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Af: https://steelguru.com/steel/turkish-steel-exports-in-7-months-tim/517328

"Daily Sabah reported that Turkish steel exports grew by 26.7 percent to $8.4 billion in the first seven months of this year compared to $6.6 billion in the same period of 2017. In this period, the highest increase in steel sector exports was recorded to Italy, while the biggest decrease was experienced in the US market."


En įl?

Af: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/turkey/aluminum-exports

"Turkey’s Aluminum Exports was reported at 1,706,584.94 USD th in Dec 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,491,024.47 USD th for Dec 2016. Turkey’s Aluminum Exports data is updated yearly, averaging 911,666.40 USD th from Dec 1995 to 2017, with 23 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,706,584.94 USD th in 2017 and a record low of 118,474.74 USD th in 1995. Turkey’s Aluminum Exports data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. The data is categorized under World Trend Plus’s Association: Metal and Mining Sector – Table WB.UNCTAD.AL: Non-Ferrous Metals: Aluminium: Export Value by Country."

Ég sé ekki betur en gjaldmišillinn sé žį aš falla meira śt af umręšunni en einhverjum meirihįttar breytingum.

Eša kannski er žetta svona eins og meš fiskinn hér - žetta er gert til aš žóknast framleiendum ķ Tyrklandi.

Veit ekki.  Viršist vera heitt loft, ašallega.

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