Hvað er að ske í dag?

Rússar fynda týnt bandarískt herskip

"Týnt..." : "The USS John S McCain, a specialist combat ship designed to hunt submarines, was operating in the Sea of Japan (also called the East Sea), off the coast of the Russian Far Eastern capital, Vladivostok. Authorities say it was more than two kilometers inside Russia’s internationally recognized maritime border."

Erjur á Spáni

Q: "Following the eviction of a 50-year-old Peruvian woman in the Poble Sec neighborhood of Barcelona on Monday, dozens of neighbors gathered to challenge authorities, leading to a tense standoff where a dumpster was reportedly set on fire. 

Since the 2008 financial crisis, many Spanish citizens have been unable to pay off their mortgages, with many homes repossessed by banks. This situation has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic which has led to further job losses in an already precarious job market.

Evictions are being carried out citing “flagrant usurpation” as the cause, which allows for removals of persons and families from properties without a court order. "

Var ekki tilgangurnn að koma öllum á götuna?

Grænmetisætur eru brothættar

Q: "According to The Times, while vegetarians and pescatarians were 25 per cent more likely to suffer broken hips than meat-eaters, vegans were more than 2.3 times (230%) likely to experience the injury."


Rússum er ekkert vel við votta jehóva

Q: "Russia's Supreme Court ordered the Jehovah's Witnesses to disband in 2017 and some of its adherents have been jailed or hit with criminal charges in an ensuing crackdown."

Heimskupör undanfarinnar viku.


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