Rįšfęrum okkur viš FBI:



Preliminary statistics released today by the FBI show that 27 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2013, a decrease of more than 44 percent when compared to the 49 officers killed in 2012.


By circumstance, seven officers were killed as a result of ambushes (four during unprovoked attacks and three due to entrapment/premeditated situations). Five officers died from injuries inflicted as a result of answering disturbance calls (three of which were domestic disturbances), and five officers were engaged in tactical situations. Three officers sustained fatal injuries while they were investigating suspicious persons or circumstances, three were conducting traffic pursuits or stops, and three officers were responding to robberies in progress or pursuing robbery suspects. One officer was killed as a result of an investigative activity.


Nineteen of the slain officers were confirmed to be wearing body armor at the times of the incidents. Six of the officers fired their own weapons, and three officers attempted to fire their service weapons. Two victim officers had their weapons stolen; one officer was killed with his own weapon.


An additional 49 officers were accidentally killed in the line of duty in 2013


Twenty-three of the officers died as a result of automobile accidents, nine were struck by vehicles, and four officers were in motorcycle accidents. Four of the officers were killed due to falls, and two from accidental shootings, two from drowning, and two died as a result of a training exercise. One officer died due to electrocution and one from smoke inhalation, and one officer was killed in an aircraft accident.


Of the 23 officers who died due to automobile accidents, 14 officers were not wearing seatbelts;


... jį.

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