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Hvers vegna eru Íslenskir kolefnistrúarmenn ekki í því að líma sig við hluti?

"Members of the group Last Generation descended upon Berlin earlier this week, gluing themselves to streets all over the German capital, where they blocked roads in an effort to pressure the government to take more drastic action against climate change."

Ég mæli með að íslenskir kolefnistrúarmenn lími sig við Þinghúsið, Stjórnarráðið, og jafnvel kolefnistrúarráðherra.  Hvað hetir hann nú aftur?

Hið vangefna evrópusamband heldur áfram að kryppla sig jafnvel enn meira

"The European Union finalized the approval of a carbon tax reform that will see polluting industries face higher costs for continuing to generate emissions and incentivize the switch to wind and solar.

The goal is to reduce the bloc’s emissions by 62% from 2005 levels by 2030, to which end the EU also agrees to introduce a tax on emission-intensive imports from 2026 onward. The import goods that will be subject to the new tax include steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen."

Allir eru samkynhneigðir kommúnistar núna

"Based on data collected in 2021 and released on Thursday, the CDC’s report found that 72.4% of high schoolers identify as heterosexual, down from almost 90% in 2015; 3.2% identify as gay or lesbian, 12% identify as bisexual, and 9% as ‘other’ or ‘questioning’.

Girls were more likely than boys to place themselves in all three categories, with five times as many female students considering themselves bisexual (20% vs. 4%), and four times as many (13.7% vs. 3.7%) listing themselves in the ‘other’ category."

Sumir eru svo woke að þeir eru necropedo.

Þessi gaur var rásin...

og nú hafa þeir rekið hann.

Normal á FB

Tónlist er bara fyrir hvíta manninn


Þú gætir þekkt kana ef þú skilur.

Í Ástralíu

"Unjabbed Aussies have formed their own singles groups — boasting they are getting engaged, married and even having kids to “keep the bloodline pure”.

Similar groups are emerging in Australia under the PureMatch website which promotes what is described as unvaccinated dating.
“Pure to us means unadulterated; free from unnecessary cellular modification or experimental medical procedures,” the website states."
Stefnumótasíða fyrir fólk sem fílar ekki skyndilegan dauða.
"The individual posted the pedophilia colours flag and commented that it was created for Alice Day, on April 25th, which is essentially a “pride day” recognised by pedophiles.

The post (pictured above) stated, "Happy Alice Day, to those who celebrate! I figured, why not use today to unveil the YAP (Youth Attracted People) pride flag I designed almost a year ago?""

Hvað finnst samtökunum 78 um þetta?  Spyr sá sem ekki veit.


Grasasnar finna nýjar leiðir til að kryppla herinn

"Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, a Canadian born lawyer with no military background, testified Wednesday to the Senate Armed Services Committee that she supported requiring the United States military to move to an all-electric vehicle fleet by 2030.  That's less than seven years."

Ég held ekki að hún skilji "Blitzkrieg."

... eða hvað?
"Washington’s Olympia School District to ax music classes for pushing ‘white supremacy’
A Washington school district is planning to cut music classes it believes promote "white supremacy culture" and "significant institutional violence.""
Hlustið á tónlistina!
"Tucker needed to be silenced because he represented too big a threat to the powers and principalities, institutions and agendas that seek an unenlightened uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population that do not question, do not research, do not analyze but simply digest and follow instructions, according to Bennett."
Svo margir sem ég þekki.
Talandi um óupplýsta hálf-vangefna heilagjafa: öll stórfyrirtæki í heimi falla ólm fyrir þessum Borat
"Fox News revealed today that conservatives noticed Mulvaney posting a Tiktok ad putting on makeup from cosmetic giant Maybelline."
Allt í lagi... þessi brandari er ennþá fyndinn.  Og á kostnað mestu vitleysinga á jörðinni í þetta skiftið.
Normalt á Facebook.

Ríkið getur alltaf klúðrað öllu meira en þú

Hnignun vesturlanda er hröð og augljós

""Verðhækkunin fyrir ferðalag í gegnum Istanbúl eða Dúbaí er lítil því það er enginn aukakostnaður við vistvænt eldsneyti þegar það er flogið í gegnum þær miðstöðvar," hefur Reuters eftir talsmanni þýska flugfélagsins Lufthansa."

Þeir sem stjórna í Istanbúl og Dúbæ eru heldur ekki vangefnir. Þeir eru ekkert að fara að rústa eigin efnahag í einhverju geðveikis-trippi eins og hinir úrkynjuðu vesturlandabúar.

Íslenska ríkið vill þetta

"The major apprehension with FedCoin, the CBDC, is that it erodes our privacy. By tracking every financial transaction, they will have access to every detail of our spending, the recipient of our money, and how we allocate our resources,” said Kiyosaki.

In essence, it replicates George Orwell’s dystopian society depicted in 1984. Big Brother will be constantly monitoring our financial activity, and this is precisely the problem with central bank digital currency, or the Fed Coin,” he added.

“As an individual, I become nervous at the thought of this. I do not want them to monitor my every transaction or be privy to my spending habits. It is a violation of my privacy, and they have no business knowing how I choose to allocate my resources,” the author warned.

Reflecting such concerns, Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) introduced a bill that would ban the Federal Reserve from introducing CBDCs, as well as forcing the Fed to remain transparent with Congress on its research into the issue.

CBDCs are being promoted on the basis that they will increase financial freedom, yet critics have asserted that the system would empower the state to place limits on spending and decide what people were allowed to buy."

Hliðar-hagkerfið getur ekki komið of fljótt.

Tim heldur að þetta disaster valdi meiri usla þegar ríkið fer að fokka í því.

Hægri-öfgamenn redda málnunum

"Due to come into force in May, the Border and Protection Law will enable volunteers to work alongside the State Border Guard Service, permitting them to use force and help detain people in certain circumstances."

Í Litháen er hugsað í lausnum.


Sumar mæður láta nægja að skera kynfærin af börnunum sínum...

"A mother has been accused of stabbing her two-year-old daughter to death before eating her liver, in a gruesome case that has shocked Kenya."


Bud light...

"Bud Light has suffered a “staggering” sales hit following the beer brand’s controversial marketing tie-up with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney — with the latest data showing an alarming 17% drop, according to an industry research firm."

Þetta bjórlitaða sódavatn þótti ekkert spes fyrir, en nú er það talið súper-gay, og enginn vill snerta það nema trannar og hommar.

Þetta var rednekka drykkur númer 1.  eða 2... topp 5, allavega.  Sem er nokkuð gott í 300 milljón manna landi.





íslenskasti pólitíkus bandaríkjanna.

Ameríkanar eiga sýklavopnaverksmiðjur allstaðar

"The World Health Organization warned of the potential of a “high risk” event after Sudanese militants seized control of dangerous bio lab in Khartoum as fighting continues in the capital city."

... það var ágætt.

Horfum á lögregluna í Texas handtaka kommúnista fyrir kommúnista hluti

"The armed Antifa squad, which is reportedly part of the terror-linked John Brown Gun Club cell, showed up to a "kid friendly drag show" in the area to provide muscle in case anyone tried to protest such things.

When people did show up to protest the sexualization of children, Antifa got violent and pepper sprayed them:

With that in mind, watch the police video as these communist neckbeards got a piece of instant justice:"

Það er vídjó.

Dvergar spila körfubolta

Fóstureyðing eftir fæðingu

"The Netherlands joins Belgium as the second nation in the world with assisted suicide for the terminally ill without any age restriction, including babies and toddlers."

Óður kommúnisti kannast ekkert við eigin glæpi

"Justin Trudeau, Queen Justine I of Canada, the man who destroyed an entire industry when he tried to mandate an experimental drug, wants you to believe he never did such a thing.

do y'all remember that Freedom Convoy in Canada? We didn't just imagine it."

Ég myndi spyrja: hvers vegna var þessu sauður kosinn?  En... Kata Jak er til.  Dagur B.  g fleiri... listinn er langur.

Viktor Orban hafði rétt fyrir sér

"All this in a single week:

  • Border fences,

  • the protection of European interests and a ceasefire to prevent the war from escalating are no longer the devil’s work,

  • and after Meloni, Weber, and Macron have now backed Viktor Orbán.

If this continues, by next May, the mainstream will be behind the Hungarian prime minister, who had previously been dismissed by Europe’s elite as anti-human, authoritarian and pro-Putin."


Hagkerfið er ekki alveg í blóma

"First Republic Bank said customer deposits tumbled 40% in Q1 – worse than Wall Street expected.

Deposits fell to $104.5 billion in the first quarter but the bank says deposits have since stabilized."


Þetta dregur einhvern dilk á eftir sér.

Sumir eru verðmætir

"The exit of Tucker Carlson, one of Fox News’ most popular prime-time hosts, has cost the channel’s parent company more than $500 million in market value, according to trading data.

Class A shares of Fox Corporation dropped as much as 5.4% on Monday before paring losses to 2.95%."


4Chan kann að reikna.

Hér eru dvergar að spila körfubolta:

Allir vilja tálga börnin til

Af 4Chan

Þessu tengt:

"Samtökin 22 hafa talað gegn starfsemi hinna raunverulegu hagsmunasamtaka hinsegin fólks, Samtakanna '78 og aðildarfélögum þeirra, ýtt undir kynjatvíhyggju..."


Allir vilja skera kynfærin af börnum nema Eldur Deville.

Þið gerið ykkur grein fyrir hvert þetta leiðir, er það ekki?

Fáum okkur poppkorn og horfum á.

Þessu tengt:

"A 2016 medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin Dutch study upon which the entire child sex change experiment is based indicates that puberty suppression was to blame for the young person’s death."

Æ-æ.  Náðu hvorki að lemja kvenréttindakonu né fremja sjálfsmorð.

Svarti markaðurinn er fullur af áhugaverðum vopnum núna

"Western-supplied arms are being sold by Ukrainian commanders to smugglers in Poland, Romania and other states, veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh has claimed.

“Often, it wasn’t generals, it was colonels and others, who were given shipments of some weapons, [who] would personally resell them… to the dark market,” he explained."

Það var nú ágætt.

Menn læra af reynzlunni.

Hvers vegna eru lög og regla...

"We addressed this textbook/sex instruction manual last August, so I will spare you having to wade through the above any more than necessary and post only this. Trust me, this isn't the worst of it. (Still, content warning. Scroll quickly if you like.)

As for that "fascist" Oklahoma law, this is what it really says:

(a) Purpose. It shall be the policy of the Oklahoma State Board of Education to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or sex in the form of biasstereotyping, scapegoating, classification, or the categorical assignment of traits, morals, values, or characteristics based solely on race or sex. Public schools in this state shall be prohibited from engaging in race or sex-based discriminatory acts by utilizing these methods, which result in treating individuals differently on the basis of race or sex or the creation of a hostile environment.

This is straight out of Mein Kampf!"

Svona er þetta.


"Six cows have been found dead and mutilated stretched across a rural highway in Texas with their tongues cut out in a method that used a "straight, clean cut with apparent precision" that had "no blood spill." Two of the six also had their "external genitalia" and anuses removed."

Þetta lagast þó í Zimbabwe

Vissi þetta, en enginn hlustaði

"Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children, 'explosive' new research suggests.

A review of dozens of studies on face coverings suggested they can cause mild carbon dioxide poisoning when worn over long periods."


Hvers vegna verður fólk sífellt vitlausara?


Í góðum fréttum:

"Administrative Law Judge Anna Hamburg-Gal ruled that the City of Chicago violated the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act after imposing the vaccine mandate without negotiating with unions representing the workers.

The fired workers must now be reinstated and repaid any lost pay and benefits, plus 7% annual interest."

Gott að heyra.

Lögreglu vélhundurinn er hágæða vara

"The New York Fire Department (FDNY) $75,000 Dalmatian-spotted robot dog was sent to survey a collapsed parking garage in Manhattan but immediately fell over."

Þá vitum við það.

Barnageldararnir eru reiðir

"Utah State Senator Mike Kennedy's Alpine city house was vandalized this week with red spray paint after sponsoring of SB16, a bill later signed into law that banned medical sex changes for minors, reports local news. The vandals spray painted the GOP state legislator's home with "these trannies bash back" and "fash.""

Þeir hafa það sem er kallað: "history of violence."


Á meðan, í Bretlandi:

"Blackpool Zoo is on the hunt for a team of people to wear large bird costumes and spend their days scaring away nuisance seagulls.

The advert, which is for variable seasonable hours, says candidates must be outgoing - as you need to be comfortable wearing a bird costume!."

... já.  Allt má nú reyna.

Ég hélt að þetta væri tilgangurinn:

"According to statistics from the CPRC, 94 percent of mass shootings since 1950 have occurred in gun-free zones.

Lott said one well-known mass killer explained his reasoning in a manifesto written the year before he struck.

The 19-year-old man who killed 10 people in a Buffalo, New York, grocery store on May 14, 2022, has been described as a right-wing racist, Lott said. But, while he was an avowed racist, Lott said the shooter described himself as an environmentalist and eco-terrorist.

In his manifesto, the shooter claimed that minorities were damaging the environment by having too many children, and that’s why he decided to attack black people.

"Attacking in a weapon-restricted area may decrease the chance of civilian backlash," Lott quoted from the shooter’s writings. "… areas where CCW [concealed weapons] are outlawed or prohibited may be good areas of attack, and areas with strict gun laws are also great places of attack.""

Það á að vera auðvelt að myrða ykkur.  Ríkinu finnst þið ekki vera neins virði.

Ástandið lagast hægt í Zimbabwe

"The country's annual consumer price inflation stood at 87.6% in March 2023, down from 92.3% in February. The country’s central bank reduced the benchmark interest rate from 200% per annum to 150% in February, although this remains the highest in the world. The extreme poverty in the country reached its peak in 2020 but has declined since, according to the World Bank."

Við munum verða fátækasta land heims í þeirra stað, þök sé kolefnistrú og öðrum grillum í yfirvöldum.

Að þekkja réttu mennina


Allt spurning um hverjum maður er tengdur.

"An Uber driver gets an AK shoved in his face, defends himself, and is convicted of murder. Alec Baldwin shoot two unarmed people killing one and walks free."

... osfrv.

USA færist nær hruni, og þeir munu draga allan heiminn með sér.

Þetta er svona í alvöru...

"While the manifesto has not been officially released, it seems the perp murdered these people in a bizarre anti-gun protest, killing them because he was opposed to mass shootings."


Þessi mynd er af FBI eða ATF manni, standandi á rústum aðseturs David Koresh og félaga í Waco.  Þar brenndu FBI/ATF inni ansi mörg börn.


Það á ekki af Anheuser Bush að ganga

"The evidence is that Anheuser-Busch is knowingly, intentionally, and unlawfully discriminating based on race, color, national origin, and sex with respect to employment and job training opportunities," said the April 17 complaint (pdf) filed by public charity America First Legal (AFL) with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against beverage manufacturer Anheuser-Busch."

Allt í gangi.

Gengur upp.

Þetta hefur ekki gengið eftir.

Ekki heldur vitað hverjar forsendurnar voru.

Heimsbókmenntirnar frá ýmsum hliðum

The Dom fellur í mannskynnsögu að eilífu.


Kápumyndin er mikilvæg:




Úrval af lesefni fyrir þá sem nenna ekki að horfa á jútúb

Lögreglan stelur pönnum í Frakklandi

Enn einn ofbeldisfullur kommúnisti skilur eftir sig manifestó

"It should come as no surprise that Connor Sturgeon, the 25-year-old mass shooter of the Old National Bank in Louisville Kentucky, who decided to livestream his own heinous crime via Instragram would take another page out of Tarrant's book by authoring his own manifesto. Unlike Tarrant before him though, the rationale behind Stugeon's mass shooting didn't paint the picture of the prototypical villain that gun control advocates point to in their attempts to exploit tragedy to attack the second amendment. Instead, Sturgeon's manifesto showed that the shooting was intended to push a gun control agenda itself."

Hvað er eiginlega í þessu manifestói sem þolir ekki dagsljósið?

"It has now been weeks since trans shooter Audrey Hale attacked a school in Nashville, killing six people including three children, and the public still hasn’t seen the manifesto she left behind.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald has been trying to access the document but has been blocked at every turn.

Now officials in Tennessee are claiming that the release of the document is being stalled by the FBI."


Kolefnistrúarmenn tapa pening

"A report on Friday from analysts at Bank of America said that although ESG equity funds outperformed their benchmarks in the first three months of the year, in part because of the surge in tech stocks, March saw the largest outflows on record since 2015. Some $14 billion flowed out of ESG funds."

Betur má ef duga skal.

Twitter batnar bara

"Just a single sentence fact-check using a leftwing news source, Reuters, just absolutely demolished Sleepy Joe's talking point."


Franska lögregla gerir pönnur upptækar

"Numerous anti-Macron protesters may have difficulty making dinner later today after French police reportedly confiscated saucepans in the town of Ganges ahead of a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron."

... ok.

... hvað?

Ég hef enn litla trú á þessu

"NBC News does let us know that there's "growing frustration" inside the FBI because both FBI and IRS investigators finished with their Hunter investigations around a year ago and nothing has been done.

The Washington Post previously reported that federal investigators believed they had gathered enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase."

Þegar svín fljúga.

Hinir ofbeldisfullu leftistar

Leftistar vilja myrða. (Hvað annað vilja þeir?)

Stuð og stemming.

Sjáið sjálf

Leftistar komast upp með að myrða.

Leftistar að óeirðast

"Marxist BLM terrorists assaulted police officers during a riot in Akron Wednesday night after a grand jury declined on Monday to indict the eight police officers who killed 25-year-old Jayland Walker.

The Gateway Pundit reported that on June 27th, Walker was shot more than 40 times by police in Akron, Ohio, after refusing to stop for them, initiating a dangerous car chase, and firing at officers from his vehicle."


Þessi vitleysa heldur áfram

"Denmark and the Netherlands announced Thursday that they plan to provide Ukraine with at least 14 refurbished German-made Leopard 2 battle tanks, to be supplied from early 2024."

... já.  Gerir lítið gagn úr þessu.

Flórída maðurinn með allskonar hugmyndir

""Today, I signed legislation ensuring the victims of the most heinous crimes get justice," DeSantis tweeted after signing the bill. "Once a defendant in a capital case is found guilty by a unanimous jury, one juror should not be able to veto a capital sentence.""


Þetta er alvöru.

Buzzfeed hættir

"What a tragic day. If fake news outlets keep shutting down like this, who will compete with The Babylon Bee? Maybe CNN will be next!"

10 ástæður þess að að er ekki slæmt...

Blóðugasta stríðið...

"The bloodiest conflict in the world last year was not in Ukraine but in Ethiopia...

“No estimate for Ukraine is as high” as the 600,000 non-combatants that reportedly lost their lives in the Tigray War between 2020 and 2022, the outlet concluded.
Figures from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) suggest approximately 22,000 civilian casualties in Ukraine, which breaks down to just over 8,000 deaths and 14,000 injured in the conflict as of March 2023."

Þar höfum við það.

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