Mešferš peninga er ekki svona flókin

Eftirlaunasjóšur Svķa fer brįtt į hausinn

"As Sweden looks to reorganize its embattled 1 trillion kronor ($90 billion) pension system following an embezzlement scandal, the office overseeing the process says it won't accept applications from asset managers that don't incorporate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) into their strategies."

Ekki gęfulegt.

Bankman-Fried stal 2 milljöršum dollara

"Intelligencer reports that Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, received a staggering $2.2 billion in loans and payments while allegedly committing a massive fraud within the business, according to a late-night announcement made by liquidators on Wednesday. As federal investigators construct their case against Bankman-Fried, who is currently facing 12 charges, including money laundering and bank fraud, the revelation may have a significant impact on his case."

Hvaš gerši hann viš allan žann pening?


The Cure eru į móti okri

"Outraged fans started sharing the evidence on social media. For instance, one screenshot showed a $11.65 service fee and $10 facility charge per ticket, plus an overall order processing fee of $5.50, being levied for those using Ticketmaster’s Verified Fan program. The total cost for four $20 tickets amounted to more than $172.

The good news is that—unlike greed kingpin Bruce Springsteen—The Cure stepped in on behalf of their fans and shamed Ticketmaster into granting some partial refunds."

Etthvaš fyrirtęki er aš einoka markašinn.

Menn eru nżtnir žarna śti

"Ukrainian forces defending the Donbass town of Artyomovsk, also known as Bakhmut, are relying on Victorian-era Maxim guns, the Telegraph reported on Friday."

Hvaš sem virkar...

Hafa Ķslensk yfirvöld eitthvaš byrjaš aš spökulera ķ hvaš žau ętla aš gera žegar Rśssarnir męta til žess aš nį ķ žau?


Framtķšin er bara gull-hśšuš

"Economists are now estimating that 186 US banks may be prone to the same risks as Silicon Valley Bank. This number is likely higher as the pressures that regional banks are facing are ramping up.

This number comes from a recent economic study published on March 13."

Óšur naušgari sendur ķ kvennafangelsi

"An extremely violent trans-identified male who has sworn to rape and kill women was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday for threatening to torture, rape, and murder the individual’s own mother, and has been sent to the women’s section of Limerick prison in Ireland."

Žetta vęri ógešslega fyndiš ef žetta vęri ekki drpe fyndiš.  Sjįiš lķka myndina af kauša.


Allskonar af netinu, aš vanda

Af netinu.

Fólkiš sem vill aš žś skerir undan börnunum žķnum lķtur svona śt





Algildur sannleikur

Frakkar kveikja ķ Parķs aftur

"France is on fire. Mass riots in response to Macron overriding the legislature."

Sama sama.


Frakkar ęttu aš prófa aš gera eins og Hollendingar

"The success of the Farmer-Citizen Movement (BBB) in Wednesday's vote, which will determine the makeup of the senate, casts doubt over the government's ability to pass key legislation, including its plans to slash nitrogen emissions.

 The Netherlands has clearly shown we’re fed up with these policies, BBB's founder, Caroline van der Plas, told the public broadcaster NOS. It's not just about nitrogen, it's about citizens who are not seen, not heard, not taken seriously."
Ķslendinga vantar žetta lķka.

Byrši hvķta mannsins

Menn taka byrši hvķta mannsins mjög alvarlega

"Danķel E. Arnarsson, varažingmašur og framkvęmdastjóri Samtakanna '78, hefur sagt sig śr Vinstri gręnum. Hann greinir frį žessu ķ fęrslu į Facebook sķšu sinni og segir aš įstęšuna vera žingmenn flokksins greiddu atkvęši meš śtlendingafrumvarpi Jóns Gunnarssonar dómsmįlarįšherra."

Danķel finnst frumvarp Jóns ekki taka nógu vel upp byrši hvķta mannsins.

Ég vil ekkert taka upp byrši hvķta mannsins.  Vil helst ekki snerta hana.  Byrši hvķta mannsins getur įtt sig, veriš žar sem hśn alltaf var, óhreyfš.

Byrši hvķta mannssins er ekkert hluti af samfélagi okkar, var žaš aldrei. Viš berum ekki įbyrgš į henni. Eigum ekkert aš gera žaš.

Veit ekki hvaša annarlegu kenndir bśa aš baki žvķ aš taka upp byrši hvķta mannsins.


Neibb. Vil ekki.

Į mešan, ķ Žżzkalandi

"The AfD party has called for an end to sanctions on Russia, arguing they are damaging Germany more than Russia. Germany has long relied on cheap Russian energy to fuel its manufacturing base. AfD has also benefitted from its calls to secure the German border, as the country saw nearly 1.4 million migrants arrive last year, causing a serious crisis for the country."

Sjón śtskżrir ekki mįl sitt

"„JK Rowling getur leyft sér žann munaš aš segja aš „tķminn leiši ķ ljós hvort ég hafi į röngu aš standa“ į mešan transfólk neyšist til žess aš bśa viš ašstešjandi hęttu į aš žaš missi ekki ašeins mannréttindi sķn heldur lķf sitt vegna žess aš heimtufrekt (e. entitled) fólk eins og hśn er kerfisbundiš aš afmennska žaš,“ tķsti Sjón į ensku."

1: "Entitled" (bókstaflega: meš titil) žżšir ekki "heimtufrekur," heldur "hefur rétt į."
2: hvernig vill Sjón meina aš JK sé aš afmennska kynskiftinga?
3: hvaša hęttur stafa af kynskiftingum?

Nś eru kynskiftingar ķ žeirri forréttindastöšu aš vera settir ķ allskyns forgang viš rįšningar, hampaš af rķkisstofnunum um allan hinn vestręna heim, og ķ sumum tilfellum er refsivert aš svo mikiš sem anda ķ įttina aš žeim.

Svo hvaša mannréttindi vantar žį? Sé ekki betur en aš žetta séu mestu forréttindapésar ķ heimi akkśrat nśna.

Hvaša frekja er žetta ķ žeim og žeirra skósveinum? Yfirgangur kynskiftinga žarf aš enda.


Pśtķn hlęr aš okkur.

Aš öšru

"USAF wrote in a statement that the Russian fighter jet "dumped fuel upon and struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing US forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters." "

Menn žekkja sķna target demógrafķu

"Russia’s Wagner Group has purchased an advertisement on Pornhub, urging users of the popular pornography site to join the coolest private army in the world.

Go to fight in the Wagner PMC, stop j**king off.’ Who disagrees with this argument?"

Japanir munu įtta sig į hve stór mistök žeir voru aš gera

"The number of deaths in Japan has been on the rise continuously.

As you can see from this panel, the dramatic increase in the number of deaths is quite obvious.

Last year, the number of deaths in 2022, exceeded 1.58 million, the highest number since World War II.

Compared to 2021, the number of deaths has increased by more than 140,000.

Compared to 2020, the number of deaths has increased by a staggering number of 210,000.

Covid didn’t cause so many more deaths. There must be factors (like vaccines). I wonder how the government is analyzing this problem?

Actually, Japan has been flooded with people, complaining of feeling ill after receiving the Covid vaccine. I’ve been carefully monitoring the system of reporting illnesses suspected to be caused by adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine."

... og svo framvegis.

Į mešan, ķ Hollandi

"According to initial results, the BBB, headed by sole MP Caroline van der Plas, will be the largest party in the Senate — polling at more than 30% in some regions. Meanwhile, support for the Government has been slashed. The result is a direct challenge to Dutch PM Mark Rutte, who has been embroiled in a number of scandals, such as gas mining in Groningen at the expense of citizen safety, punishing innocent (often dual-national) citizens for childcare benefit fraud and ongoing Dutch farmer protests about nitrogen emissions. Small wonder, then, that 46% of voters said they were specifically voting against the current national administration."

The Bee

"A local construction worker was relieved to hear that his money will be used to bail out failing banks used by billionaire elites, despite the fact that he is having a hard time paying his utility bills and putting food on his family's table."

Ķ dag fer allt į hausinn aftur.

Ofbeldisfullur hópur barnageldara er meš uppsteit

"A violent crowd smashed windows at UC Davis because Charlie Kirk was there. The college’s chancellor and The Sacramento Bee added fuel to the fire by falsely saying Kirk called for lynching trans people."

Hverjum hefši dottiš ķ hug aš fólk sem vill skera kynfęrin af börnum gęti veriš ofbeldishneigt?

Biden vs DeSantis um žaš mįl

Credit Suisse ķ vandręšum

"Unlike Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, the Swiss lender is classified as systemically important by the US Financial Stability Board — meaning it’s too big to fail as a collapse has the potential to trigger a financial crisis."


Peter Sciff er bara jįkvęšur


OK, well, then where’s the money going to come from? The man in the moon? Of course, the taxpayers are going to pay. But they may not pay in the form of taxes because nobody has the integrity to actually raise middle-class taxes. But that doesn’t mean the taxpayers are going to get away with this. They’re going to pay for it. It’s just that they’re not going to pay for it with higher taxes. They’re going to pay for it with higher prices.”

Peter is referring to the inflation tax."

Žetta er žegar hafiš.

"Trading had to be halted for a number of bank stocks, including Credit Suisse, due to the steep losses. The Swiss banking giant was down 28% in afternoon trading, while Societe Generale, which also temporarily halted trading, was down 12%."

Žaš er ekkert dularfullt viš žetta gjaldžrot

Hinn heimsfręgi tónlistamašur Donald Trump meš lag į Nr. 1 į Ętjśns

Getiši dansaš viš žetta?

Riddarinn ķ Queen

"Legendary British guitarist Brian May was knighted on Tuesday by King Charles III in Buckingham Palace."

Gott show.


60% Bandarķkjamanna įtta sig į aš kolefnistrś er trś

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. voters agree – including 47% who Strongly Agree – with Vivek Ramasamy’s recent statement that climate change has become a religion that “actually has nothing to do with the climate” and is really about power and control. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree with Ramaswamy’s statement, including 25% who Strongly Disagree."

Žetta sķast allt inn.



Bķll framtķšarinnar er nazista-vélmenni

1984 var ekki einhver "How to" manśall

"The woke Welsh government is rewriting history again, likely spelling the end for monuments of significant historical figures such as the Duke of Wellington, Admiral Lord Nelson, Henry Morton Stanley, and countless other "old white men," as the government calls them."


Ķ Įstralķu

"A pre-print study published in February 2023 by Dr. Wilson Sy shows an incredible analysis of excess mortality data in Australia.  Based on his research and analysis of the data, Dr. Sy concluded that there is an excess death rate in 2021 that is 7-fold higher than than 2020 and 14-fold in 2022.  The 2022 data was only available up to September 2022.  Dr. Sy predicts the final months of 2022 could amount to a 19-fold increase overall for that year.

Davison joined an Indiana Chamber of Commerce roundtable discussion on the impacts of COVID-19.  In this discussion, he revealed their group life insurance was seeing “the highest death rates they’ve ever seen in the history of this business”.  He says this increase of 40% excess mortality over pre pandemic levels is consistent throughout the industry and that it is primarily working aged people that are 18-64 that are dying.  Davison emphasizes that a “3-sigma or 1 in 200 year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic, so a 40% [increase] is just unheard of."


Hvaš var Scott Adams aftur aš segja?

"On February 23, a group of eight minors brutally beat a woman in the area of 15th and Chestnut Streets, in the popular Center City area of downtown, at around 7:12 pm as she was heading to her hair appointment. The suspects are black, the victim is white, in a city that often sees racial tensions."

Avril Lavigne vs. einhver rugludallur

"Video from the event shows Avril speaking to the crowd, when a woman behind her takes the stage. No action is taken until Lavigne noticed the protestor, to which she told her to "get the f*ck off, bitch" as a security guard began to escort the young woman off. Avril continued to speak, and the show continued on without interruption."

Allt fór fram frišsamlega, aldrei žessu vant.

Facebook dregur saman seglin

"Business Insider reports that Facebook has announced another round of layoffs, this time cutting 10,000 workers in an effort to improve the company’s financial position. This follows a mass layoff of 11,000 workers in November of last year, which CEO Mark Zuckerberg described at the time as a last resort."


10 įstęšur žess aš Buzzfeed er į leiš beint į hausinn.

Žegar žiš hélduš aš nazistarnir hefšu veriš slęmir...

"Prof. Manuel Frondel, a member of the RWI Essen (Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Essen) think-tank, has lashed out at Robert Habeck, Germany’s economics and climate change minister, saying that the country is devolving into an “eco-dictatorship” under his watch.

The statement was in response to Habeck’s latest great reset plan which will see oil and gas heating completely banned in the country from 2045, with the minister also planning to implement restrictions on heating systems allowed in the German market much earlier."

Enginn hiti, enginn matur, enginn išnašur. Frįbęr framtķš sem žeir hyggjast byggja.

Talandi um nazista...

"The Verge reports that GM is planning to implement OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI into its vehicles. The development is part of a broader collaboration with Microsoft and could result in the woke chatbot performing various services..."


Microsoft! Jį, žetta er žaš sem fólk vill aš keyri bķlinn...

Mig er fariš aš gruna aš fólk vilji vera bśfé

Flestir vilja vera bśfé.  Lifa žęgilegur lķfi ķ smį hylki, fara ekkert, gera ekkert nema sinna lķffręšilegum grunnžörfum, og vera svo slįtraš milli 30-40 įra og vera nżtt ķ pylsur. 


Žį er komiš aš žessu aftur:

"Over the weekend, when parsing through the carnage sweeping the US banking sector, we analyzed which banks are facing the highest deposit-run risk in the aftermath of the SIVB - and now SBNY - failures, and focused on a handful of names who have the bulk of their funding in the form of deposits - deposits which are now suddenly at risk amid what seems to be a major bank run."

Kannski žeir hefšu įtt aš spökulera ķ fjįrmįlum.


"Shares of European banks plunged on Monday, as yields on European bonds dropped on the implosion of Silicon Valley Bank could force central banks across the Western world to either slow the pace of interest rate hikes or even pivot if more regional banks fail. 

Credit Suisse Group AG is one bank that caught our attention this morning. The shares of this troubled bank, trading in Switzerland, plunged as much as 15%, hitting a new record low"

Hlustiš bara.

Gaur aš śtskżra fjįrmįlakerfiš į skiljanlegan hįtt.

Į Ķslandi vilja kolefnistrśarmenn koma öllu į kśpuna meš sköttum

Viš eigum bara öll aš svelta og frjósa.

Meira af ķslenskum  vetvangi: Eins og kaninn segir: "It glows."

Įstęša žess aš Ķslenska rķkiš hefur rangt fyrir sér ķ žessu mįli eins og flestum (kannski öllum) öšrum.)

Og nś, af hęgri vęngnum:

"The Dutch government has made itself the headquarters of the disastrous World Economic Forum Food Innovations Hub and wants to ban the use of nitrogen in fertilizer, bankrupting thousands of Dutch farmers and expropriating their land, in some cases even using that land to house illegal migrants instead."

Hver vill ekki sleppa žvķ aš borša til žess aš hafa fleiri ólöglega innflytjendur?

Į mešan, ķ London

Springsteen aš fara aš deyja "skyndilega?

"The latest is 73-years-old Bruce Springsteen’s U.S. tour which has seen three shows in a row postponed due to an unspecified “illness” after the Boss and the E Street Band soldiered on as several members missed earlier shows due to COVID.

Springsteen’s 2021 revival of his Broadway one man show had a COVID vaccine mandate for admission."

Vęri eftir öšru.

Žaš gerist...


Jane Fonda segir žér aš myrša

Jane Fonda segir žér aš myrša

Leftistar munu gera leftista hluti.

Mašur vopnašur elgshornum myršir barnanaušgara

"A Minnesota man confessed to beating a convicted pedophile with a shovel before “finishing him off” with a moose antler according to a criminal complaint filed Friday."

Ekki innblįsinn af Jane Fonda, žessi.

Žetta geršist

"talk show host Keith Olbermann actually to tried to get Twitter head Elon Musk banned from his own platform Friday after Musk defended a prominent J6 protestor being persecuting by the Biden regime."

Žetta er gull. Vel žess virši aš skoša. 

Mįliš snżst um žetta:

"After reviewing footage withheld from the public by the January 6th Committee, Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed that Chansley (given the moniker "QAnon Shaman"), was calmly escorted throughout the Capitol complex by Capitol Police, who even helped him find open doors."

Ķslensku fasista-įróšursveiturnar eru ekkert hrifnar af žessu, veit ég.

Mysterious mysteries of mystery.

Og aš lokum: Žessi fyrirsögn:

"Greta Thunberg deletes 2018 tweet saying world will end in 2023 after world does not end"


Doom doom doom...

Kynžįttayfirburšir óperunnar.

Samkvęmt Steinunni Ragnarsdóttur, óperustjóra Ķslensku óperunnar erum viš forréttindakynžįttur

Master race.  Sem žżšir aš viš megum gera hvaš sem okkur dettur ķ hug.  Hvaš sem er.

Žaš eru okkar forréttindi. Til hvers aš hafa forréttindi ef mašur nżtir žau ekki?  Ha?

Chix dig Wagner

Skatturinn veldur atvinnuleysi

"The UK’s largest oil and gas producer, Harbour Energy, is cutting investments and jobs after the new windfall tax on the industry sapped nearly all of its 2022 profits."

Pft.  Hver žarf fleiri skattgreišendur?

Hlusta aldrei į Wagner.  Elgar er meira mķn deild.  Eša Holst.  Holst er góšur.

Hollenska rķkiš sigar hernum į bęndur

"It can be recalled that the Dutch government is planning to “buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to be in compliance with EU environmental rules” of the nitrate emission reduction plan.

According to Peter Imanuelsen, military vehicles are already arriving in the Netherlands in preparation for the farmers’ protest."

Matur er ekki mikilvęgur ķ augum Hollenska rķkisins.

Žetta er alls ekkert hluti af Ķslenskri menningu, og bara hreint og klįrt German-face aš vera aš spila žetta, en ég, og viš öll erum jś šķ master reis, svo viš meigum žetta.

Mašur vill hitta Lenin.

"A man tried to break into the Vladimir Lenin mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow on Saturday, seeking “absolution” of his sins, according to Russian media reports."

Kannski var hann nekrófķll.  Žaš er best aš kalla nekrófķla kķnverkst eldhśsverkfęri, žeir hata žaš.  AMK er žeim eina nekrófķl sem ég žekki dauš-illa viš aš vera kallašur kķnverskt eldhśsįhald.

Žaš er mikil móšgun ķ nekrófķla heiminum.

Elgar.  Miklu betri.

Best aš passa sig ķ Letlandi

"No one expected that people are drunk-driving so many vehicles. They can't sell them as fast as people are drinking. So that's why I came with the idea - send them to Ukraine."

Minni lķkur į aš Śkrarnir fari sér aš voša ķ bķl, grunar mig.

Holst. Žetta er osom.

Heimska fólks er endalaus

Af ķslensku fasista-įróšursveitunum:

Žetta er farsi

Minnir mig į žetta:

Augljóslega móšgun viš alla ķ hinum vestręna heimi. Eša bara žį sem eru svo woke aš žeir vita hvort žaš er til sišs aš naušga börnunum įšur en mašur sker undan žeim eša į eftir.

Lķka tengt, į sinn hįtt.

"TikTok celebrity Dylan Mulvaney, who shot to stardom with the series 100 Days of Girlhood documenting the male’s "transition" to womanhood..."


Ekki hryšjuverk eru ekki hryšjuverk

"Sam­kvęmt fram­an­greindu eru slķk­ir įgall­ar į til­grein­ingu hinn­ar ętlušu refsi­veršu hįtt­semi varn­arašila sam­kvęmt köfl­um I og II ķ įkęru aš žeir verša ekki tald­ir geta rįšiš af įkęr­unni einni hver sś refsi­verša hįtt­semi er sem žeim er gef­in aš sök ķ mįl­inu."

... jį.

Amerķskir pólitķkusar taka upp Ķslenska siši

"Harris added "They were talking about it in terms of their peers trying to figure out if they’re gonna have to get a job and whether they’re gonna have to make a living, but what can they do and how can they adapt their education that they’re having now to their activism?""

Śtlenda Kolbrśn Halldórs.

Frekari ęvintżri fólks sem er svo woke aš žaš er necro-pedo

"A Portland Fred Meyer grocery store has fired a black security guard after white Antifa members complained, accusing him of being a Proud Boy and a "white supremacist.""

Vegna žess aš hann er svartur, er ég viss um.

Vķsindamenn finna leiš til aš vinna orku śr lofti

"Scientists have discovered an enzyme that converts air into electricity, potentially unlocking a near-limitless source of clean energy."

Slęmar réttir fyrir Rķki heimsins, góšar fréttir fyrir allt venjulegt fólk.

Vopn į ferš og flugi

"...four anonymous sources revealed to CNN some of the weapons provided to Ukraine have been captured by Russian forces and sent to Iran for reverse-engineering.

Those weapons include the Javelin anti-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles that Ukraine has begged the U.S. to send more of. The weapons were likely picked up on the battlefield, the sources told CNN."


Heimurinn eins og hann er oršinn


Berum žessa idjóta saman viš raunverulega anti-fasista:

"The liberal Washington Post is deeply upset that Conservatives and Libertarians are standing in the way of future pandemic lockdowns.

The paper accused them of engaging in a “populist rejection” of pandemic measures that have left American’s public health institutions “defanged” and unprepared for a subsequent pandemic.

Critics of the Post and severe COVID-19 protocols brutalized the piece on Twitter, claiming the public health institutions promoted “medical fascism,” which prompted the conservative pushback."

Mikill munur.

Enginn elur į gyšingahatri eins og ADL.  Enginn.

Gręna byltingin er gręn

"An alarming increase in the number of dead marine mammals washing up along the New Jersey coast has renewed enthusiasm against Trenton and White House plans to litter the shoreline with wind farms, a “green” measure on which Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy has gambled his legacy."

Og svo framvegis. Žeir vilja meina aš vindmillurnar drepi hvali.  Einhvernvegin.  Og aš viršist vera mįliš.

Klassķskt vandamįl.

Allir vilja bśa ķ Sovét Rśsslandi

"When officials in England's Oxford decided to implement their version of the concept, things got out of hand. The idea was to install traffic filters – cameras that can read car license plate numbers – to monitor traffic. Those without resident permits or a certain exemption would be fined. The reason behind the initiative, according to authorities, was to facilitate the functioning of the bus network and reduce traffic jams. However, residents didn’t welcome the idea. Some even imagined that the filters would become physical barriers and that locals would be confined to their districts."

Well duh.

Mikill Sigurgeir ķ žessu.  Mjög woke.

Žekktur barnageldari montar sig af glępum

"The trans-identified male activist orders more drugs than required in order to be able to fulfill the role of illegal hormone supplier to youth who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex."

Sumir eru aš fara aš fį Darwin veršlaun.

Gešsjśklingar eru nojašir.

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