Einn dagur žar til viš sjįum hvaš žessir 26K hermenn eru aš gera žarna

Samsęriskenning dagsins

Q: "Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen reckons the soldiers’ gender and skin color are proof enough to suspect them of plotting “insurrection.” 

Cohen admitted he hadn’t seen any evidence to back up his claims, but went on to say that "if you draw a circle” around “people who were for Trump and not for Biden," everyone in that circle would be "folks that you’d be suspect of (sic)." "

Mętti halda aš mašurinn sé leftisti.



Biden ętlar aš rįša mikiš skelmi ķ rįšuneytiš

Q: "... Levine came under fire during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic for moving her 95-year-old mother out of a care home in May – an act many have highlighted as proof she knew what carnage her policies were causing.

The health secretary had in March required long-term care facilities to accept Covid-positive patients who had been discharged from hospitals – a policy that led to massive death tolls in such residences. Fully 70 percent of Pennsylvania’s deaths with Covid-19 had taken place in care homes at the time Levine removed her mother from her facility. Other Democrat-run states that enacted similar policies, such as New York and Michigan, also saw astronomical death tolls in care homes."

Hęfasta fólkiš, eša hitt žó...

Žjóšverjar hyggjast enduropna Auswitz

Q: "Germany will put those who ignore quarantine rules into detention centres..."

Lengi lifir ķ gömlum glęšum.

Žetta vrikar örugglega.


Žetta er alvöru fyrirsögn.  Žaš hefur veriš magnašur Bob marley twohander sem hann tók ķ einum smók įšur en hann skrifaši žetta, held ég.

Og žetta...

er Babylon Bee

... "WASHINGTON, D.C.—President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated this week, and due to his incredible popularity with the American people, he will be inaugurated in a top-secret location behind a massive 12-foot wall guarded by 30,000 soldiers."

Žeir į Bee eru latir nśna.  Žetta er žaš sem stendur til aš egra, ķ raun og veru.

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