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Biden hefur nś drepiš 92.621 manns meš Kķna kvefi

Mér finnst žaš grusnamelga hį tala, en... žeirra forsendur.

Ferill Bidens til žessa.



Kķna kvefs rįšstafanir ekki bśnar aš valda nema 5% atvinnuleysi

Betur mį ef duga skal: "Official data released on Tuesday shows that UK unemployment reached a five-year high of 5.1 percent in the last quarter of 2020 as the government introduced its second Covid-19 induced lockdown.

Tuesday’s data also show that 726,000 fewer people are currently employed than there were before the start of the pandemic and that young people have disproportionately borne the brunt of the losses."

Kķnverjar "fortifya" kosningar ķ Hong Kong

Q: "Beijing’s assault on what little remains of Hong Kong’s autonomy continued Monday with the announcement of new rules to ensure that only “patriots,” meaning solid loyalists to China and its Communist Party, will be eligible to govern the island."


Įstralķa vs. MegaCorp.



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