Fréttir frį śtlöndum


Q: "The aim is “defunding the Seattle Police Department and building a world where we trust and believe in community to provide the safety that we need,”"

Segja žeir, nokkrum dögum eftir aš hafa rżmt hverfi sem var undir stjórn marxķskra hryšjuverkamanna. Sjį hér:

Ekki björtustu ljósin žarna ķ Seattle.  Žeir viršast hafa kosiš yfir sig einhvern Reykjavķkur-lista.

Óeiršir ķ Grikklandi vegna Kķna-kvefs śtg0ngubanns (og fleiri įstęšna.)

Óeiršir ķ Serbiu vegna Kķna-kvefs:

Į kómķskari nótum:

BBC tilkynnir okkur aš sumt žręlahald er gott: - vķsandi ķ žetta:

Allskyns delerium af The Guardian: : Q: "Outside Broadcasting House in London, the BBC has erected a statue to one of its former employees, George Orwell. [...] Carved into the wall beside him is a quote from the preface of Animal Farm: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

It’s a snappy slogan that fits neatly into a tweet, but whenever I walk past this effigy of the English writer that I most admire, it makes me cringe."

Ekki beint ašal-talsmašur mįlfrelsis, žarna.

Talandi um žaš: 

Įstralir bregšast viš žvķ aš CCP er aš "cancellera" Hong Kong.

Žetta er viku gamalt:

Flóš... engisprettur... plįga...  Allt aš ske.

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