19.4.2023 | 13:11
Kolefnistrú er dauða-költ.
Það skiftir máli hver er að mótmæla.
Heimska þjóðverja er þjóðsagnakennd
"Germany, already in the midst of an energy shortfall due to the loss of natural gas supplies from Russia, has also just closed its last three operational nuclear power plants this past week, [...] Germany has some of the highest residential electricity prices in all of Europe and they are about to explode even more in the near term."
Þetta hlýtur að vera vísvitandi illgirni.
Kannski útskýrir þetta eitthvað
"According to a recently released report by the UN, illegal coca plant cultivation in South America reached a new high in 2021, increasing sharply by 35 percent from 2020."
Ævintýri Biden & co í Austur-Evrópu
"Now there is more evidence that it was not just Hunter Biden who was linked to the Russian prostitutues. According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the House Oversight Committee has evidence the entire Biden Crime Family was involved in human trafficking that involves prostitutes from Russia, Ukraine and the US."
Það verður ekkert úr þessu.
Nútima vandamál.
"Imports of Russian goods to Brazil surged by nearly 120% in March compared to the same month two years ago, according to official figures released by Brazils Economy Ministry."
Það var og.
"Löggjöf um breyttar reglur um losunarheimildir í flugi var samþykkt á Evrópuþinginu í gærmorgun. Forsætisráðherra segir löggjöfina hafa hlutfallslega mikil áhrif á flugsamgöngur til og frá Íslandi. Hún trúir að raunhæf lausn náist í málinu, sjónarmið Íslands hljóti að mæta skilningi."
Dream on.
Nú sjáum við hversu mikil ítök flugfélögin hafa í Íslenskri pólitík. Vona að þau séu mikil, annars eru þau dauðadæmd.
Kolefnistrú er dauða-költ.
18.4.2023 | 17:54
Hin uggvænlegu hrísgrjón
Við vitum alveg.
Loftslagstrúarmenn eru núna hræddir við hrísgrjón
"AFP News Agency
Last week, both NPR and PBS announced they would stop using Twitter due to the new classifications."
There are reports that ULEZ cameras have been ripped from their bases, have had their wires cut or bags placed over them in protest against the plans."
Betur má ef duga skal.
Smá músík
17.4.2023 | 17:00
Dúkkur ógna hugarró breta
Erfið spurning...
Twitter var svo gott sem ríkisfyrirtæki
"During an upcoming appearance on Tucker Carlsons show, Elon Musk reveals that the US government had full access to peoples private Twitter DMs.
Since his purchase of Twitter last October, Musk has worked with journalists to release batches of files exposing the egregious censorship policies of the previous regime.
Matt Taibbi characterized the cozy relationship between the social media network, NGOs and the US government as the censorship-industrial complex."
"New York City officials will be employing three new high-tech policing robots to fight crime, including a robot dog the FDNY will use for search-and-rescue missions.
The remote-controlled robot, also known as Spot, is manufactured by Hyundai-owned Boston Dynamics."
Svo það er framborið Hund-æ?
"Yep, even before they officially shut down the last nuclear power plant, German utilities told their customers to expect a 45% increase in their already super-high power bills."
Ekki bara Íslenska ríkið...
Breska lögreglan stelur dúkkum
"Last week, an Essex pub was raided over a hate crime investigation into the owners collection of golliwog dolls on display.
After the raid, the owner of the White Hart Inn, Benice Ryley, obtained new golliwog dolls donated by supporters and vowed to put them back on display..."
Ekkert má í Bretlandi lengur.
UK er fucked.
Indversk pör skemmta sér öðruvísi
"A husband and wife have killed themselves by decapitation with a home-made guillotine so they could offer their heads as a sacrifice in India, according to police.
Hemubhai Makwana, 38, and his wife Hansaben, 35, 'severed' their heads with a 'guillotine-like mechanism' into a 'fire altar' for a ritual sacrifice in Vinchhiya, Gujarat, India, yesterday."
... já.
Já já...
"The carousing began Wednesday night, only days after the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chose Chicago for the site of its 2024 National Presidential Convention despite that the city suffers one of the nations highest murder rates."
16.4.2023 | 17:26
Korter á Internetinu
Það er ekki bara Íslenska ríkið sem er samansafn af kolefnistrúðum.
Í Kalíforníu ráða kolefnistrúarmenn.
"Californias headlong rush to replace its electricity grid with renewable energy has given the rest of the country a preview of the decarbonized future that President Biden and his revived Clean Power Plan envision for America.
Inefficient energy markets, unpredictable price spikes, unreliable power sources, and a hostile regulatory environment have all contributed to a 40 percent increase in the average California electric bill over the last five years. Retirees, low-income households, and middle-class families bear the brunt of the higher prices. Millions of Californians now stretch their already strained budgets just to cover food, fuel, shelter, and an ever-rising electricity bill."
Íslenska ríkið hefur núna drepið örugglega 1000 manns með eitri
Landlæknisembættið faldi 2000 tilkynningar um aukaverkanir árið 2020. Svo fokk þeir.
Hver man ekki eftir feisbúkk grúppinni, þar sem 2000+ konur voru að kvarta undan tíða-truflunum vegna "bólufefnisins."
Kristín Þormar hefur meira handa ykkur.
Sameinuðu þjóðirnar eru vafasamar
"On page 22 of the report, the UN states, "With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage."
The report continues, "Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.""
Ekki rangt.
"China revised its conscription policy this week, announcing that people with military experience along with college students will be on top of military draft lists if the country enters a war.
The new rules, which take effect on May 1, will help the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) with recruiting more high-caliber soldiers and improving the efficiency of the conscription system, the statement said."
Boðar áhugaverða framtíð.
Alltaf þegar maður heyrir fréttir á RÚV...
13.4.2023 | 19:36
Djúpsteiktar leðurblökur og fleira gott
""This location is not a pothole," a city spokesperson told the outlet. "It's a service trench that relates to active, permitted work being performed at the location by SoCal Gas, who expects the work to be completed by the end of May.""
"A federal police patrol pulled over a suspicious van that had entered from Belgium and during a search, they found nearly 2,000 pounds of fish and boxes of fried bats stored under the unrefrigerated seafood."
Þetta er náttúrlega forboði allskonar tíðinda
"A new paper from Germany posted on April 5, 2023 proves that the spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes death of brain cells [...]. (click here)
Proteins related to the neurodegeneration pathway and damage to the blood-brain barrier were the most prominent dysregulated molecules in the brain.
We identified several candidate proteins with no previous association with COVID-19, especially those earlier associated with neurological diseases notably, their role has been associated with disorders such as Parkinsons disease, Alzheimers disease, and dementia"
Þið eruð svo fukt.
Barnageldarar fara ekki til Flórída, og mæla ekki með ferðum þangað fyrir aðra barnageldara
"Equality Florida says it has taken the extraordinary step of issuing the warning to anyone considering visiting or relocating to the state after receiving a wave of safety inquiries following the passage of laws that are hostile to the LGBTQ community, restrict access to reproductive health care, repeal gun safety laws, foment racial prejudice, and attack public education by banning books and censoring curriculum.
The healthcare restrictions to which Smith is referring are those that prohibit doctors from performing experimental sex changes on adolescents...
Equality Florida also appears to be objecting to a proposed bill that seeks to prohibit books with pornographic content being available on school library shelves."
Þeir eru í fýlu því þeir mega hvorki nauðga börnum né skera undan þeim. Góð ástæða til að fara í fýlu, það.
Hvað segja systur minar við þessu?
Perrarnir geta farið til Washington og skorið undan börnum þar
"A so-called "shield law" that will turn Washington into a sanctuary state for abortions and gender-altering surgeries including for minors passed out of the state Senate on Monday..."
Darwin er að fara að redda þessu.
Mér er sagt að það sé mjög pervertískt að vera hvorki barnanauðgari né nekrófíll.
... hvað?
Hvað ætli sé langt í að Píratar fari að haga sér svona?
"In his younger days, he described it as a duty for punk rockers to "kick against the establishment. That was not me. I was much more concerned with irritating my peers and my audience. What I mean by irritating is to ignite their imagination, get them thinking about things, and challenge them about things. This felt like the way to make good artto confront people.""
Nick Cave.
12.4.2023 | 16:50
Menn dreifa eiturefnaúrgangi um víðan völl.
"Weeks after a train derailment and controlled burn of the toxic spill poisoned the air and water in the town, a truck carrying the toxic soil away from the site overturned, dumping its contents just miles away."
Minnir mig á þetta:
"NPR stopped tweeting last week after being labeled "state-affiliated media," and although Twitter since tweaked the classification slightly to "government-funded media," the outlet had already made up its mind.
On Wednesday, National Public Radio stated that it would be "stepping away" from Twitter..."
"A source who viewed the interior vehicle video recording of the brutal murder of a taxi driver in Portland by a trans suspect is providing exclusive details to The Post Millennial.
Moses Jacob Lopez, 30, has been charged with second-degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon over the stabbing murder of a Radio Cab driver on Easter Sunday in southeast Portland.
the video captured Lopez entering the car while wearing a tiara and womens clothing. She gives an address to the driver and several minutes into the ride, Lopez suddenly plunged a blade deep into the neck of the unsuspecting driver.
While police have not released any information about a possible motive, the Easter Sunday stabbing murder happened in the context of a surge of trans activists encouraging violence and making threats on social media as revenge for several states restricting the medical transitioning of minors."
Þegar þeir mega ekki skera undan börnum, þá byrja þeir að myrða fólk af handahófi.
sumir nást áður en þeir ná að hrinda áætlunum sínum í framkvæmd.
Á meðan er FBI gjörsamlega úti á engi
"...He knew that it looked beyond the pale, and it is beyond the pale, Sean, for the FBI to be going into any church in America and trying to spy on Americans, and now we know that's exactly what they were doing. They are infiltrating churches. They are trying to spy on us.
They regard churches apparently as the enemy and church-going Americans as akin to terrorists, And, yeah, the attorney general sat right there and told me, no, we don't do that, and now we know they do, in fact, target churches, and they have been."
...ef þú veist...
Bófar stela bílum í gegnum framljósin
"Manufacturers are reportedly scrambling to secure communication systems in their vehicles after thieves discovered new methods to bypass advanced security systems. In some cases, crooks are taking control of vehicles by hacking their headlights."
Var ekki vandamál in ðe seventís.
10.4.2023 | 21:07
Gáðu að því hvað þú biður um
Kaninn veit.
"Arnór Sigurjónsson, fyrrum skrifstofustjóri á varnarmálaskrifstofu Utanríkisráðuneytisins, gaf út bók í byrjun mars og útfærir stofnun hers á Íslandi. Nefnist hún Íslenskur her breyttur heimur, nýr veruleiki. Kostnaðurinn við her Arnórs yrði um 66 milljarðar á ári."
Þetta er áhugavert: "Fengi ég frekara fjármagn til að ráðstafa myndi ég ekki ráðstafa því í að byggja upp her heldur í önnur verkefni, segir Þórdís."
Annað? Hvað með göng til Vestmannaeyja. Miklu betri en her. Nýtist í eitthvað annað en að myrða Íslendinga, til dæmis, og við vitum öll að það verður tilgangurinn.
Þetta gerðist.
"As the values of our society continue to be transformed, more chaos is inevitable.
And the biggest killers are not the violent predators that are roaming our streets.
As I will detail in a bombshell article that I will post later today for my paid subscribers on Substack, the biggest killers of all are those that roam the halls of power all over this nation.
From the very top to the very bottom, our entire society has become infused with great evil."
Hver vill eki vera myrtur af NKVD?
FBI á einhverjum villigötum, að vanda
"The documents are titled Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremism and in them, they contained a glossary of several words that the FBI claimed were used by incel extremists.
The terms red pill, Chad, and based were all considered to be extremist rhetoric."
Þetta minnir mig á senuna í "Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas," þar sem þeir fara á lpögreglu-þingið þarna...
Ekkert breytist.
"The LinkedIn account of Connor Sturgeon has also been shared on Twitter. Next to his name, the words He/Him appear, indicating that he has bought into the leftist narrative that your biological sex is irrelevant and that its up to the individual to identify themselves by using their choice of pronouns."
Annar kommúnisti.
Leitið að rétta fólkinu.
"A spokesman for West Midlands Police confirmed two people were arrested in the museum at around 10am on suspicion of conspiracy to cause criminal damage.
The force added that 'two large bags of dry paint were also seized by officers' and that 'protest liaison officers' are still at the scene to 'keep people safe and limit disruption to a minimum'."
Þessir kolefnistrúarmenn...
Steven van Zantd segir þér að myrða
"To avoid spending half my day deleting Foxsucking scumbag Russian bots and MAGOTT cockroaches like you! Go take away some womens rights, keep some Black people from voting, go harass a Trans event, go shoot some kids, do what Republicans do best and get the fuck outta my feed!"
Þegar menn horfa of mikið á RÚV...
Þú þarft her... ekki.
"Á árinu 2022 dóu að meðaltali 51,3 í hverri viku eða fleiri en árin 2017-2021 þegar 43,8 dóu að meðaltali."
5 ára meðaltalið mun jafna sig... ef þið vitið eitthvað um tölfræði, eða bara hafið lágmarks skilning á stærðfræði áttiði ykkur á hvað ég meina með því.
9.4.2023 | 14:27
Eitthvað allt annað
Það er vídjó.
Náungi að lappa uppá þennan fræga bíl.
Talandi um áhugaverða bíla:
8.4.2023 | 21:24
Hálaunastörf fyrir gagnslaust fólk
Lætur lítið yfir sér en er merkileg frétt:
"Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir hefur verið ráðin sem loftslags- og sjálfbærnifræðingur hjá Seðlabanka Íslands en um er að ræða nýja stöðu hjá bankanum."
Það sem gerir þetta áhugavert, er að þarna er verið að ráða manneskju í gjörsamlega gagnslaust starf hjá ríkinu. Á háum launum.
Það þarf til þess enga hæfileika. sbr: "Ásamt því að vera forseti Ungra umhverfissina er Tinna einn skipuleggjenda Loftslagsverkfallsins."
Það eina sem þú gerir í þessu djobbi er að sitja, spila kapal, og senda kannski pistil á aðra menn í jafn-gagnslasum embættum, svona ef þér leiðist.
Hvern þekkir þessi dama? Hver er á bakvið ráðninguna? Hvaða bitlingur er þetta?
Spyr ég. Ég veit ekki meir.
Það er mikilvægt að þekkja rétta fólkið í réttu stöðunum, og þá kemst maður í hálaunastörf við að búa til CO2 með lungunum á sér og vinna þvag úr kaffi.
Þetta mætti allt rekja. Segja okkur skattgreiðendunum hverjir eru að búa til atvinnubótavinnu fyrir vini sína og borga þeim svo topp-laun.
Svona lagað sér maður alltaf fyrir meiriháttar hrun.
7.4.2023 | 16:26
Páska kanínan er hardcore
Gamalt en gott:
Páska kanínan berst við glæpamenn
"Picture it. Orlando. 2019. "Beer Never Broke My Heart" rules the airwaves. A young Ron DeSantis said to himself, "Self, I think I wanna be governor." And the Easter Bunny was out drinking with his boys. E.B. saw some dude fighting with a girl, where he spit on her and looked like he was about attack the woman. That's where E.B. said, "oh hell naw."
He put down his pint and hopped to action. E.B. flung the man to the ground and rained down blows upon his face and body as if he was Judas."
Darwin sér um sína.
"On Thursday night, swimmer and women's sports advocate Riley Gaines was assaulted by radical trans activists during a Turning Point USA event at San Francisco State University."
Annar tranni tekinn fyrir að plotta fjöldamorð
"A trans-identified male who goes by Lilly, though his given name is William Whitworth, was arrested and charged after a police investigation in Colorado Springs revealed that the 19-year-old was responsible for "threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20."
Whitworth faces charges of attempted murder after allegedly making threats against schools in Colorado Springs, Colo., according to local news."
Allt annað
"Neither the president nor his staff have acknowledged that the Nashville shooting was an ideologically motivated terrorist attack carried out by a transgender individual who specifically targeted Christian children and staff at the school.
The White House has spent the days following the shooting pushing for laws that expand the transgender movement's access to children and restrict gun ownership.
Stochastic Terrorism from the White House."
Vinstri öfgamenn, studdir af ríkinu.
NATO plott lekur til fjölmiðla
"Images of what appears to be the Daily written brief for the Russia/Ukraine Joint Staff J3/J4/J5 popped up on the Donbass Devushka yesterday and has not created much of a stir. Donbass Devushka has four of the documents on line. They appear authentic. One is classified as SECRET/REL TO FIN, UKR, FVEY, NATO and is date 28 FEB 23. (You can see the documents for your self at this link.)"
"Mobilization is ongoing in many major cities throughout the country. As much as 299 public buildings and 132 parliamentary offices have been targeted, with protesters going as far as walling up some buildings, or piling manure in the entrances.
Protesters laid siege and stormed BlackRock headquarters in Paris the financial manager with 10 trillion in assets is seen by many as the hidden influence behind the deeply unpopular Pension reform that will elevate the age for retirement from 60 to 62 years old."