Snišugt ķ dag

BLM vs. Antifa

Q: "Tensions are rising between black members of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and white progressive anarchists in the city of Portland, Oregon. The two groups clashed on issues related to how the movement should demonstrate against injustice. As a result, black BLM activists are distancing themselves from white progressives affiliated with the Antifa movement, which has wreaked havoc in the city for six months."

“activists in the city are divided as to whether they are still fighting in a racial justice movement centered on Black lives, or if an unfocused, anti-establishment fight against capitalism and state power has usurped the initial cause that brought thousands of Portlanders into the streets.” 

"The report also noted how the BLM demonstrations went from peaceful protests to those of a more violent nature as more white radical leftist extremists got involved."

... ok.

London ķ dag og meira: London sama dag

Lundśnarlöggan lķšur ekki frišsöm mótmęli

Fólk var ekki einu sinni aš reyna aš kveikja ķ bensķnstöš.

Twitter um mįliš.

Q: "Massive crowds gathered in central London on Saturday to protest lockdown measures designed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, and police followed through on their promise to arrest demonstrators, leading to multiple clashes.

- Footage from the event showed officers clashing with and arresting protesters, many of whom were not wearing masks. Officers would at times create a wall as arrests were being made to prevent other protesters from getting closer.

- Crowds chanted “freedom” as they marched through the streets, hurling profanities at officers. Some demonstrators carried signs with messages such as, “no more lockdowns” and “stop controlling us.”"

Į mešan į Ķslandi: ekkert aš marka Vķši.

Hve vel treystiši Kķnversku kjarnorkuveri?

Bara spyr.

Fisk klįm

Q: "James Moore has been charged with possessing 83 indecent images of a child and extreme animal porn involving dogs, pigs and fish. 

The reality star, 29, from Blackpool, Lancashire, has been accused of a string of sex and drug offences including possession of cocaine and cannabis."

Žaš er mikill Sigurgeir ķ sumum.

Passiš ykkur į mönnum į stęrri og ódżrari bķlum

Lķtil Toyota er föst einhvervegin bakviš žennan vörubķl, og einhver gaur į Land Rover mętir og gerir įstandiš verra.

Q: "the red Land Rover revs its engine while still before suddenly accelerating head on into the parked car.

It immediately crumples the Toyota's bonnet while the driver keeps his foot on the pedal, causing wheel spin.

The Land Rover reverses back off the car as crowds gather in the London street and the extent of the damage is revealed.

A dog runs in front of the 4x4 before it accelerates again straight into the grey Toyota."


Allir eru enn aš bķša eftir aš Biden taki viš embętti.


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1 Smįmynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Kratamein er skelfilegur sjśkdómur sem leggst į gleši og rökhyggjustöšvar heilans.

Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 30.11.2020 kl. 09:38

2 Smįmynd: Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson

Svona óžolandi įrįtta aš geta ekki séš ašra ķ friši.

Įsgrķmur Hartmannsson, 30.11.2020 kl. 16:30

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