Og nú: baunir

Af RT:


Q: "After the CEO of Hispanic food megabrand Goya spoke at the White House, demands to “cancel” the popular brand on social media have arisen – met by equally furious pushback from the corporation’s defenders.

Goya CEO Robert Unanue praised President Donald Trump as “an incredible builder” in a speech at the White House on Thursday, calling on the audience to “pray for our country, that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”"

Af Breitbart:


Q: "BRIAN KILMEADE: Are you getting a boycott? That’s I heard, because you had the audacity to show up at the president’s invitation and say some positive things about him?

ROBERT UNANUE: Yes, and it’s oppression of speech… You’re allowed to talk good or talk praise to one president but you’re not — when I was called to be part of this commission to aid in economic and educational prosperity and you make a positive comment, all the sudden that’s not acceptable. I’m not apologizing for saying."


Ekki sé ég neitt sem hann þarf að afsaka.


Q: "Ms Ocasio-Cortez, a New York lawmaker, tweeted that she would now learn how to make her own Adobo, a popular marinade in Hispanic cuisine, rather than buying it from Goya Foods."

Á móti kemur að allir hægri-ofgamennirnir ætla að prófa þessar nýju vörur sem þeir hafa aldrei heyrt um áður.

Hvernig er að fá svona einkennis-mat allt í einu?

Tim Pool:

Í tengdum fréttum:




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