pólitíkusar sig á að kolefnistrú er ekki vinsæl?

"Á síðu Landverndar segir að umhverfis- og loftslagsmálinu séu með mikilvægustu málefnum samtímans en þrátt fyrir það virðist þau ekki í forgangi hjá flokkum í framboði."

Peningaaustur úr í veður og vind.

Þessi frétt lofar líka góðu

"Í könn­un Vil­borg­ar kem­ur fram að kjós­end­ur hafa oft frek­ar nei­kvætt álit á alþjóðastarf­inu og þá kannski ekki síst þeim vinnu­ferðum sem því tengj­ast."

Það er jákvætt að fólk smám saman áttar si á að þetta er peningasóun og afraksturinn er ekkert nema stríð og ifflutningur hryðjuverkamanna hingað.

Anti Fart

"Billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have plunged millions into a controversial initiative to develop “climate vaccines” for livestock, aiming to curb methane emissions from cattle in a quest to battle so-called climate change.

ArkeaBio, a Boston-based biotech firm, recently raised $26.5 million in venture capital funding to advance its methane-reducing cattle vaccine."

Engan aftansöng.

Á meðan halda stuðningsmenn ríkis-aðgera óeirðir í Kanada

"While an anti-Israel mob was on a rampage in Montreal, vandalizing the city, Justin Trudeau was busy dancing at a Taylor Swift concert.

Complete lawlessness in Montreal as the Pro-Hamas terror mobs emboldened by the Trudeau Liberals destroy the PM’s own hometown. Rioters on a violent rampage and not a single word from our government. They only act when you disagree with them."

Þú veist að óeriðaliðið er algerlega hliðhollt ríkinu þegar þeir fá að óeirðast svona óáreittir.

JK Rowling tekur þátt í gerð sjónvarpsþátta um sín eigin verk

"HBO added that it has “been working with J.K. Rowling and in the Harry Potter business for over 20 years” and “her contribution has been invaluable” to their Harry Potter projects."

Eins og allir vita þá hafa öfuguggar af ógeðslegustu sort verið að herja á kellinguna.

Á meðan, á tunglinu

"In a groundbreaking revelation, scientists have identified a substantial heat-emitting granite mass beneath the Moon’s surface, specifically near the Compton and Belkovich craters on its far side. This discovery was made possible through data collected by both Chinese and American lunar orbiters, which utilized microwave frequency observations to detect subsurface temperatures."


Það sem gerir þig að hægri-öfgamanni

Ríki heimsins eru ekkert hrifin af frelsi

Franska ríkið hefur mikinn ímugust á lýðræðinu

"In Austria, the conservative Freedom Party won a parliamentary election victory in September, though left wing and centrist parties are seeking to cement a coalition to nullify the FP's ability to govern.

A similar coalition coup was exploited in France under Emmanuel Macron in order to stop Marine Le Pen's National Rally Party.  The coalition is a fragmented mess but it served its purpose of disrupting the will of French voters seeking smaller government and secure borders. 

Keep in mind, the same people that constantly howl about "threats to democracy" are now trying to silence some of the largest political parties in Europe because they won't submit to progressive ideologies.  For example, if the AFD is banned, who is going to represent the will of millions of conservative German voters?  The leftist establishment does not care about those voters or their concerns, nor do they care about fair elections."

Þeir vilja bara svona "okkar lýðræði."


Rússar minna á að þeir eiga líka ansi langdrægar eldflaugar

"On  Thursday, Russia fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with multiple non-nuclear re-entry warheads on the city of Dnepropetrovsk, in Ukraine.

This comes after Joe Biden approved the use of long-range US-made missiles to be fired by Ukraine into Russia – which they did earlier this week."

Smá kaldastríðs flassback.

Sjúkrahús í Oregon lokar vegna sífelldra árása kommúnista

"The Portland Clinic announced Sunday that it would be shuttering its doors downtown due to ongoing public safety issues in the neighborhood. The physician-owned medical clinic located at 800 SW 13th Ave in downtown Portland has provided care and treatment to area residents for more than 100 years. According to police records, officers have been dispatched near the facility over 60 times this year, 27 of which were in October, for various violent and nonviolent crimes.

This is the latest business to shutter in Portland, as the progressive-led city struggles to restore public safety after decades of disastrous pro-criminal leftwing policies."

Framtið okkar?

Kjósið rétt.

DOGE er það best sem hefur komið fyrir vestræna siðmenningu.

Allt fer á hausinn í Þýzkalandi

"The number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany has soared over the past year, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported on Thursday. The trend has been attributed to weak economic performance and rising costs in the EU’s largest economy."

Það er kreppa, það er stríð.

Ein ástæða þess að Bretland er á niðurleið.


Evrópumenn hafa áhyggjur vegna hegðunar glóbalista

"As the mainstream press in the United States continues to obsess with imaginary threats from Trump’s army of “fascist” supporters, the Europeans are focused on the very real possibility that the Biden–Harris administration is going to start World War III on its way out the door. All over the continent, military and civilian authorities are working hard on civil defense preparations and planning for armed conflict with Russia."

Það sem okkar stjórnvöld styðja.

Í sögulegu samhengi.

Hamstrar í flugvél

"The TAP Air Portugal flight from Lisbon to Ponta Delgada Airport featured a full contingent of passengers as well as hamsters, ferrets and birds en route to a pet store.

The flight ended up grounded in Ponta Delgada when 132 hamsters were found to have escaped into the cargo hold. 

Workers spent four days scouring the plane for loose rodents and the Airbus A320 finally returned to Lisbon on Sunday."

Ekki jafn töff og snákar í flugvél, en eitthvað.

Trannar hafa í hótunum eftir að hafa verið perversjóna-heftir

"Mace introduced a resolution that would bar biological males from using women’s bathrooms and other female-only facilities on Capitol Hill, and leftists are losing their minds.

She later confirmed that the resolution is in response to Sarah McBride’s election to the House as the first male "congresswoman."

one apparent transgender individual threatened to grab her hair, drag her face to the floor, bash her head in, and then kill her."

Trannar, ekki geðheilbrigðasta fólkið.

Ekkert má lengur

"Police in Georgia recently arrested a mother because her 10-year-old son decided to take a walk of less than a mile into town. While Brittany Patterson was driving another child to the doctor, Soren went for the walk unaccompanied, Reason Magazine reported."

Það er einhver "kanar eru svo feitir" brandari í þessu...

Bretar vilja taka þátt í WW3

"Ukraine has fired British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles into Russia for the first time, just hours after Putin's nuclear war warning.

Russian media reported that 12 missiles were launched by a Ukrainian aircraft in the Kursk region, which they identified to be Storm Shadows."

Á meðan, í Rússlandi

"The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear arms and/or other weapons of mass destruction against itself and/or its allies, as well as in the event of an aggression against the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus as constituents of the Union State using conventional arms, if such an aggression creates a critical threat for their sovereignty and/or territorial integrity."

Við höfum þessa 2 mánuði...

íslenska ríkið hefur verið DEI síðan 1944.

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