Draumórar ofbeldisfullra manna

Ég hef áhyggjur af þessum mönnum

"Þumalputta­regl­an er sú að kveða má 10% íbúa lands til hervarna án þess að setja efna­hags­líf viðkom­andi rík­is á hliðina. Þetta bend­ir Arn­ór Sig­ur­jóns­son, fyrr­um her­mála­full­trúi Íslands hjá NATO á í viðtal í Dag­mál­um. Það myndi þýða að kveða mætti allt að 38 þúsund manns til varna á Íslandi."

Aha... við skuldum þegar.  Það er atvinnuleysi.  Við höfum fullt af flóttamönnum sem mergsjúga okkur, og þessi apaköttur heldur að við höfum efni á að sóa 10% verkalýðsins í einhvern her. Það mun kosta lágmark 2 millur á mánuði hver hermaður.  Dream on.


Kaninn býður upp á lausn

"The legislation, passed by the Florida Legislature, allows people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and without state-mandated training. It will go into effect starting July 1."

En, eins og mér hefur verið bent á: fólk er hrætt.

Fólk er hrætt vegna þess að það er vitlaust.

Fólk fylgist ekkert með þessu

"And now, as The Epoch Times' Andrew Moran reports below, Malaysia has joined the group of several Asian nations trying to detach itself from dollar dependence.

Malaysia no longer believes it is necessary to depend on the U.S. dollar, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said during an address to the nation’s parliament.

Following last week’s state visit to China, the Malaysian prime minister revealed that Beijing is open to deliberations with Kuala Lumpur to establish an Asian Monetary Fund."

Þetta gerist mjög hratt.


"Actor Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in Washington Monday to testify in the trial of Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel who is accused of illegally funneling money from fugitive Malaysian financier Jho Taek Low to the Barack Obama campaign through straw donors."

Á jákvæðari nótum

"Indiana's Governor Eric Holcomb just signed a bill into law that would prevent minors from being preyed upon in the form of "gender-affirming" bodily mutilations."

Að þetta þurfi, það segir okkur að eitthvað mikið er að.

Guð Alheimsins skrifaði einu sinni bók og fór í viðtal

Besta bók sem skrifuð hefur verið.  Hér er viðtal við höfundinn:

Gott show.

Hljómar ekki of vel

Því ekki?


Veit ekki meir.

Hef ekki lesið þessa.

Þessi er góð.  Gaurar fara á kopar-knúnu geimskipi eitthver lengst, og hafa með sér kærusturnar til þess að láta þær búa til samlokur á leiðinni.

Framtíðin er morð

Kynþáttahyggju sósíalistarnir mættir

"I asked the leftist protester screaming profanities why she’s trying to instigate violence with Trump supporters: “Because I’m black and I like violence, I’m an animal, I’m a black animal!” She screams

Leftists activists are currently handing out whistles to protest and drown out @mtgreenee who is coming to protest the indictment of Donald Trump:"

Frakkar að pæla í að eyða gamalmennum

"Mr Macron ruled out assisted death being extended to children and pledged more funds for palliative care so that all French who need it can receive it.”"

Gefum þessu tíma.

Logan's Run gæti verið bjartsýnni útgáfan af þessu.

Krakki hótar að myrða þingmann

"The #FBI has arrested Allan Poller, a student at Keene State College, for threatening to kill a member of the United States House of Representatives.

People on the left are convinced that LGBT rights are being taken away despite the fact that the LGBT community is more visible than ever before in history."

Þingmaður segir fólki að myrða

"A Democrat lawmaker in Wyoming called for politically motivated murders against those opposing the radical left’s pro-trans agenda over the weekend."

... og barnageldari.

"Porvenza’s Tiktok video is set to an aquarium with sea snakes and fish. A voice screams “Condone first-degree murders!”"

Heimurinn núna.

MTG kallar hlutina sínum réttu nöfnum

""They are not pedophiles," Stahl insisted, asking why the Georgia representative would say such a thing.

Greene countered that Democrats "support grooming children," even singling out President Joe Biden for supporting "transgender surgeries" on kids. "Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children," the congresswoman insisted."

... sjá næstu frétt hér fyrir ofan.  Og hér fyrir neðan:

Biden að gera Biden hluti

"The president then touches the young girl's necklace and continues to interact as he blocks the view of the camera and invades her personal space."


Maður kærður fyrir að lifa af morðtilræði

"The man who was charged, Moussa Diarra, was a night attendant working security at a parking garage when he saw a man with a bag apparently peering into cars which is a totally normal thing to do at 5:30 AM.

It's like Diarra was looking for trouble. Which I guess as a night attendant working security is kind of his job, but no matter, Rhodie pulled a gun on Diarra who in wrestling it away from him was shot twice, once in the stomach, before being able to turn the gun on Rhodie and shooting him.

In addition to the attempted murder charge, Diarra was also charged with "criminal possession of a firearm," that firearm being the one he had just seized from the guy shooting him."

... ha?

New York.

Vísndamenn finna fisk á miklu dýpi

"The University of Western Australia announced researchers had broken two records – one for the deepest fish ever seen at 8,336 meters, and one for the deepest fish ever captured at 8,022 meters."

Of djúpt fyrir mig.


Finnland í NATO

"Meanwhile, the Finnish leader who helped push hard for NATO entry in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine has just conceded defeat after Sunday's parliamentary election, in a major setback for the Finnish left...

"Finland’s left-wing Prime Minister Sanna Marin conceded defeat on Sunday in the Nordic country’s parliamentary election as the opposition right-wing National Coalition Party (NCP) claimed victory in a tightly fought contest," CNN reports Monday."

Kommúnisti út, geðheilbrigðir menn inn.

Mexíkó að pæla í að ganga í BRICS

"Mexico has expressed its interest in joining the BRICS group of emerging economies, which currently consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, said that Mexico shares the vision and values of the BRICS and hopes to deepen its cooperation with them in various fields, especially in medicine and trade.

Mexico’s move comes amid growing tensions with its northern neighbor, the United States, over issues such as immigration, border security, trade and human rights."

Arriba, andele.

Smá mexíkönsk músík.

Meira af sama

"Following the US Federal Reserve’s sharpest tightening in monetary policy in decades, India has offered its currency as an alternative for trade to nations that are experiencing a shortage of dollars, Bloomberg reported."

Nýr forsætisráðaherra Nýja Sjálands er bjáni

"New Zealand’s new Prime Minister doesn’t know what a woman is, despite replacing one as Prime Minister."

Bjargað af súkkulaði

"And Patricia Borges thought she was going to be among those killed in the blast as she found herself hurled off the ladder she was climbing.

She tried to run, but the floor gave way below her, and she fell into a giant vat of chocolate in the factory's basement.

...a rescue dog caught her scent, and rescuers pulled her free."


"A car thief stole a truck in San Antonio, Texas.

The owner called the police and reported his stolen truck, but stolen vehicles are not ever that high on the list of police priorities, so the owner tracked down his truck himself with an Apple AirTag he had left in it.

Police said that when they arrived, they found several bullets in the truck and one dead thief.

It's just that, in the land of Texas justice, officials haven't even decided if they're going to charge the owner in the shooting--I mean you can't just steal a man's truck and not expect to get shot."

Eh.  Sleppið honum bara. Það er ágætt að hafa þennan lausan.

Ef þú fattar þetta ekki, þá hefur þú ekki verið að fylgjast með.

Í Ecuador er hugsað í lausnum

"Reuters noted that crime has reached a point where it is hard to curtail, and Lasso hopes to find some degree of respite in allowing citizens to be armed for self-defense.

Lasso pointed out that, in addition to implementing the curfew and allowing civilians to be armed, his government is carrying out a “crusade for security,” which entails locating and arresting 15 high-value targets believed to be tied to the leadership of criminal gangs."

Berjist gegn glæpum með því að skjóta á móti.

... reyndar mexíkanskt.

Vélmenni sannfærir kolefnistrúarmann um að fremja sjálfsmorð

"Pierre had reportedly grown more socially isolated and anxious about climate change and the environment, turning to the Chai app, where he chose a chatbot named Eliza as his confidante. Claire, Pierre’s widow, claims that the chatbot encouraged Pierre to commit suicide."

Á meðan, á Internetinu

Annar Apríl

Maður dæmdur í fangelsi fyrir brandara

"Mackey was convicted of election interference and faces up to ten years in prison, all because of a meme he tweeted during the 2016 election. Yes, you read that right: a meme."

Svona fellur siðmenningin.

Trannar og barnageldarar beita ofbeldi

"Multiple people joined in the f**k you chants. Then the trans individual violently assaulted Chris.

The police stood around while all this happened and did absolutely nothing.

Elston announced after the assaults he is planning on suing the Vancouver Police Department for their dereliction of duty."

Bara heppni að þeir myrtu engan í þetta sinn.

Ítalir selja Rússum vín

"Exports of wine from Italy to Russia saw a year-on-year increase of 16% in 2022, surging to a record high of €172 million ($187 million) in monetary terms, the Italian association of agricultural producers, Coldiretti, announced on Saturday."

Viðskiftastríð, hvað er nú það?


Úr annarri átt.

Í dag og í gær.

Fólk reynist gáfaðra en ég hélt

"Last Sunday’s “Berlin Climate Neutrality By 2030” referendum failed resoundingly despite the more than a million euros spent in a massive run-up campaign that included plastering the city with posters, concerts by famous performers, huge support and propaganda by the media and hefty donations coming from left wing activists from the east and west coasts of USA.

Once the dust of the referendum had settled, it emerged that the “yes” side fell way short of the quorum 608,000 votes needed to pass the measure. Only 442,210 cast a vote in favor, which represents only 18% of Berlin’s eligible voters. The activists expected a far greater turnout. 82% refused to lend any support."

Hverslags hálfvitar eru kolefnistrúarmenn annars?

Barnageldarar eru reiðir

"Radical trans activists invaded the Florida state Capitol on Friday in anger over state legislators voting to protect children from school indoctrination and safeguard parental rights.

The crazed “protest” comes just days after a “transgender” terrorist murdered six people, including three children at a private Christian school in Nashville.

The trans activists in Tallahassee were furious over a bill called HB 1069. The legislation would bar school employees from asking students for their pronouns and sharing their own pronouns if they do not correspond to that person’s sex."

Má hvorki nauðga börnunum né skera undan þeim.  Er furða að þeir séu að myrða?

Rússar framleiða meira ammó.

"Russia has significantly boosted production of ammunition to support its troops in the Ukraine conflict, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Saturday.

At the time, he also noted that while the West continued to send arms and munitions to Ukraine, the Russian defense industrial complex would produce much more weapons than Kiev would receive from its backers."


Einhver lak "source code" Twitter...

"Developer Steven Tey dug into the code and found that there is a mechanism through which the US government can "intervene" with the code.

"When needed, the government can intervene with the Twitter algorithm," Tey wrote. "In fact, @TwitterEng (Twitter Engineering) even has a class for it – 'GovernmentRequested.'""

... jæja.

Mmm... duló.

Hætt við uppþot... að sögn

Trannarnir segjast hættir við að reyna að myrða alla í heiminum

"The organizer of the Trans Day of Vengeance protest scheduled for Saturday at the Supreme Court announced Thursday night the protest has been canceled “due to a credible threat to life and safety” in the wake of the deadly attack on a Christian school in Nashville by a deranged transgender shooter."

... í bili.

Hver var annars þessi ógn við líf og öryggi?  Það voru þeir sjálfir sem voru að hóta ofbeldi.  Hvað var málið?  Ætlaði lögreglan að mæta og handtaka þá alla eða hvað?

Þegar stórt er spurt...

Þetta fór í ræsið

"According to WKBN News, after threatening Bannon the two drove off and then rammed their car into the local sewer plant where they became stuck in human excrement and assorted raw sewage."

Það var nú ágætt.

Maður að útskýra hagfræði fyrir Musk.

Vísindamenn hafa áhyggjur af öðrum hlutum

"If somebody builds a too-powerful AI, under present conditions, I expect that every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth dies shortly thereafter."

Það er nefnilega svo þægilegt þegar allt er tengt við internetið.


Fíflagangurinn á sér engin takmörk

Í dag.

Netið er fljótt að gera svona.

Það var svo þægilegt...

"As a practising oncologist I am seeing people with stable disease rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, usually so they can travel.

Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the booster – one developing leukaemia, two work colleagues Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.

I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes that many suggest, especially as the same pattern is being seen in Germany, Australia and the USA."

Þegar hafið.  Skemmtið ykkur.

CNN deyr hægt en örugglega

"Compared to March of last year, CNN lost 61 percent of primetime viewers and 73 percent of viewers in the 25-54 age group.

That 25-54 age group is vital because it sets advertising rates."


Öfgamenn brjótast inn í ráðhús

"Protesters flooded into Tennessee’s capitol building Thursday holding signs and chanting, “Gun control now.”

The group does not specify and particular gun control measure nor have they indicated a gun control which would have prevented the 28-year-old transgender attacker from killing six people at a Christian school on Monday."

Þetta er alvöru

Þetta gerðist líka:

"The most effective method to get people to agree with you is to paint yourself in trans colors and then storm the state capitol while wearing literal devil horns!"


Fleiri hlutir sem þið ættuð að vita

"China and Brazil have reached a deal that would allow the two nations to conduct trade directly using their own currencies, doing away with US dollars as an intermediary.

"The expectation is that this will reduce costs," and "promote even greater bilateral trade and facilitate investment," the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency said in a statement."

USA er að vinna að því hröðum höndum að leggja dollarann niður.


"An ‘ultramassive’ black hole described as being on the “upper limit” of how big the cosmic bodies can theoretically become has been discovered by UK scientists..."

Eða hvað með:

Ameríkanar þurfa að vera vel vopnaðir til að berjast við kynskiftinga

Á meðan þurfa Úkraniumenn að berjast við Rússa.


... já.  Einmitt.

Yfirvöld segja trönnum að myrða

"Josselyn Berry, the press secretary for Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D), seriously tweeted this hours after a transgender militant brought two rifles and a handgun to shoot up a Nashville Christian school, killing 6 people."


Twitter er fullt af kommúnistum, þeir hugsa kommúnista hluti og plotta kommúnista aðgerðir.

Það verður meira af þessu.  Trannarnir ætla að hefna sín vegna þess að tranni myrti fullt af börnum, og það ögnar trönnum.  Einhvern vegin.  Ekki hugsa of djúpt um það, þetta eru sturluð illmenni.

Ef þu styður kommana ferðu á hausinn

"Woke pizza chain Hotlips is closing three of its five Portland stores. The company claimed the latest closures were also due to the pandemic, as well as "labor and economic stresses."

Hotlips was known not just for its pizza, local ingredients and fruit sodas, but also for supporting radical causes. On social media platforms the chain called for supporting and donating to the Southern Poverty Law Center, BLM, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Oregon Justice Reform Center, a Portland based legal group that represents Antifa."

Gott á þá.

Í and-kommúnískari fréttum

"Two New Orleans high school seniors claim to have solved the Pythagorean theorem using trigonometry — a method academics have held to be a logical impossibility for nearly two thousand years."

... ok.

Svo 2+2 eru 4.

Núverandi Bandaríkjastjórn er að gera þetta

"The BRICS coalition has become the hottest ticket in geopolitics. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (the BRICS) have been toying with the idea of forming a political/monetary counterweight to U.S. dominance since 2001. But beyond some aggressive gold buying by Russia and China, there was more talk than action.

China brokers a peace deal between Saudia Arabie and Iran, two bitter historical enemies who want to join the BRICS alliance but can’t if they’re in an undeclared war. Should they stop competing and start cooperating they could dominate the Middle East and raise China’s clout in the region, at the petrodollar’s expense."

Dollarinn verður jafn mikilvægur og krónan með þessu áframhaldi.

Kínverjar vilja meina það

"China’s state-run Global Times on Monday mocked the Biden administration for trying to compete with China for the affections of Africa by spending a fraction of the money Beijing has invested on the continent."


"City authorities say that 93,000 people took part in the protest, down from 119,000 at a similar rally last Thursday. A total of 740,000 people protested in towns and cities across France, the interior ministry said. Labor unions and protest organizers have repeatedly accused the government of undercounting attendance, with the CGT union estimating the turnout in Paris alone at 450,000."


Ég veit, þessir gaurar vita.  Vitið þið?

Enn einn vinstri-öfgamaður myrðir börn

Eins og þeirra er von og vísa.


Augljós hatursglæpur gegn kaþólikkum stöðvaður

"At an earlier press conference, police said the 28-year-old, who'd reportedly attended the school herself, had left behind a "manifesto" and maps which noted security camera locations, doorways and other details.

As for motive, Drake said, "There's right now a theory that we may be able to talk about later, but it's not confirmed." Drake appeared to hint that the shooter's transgender identity factored into her motive."


"The young daughter of a local pastor was one of the six victims murdered inside a private Christian school in Nashville on Monday."

Svo lítill hluti af þýðinu, svo stór hluti af fjöldamorðingjunum. (Og það vantar marga í listann þarna)

Íróníu verðlaunin fær....

"The mother of the transgender Nashville school shooter feverishly campaigned for gun control.

Take a look at these Facebook posts calling for gun restrictions. One would be surprised if her daughter, Audrey Hale, did not share the same views:

As previously reported by Gateway Pundit, the 28-year-old Hale killed at least 6 people at Nashville’s Covenant School Monday morning, including 3 children."

Tucker spáði þessu.

Trannarnir spáðu þessu sjálfir

"On Sunday, Ngô posted screenshots of a tweet in which a nihilistic trans rights extremist called for violence against Tennessee lawmakers after the state banned the medical transitioning of minors and drag performances where minors may be present.

One Twitter user, @BlackheartSora, who is a self-described “trans girl demon femboy girltwink,” posted a screenshot of a news story about the recent Tennessee legislation, saying, “this is what genocide looks like.”

These Twitter users are actively suggesting violence against lawmakers and potential assassination. Such threats should be taken very seriously by the US federal government."

Paranoid geðsjúklingar sem hafa verið heilaþvegnir af Marxistum.  Eða Maóistum.  Who cares, fer ekki í leftistagreiningarálit.


Ef þú vilt ekki skera kynfærin af börnum, þá eru morðingjar nú á eftir þér. Ég bjóst ekki við að heimurinn yrði svona, vei bakk in 2010.

Þeir eru búnir að hafa í hótunu lengi, og myrða slatta.  Ekki vera hissa þó þetta haldi áfram hjá þeim.

Þetta eru geðsjúklingar sem þurfa meðferð, ekki heilaþvott frá leftistum og hormónameðferð.

Að allt öðru:

Þetta er óvænt miklu gáfulegra og betra en maður býst við.

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