Hvolpasveitin er vķst dulinn hęgri-öfga įróšur

Segir prófessor Liam Kennedy:

Hlekkur innį CBC kanada

Tilvitnun: "The outcome of that research has just been published in the journal, Crime Media Culture. It's called "'Whenever there's trouble. Just yelp for help': Crime, Conservation and Corporatization in Paw Patrol.""

Tilvitnun: ""I'll start with the depiction of the state. Mayor Humdinger and Mayor Goodway — kind of the representatives of the state or the government — are portrayed negatively," [...] "Mayor Humdinger is portrayed as unethical or corrupt. Mayor Goodway as hysterical, bumbling, incompetent.""

Svo lżsingin į rķkinu og žeirra starfsmönnum ķ žessum žįttum er frekar raunsę.  Ekki einusinni żkt.

Tilvitnun: ""I would argue that the Paw Patrol, as a private corporation, is used to help provide basic social services in the Adventure Bay community.

"That's problematic in that the Paw Patrol creators are sending this message that we can't depend on the state to provide these services.""

Barnaefni sem lżgur ekki aš börnunum.  Segir žeim hreint śt viš hverju mį bśast ķ raunveruleikanum.  Alveg hreint magnaš.

Tilvitnun: "But what about the "No job is too big, no pup is too small" message so often quoted on the show? Kennedy has a problem with that too.

"To me that's an individualist message. Pull up your boot straps, you can do it if you just try hard enough. That kind of message ignores structural barriers in our society and not everyone can do it," he said."

Žetta er mjög jįkęvęšur bošskapur.  Hvaš er mašurinn aš nöldra undan žessu?

En žar höfum viš žaš.  Hvolpasveitin er semsagt dulinn hęgri-öfga įróšur.


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