Kommúnista uppreisnin í næstu viku

Antifa leiðbeiningabæklingurinn

Q: "Direct action, simply put, means cutting out the middleman: solving problems yourself rather than petitioning the authorities or relying on external institutions. Any action that sidesteps regulations and representation to accomplish goals directly is direct action—it includes everything from blockading airports to helping refugees escape to safety and organizing programs to liberate your community from reliance on capitalism. Here we present a step-by-step guide to organizing and carrying out direct action, from the first planning stages to the debrief at the end, including legal support, media strategy, and proper security."

Hvernig á að: hryðjuverk.

Tengd frétt: fólk sem skilur ekki orð hrópar slagyrði

Q: "“Black lives matter, Black lives matter,” the protesters marching behind a United Against Racism and Fascism, NYC banner chanted. “Fascist f*cks, your lives don’t matter."

Mörg lög af íróníu þarna.

Tengd frétt: Antifa vill að börnunum ykkar verði nauðgað.

Svo þeir eiga þó það sameiginlegt með Evrópusambandinu.

Frösnk glæpagengi kunna þetta

Q: "The loud sounds of shooting rocked the north-western La Paillade district of Montpellier on Sunday afternoon as the two gangs seemingly unloaded volleys of handgun and automatic rounds at each other. "
"The shootout arose from a conflict between two gangs, a police source told local media, with some witnesses claiming the dispute was over a drug deal."

AP er fylgjandi afhöfðunum

Q: "“AP Explains: Why does France incite anger in the Muslim world? Its brutal colonial past, staunch secular policies and tough-talking president who is seen as insensitive toward the Muslim faith all play a role,”"

"Unsurprisingly the message provoked a furious backlash against the US media outlet, which was accused of endangering the lives of French people. “This is not only disgraceful but dangerous. The Associated Press is inciting hatred against France and its people,” journalist Agnes Poirier wrote."

Stórhættulegur hægri-öfga áróður hér á ferð.  Merkilegt að þetta lag skuli ekki hafa verið bannað fyrir löngu.

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