Śtlönd eru endalaus uppspretta frétta

Žaš er föstudagur, aš koma helgi, žį fer Antifa į kreik žarna vestanhafs, eins og hvern dag undanfarna 3 mįnuši nśna.

Žaše r reyndar bśiš aš taka einhverja af žeim fasta... eša einhverjar...


Mešlimir Antifa hafa ekki śtlištiš meš sér.


Andy Ngo fór ķ mįl viš Rose City Antifa um daginn.


Frį Andy Ngo.


Hugsum okkur nś ef Inga Snęland vęri aš kasta eldsprengjum ķ Kringlinni.

Netflix er komiš ķ smį vandręši vegna pedó-erótķskrar kvikmyndar sem einhver mśslimi gerši:

RT er meš miklu meira en žetta

Q: "Netflix has addressed a wave of condemnation directed at its new release ‘Cuties,’ defending the film as a “powerful” social commentary while hitting back at irate critics who say the movie sexualizes young girls. - Some critics went well beyond the #CancelNetflix proposal, calling on Congress, the FBI and state attorneys general to investigate the platform and the film’s creators for potential “violations of child exploitation and child pornography laws.”"



Screencap af IMDB

New Yorker um mįliš:

Q: "I doubt that the scandal-mongers (who include some well-known figures of the far right) have actually seen “Cuties,”"


Q: "Now I’ve seen it and can’t defend it.

Cuties is soft-core child pornography disguised as art. Nothing less. Nothing more."

Annaš New Yorekr quote: "Its underlying subject is the connection of personal identity to public identity—and the urgency of transforming the very notion of French identity, of changing the idea of who’s considered the representative face of France. That idea is brought to the fore in an extraordinary, brief, symbolic ending; it’s enough to give a right-winger a conniption."

Yup.  Ef žś hefur eitthvaš į móti pedófķlķu ertu hęgri-öfgamašur.

En aš allt öšru...

Shetland aš pęla ķ sjįlfstęši:


Q: "The council voted 18 to two in favour of seeking increased independence against a backdrop of significant unease at the direction Scotland is taking in recent months, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing Brexit deliberations."

Žaš var og.

Kķnverjar og Indverjar aš berjast:


Q: "The source said that the lack of firearms indicated the two sides were showing restraint and dated the video to have been taken some months ago."

Gamlar fréttir.

Og aš lokum smį um te.

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