13.12.2024 | 20:35
Leftistinn þekkist á pedófílíunni og andúð hans á skotvopnum.
Þýzka ríkið tekur Islam mjög alvarlega
"Successful YouTuber Aron Pielka (28), who goes by the Jewish name Shlomo Finkelstein to troll Nazis, was arrested in August and is currently spending a 12-month prison term for violating his parole, as The Gateway Pundit reported.
He was given a 3-year suspended sentence in the Summer of 2020 for 10 counts of Hate Speech and Blasphemy by Cologne district court. When the court tried to send him a 600 fine at his registered address in 2024, it found he had moved for security reasons, which it termed a violation of parole and ordered his imprisonment."
Nazisminn rís aftur í upprunalandinu.
Kommúnismi þrífst ekki án ritskoðunar.
Glæpon viðurkennir að hafa lagt líf fjölda fólks í rúst með lygum
"On Thursday, Crystal Mangum, the former stripper and current convicted murderer, confessed to lying about being raped in 2006 by Duke lacrosse players. In a new interview, Magnum admitted that she lied and said she "made up a story that wasn't true because I wanted validation from people and not from God.""
Lexían sem hefur verið barin í okkur undanfarna áratugi er: ekki trúa konum.
Niger sér hlutina eins og þeir eru
"Niger has suspended BBC programming, accusing the British state broadcaster of spreading false information that could destabilize the West African country, which has struggled to combat a decade-long lethal jihadist insurgency."
Þetta er alveg rétt, það hefur verið lítið að marka BBC undanfarið.
Þetta gleymist aldrei.
Biden stjórnin reynir að selja landamæravegginn
"Weeks before Trump takes office, Biden is racing to auction off unused border wall materials. Video shows trucks hauling wall materials off the border to a government auction site, where a massive amount of wall is waiting to be sold."
Biden stjórnin hatar bandaríkjamenn.
Fáviti kærir fyrirtæki vegna vöru sem þeir framleiða ekki
"Attorney General Matt Platkin
stundum heldur maður að einungis Íslenska ríkð sé að keppa við demókrata í USA á jafnrréttisgrundvelli, en:
Þessi skorar hátt á úrkynjunarskalanum
12.12.2024 | 15:01
Leyniþjónustan gæti ekki hitt fíl þó hún héldi í ranann á honum
Biden stjórnin hefur rústað hagkerfinu
"According to the latest Treasury data released today, in November - the second month of fiscal 2025 - the US spent a massive $584.2 billion, a 14% increase from the prior year, and a record for the month of November. For those who remember out outrage from a month ago, will also remember that the latest deficit number follows what was also a record government outlay for the month of October."
Ég býst við að Sameinuðu þjóðirnar verði lagðar af á næsta ári til þess að eiga fyrir þessu.
Viktor Orban reynir að stilla til friðar
"Politico reported:
Leyniþjónustan gæti ekki hitt hlöðu þó þeir stæðu inni í henni
"The US Secret Service (USSS) agent that took shots at Ryan Routh, the second alleged would-be assassin of now-President-elect Donald Trump, reportedly missed six times from around five feet away from Routh."
Fimm *FET.*
Ég hefði geta hitt þenna gaur af 50 *METRA* færi. Með annarri.
Hvaða lið velst eiginlega í þetta?
Samskipti milli kynslóða eru lítil í USA
"According to research from LinkedIn, 1 in 5 Gen Zers have said not a word to anyone over 50 in their office in the last year.
It's a truly online generation and, apparently, all of the socialization of school for 18 years or so didn't teach them how to interact with grownups."
Helmingur þeirra sem voru yfir 50 þar sem ég vann á flugvellinum voru alltaf að tala um áhuga sinn á að stunda kynlíf með dýrum og fótboltamönnum.
Ekki áhugaverðar eða uppbyggilega samræður.
11.12.2024 | 19:23
Margt gerist í heiminum
Fréttastofa Reuters er full af trúðum
"Reuters is at it again with their team of fact checkers. Theyre targeting The Babylon Bee, a satirical website, over an article that states the most favoured farewell in the UK, cheerio mate has been replaced with Allahu Akbar."
Sumir eru ekki með öllum mjalla.
Dæmdur pedó reynir að komast inní borgarstjórn NY
"The former Congressman, who was forced to resign his seat over sexting scandals and was later convicted of sexting a minor, has filed to run for a seat on the New York City Council."
Auðvitað er hann demókrati.
"Leftisti" er farinn að verða samnefnari fyrir "pedófíll."
Fleiri horfa á matarrásina en á CNN
"Despite the busy news cycle, CNN's bleak audience was smaller than TNT, Food Network, Freeform, Discovery, INSP, Hallmark Mystery, TLC, TBS, History, HGTV, USA, MSNBC, Paramount, Hallmark Channel, ESPN and Fox News."
Þeir hefðu átt að halda sig við sannleikann. Alex Jones hefur engan einkarétt á honum.
"As the changes come, only those nations can be winners that can bring the most out of themselves, Orban told a gathering of university students, as quoted by his office.
Those who assimilate, fall into line, are unable to show their own values or discover the strength inherent in their national character will soon become irrelevant, he added."
Hann skilur hvað málin snúast öll um.
Ég hélt að svona lagað gerðist bara í teiknimyndum
"Police have confirmed that a body recovered from the Solway Firth has been formally identified as 74-year-old Shona Campbell, who became trapped in quicksand whilst walking her dog."
"On Tuesday, South Carolina Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace was accosted on the grounds of the US Capitol. The suspect was taken into custody. Mace said the person was a male trans activist."
Hér á landi hafa trannar látið nægja að kæra menn fyrir barnanauðgarafóbísk ummæli.
Á meðan, í Bretlandi:
10.12.2024 | 18:31
Allir gleðjast vegna komandi þjóðarmorðs
Allir fagna yfirvofandi þjóðarmorði
"The U.S. didnt support the rebels who overran Syria because they thought Assad was too brutal of a dictator. They supported them because it was yet another way to deal a black eye to Russia.
Syrias new jihadist regime has reportedly already started rounding up the Christians."
Hoppið endilega af gleði.
Trump spökulerar í að einfalda hlutina aðeins
"US President-elect Donald Trump has suggested that Mexico and Canada become US states if they want substantial subsidies from Washington to continue flowing."
Stórar hugmyndir.
Brezk fyrirtæki hafa ekki efni á að ráða starfsfólk
"Indeeds data shows a steady fall in vacancies through 2024 but businesses concerns about hiring have become sharper since finance minister Rachel Reeves announced a 25 billion pound ($32 billion) rise in employer payroll taxes in her Oct. 30 budget.
Employers will likely continue with caution when it comes to hiring in 2025, Indeed said."
Þetta gæti gerst hérna. Við höfum jú Samfylkinguna ennþá.
Lögreglan í Oregon leitar að listmanni
"Despite the improvements donated without cost to the city, the government in Bend is demanding that the art improver cease and desist and that if anyone has any information regarding the artist's identity, they rat out the genius."
Þetta er brilljant, hvað er fólk að nöldra?
Vísir segir að Samfó þrái að fráfarandi stjórn skili verra búi en þau segja
Ég vissi svosem að þei hjá vísi væru fasistar, en come on... ekki það sem hún sagði:
"Kristrún Frostadóttir segir liggja fyrir að fráfarandi ríkisstjórn skilji eftir sig verra bú en ríkisstjórnin hafi haldið fram."
Eins slæm og staðan er, trúi ég að hún geti gert hana jafnvel verri.
Leftistar valda fleiri dauðsföllum.
9.12.2024 | 16:57
Baráttan við hið illa
Glóbalistar berjast gegn lýðræðinu
"In Germany the establishment is attempting to ban the increasingly successful AfD Party on the grounds that they represent a "return to fascism". Over 100 legislators backed the resolution, though it is unclear if a vote will be taken.
All other political parties in Germany are variations of the progressive spectrum. Leftists say that if the AfD gains any significant governmental power they will refuse to work with them, preferring to leave the German government in a state of limbo rather than accept the will of the voters.
In France, the increasing success of Marine Le Pen and her National Rally Party has been met with extreme derision by the progressive elites. The establishment under Emmanuel Macron engaged in political chicanery after the National Rally won the first round of the French elections. The centrists established a coalition with the radical leftists as a way to prevent the right wing from taking power. The move was technically legal, but considered by many to be an immoral effort to deny conservative French voters a voice."
Allir að rifja upp gamla Nazista takta. Fólk þarf að passa sig á þessu liði, en ekki virðast allir átta sig á hættunni.
Þriðjungur ameríkana með hjartabilun núna
"In 2022, the FAA quietly altered its electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters for pilots to accommodate those who suffered cardiac injury. The suggestion with this quiet change is that the shots are responsible for the high number of fully jabbed pilots whose hearts are now destroyed.
The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots, Kirsch says about the FAAs widening of the ECG parameters beyond the normal range. My best guess right now is that over 50 million Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot."
Lofar góðu.
"A San Francisco resident and vocal "defund the police" advocate, Darcie Bell, went viral after publicly complaining about police inaction following the theft of her rented U-Haul truck, which contained all her belongings.
Bell, who goes by the name Jerque Cousteau on X, initially posted a plea for help after the theft, writing, If you see a 26 foot Uhaul truck with the Arizona plate AL50003- would you let me know because it had like everything I own on it. The post garnered attention, with many mocking her due to her past of anti-police posts."
Hún bað um þetta, svo hvað er hún að nöldra?
Ævintýri ríka og fræga fólksins
"Rap star Jay-Z has been accused of raping a 13-year-old girl with fellow music mogul Sean Diddy Combs at a party in 2000, NBC News reported on Sunday, citing a lawsuit.
The lawsuit reportedly specified that the girl did not have a ticket, and was trying to gain access to the show at the Radio City Music Hall or an after-party by asking various limousine drivers to help. One of them allegedly told her that he was working for Combs and that she fit what Diddy was looking for. The driver reportedly invited her to a party after the show and told her to return to his car later in the evening after he transported Carter and Combs.
The suit claims that the driver later picked her up and drove to a white house with a U-shaped driveway. The accuser was forced to sign a document she believed was a nondisclosure agreement on arrival to enter the party, where she was offered a drink that made her feel woozy, lightheaded and felt [like] she needed to lie down.
According to the document, shortly after she went into a room to rest, Combs and Carter entered with Diddy saying: You are ready to party! Carter then allegedly removed her clothes, held her down and raped her while Combs and an unnamed female celebrity looked on. Combs also raped the girl, the suit alleged, as Carter and the woman watched."
Bara það sem þó má fréttast. Ef einhver man eftir Epstein.
Einu setti af skúrkum skipt út fyrir annað.
Í skólanum, í skólanum er skemmtilegt að vera...
"A Florida teacher is facing shocking accusations after police discovered him naked and surrounded by disturbing items in an elementary school classroom over Thanksgiving break"
Í Flórída.
Á meðan fagnar Biden einhverjum Sigurgeirum sem hafa pönnu-hneigð:
"President Joe Bidens Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) celebrated yet another LGBTQ+ holiday on Sunday, paying homage to Pansexual and Panromantic Pride Day in a post to X."
Sigurgeir er hrifinn af ílátum, segir hann.
Slappið af og horfið á þennan undarlega tölvuleik:
8.12.2024 | 15:13
Stórhætta á kalkúnakaupum
Ég myndi ekki segja engin, það er nefnilega mismikil hætta á að kaupa kalkún. Til dæmis þegar maður er á röltinu uppi á hrauni eru frekar litlar líkur á að kaupa kalkún, ekki nema kaupmaður með framsæknar verzlunaraðferðir veitist þar að manni með gott tilboð.
En þegar maður er í Krónus eða Bónunni, þá er viss hætta að maður slysist til þess að kaupa kalkún.
Hættan leynist alveg þarna úti.
"A lookalike competition inspired by the unidentified shooter who killed UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was held in New York City on Saturday.
The contest appeared to celebrate the unidentified shooter who killed Thompson outside the Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan last Wednesday, per the New York Post. A cash prize of $50 was set to be awarded to the winner of the contest."
Forréttindahópur hefur sig í frammi
"LGBTQ2+ activists have literally made Emo Township Mayor Harold McQuaker pay for daring to stand up to them.
Although the Northern Ontario municipal leader vowed not to honour a $5,000 fine the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) levied against him for comments surrounding town council not approving a motion to approve Pride month, he wasnt given a choice."
Þetta er það sem gerist þegar þú gefur hóp af pervertum völd.
Talandi um perverta... las um daginn að perrarnir hefðu hætt með málið við Eld í Lýðræðisflokknum, þið vitið, þegar þeir kærðu hann fyrir hatursorðræðu í garð barnanauðgara?
Fann það ekki aftur.
Vanhugsaðar reglur leiða til einfaldra lausna
"In 2023, Sweden's Social Democratic party passed a new law that made it illegal to arrest, detain, or prosecute a child under 15 for any crime. It also erased all criminal punishments for children.
One of the more alarming stories is that some of the children have become contract killers and are carrying out hits all over the country."
Þegar illa gefið fólk setur lög.
7.12.2024 | 15:36
Undur veraldar
""There are worries that Yoon won't be able to serve out his remaining 2 ½ years in office because his leadership took a huge hit," AP noted, adding, "Many experts say some ruling party lawmakers could eventually join opposition parties' efforts to impeach Yoon if public demands for it grow further."
Protests gathered outside the National Assembly building shortly after the motion to impeach Yoon failed."
Hvað dettur þeim í hug næst?
Stuðningsmenn Palestínu eru ekki með allt á hreinu
"However, in [the shooter's] writings, the sheriff said, the suspect wrote about taking 'counter-measures' against the school in response to America's involvement in violence in the Middle East."
Uhm... já.
Kanadamenn eru ekki alveg réttir í hausnum heldur
"Canadian Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc announced on Thursday that 324 more assault-style firearms have been added to Canadas list of banned guns.
Defense Minister Bill Blair suggested the legally purchased but now-banned weapons could be confiscated and shipped to Ukraine for use against Russian invaders."
Það er náttúrlega ótækt að vopn séu í Kanada, ekki nýtt til mannvíga, þegar hægt er að senda þau til Úkraníu til þess að viðhalda fjöldamorðum.
Fólk veit þetta ekki.
Kanada hefur MAID. Bara að segja...
"Ukrainian authorities estimate that as many as 1.2 million men have fled the country illegally since the conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022, MP Anna Skorokhod has said.
The lawmaker cited internal statistics in an interview with journalist Lana Shevchuk on Thursday. In addition to draft dodgers, roughly 8 million Ukrainian citizens have left the country legally, she said."
Menn eru greinilega ekki sammála þessu stríði.
Allt hefur verið vitað lengi.
Allir geta skoðað Pfizer skjölin núna
"The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a high-profile case brought by the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT).
The decision mandates the FDA to release the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) file for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine no later than June 30, 2025.
The FDA initially claimed it would need up to 75 years to process and release the requested documents. However, the Court, presided over by Judge Mark Pittman, rejected this argument, citing the importance of government accountability."
Ekkert þarna sem við vissum ekki fyrir, svosem.
6.12.2024 | 13:32
Cybertruck vs UAZ
"Tucker Carlson: Minister Lavrov, thank you for doing this. Do you believe the United States and Russia are at war with each other right now?
Sergey Lavrov: I wouldn't say so. And in any case, this is not what we want. We would like to have normal relations with all our neighbors, of course, but generally with all countries especially with the great country like the United States. And President Vladimir Putin repeatedly expressed his respect for the American people, for the American history, for the American achievements in the world, and we don't see any reason why Russia and the United States cannot cooperate for the sake of the universe."
... og þannig heldur það áfram.
Það eru óvenju margir trannar í DC
Þessir perrar eru akki að gera sjálfa sig vinsæla, og munu draga alla sem standa með þeim með sér.
"Employees at a grocery store in Akita City, Japan, headed for the hills when a black bear roamed in and attacked an employee, leaving him with a head injury.
... once a bear learns that it can conquer an entire grocery store faster than a group of Somali pirates taking over an ocean freighter, it's bound to try again, so the authorities had to put the bear down."
"Kadyrovs previous videos claiming that Musk gifted him one of the electric cars were a joke, he admitted.
In September, Kadyrov published a video of two Cybertrucks with machine guns mounted on them, driving through a wooded area and firing at a drone.
Tesla Cybertrucks have proven unfit for use in warfare, the leader of Russias Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said on Thursday.
Speaking in a TV broadcast, Kadyrov noted that while he did have the luxury electric car tested in the Ukraine conflict, it performed poorly compared to Russias UAZ Patriot."
Þar höfum við það.
"Ohios Satanic Temple has launched an instructional program at Marysville School District in central Ohio to counter Christian teaching in the classroom, The Sentinel reported Thursday."
Það var og.
5.12.2024 | 15:36
Blaðamenn Vísis borða kjöt sem kemur ekki af dýrum
Í Bretlandi er mönnum stungið í steininn fyrir að segja satt
"Prosecutors said Heggies comments were particularly inflammatory in the context of the riots and he is still being remanded in custody as he awaits sentencing later this month.
This is what he said: The court heard that, in videos referring to Muslims, Heggie made comments including "young white girls are being raped by these grooming gangs"."
Yfirvöld í Btretlandi eru í smá hættu.
Breski herinn ræður ekki við neitt
"In a war of scale not a limited intervention, but one similar to Ukraine our army, for example, on the current casualty rates would be expended as part of a broader multinational coalition in six months to a year, Carns said.
He based this calculation on questionable Ukrainian claims that Russia was taking 1,500 casualties every day, which Moscow has described as closer to Kievs actual losses.
Publicly available information has put the size of the British Army at 109,245 people as of October 1, which includes 25,814 volunteer reservists."
Þeir eiga vart í sitt eigið fólk, þó það sé óvopnað. Þeir myndu ekki endast viku á móti rússum.
Þeir hafa innan við 110.000 manns. Það skiftist í fligher, landher og sjóher. Inni í þessu er allt flutnings og stuðningsliðið. Bardagaliðið er kannski 10-15%, eða 10-15.000.
Á hverjum degi býst gaurinn við að missa 5-10% af bardagaliðinu, og allt að 1% af öllu hinu. Það gengur upp yfir eina helgi, svo þurfa þeir að hætta þessu eða múslimarnir leggja þá undir sig.
Biden-stjórnin skilur eftir sig sviðna jörð
"Efron spoke to a Project Veritas investigative journalist about his role in doling out over $100 billion in grants to nonprofits under Bidens Inflation Reduction Act, which he dubs Bidens climate law. The EPAs website describes these grants as part of their mission to advance environmental and climate justice.
Efron even admits that the EPA is scrambling to push money out the door for projects originally designed for a Kamala Harris presidency."
Síðustu förv-ð að stela öllum peningunum áður en það verður skrúfað fyrir það.
Þetta hljómar eins og eitthvað úr Simpson's þætti
"A pair of European satellites rocketed into orbit Thursday on the first mission to create artificial solar eclipses through fancy formation flying in space.
Each fake eclipse should last six hours once operations begin next year. Thats considerably longer than the few minutes of totality offered by a natural eclipse here on Earth, allowing for prolonged study of the suns corona, or outer atmosphere."
Satrbucks með útsýni yfir N-Kóreu
"A 40-seater Starbucks cafe opened last week at South Korea's Aegibong Peace Ecopark in Gimpo city, which is along the divide between the two Koreas and just a river apart from the North.
The cafe's location allows visitors to have an unfettered view of a small village in North Korea's Gaepung county just 1.4km away, so near that the number of buildings in the village can be counted."
"There's been a lot of talk, especially of late, that Y.M.C.A. is somehow a gay anthem. As I've said numerous times in the past, that is a false assumption based on the fact that my writing partner was gay, and some (not all) of Village People were gay, and that the first Village People album was totally about gay life.
This assumption is also based on the fact that the YMCA was apparently being used as some sort of gay hangout and since one of the writers was gay and some of the Village People are gay, the song must be a message to gay people. To that I say once again, get your minds out of the gutter. It is not ..."
3.12.2024 | 19:27
Snjókomu spáð í Helvíti
"Fyrsta niðurstaða fundarins er að við stefnum að fækkun ráðuneyta, ég tel það fagnaðarefni."
Það frýs í Helvíti áður en þetta fæst í gegn, en höldum í vonina.
Þetta virðist við fyrstu sýn afar ósamstæður hópur. Sjáum hvað setur.
"As reported by the Post, the Stoli Group USA filed for Chapter 11 in US Bankruptcy Court in Dallas last week after a malicious cyber-attack forced the company to operate its global business manually while the systems are rebuilt, chief executive Chris Caldwell said in a statement."
Feh. Ég drekk bara romm, viský & tekíla.
Það þarf meira en haglabyssu til að skjóta þetta niður
"hundreds of car sized drones, have been flying over new jersey every night for two weeks straight and im only just now hearing about it? the drones at lakenheath and langley were also described as car sized. absolutely wild."
Ég á 30-06... það gæti gengið. Kannski. Vantar þetta.
9.3 mm. Villisvínabyssa. Mun líklega splundra svona risa-dróna.
Kanada tekur ekki lengur við förufólki
"... with an economic stagnant country, unpopular and trailing the opposition in the polls, abandoned by allies and under siege in his own party, Trudeau has decided to have his administration attempt a U-turn of sorts when it comes to immigration.
Abandoning its stance as one of the worlds most welcoming countries to refugees and immigrants, Canada is launching a global online ad campaign cautioning asylum-seekers that making a claim is hard."
Óvinsælt er óvinsælt.
"A one-meter-long asteroid is expected to enter Earths atmosphere over Yakutia, Russia, on Tuesday around 7:00 p.m. Moscow time, according to scientists. The atmospheric entry is anticipated to produce a bright flash in the sky that will be visible up to 700km away."
Sennilega lentur núna.