28.3.2023 | 17:53
Enn einn vinstri-öfgamaður myrðir börn
Eins og þeirra er von og vísa.
Augljós hatursglæpur gegn kaþólikkum stöðvaður
"At an earlier press conference, police said the 28-year-old, who'd reportedly attended the school herself, had left behind a "manifesto" and maps which noted security camera locations, doorways and other details.
As for motive, Drake said, "There's right now a theory that we may be able to talk about later, but it's not confirmed." Drake appeared to hint that the shooter's transgender identity factored into her motive."
"The young daughter of a local pastor was one of the six victims murdered inside a private Christian school in Nashville on Monday."
Svo lítill hluti af þýðinu, svo stór hluti af fjöldamorðingjunum. (Og það vantar marga í listann þarna)
"The mother of the transgender Nashville school shooter feverishly campaigned for gun control.
Take a look at these Facebook posts calling for gun restrictions. One would be surprised if her daughter, Audrey Hale, did not share the same views:
As previously reported by Gateway Pundit, the 28-year-old Hale killed at least 6 people at Nashvilles Covenant School Monday morning, including 3 children."
Tucker spáði þessu.
Trannarnir spáðu þessu sjálfir
"On Sunday, Ngô posted screenshots of a tweet in which a nihilistic trans rights extremist called for violence against Tennessee lawmakers after the state banned the medical transitioning of minors and drag performances where minors may be present.
One Twitter user, @BlackheartSora, who is a self-described trans girl demon femboy girltwink, posted a screenshot of a news story about the recent Tennessee legislation, saying, this is what genocide looks like.
These Twitter users are actively suggesting violence against lawmakers and potential assassination. Such threats should be taken very seriously by the US federal government."
Paranoid geðsjúklingar sem hafa verið heilaþvegnir af Marxistum. Eða Maóistum. Who cares, fer ekki í leftistagreiningarálit.
Ef þú vilt ekki skera kynfærin af börnum, þá eru morðingjar nú á eftir þér. Ég bjóst ekki við að heimurinn yrði svona, vei bakk in 2010.
Þeir eru búnir að hafa í hótunu lengi, og myrða slatta. Ekki vera hissa þó þetta haldi áfram hjá þeim.
Þetta eru geðsjúklingar sem þurfa meðferð, ekki heilaþvott frá leftistum og hormónameðferð.
Að allt öðru:
Þetta er óvænt miklu gáfulegra og betra en maður býst við.
27.3.2023 | 17:10
Hver man ekki eftir þvi þegar Biden og Co gáfu Talibönum vopn og græjur?
"Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.
Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment list now controlled by Taliban:
-2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAPs -75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc -45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
-50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military Drones
-30 Military Version Cessnas
-4 C-130s
-29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
208+ Aircraft Total
-At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000s of Rounds
-162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
-Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
-Recconaissance Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
-Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
-Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
-Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
-Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators"
Það er gott að vera Talibani stundum.
Ítalir vilja ekki pöddur í pasta
"At a news conference held in Rome, three government ministers announced four decrees meant to crack down on the use of insects and bugs, The Times reported.
Its fundamental that these flours are not confused with food made in Italy, Francesco Lollobrigida, the agriculture minister, said."
Molto bene.
"Kenyan President William Ruto recommends his citizens who hold US dollars to get rid of them. The market will change within a few weeks, he predicts."
"Agatha Christies detective novels have been censored by sensitivity readers ahead of their reissue, The Telegraph reported on Saturday. Christie is the latest author after Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming to have their works posthumously cleaned up for a modern audience."
"Modern Audience"
Fornskriðdrekaklúbburinn vekur ugg
"The Ukrainian government claims Russia is creating a division of vintage T-34 tanks scavenged from Second World War memorials."
úkrar voru að fá helling af Bradley APC, úr áli. Þeir eiga ekki séns.
Skriðdreki er alltaf skriðdreki. Það er fallbyssa á þessu. Þetta er eins og dæmið þarna með Maxim byssurnar. Eldgamalt, en á meðan þær virka...
Hey, kaninn er enn að bauka með 1911... bara að segja. Ef það virkar, þá virkar það.
Ég hefði meiri áhyggjur af þessu:
1: þetta er ÞRIÐJA vidjóið um sama efni.
2: sýnir okkur að Úkrarnir hafa mikið úrval af vopnum sem skjóta úrvali af skotfærum.
3: segir okkur að að er meirihæattar vesen að redda öllum skotfærum, vegna þess að það þarf ÚRVAL AF ÞEIM. Ef exótískt vop bilar, þá er það búið. Sem er það síðasta sem þú vilt í hernaði, eitthvað logistics vesen.
Rússar hafa 1 gerð af riffli sem notar 1 gerð af ammó. Einfalt.
""Now we would need five to 10 years notice of a Russian surprise attack to manage to deal with it. Thats not a cool place to be Its deeply disappointing."
For comparison, the Russian Federation has approximately 1,350,000 soldiers, over 30,000 armoured vehicles, and approximately 12,500 tanks, while the United Kingdom can only boast 137,000 active military personnel, just 5,015 armoured vehicles, and 227 tanks."
Kvikmynd kvöldsins.
26.3.2023 | 18:44
Verðbólguálfurinn kemur færandi hendi
"Aukin skattheimta og niðurskurður eru meginstef nýrrar fjármálaáætlunar sem samþykkt var út úr ríkisstjórn og verður lögð fram eftir helgi."
Aukin skattheimta ofaná hærri vexti mun vissulega auka verðbólguna mikið.
"Það er forgangsmál að ná niður verðbólgunni í samfélaginu að sögn Katrínar Jakobsdóttur forsætisráðherra."
... jæja?
Þessu tengt:
"Þeir sem keyra frítt um göturnar á rafmagnsbílum munu þurfa að fara að taka þátt í að fjármagna vegakerfið, sagði Bjarni"
Hver ekur frítt um á rafbíl? Enginn sem ég þekki, get ég lofað. Rafmagn er ekkert ókeypis. Veit ekki hvaðan sú hugmynd kemur. Frá hjólreiðamönnum kannski? Þeir eru annálaður fávitar.
"Félag íslenskra bifreiðaeigenda (FÍB) hefur meðal annars kallað eftir því að svokölluðu kílómetragjaldi verði komið á fót."
... og þar kemur meiri verðbólga.
Verðbólgan fer ekkert undir 10%. Ekki hér eftir, ekki á meðan núverandi stjórn er við völd.
Hvað eigum við að giska á að hún komist uppí? 100%? Ekkert ólíklegt, það hefur gerst áður.
Rifjum aðeins upp það sem er að gerast akkúrat núna:
"...the IMF chief said she expected 2023 to be another challenging year, with global growth slowing to below 3.0 percent due the war in Ukraine, monetary tightening, soaring inflation, a raft of global interest rate hikes, and scarring from the pandemic all bookending the recent banking crises."
Liðið sem stjórnar heiminum.
"Police were forced to intervene as the violence broke outside the Beresford Hotel, which is currently being used to house around 200 migrants.
Around 50 anti-migrant demonstrators gathered in the area today, while about 150 pro-migrant protesters were massed outside the front of the hotel.
At the demonstration today anti-migrant protesters held placards saying 'Illegal migrants given hotel rooms while local homeless left on the streets' and 'Close migrant hotels. House local people first. Stop immigration now.'"
Skattborgarinn getur fokkað sér, segja yfrvöld allstaðar.
Bretinn með frekari and-fasískar ideasjónir
"Shopping bags and cardboard boxes have started to appear over the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras set up by Transport for London (TfL) across the capital.
A box placed over a camera by one vigilante was had the words 'stop electing idiots' printed on its side.
Elliana Eaton wrote: 'This is brilliant!! Taxing the poor yet again."
Baráttan er göfug, og háð með pokum.
Taliban talar
25.3.2023 | 18:46
Umfjöllun um bækur af handahófi
Ýmislegt er nú til.
Það eru svo margar kvikmmyndir byggðar á þessari seríu.
Örugglega besta bók ever.
Bækur | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.3.2023 | 00:05
Vísindi, með Charlton Heston
Ekki Carrington, en munaði litlu
"The coronal mass ejection we warned readers about days ago just blasted the Earth with solar plasma from the sun, unleashing one of the most intense geomagnetic storms in years."
Raftækin virka ennþá.
"France is engulfed in turmoil following President Emmanuel Macron's controversial decision to raise the retirement age. Over a million people participated in nationwide protests on Thursday, transforming urban areas into scenes of chaos. These demonstrations, the largest in years, have triggered fuel shortages, hundreds of arrests, and even claims of "civil war.""
1: Frakkar þurfa að hækka eftirlaunaaldurinn, þeir hafa ekkert efni á öðru.
2: Frakkar eru líka fúlir fyrir Macron, vegna einræðis-tilburða hans.
Þeir geta kveikt í öllu frakklandi, og þeir munu ekkert geta fengið það sem þeir biðja um. Þeir báðu um hluti sem þeir gæatu ekkert borgað fyrir. Og fengu þá.
Hvernig sýnir þú undirgefni við Satan?
"According to the Satanic Temples website for the sold-out event, "Satancon attendees must be 18 or over and have proof of COVID vaccination. Attendees must wear an N-95, KN-95, or disposable surgical mask. Gaiters, bandanas, and cloth masks will not be allowed.""
"The most blistering and alarming attack on the Hague-based court this week has been from former Russian president and current deputy chairman of the security council Dmitry Medvedev, who said any attempt to actually arrest Putin would be an act of war.
First, on Monday he said, "Its quite possible to imagine a hypersonic missile being fired from the North Sea from a Russian ship at The Hague courthouse." He added as part of the warning: "Everyone walks under God and rockets Look carefully to the sky...""
Gæaði að því hverjum þið hótið.
"It is a fundamental principle of international law that a treaty is binding upon its parties only and that it does not create obligations for nonparties without their consent to be bound. The United States is not a party to the Rome Statute and will not be bound by any of its terms. The United States will not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over United States nationals."
... svo, eitt gildir fyrir alla.
Hlutir til að dunda sér við út í geimnum
"...scientists at the University of Manchester in England demonstrated the effectiveness of potato starch as a binder in space bricks, and they're calling the potato starch StarCrete.
In the same study, they also ended the age old argument about whether human blood is a decent option for brick mortar by making some bricks using human blood.
Charlton Heston's Moses called it on that point: "Blood makes poor mortar.""
...já. Hver vill ekki eiga hús í geimnum, smíðað úr kartöflu-múrsteinum? Og bílskúr úr blóð-múrsteinum.
Þetta batnar: "the potato concrete does still need a specific salt compound, magnesium chloride, which the scientists say can be extracted from Martian soils, but if not, then it can also be found in human tears."
Vísindalegustu vísindi sem nokkurntíma hafa verið vísinduð, sýnist mér.
Vísindi og fræði | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:07 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
23.3.2023 | 21:33
Framtíðin er æðisleg á allan hátt, nema flestan
Þjóðverjar efast um getu hersins til að verjast árás
"The majority in the country, the poll asserts, also reportedly view the German state as being unable to defend itself, a viewpoint that appears to largely be in keeping with those in the countrys government.
Such a situation has reportedly only been made worse by Germanys support for Ukraine, with the nations military reportedly left with massive supply shortages after the ruling traffic light coalition decided to donate large swathes of its weapons and ammo stockpiles to the invaded nation."
Engin vopn, og þeir starta illdeilum við eitt öflugasta herveldi á jörðinni.
Það er of sent að laga þetta. Þeir hafa í mesta lagi ár til þess að vopna alla, eftir það eru þeir fökkt.
Við erum þátttakendur í þessu líka. Sama setup: almenningur er ekki mjög vel vopnaður (betur en Þjóðverjar samt), erum að reiða okkur á her sem verður brátt upptekinn við annað, fávita-yfirvöld...
Við gefum bara innrásarhernum kaffi og kleinur.
Íslensk hernaðar-strategía í hnotskurn.
Þjóðverjar mótmæla hugmyndum EB um að starta öðru Holodomor
"400 tractors reportedly descended on the North Sea town of Büsum on Wednesday to protest great reset policies being imposed by the EU and implemented by Berlin on their behalf.
The farmers today have also been joined by at least 60 fishing trawlers, who are set to hold a demonstration at sea in protest of an EU ban on certain types of trawling, a move that is set to severely damage Germanys shrimp fishing industry"
Yfirvöld allstaðar virðast vilja myrða alla í heiminum.
Ríkið mun útskúfa þér á allan hátt ef þú ert ekki nógu kindarlegur
"Maria shared that for approximately one month she noticed that her bank card was not working at most ATMs. She recently rang ING Bank to see whether there was anything wrong with her card, or her account, or any flags on their end that would be restricting her card access, they advised there was nothing showing on their end.
INGs refusal to answer our questions led us to believe that this may be politically motivated. This timing coincides with a hit piece run by 60 minutes on the Wieambilla tragedy, where I am featured warning about Australian soldiers training to turn against Australian people, and Channel 9 is indirectly lumping me in with domestic terrorists:"
Þess vegna hækkar Bitcoin í verði.
Biden og Co ætluðu að beila Moderna út
"the Biden Department of Justice is working to use YOUR taxpayer dollars to bail out Moderna.
Moderna has received $10 billion in taxpayer money to make the Covid vax that was pushed on Americans despite the health risks. Genevant Sciences and Arbutus Biopharma Corporation sued Moderna in 2022, saying that the company used tech that they patented.
The Biden DOJ, on its own, decided to insert itself into the middle of this mess, presumably, to save Moderna's biscuits."
Sheila Jackson er jafn mikill bjáni og flestir Íslendingar
"Lee spoke in support of the ATF and the stabilizer brace rule, saying, "I commend the ATF for their work in identifying a problem and providing guidance to prevent the harm created by the misuse of stabilizing braces, which convert everyday firearms into killing machines.""
... ekki horfa á mig, hún sagði þetta.
Var reyndar farið að gruna að þetta væri raunin...
"The Writers Guild of America (WGA) has given a thumbs up to artificial intelligence penning scripts so long as the writers keep their credits and residuals."
Future events such as these will effect you in the future.
22.3.2023 | 21:33
Sögustund með Janusi
"The amount of emergency cash the Fed has loaned to banks has BLOWN PAST the previous record high, which occurred during the Great Recession. Which is a harbinger of bad news if history is any indicator."
Gott til þess að vita að Íslenska ríkið á engan pening, með allt í skuld, og þegar til tekur mun enginn geta lánað nema Rússar.
Stúdentar í Stanford eru móðgaðir fyrir hönd baranauðgara
"Students shouted at Judge Kyle Duncan, a Trump appointee, and made it impossible for him to speak.
The far-left students were reportedly upset about Judge Duncans refusal to use a transgender sex offenders preferred pronouns in a 2020 opinion, the Free Beacon reported."
Ég móðgaði einu sinni nekrófíl. Hann hélt ég hefði kallað sig kínverskt eldhúsáhald, og fór í mikla fýlu. Svo kallaði hann mig perra vegna þess að ég er hvorki nekrófóll né barnanauðgari.
Nekrófílar vita ekki hvað orð þýða.
Maður hefur stórar áhyggjur af fólki sem heldur að nekrófílía og barnaníð sé svona normal.
"Our Rights DC, an Antifa group that is part of the Antifascist Action (AFA), has joined forces with the Trans Radical Action Network in an attempt to "stop trans genocide" and increase the visibility of the transgender community."
Hópur sem er þekktur fyrir ofbeldi, nauðganir og morð hittir annan hóp sem er þekktur fyrir ofbeldi, nauðgabnir og morð, og saman mynda þeir Voltron. Eða eitthvað.
Að öðru: greifingjar
"A similar issue arose earlier this month, when badgers burrowed under train tracks near the northern village of Molkwerum, knocking a line out of service until at least next month.
Badgers are a protected species in the Netherlands, meaning that rail operators need special permission to move or disturb their habitats. ProRail is now in the process of obtaining a permit to relocate the animals, but has complained that the application is taking too long."
Greifingja lagið.
Eiturlyf voru höfð við hönd.
21.3.2023 | 21:30
Stríð og ófriður
Það er deginum ljósara hverjir eru í raun að eigast við þarna
"A total of 17 EU member states plus Norway have signed a joint agreement on the procurement of ammunition to strengthen Ukraines defense capabilities, the Brussels-based European Defense Agency (EDA) announced on Monday."
Allt til að halda svikamillunni gangandi eins lengi og hægt er.
"The exact quote: either Ukraine will defend its independence today, or we will have to enter this conflict. Because our main values, which were the basis of our civilization, and our culture will be threatened. Therefore, we will have no choice but to enter the conflict.
The immediately triggered retreat by the EU IS HERE. However, this statement happened on the same day Politico reported: NATO is racing to arm its Russian borders. Can it find the weapons?"
Allt mjög ágætt, auðvitað.
Það verður ekkert úr þessu, held ég.
Her Norður Kóreu berst við annað vandamál
"Hundreds of thousands of North Korean troops are mobilizing to help plant and harvest crops. The countrys military is ​rejiggering some of its munitions factories to produce tractors and threshing machines, while also ​converting some airfields ​into greenhouses. Soldiers are reportedly being asked to extend their service by three years and spend them on farms."
Norður Kórea er mikið öðruvísi.
"On Tuesday Russias TASS News announced that Russia has developed a long-range thermal imaging reconnaissance system based on artificial intelligence.
In July 2021, Russia test-fired its new 6,100 mph hypersonic Zircon missile. The weapon is capable of evading all Western defenses."
"Last week, Indonesian President Joko Widodo urged regional authorities to wean themselves away from foreign payment systems and start using cards issued by local banks. He argued that Indonesia needed to shield itself from geopolitical disruptions, citing the sanctions targeting Russias financial sector from the US, EU, and their allies over the conflict in Ukraine."
Hann hefur ekki rangt fyrir sér.
Á meðan, í Sviss.
Loftslags-Gollum fær heiðusrgráðu í Guðfræði
"The Faculty of Theology at the University of Helsinki has awarded Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg an honorary doctorate."
Viðeigandi, þar sem hún fæst við trúarbrögð.
Hefði geta verið psychotherapist.
21.3.2023 | 03:16
Kaffi er gott fyrir þig
Það að þetta skuli vera svona allstaðar finnst mér grunsamlegt.
" While the expected cordialities and expressions of closer relations were exchange, among the most notable early statements came from Putin, who said he's open to peace talks with Ukraine and China's mediation efforts.
The day prior in media interviews, White House NSC spokesperson John Kirby declared that any call for a ceasefire in Ukraine is unacceptable."
... ugh.
Það er í tízku núna að klæmast með börnin
"A mother from Texas who describes herself as a former 'woke' liberal pulled her 13-year-old daughter out of school after she found out she had been asked to play the role of a 'seducing hooker' in a game in her seventh-grade classroom."
Mér er sagt að það sé mjög pervertískt núna að vera ekki barnanauðgari.
Enda eru kommúnistar up til hópa geðveikir.
"More than HALF (56.3%) of liberal white women age 18-29 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. That's more than DOUBLE the percentage (27.3%) of conservative white women in the same age bracket.
Not self-diagnosed, like people do on Instagram, but actually diagnosed by a medical professional as having a mental health disorder."
Ertu heill á geði? Þá gætir þú verið hægri-öfgamaður.
Ef þú drekkur kaffi þá ertu rasisti
0.46, ef þið viljið byrja á kaffi.
Þessi Ameríski Borat gengur mjög langt í karakter
"Infamous TikTok personality and Biden White House invitee, Dylan Mulvaney, posted yet another strange video on Saturday, this time prancing around a pink room pretending to be Eloise, a 6-year-old character from the 1950's books..."
Já. Eftir 20 ár lítum við til baka, og við hugsum: hvað var eiginlega á seyði? Var eitthvað í vatninu?
Eða ég vona það. Hlutir gætu enn versnað.
Smá tónlist með vafasömum upptökugæðum.
19.3.2023 | 17:23
Bókmenntir á netinu eru eins og þær eru
Hef ekki lesið þessa. Virðist vera gimmick.
Magnað efni
Aðeins betra efni
Ein enn
Þessi að nöldra út af hlutum í bókum sem hún hefyur verið að lesa. Til að drepa tíma. Því fólk verður að hafa áhugamál.
Annað, en þessu tengt:
Og loks:
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