Útlendar fréttir dagsins

Ísraelar búa sig undir valdatöku Bidens

Q: "The Israeli government has instructed the IDF to draw up plans in the event Trump orders a preemptive strike on the Islamic Republic, which could potentially target the country’s nuclear infrastructure, journalist Barak Ravid reported in Axios on Wednesday, citing anonymous senior officials in Tel Aviv."

Ég hef litla trú á þessu.

Twitter ritskoðar mikilvægar upplýsingar

Q: "A number of users across Twitter have reported being unable to share links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. When attempting to share the link to the document, users receive a notification stating that the link has been identified as “potentially harmful.”"


Hvað er svona hræðilegt við þetta?



Þetta er stysta youtube vídjó sem ég fann.  Það lengsta er meira en 4 klukkutímar.

Um mikilvægi þess að borga reikninginn

Q: "This is the moment a furious tradesman smashes up two houses he had been building in an apparent row over pay. - A voice off-camera can be heard saying 'didn't get paid' as the workman tears a section of the wall off with his hands."

Stríð í Eþíópíu

Q: "Hundreds of people have reportedly been killed and thousands have been forced from their homes as Ethiopian forces have seized various towns in Tigray from the TPLF.

However, details of the fighting are hard to confirm because all phone, mobile and internet communications with the Tigray region have been cut."

Ekki mikið stríð.  En það er til.

Fimleikamaður flýr N-Kóreu með því að stökkva yfir 3 metra girðingu

Hvernig ætli honum lítist á áætlanir vestrænna stjórnvalda um að koma á N-Kóreiska stjórnkerfinu um allan heim?

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